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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I dont care, i still enyoining the game. I will still playing. New dedicated servers usually are better than the official and giant server.
  2. 3 points
    But what if the whole point of my participation is to fuel and facilitate a slow, painful death?
  3. 3 points
    ???? A multiplayer game that now has a single player mode is a improvement? I guess if you don't like people and prefer to play game alone this is great. But having a SP mode for a multiplayer game seems kinda weird to me, especially with the way Atlas has been designed to be played. But whatever....Enjoy your new safe space... there snowflake. Perhaps they will add some play-doh for you to fondle in those more stressful moments when your activating the cheat commands cause your skill level is low.
  4. 2 points
    I think the entire tone of both your posts here make it perfectly clear who is being arrogant and disrespectful. You’re not engaging in discourse, you’re just hurling bile.
  5. 2 points
    Sorry I cant do it, I would be tempted to cheat, admin command whatever I want. Offical servers take that option, so it allows you to have the feeling of progression.
  6. 2 points
    I think what doesn't help is this black or white, 1 or 0, yes or no approach to playing with others. You are either allied OR at war. Thats it! You should at least be able to set someone or a group as neutral. You should be able to create temporary groups to let people interact with your ship or house without touching anyones company. And maybe you should be able to join more than one company. I think people are way too attached to their company. Make it more about your connection to local islands and other players than about having the right color in your nametag And the thing is that the colony update could be seen as a first step in that direction. Imo colony wasn't implemented 100%. Maybe 15%.
  7. 1 point
    advice for weekends : meanwhile on eu Pve i highly crap on the 2x weekend rates, the best way to make $$$ is sail from island to island with a fast schooner and see if the flag timers are up, so far since friday night i claimed 4 islands (only temporarily) and raked in over 80k gold , more bps then i know what to do with , and countless tames that i just send up against sharks or yetis just for the lolz... all solo so , have fun with your treasure maps and breeding compunds
  8. 1 point
    Galleons have a turning radius slightly larger than the than the ark planet we sail upon. The absurdly short render range... is it for PvP balance? Is it because someone pulled a number out of the air and said, "That'll do."? Aside from SotD, ice bergs and whatnot magically appearing in front of you, the short render range makes pulling into harbour truly painful. Even with buoys to line up against, I always find myself having to spend 10 minutes backing and forwarding, turning this way and that, to line up with a jetty.
  9. 1 point
    So after our community attempted to try Atlas for a third time around, I now feel the same way about Atlas, as I do Dark and Light. Both games are Snail Games attempts to duplicate Ark's massive success in other gaming genera. And these attempts have failed. Atlas still feels like a really buggy mod for Ark. It suffers from a serious lack of content outside of pvp. What little content it does have is locked behind the Kraken, which is also a buggy hot mess. The taming system and breeding system are so disgustingly buggy/tedious it's frankly just not worth the time investment. The claim system in pvp/pve are both straight out of a Steve King novel. The only thing that could remotely save Atlas would be the ability for customers to host the whole map unofficially without having to spend thousands of dollars per server/map. And that's just never going to happen due to poor planning on the development teams part. With less than a 1,800 people world wide logging in during peak times total, Atlas is a Dark and Light 2.0. Atlas will stay in EA just like DnL permanently. The development will eventually be pulled away as well. Just like DnL. And Atlas will become another quick cash flow for Snail Games during Steam Sales. Atlas was a good idea in theory, but poorly put into practice. The development teams time would be better spent on better projects. Friends requested my thoughts here, these are my thought. Instead of WoW clones, we're now getting Ark clones. And until you stop trying to get your next fix, this shit will continue. Atlas is a failure, stop playing it, it's only fueling a slow painful death. Grapeshot (Snail Games) used bait and switch to take money and run. They took your money, stop letting them waste your time as well. Atlas has never and will never have the success of Ark. You continuing to play this sad corpse of a game, only furthers it toward zombie-hood. LET IT DIE! When it's truly dead, Grapeshot (Snail Games) may finally learn to stop trying to recreate Ark in other styles.
