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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    I have heard no such rumors, and I keep my ear close to the ground on the rumor mill. Besides, such rumors are boring and old hat. Let me share with you all the exciting new rumors I have heard lately from VERY reliable sources: -GrapeCard is actually a joint venture between not just Wildcard Studios and Snail Games, but an as yet silent 3rd party who controls all decisions relating to data routing from the servers to players actual homes. The real reason for the ping 255 problem is this nefarious entity has been piggybacking millions of pop up ads for Bulgarian cold war era shoes and Swedish coffee beans that no one wants onto the game's data transmissions. -Realist is actually a world famous cricket player and the real reason he's not yet playing Atlas is his schedule so far keeps him on the road where he is unable to get a reliable enough broadband connection to play the game and is limited to forum posting. Once the season ends he will play the game from the luxurious confines of his mansion in the outskirts of Mumbai. Sadly the offseason for Indian cricket is only 2 months, so he won't have long to play. -The devs have been frenetically working on an expansion to Atlas that will allow crossplay with Anthem AND Fallout 76. The expansion is expected to bring in 8 to 10 new players. -Olivia Munn is engaged in a torrid affair with a prodigious forum poster who's avatar is a bloodstained smiley face. The two stayed up all night last night eating cheetos and binging Letterkenny episodes on hulu. I might have made that last one up.
  2. 4 points
    Thanks for the write up, will definitely have a read and share with the team
  3. 4 points
    Honestly, I wouldn't be able to say - I am not technical enough - but I do know creatures are rather negligible in comparison. Though some good(ish?) news is that we did have a bit of a discussion about it today and there are some technical things the team are going to look into in the future, hopefully, we'll be able to share more on that later on . We know how much ya guys do want it though, it's not fallen on deaf ears!
  4. 3 points
    Oh wow. Thank you for the reply! I am super passionate about this game, despite never really getting into Ark. I have had good luck with my suggestions working out for FacePunch and Rust.... so I really hope it works for you guys too!
  5. 3 points
    I think it's fair to say a lot of players had already departed before any time, thought, or effort was put into those alternative game modes. As for Blackwood, it's development did start much earlier but was primarily handled by one developer up until the last two weeks to get it out the door and deal with the technical issues. Obviously the openworld game has its issues, we don't shy from that, but it's clear the direction the team had taken with our updates weren't really impactful in turning the ship around. You could argue that taking a break from it allows us to give it a fresh perspective and tackle different things in order to get ATLAS to where it needs to be. As for not caring, you're highly mistaken. This isn't just a job for a lot of the people here, it's a passion and everyone wants to see the project succeed. There's still a lot more work to do and will be continuing to do it over the months ahead. Whether people choose to return or stick around, that's up to them but the team will always put it's best efforts forward in that regards.
  6. 3 points
    It's a client-side issue we'll need to resolve. Single/isolated foundations with structures on top of them are being triggered as 'fast decay' by the client, however, the server recognizes that they're legitimate and marks them as normal decay. Due to the mismatch between the client and the server, your game tells you that you can demolish it, however attempting to do so results in a failure because the server protects against it. The server always knows the true state. It's a confusing issue and hopefully one we can patch soon, as it doesn't allow folks to know when they can actually demolish it.
