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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    One thing that is super disappointing to me is that in the preview window it shows the color going on in full pigment but then after you apply the paint and look at it in game it doesn't hardly show any color at all, or the color doesn't look like the color you thought you were painting. I was trying to paint my ship skeleton white and in the preview it looked super cool, really saturated, then when I applied and looked at it in game it didn't show up at all. It totally changed my design I had worked on, sails and all because white wouldn't show up. I had to completely rethink my design. Which was very frustrating to me. Painting in game may sound unimportant to some, but to those of us who are builders, and artist, and creators it is a important to our game play. It is also important to let the devs know if there is something in the game could be done better. It makes their game better, the players happier, and inevitably people will spend more time in the game and recommend the game to others.
  2. 4 points
    Just checked - all up yet. I even met all my ex-tames wandering around (even a horse 73 lvl lol). For the last time I wave to my hometown : ) Feel a bit sad actually, but keep remind myself - all for good.
  3. 4 points
    I think there may be a bit of bouble-bluff going on. Back home in the real world, local authorities wanted to put a new airport in on some derelict land, the local residence up in arms took to the streets, campaign of anger and the whole proposal fell flat on its face. The authorities turned around and said ok fair enough, we wont build there. The residence cheered, and celebrated their victory. The next thing we heard was that airport plans were approved to be built upon old marshland / nature reserve further up the road... This caused an absolute uproar, 100x that of the original plan... everyone got involved this time, environmental agencies, green peace, we had friends of the earth, local Councillors... Basically the earth stopped revolving... The authorities started moving the bulldozers and tractors in, earth movers and the lot... the crowds and riots were unprecedented. At the very last moment, the authority said, look ok ok ok..... we hear you, but we have no choice the airport has to go ahead. In the middle of the crowd, a little voice chimed in "think I prefer the original plan".. and as more and more voices chimed in 'here here, here here'... the authorities switched off the engines, and openly asked.. this site or the original? It's your choice, not ours. The Airport was built on the original derelict land without protest. ....someone in the local council was heard to say " see told you it would work".... There's a moral there somewhere lol. Maybe that's what's happening with Atlas.. Players hated the original plan. Players HATE the new plan even more! Given the choice, players probably prefer the original plan lol. Not sure it's exactly the same but near enough for me! I like telling that story anyway... so thanks for reading
  4. 3 points
    Just fed my animals for the last time and set them all to aggressive. For whatever few hours they have left.. I suspect it'll be the 28th for most of us, when the network finally goes offline. It's quite funny, that the date is set by an american (chinese in the case of snail) company, to take an Eu network offline, when it'll actually be the day after for those Eu players. Or near enough. Now we need an Eta for the PTR to be online and patched.. so we can test it and start complaining all over again.
  5. 3 points
    I would like to personally welcome all EU refugees to NA PVE. Your care packet will include an island filled with abandoned structures and starving unclaimed animals. I will deliver you a bear if you need one because I have hundreds to give away. Please enjoy your stay for the next week or so until you get wiped again.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    Hey DILBERT, why dont you go and fuck off. Not sure why little bitches like you have to harrass people. You dont know where they're from, what they've been through or anything else but you feel you can mock someone when they try and explain the conditions they're in. You are the epitome of a douchebag. And before anyone jumps in to say he's "yelling all the time" its fuck'in caps, no one is really yelling. It's all in YOUR mind how you read.
  9. 2 points
    I think there is a lot of entitlement going on - the idea that people pay, automatically means they get what they want. As long as MMO's have been around- I alph'ed UO btw and played games before that even - there has always been a difference of opinion on what should be expected, what needs to be done and what works best and that is on both sides of the table - Devs and Player. Part of the problem is we can not all agree. So the Dev's have to make a decision based on what is good for the game as well as what is profitable for their title. EA games are a way to discover that route, as well as gain some funding for continued development. I think as long as people remember that this is also a business and we - the players - have no idea what they have in mind for the future nor the costs associated with achieving that goal - we can learn to accept their decisions a little easier. Go with the flow. Will Dev's always do what is right? NOPE! We have seen mistakes in the past that have cost them their titles. But as long as we all give positive, constructive feedback - and weed out the useless trolling, whining and crying - we can hope they listen.