  10. 1 point
    There are many issues both games have from bugs to shady practices, but ultimately I think the devs do some good work. There are two key things that keep them from being a great gaming company. They rush things. This has been discussed ad nauseum. Atlas should not have been released until later this year because only now are the really good features coming that should have been in at launch. Go ahead and lump in shitty communication with this one as well. This is the more serious problem. They simply do not know who plays their games and why. They fail to understand what their loyal playerbase wants. I get that you want to attract new players and thus new $$, but keeping those who are still logging in to play coming back should be your #1 priority at this point. Exhibit A. They thought that players who played and loved Ark would simply roll along into Atlas yet created a game that although similar missed the things that people love about Ark. People who continue to play Ark do so for many reasons, most of which are not necessarily for it's PvP. They enjoy the scenery, the taming and the building. I would argue that islands like Valguero and Ragnarok are even more played than some of the other DLC maps simply because they are not depressing and are catered to more people vs those who specifically want to be in a cave or endure grueling and unfun gaming mechanics such as the danger zones on Extinction. I for one enjoy the idea of the dropped crates you go to for rewards and have to fight off hoardes of dinos, yet dislike that map for it's limited places to build. I enjoy the caves of Aberration, yet would have much preferred there to be some surface that would not melt your face off. Harsh mechanics do not = fun. This brings me to Atlas. I love setting sail. I love exploring and building, but I also love taming and that was seriously stripped back for this game. It makes sense given the sort of pirate theme you're going for, but then I would need something like the building or more PvE elements to take shape. With the NPC encampments coming, I think this is a good first step, but there needs to be more along those lines. You want to make more money? Try doing what Conan does. Give people new cosmetic DLC's with Ark with entire new building styles to craft and more themed armor/outfits and weapons to gain with more creatures. I'd rather pay for that every few months than to have some bugged out rushed uninteresting harsh new environment to play, to which I will only end up leaving after a month. Give me reasons to log in and play on the very solid maps that are there instead of giving me time sink mechanics I did not ask for. In conclusion, learn who is playing your games and why before your next 3-6 development meeting. Cater to those people. Listen to their feedback. Ask them basic questions. What makes them log in? Why should they come back and play your game? What do they enjoy about Ark or Atlas? What do they dislike? You have so many metrics you can look at such as which maps are most popular right now? What are people doing in your game while they are playing it? What pictures/videos are being posted most? Cater to those people and focus on that and you will not go wrong. repost from Reddit
  11. 1 point
    Well yeah man. Of course I am with you on the ships. That is a bigtime fail on their part. 6 months in and they definitely need at least one new ship type. Along these lines I would like to address that they should not just release multiple types. That would screw then over as well. lets say every mega patch is one new ship type. That should actually be sufficient. But yeah you are totally right. Making a pirate game and then going months without an extra ship would be considered unacceptable in my eyes as well. p.s. Don’t be talking shit about cats. We have a cat gang around here and we know how to deal with those kinds of people lol
  12. 1 point
    Yes, Colonies has failed. It is an abject failure. The island claim system was a good idea COMPLETELY RUINED by bad implementation. Also, you can't blame solo players and small groups or casuals for not buying into "Colonies". 60+ hours since coming back and I haven't once landed on a claimed island. Why not? When I sail close and see gate walls and towers packed full of cannons, I GTFO. Also a lot of the island near me all seem to have their raid timers set for when I'm online. Not going to sail up to an island then. Nor can I ask the owners if I can build on them because at most their are 5 people on the server and none are answering in global chat. Nor have I once seen an inviting message left by island owners. So yeah, claimed island are a no-go zone as far as I'm concerned. And I never seen any ships. Not at claimed islands. I see the very occasional ramshackle sloop or raft. Only seen three other ships, two schooners and a galleon and they were parked at lawless island. (Though I'm sure none of them lasted for long). In a game where ships are a necessity, there should be a few of them around. This makes me believe there is no such thing as ship safety. And I'm not going to complain about game performance. I have over 3,600 hours in Ark since November 2015. This game runs smooth as silk compared to what I was getting in Ark much of that time.