  7. 2 points
    As we all know Colonies solved none of the problems that Empires had, save for offline raiding. On PvE servers it serves little purpose but to advertise your island on the map. I feel like it has it's place but it could be SO MUCH MORE. With all this talk of Factions I have my own extensive ATLAS OVERHAUL that should see surges of returning players. Functionally, these are minor changes... just to get it out the door and working. To tie it all together, though, it's a big undertaking. I haven't seen other threads tackle this kind of system yet, so I am going to bring my own ideas to the table. I am not going to be touching on QOL issues in this thread, that's for another day. Sorry. 1: The Nations System Overview Currently, the colonies system works by allowing players to join a company, and then an alliance of companies. This would not change. Companies and Alliances will still be critical to the game. Emergent Player to Player scenarios drive sandbox games like Ark, Rust, and EvE Online. The current claim system does little to provide the player with a "bucket and pail" to tackle the sandbox with. Currently without any tools or encouragement there is no reason for cooperation; therefor, the fun of the current sandbox is had by shoving handfuls into someone's shorts and eyes. Ergo, Mega clans, griefing, raiding bambis, and tears.... lots of tears. Due to it's limited nature the current system is pretty punishing for players. Another issue I find is that: everyone I know hates playing in a mega or simply not playing for themselves. I am the same way. While, I enjoyed my time with the likes of GypSEAS, Uganda, No No No, and TC I can not say it was ideal. I never felt like I was actually having fun. It felt more like a social obligation; one which only was needed to protect my meager stash of tames and a ship. The social aspect is and was a huge draw; and part of the reason I stuck around. However, once I got a taste of playing for myself on Private Servers/PvE/SP it changed my views quickly... it was FUN. Exactly the same gameplay... minus just about all of the problems. Players have made the system punishing. The issue is that players and even the devs carry the same ideals and gameplay philosophy that works for Rust, Minecraft, or Ark but does NOT work for something like Atlas. Atlas, has more in common with EvE Online than any other game, and thus; it should do as much as it can to try to emulate it. Therefor, the claim and PvP system should function in a similar way. Colonies already does this for claims (vulnerability window + wardec), which is great for large alliances; it is not great however, for solos or part time players. It drives player interaction toward raiding... and just raiding. No trade, no intrigue, just raids. I think a good way to reconcile this is to allow hardcore PvP, PvE and casual PvPers to exist on the same server. Alright, here we go: Players will be able to chose between four main Nations, all four of which are split into alliances. Players may also chose to not affiliate with a single nation or faction They may even chose to remain hostile to all four if they like. Each alliance decision has different drawbacks or benefits. Each nation and faction has it's own ideology, special blueprints, cosmetics, and benefits. The Nations are as follows: Eastern Empire Western Kingdom Norse Republic Southern Syndicates Pirate Cartels Eastern and Southern Empires form the "Golden Empires Collation" Faction. Norse Republic and Western Kingdoms form the "Western Trade Companies" Faction. Pirates will ignore and defend players who prove bloodthirsty enough, but this comes at the cost of Navy attention. The presence of the Nations has lead to different levels of "security" in the waters. National/Empire Waters: PvE except for players enrolled in Faction Warfare, pirates, or those under a PvP war declaration. (More below) Lawless Waters: Basically nothing changes. Outside of player alliances: anyone can attack you, you can attack anyone. Resources are the most abundant, wild animals spawn at higher levels and are difficult to tame, sometimes lesser mythic mobs (gorgons and yetis) spawn here. These areas surround Powerstones, rather than Freeports. International Waters: This is the same as standard zones under the current system. Semi-open PvP, any player can claim, decent resources, better wilds, less dangerous islands. Homestead Waters: These are regions hosted on the player's personal computer. Only they and people invited can access this area. (More below) Sovereign Waters: An extended version of island claims, this sets an entire grid to PvE and taxes all islands to a central bank. Once waters become Sovereign the company or alliance who owns the water can not be removed. (More below) Powerstone Waters: Only slight changes here. Convert zones to PvE and allow temporary builds. Allow taming of all non-mythic powerstone spawns if the player has the powerstone for said island. 