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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Make a case for why your idea is better, rather than trying to make a case for why other people’s shouldn’t even be considered.
  2. 2 points
    I would like to play pvp. But I have to work and sleep. That's taking 16...18h a day. But the protection works only for 8h. these mechanics are only for ppl who don't go to work. Otherwise you build up everything with the knowledge, that u will loose and miss it tomorrow. I would love a server who's splitted up in half/half pvp/pve.
  3. 2 points
    Are you serious? Honestly you should be ashamed writing something like this. Take some days off - go outside and think about what you just wrote here. This sentence tells more about your life and your bad lifedecissions then being any valid argument to the discussion.
  4. 2 points
    A structure that can ruin your work of months and has such an enormous impact on one of the core aspects of the game isnt a little one-off item. Nothing you release in a quick and dirty edit. Then they should have kept it for the next "Mega" patch.
  5. 2 points
    Oh my god listen to you, the arrogance. Most people don't have the time to play avg 12-14 hours a day 4-6 days a week because we have things called jobs or for some school.
  6. 2 points
    There is at least one legitimate point on each side of this discussion. Yes, players were forewarned this was Early Access and that the product was unfinished, and it is entirely true that too many posts here seem to be written in ignorace or indifference to that fact. However, I'm not sure anyone reasonably should expect internal testing to be so nonexistent or ineffective that a brand new item, upon being introduced, promptly is shown not to work as advertised at all. If you ask me, the Early Access part at a minimum ought to mean "we're testing the stuff we've developed to see how well it fits into a play environment." Not "We're testing the stuff you've developed to see if it even does what you said it does." That's an exceedingly low bar. But the reason we're even having this conversation (yet again) is because when it comes to Early Acess, the bar is whatever the developer decides it is, and the consumer has no way short of reviews or word of mouth of knowing whether Early Access means: a studio not entirely sure how to design an MMO or do effective internal testing and is therefore using their customers as crash test dummies to see if their game even works (Atlas) or a studio that has their shit together and is releasing a highly polished conceptually finished graphically gorgeous game you'd pay 30 bucks for as a finished product without a second thought and all they really need to do is iron out a few bugs, add in their endgame content and get feedback on how best to tweak already tested game systems further. (Satisfactory)
  7. 1 point
    So I took a break for a bit owing mostly to rl and recently returned to check out what's new with Atlas. I haven't had a chance to really dive into some of the newer stuff yet, but I did notice something I found disapointing: the removal of individual debuff effects from vitamin deficiencies in place of more mundane taking damage when any one gets too low. I'm aware this was almost certainly done out of player dislike for the system and complaints it imposed too much of a burden. I'm also aware that many find the vitamin system unappealing in it's entirety and want it eliminated. For what it's worth my two doubloons are contrary to this view and here's why: The vitamin system adds to and enhances the survival genre and seems a natural step to differentiate it from other games that just have health and stamina. Many people put forward an initial complaint that it was overly punitive and unrealistically required micro management of eating and drinking. I will conceed that the system in its initial form lacked polish and needed tweaking, but many people pointed out that vitamins don't drop that fast irl. You also can't build an entire building or a massive ship in a single day, so I think it's safe to say things in Atlas can occur faster relative to real world time frames. Stil, many players were unhappy with initial tweaks to make vitamin consumption less punitive. I strongly suspect many objected while at the same time being unwilling to put points into the skills that mitigate vitamin drain, or invest points and effort into cooking. I think cooking holds a lot of potential for Atlas as providing a reason to gather far flung mats and to maintain land based operations as well as ships. However, vitamins have now been nerfed to the point that cooking is at best a flavor option, rather than a strong means to mitigate vitamin loss and manage it and the food meter more effectively. I think a balance needs to be struck where cooking isn't necessary, but is highly useful for both buffs and managing vitamins. To the degree vitamins become increasingly easy to manage on their own, this serves as a form of nerf to the cooking tree. I would encourage the devs to cointinue to add depth to cooking by adding more recipes, giving most recipes a distinct use or advantage, either a buff or a good combination of vitamin heals for more commonly found ingredients. Right now it's a good start but needs work, and is somewhat dependant on vitamins for it's viability. Combined with the crafting system which requires an increasing variety of mats for better and better gear, cooking could be one of the core things to spur trade and exploration, as players fan across the map to locate ingredients for all sorts of recipes. For this to have a meaningful risk:reward ratio, the devs must carefully consider how good a food buff needs to be to make finding or trading for it's ingredients worthwhile. If they can find this balance, I think it could be a significant step towards helping Atlas develop a vibrant and engaging economy. At present I would say that most of the buffs are lackluster in comparison to the effort required to get them. I also want to urge the devs not to listen only to players complaining about managing vitamins without considering whether those players have been willing to avail themselves of the available tools to manage vitamins better, or are just whining out of laziness. My personal experience so far with Atlas is that vitamins have always been manageable because I was willing to invest in the relevant survival skills and cooking. That's just my two doubloons.