  13. 1 point
    I get where you are coming from by from but to be honest almost 50% is unofficial. You cant look at it like pvp and pve, because it is more official and unofficial. So let say the playerbase is average 2800 which it is. Almost half of that is unofficial. So let’s say 1400 people play official. From what I have seen there is a pretty good 50/50 split on pvp and pve. that would be somewhere around 700 people that you say are being negatively affected. But to be honest, the whole official workup(claims included) are the problem in the first place. you first have to ask yourself why are people playing unofficial. Not just that but single player, Blackwood, dedicated. The problem isn’t with pvp or pve. The problem is official, because when you add all the numbers up official servers are what the problem really is. there is no debating that. Well jeremy is pretty shameful in the first place so I don’t teally know what to say about your comment. i get where you are coming from by being defensive but you probably shouldn’t try to defend Jeremy. He isn’t a good person
  14. 1 point
    They need to get rid of companies and as people have said already include factions into the game so when people are in game they are apart of 1 side helping along with an objective or in PvP 1 side against another which is also helpful to play alone. Scrap the claim system and re work it, it's clearly not working I'm not saying I have all the answers but if they had any sense they would have been looking at how people are feeling about it and changing it or planning to change it. Each faction could have their own safe zone, and way apart on the server map. To me it doesn't feel like a pirate game right now, it's all well and good building a ship but you can't do much in the game, it lacks alot of content. Bringing people together is what they need to focus on, you keep pushing the smaller companies away or solo players they will just give up, keeping players engaged will keep the game going, right now I see the opposite.
  15. 1 point
    Yeah to save the game they should make a non-dedicated mode where you could host the whole map unofficially without having to spend thousand of dollars per server/map by running it on your game computer and making it so you could invite your friends. They should also put the game on sale beyond just the steam summer sale so that those who stopped playing unofficials can invite all their friends to come play on their non-dedicated coop server. Yeah that is never going to happen...
  16. 1 point
    Official EU-PvE is not really a good community. You should try another servert to enjoy ATLAS. There are a lot of nice privatservers with many friendly and helpfull people
  17. 1 point
    Game is shaping up well, so ill still play it but its not for you to tell us to stop playing , so bugger off.
  18. 1 point
    @EBABYL I've revised my previous Edit so that other players do not misunderstand this. Important Note for you Guys: I definitely had to delete the LastCoordGrid file when the game was crashing from startup. My solution is just in case if you've made the Export Pathfinder and then crash problems occur.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    No worries about English not being your native language, same goes for me English is not my native language too. As for the tames/Buildings/ships i had the same issue but i managed to fix it by finding their location and type in "givetome" for each tame and crew. And to reclaim your ship and building on it do the same only once on the ship and you will get back all of them. And yes you can export right now see blackwood and get back to your map but you would have to repeat reclaiming procedure. Answer to your edit: That solution would not work for me because game was crashing before anything was loaded, therefor i coumdnt place a bed etc. Deleting lastgrid file may be the only solution for some players. But i am glad there is an easier way for some player
  21. 1 point
    The same happened to me. They should be change the location of the export button.
  22. 1 point
    I disagree. We are EVERYTHING to GS, because without us (players in general )there would be no players. Unless of course you are using the "you people" as a personal attack towards specific individuals, which as you mentioned yourself, means you should be outright perma banned for disrespect.
  23. 1 point
    Nice attempt at belittling my post little child. I went on to the review section, clicked on today for negative reviews (which was yesterday), there was only one and that was it. I didn't spend time searching for a specific review, and my point was to show an example of a negative review, so why would I pick a positive review? I'm sorry that you are incapable of understanding the point, so you make a fool of yourself by assuming and belittling. My point was to show how such reviews hurt the game, so there was nothing wrong with my example was there because it does hurt the game. You are acting as if my point was to say how crap this game is and just pick up crap reviews about it. Again, nice try troll.
  24. 1 point
    Ok, so just have the PvEers build a wall around the island. Then you don't have to worry about anyone attacking your base ever.