2: Waters Explained. National/Empire Waters: These areas are owned by the corresponding nation, and take the current place of Freeports and Lawless islands surrounding them. Players are completely safe from PvP when in these zones unless they are at war with each-other or in faction warfare. Waters are patrolled by NPC pirates who attack ships and players on islands. Occasionally spawns WPE's. Faction Warfare most often happens in these areas. Players with sufficient reputation with either/both the Nation and the Faction Navy may claim certain islands. Faction Navy members get access to larger, better, yet cheaper islands that give more resources once claimed. (Areas owned by Pirate Factions also function in a similar way but are hostile to "good" players. ) Players who's companies are at war are able to attack each-other in these zones. Limited verity of resources spawn in these areas. Travel to other areas required to make anything better than FINE bps, thus encouraging trade, travel, and piracy. Homestead Waters: Meant as a starting point and offline storage area, Homestead Waters host a single grid containing an island with a pre-built small shipyard, low quality map spawns, and crew recruiter. Homesteads provide every Freeport resource. Homesteads do not spawn useful creatures, but do however allow the player to breed any creatures regardless of conditions at a cost to the baby's wild level. Players may store up to TWO personally owned ships. Nothing stored at a Homestead decays and remains in stasis unless the player is present. All NPCs and Tames brought here are fed/paid at no cost to the player. Companies can not store company owned ships at a Homestead. As was mentioned before, this is just a place to start and tuck things away when you go offline for a long time; or a place for absolute casuals. Homesteads provide NO experience. Players are also granted access to a "lumber mill" which provides unlimited wood building pieces, and deployables only placeable on the homestead (not boats). Players must have unlocked desired deployables. Sovereign Waters: As mentioned before, a sufficiently advanced Company or Alliance can purchase a token from a friendly faction or nation to convert an area into a PvE area that can only be attacked under a war declaration or by an opposing navy. These areas can still be raided, however, the residing company/alliance can not be removed, nor do damaged structures remain damaged (boats and tames however do not regenerate) anything popcorned/left in bags is deposited into the claim flag. By default, only allied companies can build in these areas. Companies may have ONE sovereign grid. Declaring a zone Sovereign spawns uncontrollable NPC ships belonging to the player's company and allied navy. Players can be attacked in open water in these zones. The residing company must remain at a certain level of activity, pay gold upkeep, have settlers, and appease its allied Nation/Faction to maintain control of an area. Piracy: Areas claimed by pirate players spawn extra resources but are in PvP mode longer than normal grids/islands. They also attract a larger and more powerful than average Navy presence to the area. 3: Better NPCs "Drone Better. People make problem. Trust me... drone better." - Ivan Vanko This is going to be a quick one. NPCs don't do enough. NPCs should repair ships when at sea, be able to help farm, watch animals, etc. Make special vendors or quests to acquire specialty NPCs/crew. Allow players to place their own crew recruiter/NPC quest giver. As was mentioned earlier, more NPC factions are needed. Less reliance on mega groups to enjoy the game to the fullest. Having the ability to assign an NPC to a ship and it automatically patrol/escort the player would also be spectacular. NPCs need to preform anything players can do; busy work wise (raising tames, resource gathering, etc) Solo players should not need other players. Instead, players should always be better at what NPCs can do; rather than being a requirement. 4: The Content is the Reward. I've noticed that playing this game without PvP changes it's nature. In a PvP setting, PvP is the reward for 'content'. Doing a games content for a reward is a poor way to play a game, and a big reason this game ( and WoW) is doing so poorly. Playing the game should itself, be a reward; and it is only that way for PvE /local/Single Players right now. Rewards should be things that make content more fun; tames and buffs are on the right track for that. As you may have gleamed by now, under this system player actions result in the ability to do the same content faster, better, and in more fun ways. 5: Naval Battle + Ships. Deplanking in its current form looks bad and feels bad. Planks shouldn't disappear. Instead, they should form holes and catch fire/splinter depending on the damage taken. But, never be "lost" instead, they are repaired as needed. When "deplanked" they begin to leak as they would now. The option to surrender and turn over the ship/portion of resources to encourage piracy would be a boon. As an anti-griefing and a "fun insurance" measure ships sunk should have the option to re-surface them. For anchored ships, this is just a resource fee. For ships lost at sea, it should require the Submarine and a special token/feat. 6: Faction Rewards What would alliance be without benefit? As was mentioned before working for a faction/nation rewards you with reputation (or negative rep) used to unlock BPs, powerful ships, tames, NPCs, land rights, and cosmetics. Conclusion: I do hope you can see how all of this plays together to encourage ALL types of players. No one is left out under this system. Small groups, solos, and mega groups are each rewarded in their own way. Every form of player interaction is encouraged, and maximizes fun. Even with our current player-base this system would still benefit the players. I hope that even if this system is not utilized that the devs consider some aspects of it. I know if I were developing this game, this is the system the game would have come out with.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    Dye's. Costumes @ the freeport, Ship Hood ornaments. Pretty much it. Dont need upkeep on Single Player. Perhaps pour them all into a silo, and swim around in it like Scrooge Mc'Duck?