  10. 2 points
    I hate Reddit and its formatting. I prefer this linear style. Easier to follow imo.
  11. 2 points
    I think 10 max in a company would bring the game to its full potential. It would be so full of players.
  12. 2 points
    I would have split option 1 up. I'd assume the population will be between 5-10k. If the chances and patch are well received that could create a chain effect that increased the player base in the following weeks.
  13. 2 points
    Blue prints are bs the way they designed them.... the same with wearing metal gear... you have to know how to make it to wear it? who thought of that, pretty backwards thinking because i am sure King Richard never knew how to make his own armor =D
  14. 2 points
  15. 1 point
    against the forum rules to make every post and reply u make in caps go look it up , its pathetic and childish that he thinks he is above the rules set out by the devs , p.s even disabled people can turn off caps lock ....disability is not an excuse to think you are above the rules and can do as u please ,
  16. 1 point
    haha.. maybe start in a snow biome and not a desert one White "boats & ships" are usually so because white gel coat is realatively cheap, most older wooden boats n ships were painted, often in quite garish colours. I'm a fan of portuguese boats, as they tend to be both awfully painted yet have some extremely fine chisel work in them, much like viking ships used to have, but much finer, I'd like to see various patterns like this for stencilling onto boats, esp for bow/stern. As well as bowsprits and figureheads. As for painting bases, I must be either colourblind or just really awful at picking out colour schemes as noone I've ever met ever liked my paintjobs in Ark or Atlas, with singular except to my flag. A union jack I made with the ingame paintshop, took me about 3 hours to do. I hope they do update the entire paint/art system it wasn't very good in ark, infact it often caused significant lag increases on servers, painting large areas was a bad idea. But for ships and small buildings it should be fine. I also hope the bring back a pve flag for your company and pennants / flags for ships. To carry same/similar design. In Atlas I painted my sloop in blue, gold and brown and it only got sighs and disparaging remarks.
  17. 1 point
    April Fools jokes are only done ON April Fools day, not before, and usually before 12pm on 1st April. 15th April is more the joke than anything else.
  18. 1 point
    I like the idea of persistant characters, whilst I understand why people want/need to respec, I think it makes the game just too easy. They should make it so if you respec, you have a very limited timer put on you, if you don't respec close to what you had prior ie if you were a tamer and now an armoursmith.. all your tames should go wild.. even if you've given them to other people. This would force people to spec specifically down their own unique routes and keep them on them. Only allowing respec to fix mistakes or where genuine points are wasted. Or if you really need to change to a different class of character. As for BPs and requirements to wear items without the skill. I think it should be part way like this, I don't think you should need an armoursmith skill to wear armour, but you should need it to repair it. So you could make armour for an entire company.. but only the smiths could repair it. Bp's similarly, should allow single crafts of any one item, by any player. However, if you don't have the actual skill, you cannot repair it. This way a company will have a permenant staff of skilled players. People will be cooks or tamers, captains or pirates, musicians or shipbuilders etc. For EA purposes it's fine for people to respec every level or so or via a potion, but after release, the game needs to have an element of balance or everyone will just exploit it. There's no doubt that potions can also be exploited tho, doesn't take much to farm/grind the items needed in Ark. So I'd expect a bigger company to have most of the resources continually available. Again tho, this will push people to play in companies and larger groups. I know people prefer sometimes to play solo or just can't trust people to play in a group or team, but the game has to be designed around one or other it can't really be built for both and doing something with a mate is surely the reason why anyone plays mp games.. that said, a large part of pve gameplay is purely socialising, people come to pve purely to talk.. but even so, I think we need to just get to grips with a game that should be multiplayer in all aspects. And remove as much exploitability as possibly from the gameplay and if people don't like it.. hard luck. The trick is just to make a game many do like, not one everyone will never like at the same time.