  8. 1 point
    Put the ones you want to die on aggressive and wander. They will fly off and get up to shenanigans. You will either end up with Super Parrots, or them dead.
  9. 1 point
    Some of the recipes add one of their vitamins slowly over time for no good reason I'm aware of. This gives the impression it's bugged and you're only getting one vitamin. Eat a Bubble and squeak and wait a few minutes before checking your vitamin levels.
  10. 1 point
    that might be the way to go ,, timed buffs and debuffs , would make shit eating pointless and also incentivize usage to that part of the skilltree. problem is a large portion of the potential playerbase is a selfentilteled kids with zero willingness to put in any kind of effort into progression or achivement , want everything handed to them in the easiest and fastest manner, ark's disease system got killed off by this same crowd before it could have been implemented properly, it had a great promise but was too much to handle for this histerical fortnite generation.. point is this aimed to be a survival game, not an invincible jack spaerro simulator..
  11. 1 point
    I been playing for quite some time now and love the building side of the game prob more than any other aspect,especially building the ships.But I'm just building a new base and wandering around inside is a bit disappointing,looks great on the outside but there is just a massive space inside,so I'm asking is furnishings a possibility for the game?not asking for sims or house flipper content but a few rugs carpets,maybe golden age of piracy period desks, lamps etc.what dyu say guys and gals?I'll ask nicely,please?
  12. 1 point
    I think they last until they get killed or someone else claims them. Don't think they auto decay like structures.
  13. 1 point
    You have your opinion. I have mine. The beauty is we both get to have our say. I find vitamins to add depth to the game and differentiate it as a survival MMO, giving it a unique place. You mention it's easier to eat a turd. Doubtless it is, but if you are only playing games because they are easy, then the survival genre is probably not your best bet, as one of it's hallmarks is early difficulty out of the gate. To me it adds another layer of challenge to the game instead of just munching on whatever food I can get my hands on in bulk. Making assertions about what no one does is not supportable because only a fool would believe you actually know what everyone who plays Atlas does or does not do.
  14. 1 point
    I have a crow, level 84, put all kills in food. she has 184,3 melee, and 8845 food. i have no clue where i see the intelegence of the crow, but she gives me a boost of 42.3 %
  15. 1 point
    I've never spent more than $1500 USD on a PC build. Over the years I might toss in more HDD space, RAM and newer GPU's, but never more than $1500 on the inititial build. Current PC is quite old. I7-3770k @ 4.2ghz. I've upgraded the video card 3 times in 6-7 years time. Anyone who spent $5k on a PC when I built mine either replaced theirs by now or spent just as much as I did to keep up with the times. In the end I spent $3500 less over its lifetime. It is not worth it. Been building PC's since the 90's and work IT for a living. I see no benefit spending that kind of cash besides announcing to the world you have more money then common sense. EDIT: Going to be upgrading soon. Debating which CPU I want to get. Waiting on the Ryzen 2 reviews next week. All I need is a motherboard, RAM and cpu/cooler. Reusing everything else. Should be able to stay under a grand no problem. Running a 1080ti I picked up off of Ebay. Should get me through another generation or two before I bother upgrading that and making the ray tracing plunge.
  16. 1 point
    Land to water ratios don’t vary dramatically. All grids are way more water than land, as they should be. strike that, might be nice if just a very few grids had substantially larger land masses just for change of pace.
  17. 1 point
    Hey don’t get me wrong, I liked it better when people actually knew how to read and had attention spans and understood reason and logic, which, come to think of it, may have been never. Ah, the good old days, which never actually existed but my brain tricks me into thinking we’re real. At least we did actually get a manual at one point, you’re right about that.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    This is why this stuff needs to be posted as bug reports.. until people do so, detailing how it is done.. it won't be fixed.