  10. 2 points
    I think console players need separate servers for release. Realist has given you most, if not all the reasons why.
  11. 2 points
    Sure, seems likely. The question has come up again though and I just wanted to reiterate . There isn't a public timeline for the fix, just that it's something we've to do.
  12. 2 points
    Yup, that'll fix it for anyone having the issue. I've marked the answer as recommended so folks won't have to scroll down this page if it gets longer. The reason for the change is because when ATLAS was first launched, it was integrated into the core game. We weren't able to set it as a DLC until Monday, as it was early Saturday morning and the system doesn't allow for it. After we changed it to an optional DLC, it requires folks to set that DLC as active in their Steam Library . Ultimately we don't want to force the additional install size on players not interested in Blackwood.
  13. 2 points
    A technical hurdle we have with ships is the memory footprint they add to the game. With all the unique pieces on a boat, just by introducing a new type, we end up adding a lot of memory and there isn't really any other gameplay aspect that's comparable to it, once we make some improvements and overhauls to this system, it'll become a lot more likely that we'll be able to add additional ships, not to say that it won't happen now, but this is one of the things we have to workaround. Memory is an important aspect as it's something we need to consider when getting ATLAS to launch on console later on. It's why in the past when we have decided to do introduce an update that effects ships, it tends to be based on introducing mechanics that work with ships, so think ship weapons/structures, their attachment system etc: Racks, Ballista Harpoon, Fishing Net. The attachment system is pretty robust, so it wouldn't be surprising to see new systems based around it.
  14. 2 points
    PVE/PVP hybrid maps only appeal to PVP players that want to retreat to PVE safety, as well as PVE players that might want to get into an occasional naval fight. It has zero appeal to the pure PVE player that wants nothing to do with PVP, but such hybrid servers force that by design. It has zero appeal to the pure PVP player that want no possibility of PVE retreat in time or space. It is not possible to avoid PVP on a hybrid map - because they all promote PVP by placing the best resources beyond the PVP gate. That means you either have to do the PVP yourself to get the best stuff, or play in the PVP wars by hiring mercenaries at a higher price. So those promoting it need to recognize it is a valid server option, but it is not the end of all servers that will unite PVP and PVE. It is already technically possible for Atlas to have this server type, since PVE/PVP is a grid not a map setting.
  15. 1 point
    Please check the boom angle and sail bulge of Handling sail and Weight sail in relation to wind direction. I think is "OK-ish" to one side, but disastrously wrong the other side. Handling sail boom should always point more or less AWAY from the WIND. (Unless you press the boom by hand against the wind and you sail backwards!) Bulge should always be AWAY from the wind like the other sails. (You must make two alternating handling sail meshes or MIRROR sail mesh's x-axis when changing tack. you cannot just rotate all along y-axis) On Running wind (behind) the boom can be on either side (of your choice) (90 degrees to wind) and bulge forward. Suggesting to Google images "sail positions for points of sail" / Old sailor PS. Great game (800+ hrs)
  16. 1 point
    Yes, I've read that, and I stand by my statement. You have some nice ideas, they solve some issues but create others, many of which have already been mentioned here. It's a nice thought and I hope certain aspects do get implemented, but sadly I don't think it seems like a viable solution, and would require far too much work to implement (much, much more than a week)
  17. 1 point
    What you really said... "PVE area would have less resources and less profit." Sorry all your pure PVE players just left your ideal PVP/PVE server. The entire point for PVE players is to dominate the trade markets using only PVE means, your server would mean only PVP can dominate the trade markets. It only appeals to PvPvE players - not PVE players.
  18. 1 point
    BUG Upgrading items causes fatal Error. Fatal error has occurred will post screenshot of error and try and reproduce it.
