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Everything posted by DilBert

  1. Been like it is atm since the restart, so nothing to do with the recent change to be able to unclaim a ship.
  2. Have not seen any Dev confirmation on this but with all the reports in forums and in discord it is boarded in the 3 week period.
  3. They will go poof if no one boards them for 3 weeks.
  4. 100%(base)=lvl 42. 1 lvl per 10% above 100%=lvl 44. the formula is correct.
  5. correct. If it had wild lvl 10, it would be lvl 10+10+30= lvl 50 max.
  6. Not at all, It is Atlas' policy to hold everyone in a company and even alliances responsible for anything against the CoC. It is nothing new, there have been many company/ally wide Dev wipes.
  7. A few people posted in discord they tried and it does not.
  8. both ships will be immobile while harpoon is attached. larger ship can just pull smaller to it.
  9. Going to own an island you can not be lazy. That is the whole point of anyone being able to build anywhere. Do not want them there then you have to destroy what they build. Have to be diligent to get rid of the spammers.
  10. Blame the player before you that kited it to the border.
  11. has to be personal owner in render range, it appears.
  12. have to be in render range(have to be able to see it) of the owner. If the owner has not been in render range in fourteen days( Got number from reports not tested myself) it will go poof. Freeports and golden isles have increased decay.
  13. Imprinting only applies to the one who imprinted the tame. That the definition of imprinting. lol
  14. There will be when they finish the decay system for lawless. It is based on the same 10 day activity timer as claimed land at the moment, but they are adding in the decay over time as soon as it is finished.
  15. Can not stop anyone from building with any settings. Only can demo what is built in the 24 hour window.
  16. they only have to be in render range for a millisec. The timer will refresh.
  17. The lore that is listed in the wiki is just copy paste of the lore that has been on the steam store page before you could even purchase Atlas.
  18. stuck until one or the other stops contesting. Ther claim winner will be the one who doesnt give up.
  19. It allows allies to build cannons during peace times on PvP servers. Has no use in PvE.
  20. Because that how the new 1 claim=whole island works. Anyone can build anywhere, settlement owners responsibility to monitor the settlement. In Pve you have 24 hours after it was built to remove it.
  21. It is a pvp server setting allowing allies to build cannons during non raid/war times. Demos is 24 hours after built not after claimed. both working as intended.
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