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Everything posted by Willard

  1. You do have a problem with testing things during early access don't you? You need exactly 2 people including yourself and 2 minutes of your time. But I will test it for you if you want since I prefer devs working on bugs and patches instead of explaining basic mechanisms of the game to people who are too lazy to figure out these mechanisms themselves
  2. Can you tell me 1 game where developers post exact stats and exact functionality of everything they put in game BEFORE they actually release it? They ofc know they want to add cargo boxes on ships which will reduce resources weight but that does not mean they know exact numbers of weight reduction, what types of materials etc MONTH before they release it. Its work in progress. Those items are not even in the game yet and you want exact stats of it. I don't know what is more ridiculous. This demand of yours or simply your inability to figure out anything in game by yourself.
  3. I solo them with a schooner, why shouldn't small company be able to kill them?
  4. Ye you receive taxes but you need to pay upkeep. It has pros and cons. If I would play in a small tribe on PvE I would play as a settler. No need to farm golds for upkeep is a great benefit. Let owner have some bonus resources from me
  5. Why do you need your own island on PvE? You pay no taxes.
  6. Ye it takes 2 nades to destroy puckle but you need to get in range for throwing it. Second - if you have puckles high enough on ceiling, good luck with throwing grenades there. Cannon bears - ye, they outrange puckles. Thats why you have your flame bears/horses and ballistas ready with their huuuuge range while mounted by a player. Naked players with nades are simply not truth, especially during first 1-2 hours of siege.
  7. Ye flame and tigers with a dot work really well.
  8. There will always be a meta. Its in every game including Atlas. Meta for defence in a form of flame bears / horses doesn't bother me at all.
  9. Ye spawn is really really low now. Increase it to pre-nerf state
  10. Large/Ship cannons on the deck/gunports? U need to give us more info.
  11. Just a question, why do you play on a PvP server if you are playing alone and have no desire in conflicts with others? It seems a bit silly to be honest. In reality smaller ship doesn't mean bigger speed, why should it mean in game? For now the fastest solution for you is to switch to PvE server.
  12. Hello guys, sunken ships of company (those you see on a map) count towards company global ship limit.
  13. Skip all the decks u can and put 6 speed sails there thats basically it. No platforms, no ceilings to decks (except of the top deck).
  14. How many zergs have you experienced after wipe? Because "naked with nades and carbines" really doesn't work if you got your base defended with puckles. Good luck running naked against these puckles, im sure you will enjoy it.
  15. 1) Its not truth there is a lot of unclaimed islands. There are several across the map. These islands are mostly low on resources or simply too costly for their usefullness. 2) Its politics too. You don't want to claim island on sectors where alliances are already made or aggresive company is settled. 3) After initial weeks of post-wipe pvp there are alliances. Some companies were wiped off their Settlement and they moved to their allies Settlements to be stronger together. 4) No, 9 hours are not enough to destroy someone if he knows what to do. We've been under attack of 2 megacompanies and yet we still stand, both base and ships after 3 fulltime raids.
  16. I agree with point 2) and 3). Point 1) - Peace phase is 15 hours, not 9 hours. So basically you want to claim an island if you want that 15 hours protection. If you are able to be online 24/7 then lawless may be better.
  17. That was another try from them, they failed again They are a bit demotivated rn.
  18. it still has 10k on weekends, it was 12k after wipe, 10k is pretty solid playerbase.
  19. DonĀ“t let the door opened Btw - ship cannons still suck at ship fights
  20. You can kill them with normal ship cannons on the back as a solo player. I do that without any problems. You still outrange sotds.
  21. Why don't u just reset your skillpoints? Want to levelup? Get blue quality map, wait for double weekend, go to treasure map location, grab xp boost for discovery, kill NPCs and bam, u got 5 more levels. If you want to get more max lvl, gp get powerstones. Hydra is really easy to kill especially now with 60% less animals on golden ruins.
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