  19. 1 point
    i bought mine from fairy tail for 6.5k and it was ok. I dont like if companys throw out everything under worth. If people ever tried to breed crows or any egg type animal themselves they will now, what i m talking about.
  20. 1 point
    But that is the PVx design that PVE players do not want. All of the PVx by design proclaim you are safe as long as you stay over here, but soon as you cross that line you get ganked. But the lines are drawn such that you would want to cross them - and Atlas is by design the same way. Advanced blueprints require you to travel the world to get all the resources and all the stones/essences - which means you will get involved in the wars. This is a designed to create conflict resulting in PVP.
  21. 1 point
    I mean, you are free to have an opinion; everyone in this thread who plays PvE (including myself) seems to disagree. I would love to build warships in a PvE zone and sell them to a mega alliance for thier war efforts, but maybe that's just me....
  22. 1 point
    Oddly enough, I always thought is was a fun “quest” to find loot demolishing stuff in PVE. When they took that away I lost one of the reasons to play. And it is certainly not the same waiting out a timer. Abandoned structures gave the game a unique feel that you could explore ruins that were actually real ruins. If I had one wish, I would like auto destruct turned off. *please
  23. 1 point
    Geez i for sure saw a huge influx of players for a game now buying at 11 dollars on steam, yet i see these charts https://steamcharts.com/app/834910 Tell me isn't so? all those cool tame ideas, torpedoes, and moving towards a steam punk ark game.. man i for sure never saw this coming. and the costs to run a server as big as the hive branch.. oh wow.
  24. 1 point
    Just an idea about the blue vit, A compromise for people would be to have a land animal that provides it as well as the fish.The seagull can be a tricky little blighter especially earlier on in the game, what about something like that? or the snake even?
  25. 1 point
    Extra Players is always a Good thing imo. Give Gamers some credit as well because It Shouldn't be an issue that Alpha players know more than newbies. Once it launches Officially, I do expect a wipe and I am ok with that even tho we have a buttload of animals and a buttload of boats. (either that or they will make legacy servers and stop supporting them later down the road...)New players have access to Google just like everyone else... But my main Concern now is that the Dev's are going to be spreading themselves too thin, between Solo Player and Blackwood,The next Mega Update, and now this? Priorities Need to be made about the game. A stable core game Needs to be in place before you branch out and do more. I really feel like the Dev's need to have someone on their team that actually plays on an official server. So you can see for yourselves all the Nuances and Things that really annoy or piss people off. My Biggest complaint? I love my freaking Giraffe (her name is Lovey) But she can't go up a freaking ramp?!?! gets stuck on freaking pebbles! Let's add some actual pirate content! Can we get some more boats or sails? I still think Atlas has great potential, But I feel as tho they need to reel it in a bit, take a step back and refocus on what they want the Core game needs to be. p.s also where's my freaking hat? Are they waiting til there are absolutely not Pre-wipe players left to actually have this ready? also- Rawr, rawr , GRR bark bark rawr. MEow.
  26. 1 point
    I think Crossplay would be a good idea, once the game is ready for it. I rather see the Dev's isolate game issues, that is hindering its current playerbase, before reaching out to a new playerbase. Lets Focus and tackle getting the game stable, working, systems in place, "factions", i also think would be a great idea. I honestly dont think we need to worry about any more tames, etc. What we could do for example is fix the follow distance on the elephant so it doesn't keep getting stuck up the one its following ass. Having the follow distance low, but i dont want have to keep jumping on it to back it up off. These are the issues that active players will notice, not so much the dev's. Its up to us to bring these kind of issues to their attention. Again as you all know, the majority of my post's are about current ingame issues. Or bugs found. lets work as a team get all these things noticed and fixed as the Dev work on more MMO content. I will continue to help them as I find issues. Course a little "acknowledgement would be nice" IE - Okay thank you for this, we will look into it. Would be nice from time to time.. And yes of course I am still burned by my ship "poofing" last night. But now i know, If you dont undock your sub from your ship once every 21 days. The sub will take the ship down with it. A very hard lesson to learn.. But now its known and the Dev's can add that to the list. And Im still here. Waiting to get home from work, Ive got a new ship needs building.
