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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2019 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    ever think of just simply deleting the ladder? I quit playing this game because of a ladder might be the lamest excuse for quilting a game I have ever heard.
  2. 5 points
    I'll take that under advisement from a person who never makes themselves look stupid
  3. 2 points
    For all you guys who like to sink ramshackle and sloops of solo players; your mother would be so proud. Destroying a ship and crew of an unarmed vessel is so challenging. I bet if there was an option to mark your ship safe when anchored all you guys would use it other than spouting “ it’s pvp I’m so tired listening to you cry babies “. Oh, buy the way go ahead and bitch about me and this post. I’m not going to respond to anything anyone says so don’t waste your time. I bet I’m not alone in this.
  4. 1 point
    Uhm? Is this a sarcasm post? Look like two levels of sarcasm. You can already do both of those. Can store everything and even breed in the Freeport. Combat timers are already a pve restriction in a pvp world, and I honestly think they made the game better with them. Just need to take it one step further, and remove combat timer so its, pve unless war flag is dropped. HOWEVER there is an opposite rout you could go which may be more fun as well. Which would be, full time vaunerablity, and permanately double rates. Game becomes less grind, more playground. Like anarky settings. I vote try removing combat timer though!
  5. 1 point
    Well actually you'll be surprised at how much enjoyment you will actually get out of it even though it isn't finished yet. Not only have you got official servers and private servers but you also have the option to play single player. The game takes a long time to play, it is a grindy game but personally I love that even though I play alone or sometimes with a friend. You will never complete everything, there's always something else to do but hey that's just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own I guess, if you don't think it's worth buying then don't buy it.
  6. 1 point
    I would expect to pay £40/50 for a finished AAA+ game upon release. This is not a finished game. Think I will wait a little longer to see how this goes down on console before buying. I think it is priced a bit too high, for its current state. Time will tell.
  7. 1 point
    After months of silence you guys are bombarding us with patches And i love it still missing my better wallhook BPs but so far i am really happy about those changes so keep up the good work And Maybe add More Infos why you change some stuff like the int on Armor removal,as that explains that we can still craft cool stuff but just Need the best blueprints instead of who has the best int gear
  8. 1 point
    Because they are hiding so Bows Dont get nerfed
  9. 1 point
    Just checked via the steam app, all the "Total" mods are gone. This is going to suck. If the mod is deleted from steam, but I have it installed, will it still work? I'd check but I"m at work.
  10. 1 point
    No clue lol right when I read it I got that stink face look and said wtf?
  11. 1 point
    What he said. The fact that you get stuck on a ladder is new to me. I haven’t been stuck once and I have a good 200 times the amount of hours you played. Bit stupid that that bug stops you from playing and not all the other shit we’ve had so far.
  12. 1 point
    its not about if you or i would like it like that, is the only viable option in you want to have a bigger population than the 3k loyal ark players
  13. 1 point
    unprofessional? stop being so kind. what does "What do" means tho?
  14. 1 point
    I know there's a resource map maybe this will help https://exploreatlas.co.uk/explore
  15. 1 point
    I get what they are referring to with this, a skyrim-esque crafting issue where you just grind for some mats and get better and better gear. However, that is basically a big point of playing pve or single player, having a rpg like progression as a reason to gather mats and play. It wouldn't be a problem if these things could be adjusted, bp levels (and even the stats?) and such, but it's not. Just boosting treasure value, or whatever that value is that increases all bp levels in a grid, doesn't allow for any balancing. If they don't care about pve or hybrid pvevp unofficial servers they should just say so, or eliminate them.
  16. 1 point
    I still remain ambivilent about a PVE econmy as long as you're required to be able to make the gear in order to use the gear. Sure there can be a world of difference between a BP crafted item and the equivilent type if made by someone who's maxed their crafting ability (crow, dolphin, repeated building for +x bonus multiplyer). However to use that legendary bow you still need to sink points into it to allow you to make/use them.
  17. 1 point
    Update! v.2.0.4 Bug Fixes and a couple new things. NOTICE! The Redis Integration for Online Players is temporarily disabled until I get it working for people other than me - Added: Optionally disable Grid Memory and CPU reporting. - Added: Disable grid process crash detection (for using util with ChromeSDK's Atlas Server Controller). (Thanks to @Neitfall for requesting) *WARNING! **Disabling crash watchdog is Extreme BETA!** For now, it will NOT RESTART grids after ANY shutdown, including daily restarts, mod/server updates, etc.* *In future release, I will have it detect running grids and restart those during daily restarts, mod/server updates, and skip polling online players for "crashed" grids.* - Fixed: Line 39838 Error. - Fixed: Line 39857 Error. - Fixed: Send Msg to ALL GRIDS was not working. - Fixed: Grid Configurator: AltSaveDIR was only accepting numbers. - Fixed: 64-bit version batch file wasn't updating properly. (Thanks to @Visual for reporting)
  18. 1 point
    Now that's funny the most silent Developers in history come out of left field to nail realist with a perfect jab.... Oh the Irony!