  20. 1 point
    So yesterday after I worked 9 hours, plus an additional 1.5hrs commute both ways, so that's 3 hours commute plus 9 hours work, that's 12 hours commited to work. Then I get home, I make myself some dinner, I chill out a little because it's 27oC. I have to deal with some home related stuff and then you know have a few conversations with real people. That left me with pretty much 2 hours before I had to go to bed to you know rest before getting up in the morning again and starting work again. So I only had 2 hours to play yesterday, yet you feel my comments on the game shouldn't be counted? I'm sorry some pipe fell on you and caused you difficulty in life, but you saying that others who have full time jobs and busy lives that don't have 8-14 hours a day to play shouldn't comment on a game that they play is ridiculous, because you are claiming their "inability" to manage their life shouldn't affect your game, yet you are more than happy to claim your "inability" that allows you to do nothing but play games should affect other people's games. You are a complete example of hypocritical prejudice.
  21. 1 point
    It’s not uncommon for hardcore players to cluster together in guilds in online games. They often do so because they feel if they play with more casual players, then they are pulling most of the load for others who are free riding off their greater productivity in game. The fact your guild mates play a lot represents observation bias in your perspective of Atlas’s playerbase. It is fortunate that you are not a primary decision maker in the design process because Atlas is already struggling without the arbitrary policy you’ve just put forward of ignoring the preferences of more casual players. Since their money is as good as yours, I can’t see this being a good business policy. As it happens, after a cursory google search there is a recent and relevant academic paper on research into gaming behavior that includes average MMO playtimes. https://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~swc/pub/wow_player_game_hours.html The authors used WOW for their research and since it’s the largest game within the same genre, can certainly be considered comparable for purposes of this discussion. Note that on the very first page under section 4.3 daily activities, the paper indicates that most players log in for between 1 to 5 hours per day on the days that they play. Not all days, just the ones they play. Thus your assertion that people who play less than 4 hours per day shouldn’t even be considered would very likely lead a majority of players preferences ignored. After 15 years of MMO gaming however, I am unsurprised that a hardcore gamer wants his wishes catered to while being dismissive of others. Sadly I have found this underlying attitude to be all too common within that demographic.
  22. 1 point
    Please also some sort of building that works this way to feed all tames on the island.
  23. 1 point
    For 1k or less you can build a very capable gaming pc here in Europe, and that's with our ridiculous 20+ VAT.
  24. 1 point
    Dear devs, if you really, opposite to my expectations, fix the silo and work for the players instead of developing new stuff as toys for bored-to-death streamers and mega companies : Please also let the silo work for bases in the water and defence towers in the harbour. These count as „not on the island“ and NPC there dont take food or gold from the silo.
  25. 1 point
    I'm abit confused.. by any objections to my thread tbh.. The Devs.. created the public TEST Realm.. surely.. it should be used for TESTING.. Why else have it? Sure it's ea and overall the game is in progress.. but adding items that simply dont work.. thats not game progression.. if anything it's game regression.. The worst of this issue esp with the Silo, is it was added as a QoL addition.. it actually makes QoL worse.. and people who don't even play the game think it's amazing.. Personally I like the "idea" of the silo.. But let me know when it works. Before adding it.
  26. 1 point
    Water height seems odd. Portions of land hidden or revealed that shouldn't be. Waves do not lessen in shallow water. Impossible to anchor ship during storm due to waves. Waves cover freeport cities during storm. Waves ground/wreck ships in shallows during storms.
  27. 1 point
    Hello. now its my time to show what i have build in this game. Im a newly member of the company Fairy Tail, that are located in G10 Magnolia island, on the PVE EU Server. They wanted me to join so i could do some building for them, really love to build big in is game. We have hit the structure limit so it cant be bigger than this, last pic there are an elephant in front, it should give a idea of how big this building is. Lolle Mi the captain of the company had an idea, she wanted a big cathedral were the back should point against the sunrice. I have done 99% of the building by myself, the others have helped farmed the resourses for this project. Thanks alot to Lolle Mi, Zottel Bartacus, Malin Whalefish and Edward Paw This building is inspired by the Notre dame. Hope you all like it.
  28. 1 point
    We can however expect internal testing of the bare basics. The food silo doesn't even work as intended. Thats something they could have found out in a few minutes. Exactly that cba attitude drives people away.
  29. 1 point
    We did volunteer for that pleasure, hence why we all bought into early access instead of waiting until official release..
