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About Lenetwor

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  1. sometimes the Ship of the Damned are just standing around on the ocean and you can drive through them that's since patch v409.1 or v409.2 but there are also ghost ships that work properly is that a bug or is it because of my atlas? screenshot: https://ibb.co/qCMT3fw
  2. Hello, maybe someone here knows: I would like to remove this gray fog on my Dedi server that disappears when you drive around by ship or go ashore. However, I want this to be gone for everyone, not just me ... is that even possible? In theory, that should work, the official servers can do that too.
  3. I wanted to mark my power stones, but sometimes when I discovered my points I had such information: "worldX": 1.05E+07, and how should I calculate that now?
  4. can someone from the Atlas team respond if the users don't know? Please?
  5. Hallo sehr gutes Tut - hat mir sehr geholfen! Jedoch würde ich gerne meinen Jungbrunnen auf 2 PvE inseln fixieren, nur weiss ich nicht wie das geht?
  6. I want to do this on my private atlas server like on the official server but i do not know where to set it?
  7. i traveling to L6 and then message: invalid authentication token and i have disconnect and reconnecting is no longer possible does anyone know how to fix it? from A5 to K6 it went without problems ...
  8. read sweetheart together when server is offline can one adjust that?
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