  25. 1 point
    ah yes, now I see more clearly what you were getting at. Ty and my apologies for not getting it the first time around. As a side note, this thread made me consider something about Jaws that I never considered before: namely that the most implasible part of the story might be that there were two different kinds of sharks both hunting in an area they had never been seen before, and which for one of them is not part of it's normal areas of habitation.
  26. 1 point
    bullshark while were at it, it also beats all others in viciousness irl...
  27. 1 point
    So yet another thread started by someone that is more entitled to know exactly how GS is running their company? So instead of working on the game they should be updated the king what was his name......he is so important I forgot what his name was. When they WANT you to know something you will know it. Until then sit in your chair and rotate if you have no interest in playing the content you already have. Where do you think you have any expectation to know everything that is going on? Because you bought their game? That gives you 0 power/rights/entitlement or anything else. Gives you not even a guarentee of a game that will be completed!!!!
  28. 1 point
    Just tried this and it works!!! I have Ships of the Damned back now. You need to: 1- hit esc 2- Export pathfinder 3- simply spawn on the same map (you dont need to change to blackwood)
  29. 1 point
    Force megas to fight each other by system.
  30. 1 point
    After finding decay timers getting reduced even further for stuff i'm getting close to pulling the plug. Training dummies now have 2 days 12 hours decay timer, lost one already because of it. Not much of a big deal for training dummies, but the constant reduction in decay timers just because spam can't be solved is getting ridiculous. If I wanted to play a 24/7 365 game then i'd be happy, but nerf decay timers is getting stupid. Even ARK wasn't this bad with decay timers.
  31. 1 point
    The days are gone where you could interact with other companies, might as well just play single player where you get the benefit of using mods also. Played PvE from the start, 1400hrs on EU server and i've seen servers go from double digits to a handful of people at best. The best part was interacting with others and trading etc but all the people I played with in other companies in alliances have left, I eventually followed suit. I don't think they are going to have much success with this game though, they've not stopped the rot and everyone has just left. I don't know what their budget is for the game but it must be eating some serious money to keep all the servers up with only a few on them. Not a chance they will get 40k players, even at full release but that's just my opinion.
  32. 1 point
    So someone just sneaks a claim flag next to yours, they build a fortress with mortars, cannons and defences during peace time, so they can just tear your base down the moment war time starts. I've been there, i don't want it back. I've been playing solo/duo and very small company ( less than active 10 members, usually no more than 4-5 online at the same) since release until a month ago, and in my experience, this game is not designed to be played that way. You can try as hard as you want, but the game is too big and you'll miss a lot of things because you can't cover so much ground, even if they add player restrictions. Imo, the biggest mistake this company made was to use a bunch of buzzwords like pirate/piracy to describe the game and thus sell more copies. if they've just marketed the game for what is good at and probably designed for, and that's large groups fighting each other for power and land control, maybe there wouldn't be so many players pissed at atlas/gs for not being able to play the way they think they could.
  33. 1 point
    You mean that game where we can build mega cities, docks and animalpens? Where picking up a wall looks like... erm, well a picked up wall instead of 160 walls gone bye bye? With all these awesome shipbuilds other then those wich are still here since the beginning? And how about that awesome skin for our "Dedicated hard work, feedback and bugreports" ? Where treasuremaps don't keep bugging out? HO, STOP. WE WANT CATS!?!11 Nvm the above. WE WANT CATS!!1!
  34. 1 point
    Who - requested - Blackwood ? OMG, please sent your devs into new ships. And new ideas. PIRATE ideas ! No cats, offline biomes and stuff.
  35. 1 point
    It's no wonder games like this get ruined. Half the problem is the gaming community is full of a bunch of people who think they are gamers, but they actually aren't. Their like some carebear version of a spoiled child on adderall. "Please Grapecard.... please add a easy button for us"....We know we suck, but we want to feel like masters of the universe. -Not a Real Gamer
  36. 1 point
    We should build a city somewhere to concentrate everyone left. Everybody could have a small base or shop. If anybody has the ambition to make the most populated city on atlas, I would come.
  37. 1 point
    A way to override alpha spawns would be nice, unless I've overlooked something.
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