  19. 1 point
    Oh! you are one of those, fair enough, no need to discuss this further then.
  20. 1 point
    At this stage of the game it's hit "9" eat Fish and Chips, hit "10" eat a pork pie. (all vitamins get balanced) If you are not prepared, it can be an issue. If you can't be bothered, it can be an issue. If you don't want to play the game as it's been designed, it can be an issue. For some reason i can hit 2 buttons in the middle of a sea battle, i can also hit those 2 buttons when building base. admittedly i have the awful chore of moving my pork pies to my "8" slot when i need to tame something. You're making me feel like some elite gamer, being able to add those 2 button presses to almost any task.
  21. 1 point
    I'm level 82 in the game. I am comfortably high in most skill trees. Although I do know I can't do some of the things I would like, I rely upon my company and alliance to help out. The first thing I noticed about this game was that on official, it is not a solo game. Build the appropriate social contracts and friendships and anything is possible.
  22. 1 point
    I think a good few will come back to see the developments. at least the same amount of people we saw online regularly before the wipe announcement. I could compare what's happening to the game and population in atlas after the constant postponements to.... going to war and you're ambushed by the enemy... your men are dying all around you so you call the generals on the radio asking for air support and reinforcements... general tells you they're in bound and will be there in 15 min... instead, the general sends air support to go bomb a village of civilians then tries to contact you on the radio a week later to tell you they'll help you out next time... you and all your men are already dead but the generals do this over and over throughout the war... the devs are the generals... and theyre gonna lose the war if they keep that up. They're running out of soldiers and giving little reason for new ones to enlist. Most have moved on to other wars already.
  23. 1 point
    I had the forum in my native language and when I posted the comment in English my browser seemed to put English into my mother tongue, thanks for correcting it
  24. 1 point
    (For you, Norlinri!) v1.5.0(beta6) - Fixed: When restart time is set to midnight, the restart days was off by one (unless daily chosen). It now restarts on days as scheduled. (Thanks Norlinri for reporting). - Improved: The Online Players window is now fully resizable. Known Issues: - When the text is clicked on, the Online Users window will show the initial load text and the scroll bars don't always work. http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtilityBeta.zip or just click "Check for util update" in the utility's tray icon (if using a beta version).
  25. 1 point
    One thing I am very confused about. We had a person who only put points in Intelligence so that she could craft a mastercraft large speed sail from a blueprint. We gathered everything we needed but then found out that she also had to learn large sails to craft them. We all thought anyone could craft anything from a blueprint. Are we confused at how it works? You have to learn how to craft an item before you can use the blueprint? Only people who have learned a certain skill can use the blueprints for that skill? That doesn't make any sense to me at all. But this does reaffirm my point. The game is much more frustrating than fun. We can only hope that the devs are truly listening to us and hopefully changing the game so that we can have more fun with this game. The frustration is real.
  26. 1 point
    Our company all have what we call "dying boxes" on board our ships. vitamins down? Put all your stuff in the dying box and jump overboard! Dying and vitamins need a rework. Perhaps a wound system like SWG you keep dying your health pool gets smaller.Then the medicines will be a viable field to spec into. As this would be the way you get your full health pool back. This cut zerging down to almost nothing. The musicians and dancer professions in SWG would buff these stats so you had a reason to go to a tavern and socialize for a few mins while you buffed up before battle. It worked really well and should be re implemented here.