  30. 1 point
    I like the vitamins mechanic, now that we have better cooking and foods to manage it with, I dont have any complaints... But between starting and reaching that stage, we relied on killing ourselves to manage our vitamins. I don't think they should remove it, but it does need to be more manageable for players without the tier 3 recipes. For us we just keep a bag loaded with fish n chips and pork pies. This keeps our vitamins balanced and we don't kill ourselves anymore
  31. 1 point
    The way large numbers of players complained endlessly about vitamins without ever acknowledging that a reasonable investment in cooking could mitigate everything they were complaining about still sticks in my craw. Admittedly vitamin drain was a bit much out of the gate, but they tweaked it and imo at that point it was fine, but many players continued to howl nonstop until they nerfed it to a point that now cooking isn’t remotely needed, just a convenience option with a few buffs. The fact many players employed a play style so lazy they viewed just dying and respawning as the best solution is right in line with what you’re saying here. I hate that they got rid of the various specific debuffs for each vitamin deficiency. I thought that was a neat gameplay twist and innovative design that fit perfectly into the survival concept.
  32. 1 point
    I read your text and just want to ask you: are you too lazy to play a game of this size? survival means: do something. U can easy cook some food and skill in vitamin deploying. I have never problems with the vits. Too hot or too cold? Craft gear, skill in fortitude. We get islands in the desert and in the deepest polar regions. Never get problems with the weather. Skill the temperature-penalty of armours helps too. No water?! Place a barrel in areas with rain or a stone reservoir in desert sectors. U will have way too much water for crops, cooking and refill your bottles. Or dig with a shovel and refill your bottles. Building a ship takes too long? Definitely not!! I can easy farm and build up a brig while 1x is active in 3 hours, solo... Too easy... I think you're just a spoiled dude who never had to work hard. You can easily manage that game.
  33. 1 point
    Jesus fuckin christ, Im not guessing. Atlas is the same game as it was 2 weeks ago when I still played, just with these QoL changes which fixed things that were annoying, for instance refilling 10 defence towers with 10-15 NPCs each all around the island, 6 galleons full of crew, 15 brigs full of crew, multiple schooners and hundred puckle guns all around the island. It took more than 4 hours to refill all these thinks and man, It was really boring. I know this much better than u are because I actually done that multiple times (just like my crewmates which hated it too). If you don´t see, sorry, your fault. You lack experience, not me. I know that for you and your 2 pve ships this change doesn´t do anything but for people who have a lot of NPCs (like hundreds all around the Settlement) its nice.
  34. 1 point
    I want magic the trailer said magic.
  35. 1 point
    I would like to see some areas on the pve server made pvp so that if people want to they can venture into a risky area for a sea battle without the risk of their base being trashed
  36. 1 point
    Why not just make it so people can choose from what things come from or allow them to change the options instead of resource box 3 you can make it number 1 and so on.
  37. 1 point
    Is there a point in buying anything from someone, when you can farm it or craft it yourself? For high rolls of good items is there a point in selling them instead of using them yourself? No matter what trading systems they implement if they don't solve that first.
  38. 1 point
    It wouldn't help the game in the long run. Players dare not hang around Freeports because of rapid ship decay, so using them as a Trade Hub still won't seem an attractive prospect. A trading bulletin board might be more use. A player or NPC could place a contract for X amount of something and a player could accept the contract. They ship the stuff where it's needed and get the gold (or goods in exchange). It would give companies both large and small a way to generate income and maybe open up piracy/trade convoys on PvP servers.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    woohooo 6 extra level for a mythical shipyard with a 153 crafter bonus!!!!! are you shitting me Grapeshot. My asshole hurts now! 153 ship quality not crafter bonus let me correct that
  41. 0 points
    Half of the people on the forum have such conditions. You are incompetent in this and blame half of the participants. Your best developer solution is to leave one server for 1000 players who are online every day?
  42. 0 points
    I play Atlas for on avg 12-14 hours a day.. 4-6 days a week. Far as I'm concerned.. if you don't have the time to play.. that's your fault.. not mine. Why should my gameplay be affected because you can't organise your life?
  43. 0 points
    I kinda agree with this, alot of what goes on in the game doesn't need to be touched or felt within the game for comment to be made on. However, alot of what happens in videos.. is edited for effect, staged etc for amusement. Which can lead to false assumptions. That said, the viewer can watch a fight and go "oooh... that's unfair.. see that!" and the player will be in total agreement. It's even possible indeed probable, that viewers will see stuff or guess stuff that the player can't/won't because they're preoccupied with not getting their legs ripped off.. But.. the issue here, is that people who don't play a game.. not only don't have any moneytary input or quite likely, won't play it ever again, somehow have the right to steer how the game is designed. ie to change the gameplay future.. of current gamers. The people who do put into the game on a daily basis and do make "in circumstances" ongoing payments etc should be the only ones giving feedback. People who haven't played for a week or more, don't own the game etc.. shouldn't even be allowed to post in the forums.. let alone view the content. They should perhaps get a forum for themselves to discuss theory. Where their opinions can't hurt anyone.
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