  27. 1 point
    I voted that I don't. Simple reason why..... we need the Devs working on more important stuff. In fact forget about console and pay attention to the platform that it is already out on. Leave console until release because we don't need yet another EA that gets split between bug fixing on two or three platforms. I also say no to crossplay because look at ARK, when do PC/Xbox/PlayStation/Windows10 ghet the updates simultaneously? Hell Xbox and Windows 10 don't even get them simultaneously a lot of the time. So instead of creating themselves hassle with crossplay, just forget about it and focus on more important things.
  28. 1 point
    Given the costs and logistics of Atlas's game grid, that's a pretty tall order, but I appreciate him laying out the case for the difficulties otherwise.
  29. 1 point
    Well there is actually different levels of advantages. Pc players that have played both ark and atlas will definitely have the greatest advantage. Next would be of players who have played atlas but not ark. Next would be console players that have played ark and then console players that have not played ark. The main people we should feel bad for is the console players that haven’t played ark. These poor guys are going to have a hard enough time without crossplay and they are just looking for an mmo and have no clue about atlas or ark(they are totally screwed). Especially if you take into account all of the veteran ark/atlas pc players. crossplay would definitely ruin the console release as I see people leaving even faster than the pc release. pc players already have a very big strategic advantage as well. You guys have been all over the map, know where all the best places to build or collect resources are, are already familiar with the taming and breeding system(which I have been told by many on here it is different from ark). my main proof of this is that even though I can look things up on the internet, you yourself has had to correct me on things I didn’t know because I do not play. Actually the one thing everyone gets on me about has become my biggest piece of evidence as to how bad of an idea crossplay would actually be. So to be honest, even the console ark veterans would be at a severe disadvantage, and would not likely stay either. There is already a lot of skepticism towards the co pant with them always favoring pc over console so they don’t really have any room for mistakes(which crossplay would be). another one would be the whole “performance” issue. This one I don’t care about too much but others will definitely take it as a bad thing. For instance. On Twitter a lot have been asking when Xbox release will be. I have been telling them “they might be doing crossplay” so far 100% of the people I have said that to have been pissed off. The most common reply was “are you kidding me, wtf?”. another reason and maybe the most important reason especially for your pc guys that still love the game is the success of the console release. If the console release fails and they don’t make that much, I really don’t see them continuing development for that much longer. Without crossplay, Xbox will be a success now that they have had time to avoid a pc release fiasco. With crossplay they run the risk(big risk) of it falling flat on its face. Ark made a lot of money but not enough to get atlas going forever and if they ever want to make another game they are going to have to save some because atlas isn’t doing it. ok, that was why it was bad for consoles. Here is why it will be bad for pc players. The biggest reason it would be bad for pc players is of course the 100% possibility of a wipe. Yeah it will happen no matter what. You and others may not mind a wipe, but you saw how many people enraged when the first one came. That will be the final nail for some players. another bad thing for the pc players is that the console people will complain about anything they feel that pc has an advantage on especially aiming. If crossplay comes, expect a lot of nerfs to certain mechanics which will force you to go down to the performance level of console. We will definitely hinder your experience so the playing field will be level. Remember those poor console players that never even played ark I mentioned earlier? Yeah if you thought the pc players turned it into a nerf fest kitty island, just want till those newbies come in. They are going to complain so hard you won’t ecen be able to find an alpha without sailing to 10 islands first. The combat system? Yeah they are going to need that nerfed too. dont get me started on the raiding and claim system. There will probably only be a 1 hour raid window of the defenders choice. And they will definitely need to add a lot more islands because those new guys are going to need their own private island. that is just a few off the top of my head. I might come back later for more lol. Some of the pc people on here “think” they want console players because it will bring extra players. Wait till those console players change the game for them.
  30. 1 point
    See, that's just the sort of thing you'd post to keep your cover intact. We're onto you. Don't worry, I know the problem of the lengthy season is a sticky wicket for you, so I won't reveal your true identity as long as you get me box seats for the playoffs.