  27. 1 point
    So long as they add new quests every few months, PvE will remain interesting. I do get what you're saying. Its going to be up to the devs to care about PvE though, and THAT is the entire problem; they don't seem to. I mean, if I were designing the PvE side of this game, this is what I'd do: - limit claim flags to 1 flag per 5 players in a company, with a hard cap at 25 flags. This would leave more than enough land for everyone. - Add new quests every few months, with one or two requiring more than one company to undertake, just to give companies a reason to seek out parties and work together. These would be events you have to seek out or search for, not something that spawns in randomly as an immediate threat. - reinstate alliances, but limit them to 3 per company, so mega tribes can't grow into 'governing asshats'. - Set up gathering areas with mini hunts and declare one or two islands as 'pirating zones', so some players could go be the pirates they want to be without including companies who don't wish to participate. - create different 'world' events or 'region' events that would require a co-op effort to neutralize or destroy, and they would spawn in randomly, giving an equal amount of loot to whomever participated in the event on a company-scale (vs individual). I'm sure I could come up with more ways.... this was just off the top of my head. What Grapeshot needs is to hire a new sub-team of people who do nothing but deal with and work for the PvE side of Atlas. I just wish they would actually do this. I know they are all PvP oriented, but by being so focused on one play-style, they are blowing off the other and shooting themselves in the foot in the process. I could also see making armies of the damned (2-10 npcs in a gang) roam resource-rich areas like wild animals do, as something you'd have to defeat to be able to reach the resources you want to mine. Not all resources. and not in every area. Just in a few of them. There ARE ways to make PvE a very cool play style. And this is all something that PvP could do as well, and since the threat of war/being wiped/being attacked is always present, would add to the whole 'experience' of Atlas. This is a nice thought. Honestly. If this were the case, a bit of an explanation from the Devs is needed at this point, because it would assuage a lot of people's apprehension with this new system they are putting in place. I mean, they aren't saying anything else. They aren't giving us even a HINT of what they plan for the future, nor anything to indicate they even actually CARE about PvE play-style. *edit* The way the Devs are behaving with this game, the lack of explanation of why they are choosing what they are, or their future plans, the lack of attention they give to PvE.... its making them look like very lazy coders. Its like they don't want to have to write the code necessary to make this game what it could actually be: a true MMO with enough of the RPG in it to keep even PvE people busy all the time and not just provide what becomes a monotonous environment over time.
  28. 1 point
    I bought 4 copies on launch day for my family because I knew what a chaotic mess this would be. Anyone can see the way PC games have been released lately with the ‘patch it and fix it later’ attitude and early access is getting earlier and earlier. That being said, after gaming for 40 years, this has been one of my top ten experiences. I am one of the people who enjoy the process more than the end result. The fact that the game isn’t finished and is constantly changing makes it fun, to me and my group. We have played more since the wipe announcement than before because we love the uncertainty and decay. I realize I’m in the minority but all games end eventually and playing for the moment and enjoying the experience is really the only thing that matters. There is nothing to win except that.
  29. 1 point
    I think back in December I might have died 2 or 3 times to vitamin deficiency, then learnt the meat, fish, berries and veg balance to get the very helpful fort & XP buff. After building a base and getting a few seeds, making fish & chips and pork pies was real easy and ensured I or my company never starved or lost the buff (crossing servers ought to be fixed) again. I usually hate the get gud crown, but really!!!
  30. 1 point
    You shouldnt worry about what these lame ass trolls are saying. Atlas is a great game it needs reworked with the flag system and your doing it dont worry the trolls who say there quiting will come back there just trying to get there way. All of you devs have created something grand and its only going to get better.I saw how they reacted when the game was coming out who knows maybe the trolls wont come back and youll just get better gamers to play atlas.At the end of the day atlas is amazing and will always be a amazing game just like ark. And to all you lame ass trolls you can be offended all you want ill never check this message im sending for replies dont care what trollie kids have to say bye have a beautifull time.
  31. 1 point
    Also- If you look at the ship sizes, both from a build stand point and size stand point we seem to be missing sizes in our current lineup for sure. Beyond adding different ship types of the same size as ships we already have, we have room for a size between the sloop and schooner, the schooner and brig, and the brig and galleon. Other pics and information sites list cutters and a few other types as well. If the ship speeds were more historically accurate even sloops would be usable as fast attack ships. And grappling an enemy ship to board would be nice.
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