  19. 1 point
    Yeah there we go, I like it now that is good communication
  20. 1 point
    Units used in ATLAS are based on the Unreal engine's units, which are approximately 1 cm. To give you a point of reference: max structures in a 10k unit radius: 15750 <---- old value max structures in a 10k unit radius: 7875 <---- new value As you can see, the radius has not changed, just the amount of structures allowed within that radius. A foundation is 300 units across. So 33.3 foundations in one line equate to 10k units (They are not exactly 300um... They are a little larger than 300 but only by 5um. But their snap overlap is 2.5um on each side). As for the recent insults in this thread, I suggest you both take another look at the Forum's Articles of Agreement and tone it down.
  21. 1 point
    *passes Realist the Aloe.* Here you’re gonna need this.
  22. 1 point
    Sinking ships sitting anchored is one of the reasons I barely even log anymore. Who cares how realistic it is it's just stupid. How about get some balls and just engage in actual ship to ship and stop slinking around like a little bitch looking for defenseless things to destroy so you can make yourself feel like a big man? Agreed with this. Once the green goes to white you are good to go about your normal life without worrying about some jerk destroying your stuff offline while jerking one off.
  23. 1 point
    (this means they take longer to spoil)
  24. 1 point
    Wish they would turn off taming more most animals and creatures. This is suppose to be a bloody pirate game. Running around with dragons and giant crabs is to much Ark. They need to stop with that shit.
  25. 1 point
    I agree to a certain extent. At least when anchored in shallow waters ships should not sink completely beyond recover and repair. It is ok if damage can be dealt, however allow us to repair the ship so that it can be saved. IRL ships sunk near shipyards/harbors could often be recovered and repaired.
  26. 1 point
    They were sneaky hiding this in the Announcements section. I had assumed people were getting their information from the livestream, which I didn't have the time to watch. This is way, WAY better than I imagined based on everyone's feedback. They have a plan in stages and narrowed focus for each phase with very specific goals. This is awesome! Now if they can avoid wiping through this goat circus, I'll have a good reason to keep all those other games gathering dust on my shelf.
  27. 1 point
    The point of this post is good. I see some replys asking why he wants to make the game even easier? It's not that he wants it easier, he's trying to create maximum pvp engagement to make it MORE FUN. Which will bring more players to the game making it even MORE FUN. Which creates a positive feedback loop, which in itself creates the success of the game. Progress is EVERYTHING in this game, so losing that progress to start over just because someone found your stuff while your offline. Creates no sort of creative difficulty of any kind, it causes you to repeat things you already have, like building another galleon, that's not difficult it's just time consuming. Also I've done a test, of the games defences, there all terrible. So if your logging off at all during the 9hrs your risking all your progress that's on that land. There just needs to be something, to save the progress of small company players. The whole settler idea is good, but big companies dont struggle with upkeep, so there's not much incentive to protect their stuff as the island owning company. I think ships not being able to be sunk, and even a small personal Freeport bank npc would go a long way in helping the little companies make this game fun again. There WERE a lot of players in this game wanting to do small companies, alot of them have quit, and the only reason I've been able to keep my progress since the wipe is Freeport tames, and a brig at 200% resist takes 16hours to sink in Freeport. Since my progress is relatively safe, it makes game progression fun. If I was progressing on a claim, it wouldn't be, because I know everytime I log off in battle time, I should expect it all to be wiped when i come back. So whenever something is working towards this saving progress of players that want to play with themselves and some friends, and not have the entire game done for them by a big company. Why I think they should model it around small company, no land claiming, and just living on lawless and freeports, then up to bigger companies keep land, and can have settlers. Do a small Freeport bank, and make ships unsinkable ,but raidable while offline, and smaller companies have a way to play the game. Atm if your not in a Freeport, as a small company, your stuff simply isn't remotely safe, doesnt matter if your defence cost 10000 gold a day, it wont stop players
  28. 1 point
    I agree, there is no way to protect ships from bored trolls passing by. Stone gate is one broadside+game over, so ship hangars dont help. 9hour combat window is not giving any troll protection as well. Anchored ships = invulnerable would be the perfect solution. Wouldnot hurt open sea combat but prevent offline lolstomping
  29. 0 points
    You know it's been that long I didn't even know they stopped tames from doing maps. I always use to take my bear with me when doing all the maps, I used to enjoy doing lots of them over the double gold weekend but I would not attempt them on my own, at least not the higher ones maybe a few lower ones you can get. So this mean we have to get used to killing them with guns or bows? I just hope they increase the damage much more then because if you're playing alone it isn't easy to do them all without your tame. Hopefully they allow the tames to return to do these maps. @Jatheish @Dollie
  30. 0 points
    I stop playing atlas cause was bored of the sea, want more land, biomes, more crafting and animals. If you are focusing this game on pvp that wont last long as ark imo. I love ark and would like to see more games like ark. Whatever you put in the sea, people will get bored fast that i know.
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