  31. 1 point
    These are things we had actually spoken about today, at least in regards to additional QoL, taking a look at what mods are doing, and decay timers. I can't say any of it will change in the immediate future but we are certainly looking into these areas. As for 'to come' in the next Mega Update, so far it'll be what we've revealed thus far in Capts Logs, we can update the notes to include those. Beyond that, we'll be sharing details soon-ish and may even have a roadmap of sorts (no promises )
  32. 1 point
    Me too! The experience on PvE is SO much better than PvP. I am really happy I made the switch.
  33. 1 point
    Thanks for the report folks, known issue we're investigating
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Finally got on blackwood today (thx Mr J) and I gotta say it is absolutely stunning, Why people are still slating this game and its developers is beyond me, suggestions yeh, constructive criticism ok, but this game and it's devs do not deserve the hate they have been and are receiving. Yeh the games not perfect, but damn the amount we have got for the small amount we all paid is phenomenal. Frankly the price it is now on steam is an injustice,they are practically giving it to people. I think the haters need to lay off and let Atlas get firmly established.I for one wish to see it do really well, and on multi platforms too and i'm sure i'm not alone in this.
  36. 1 point
    start ShooterGameServer.exe Blackwood? -log -server -NoSeamlessServer or use a server manager, the one I'm using was just updated and has a dropdown to select Blackwood as the map.
  37. 1 point
    Thanks for answer man !!!! Really amazing ! Keep up the good work !
  38. 1 point
    Those structures/objects are negligible in comparison. We recognize that a more diverse selection of ship designs would be better received and we would like to give players more options not only for gameplay reasons but forging their own identities within the game and allowing them as much customization as possible, it's just more of a long term goal
  39. 1 point
    This is a known crash with UE4 games at the moment, it can happen with both Nvidia and AMD cards, though based on the reports we see it appears to be most common with Nvidia. Unreal has an issue tracker up for it at the moment, the targetted fix is for version 4.24 which is the next version (though that's not a guarantee), if they are able to resolve it or make changes to mitigate the crash, we'll be incorporating their fixes as soon as possible. https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-74575
  40. 1 point
    From our point of view, players who are interested in playing those game modes (non-dedicated and single player) aren't really interested in playing the Mass Multiplayer version of the game. Additionally, ATLAS has a pretty steep entrance in order to become competitive and it's very easy to get driven off of the main servers (at least on PvP). Providing these options give players an alternative choice, whilst we work to resolve ATLAS fundamental design issues. It's not something that will happen overnight, or I guess over the last 6 months. In hindsight, the team recognize there's a lot of things that could have been done differently, had we the power of foresight . We are planning for the long term and I am hoping it's something we'll be able to cover more in upcoming articles/streams -- you'll have to stay tuned for now .
  41. 1 point
    It's something we are looking into. Blackwood is pretty large, we had to make some technical changes to support the size of the map and this might be the reason we're not seeing as many spawns, not just due to the amount of space available but some tech reasons. If you're running on a non-dedi, you may have to wait a while in certain areas for all the spawners to appear (i.e fresh water sources around land masses).
  42. 1 point
    Can vouch for these guys, came across them yesterday and got in touch with them on their discord was really friendly and nice met up with them the same day and traded with them, really easy to find the base and the animals, and really really good prices for the animals, Cant go wrong buying from these guys will be buying from them again in the future +1 from The Sea Dogs in D7
  43. 1 point
    Alpha Lions Are really annoying if you Want you could pickup a Bear in G10 for free And Maybe some swivels And grapeshots to keep your tames Save or settle down on our island .
  44. 1 point
    This was the straw that broke the camels back in the end. It became more of a job, and when you are FORCED to do something all the time or your progress is lost its not going to go well in a game where all you do is build. They could have changed it at least for PvE, their playerbase there was mostly small groups and Solo players to begin with.
  45. 1 point
    A missing person’s report has been filed with appropriate authorities but at present the hat’s whereabouts are unknown. The issue is a sensitive one and many here are hesitant to speak openly about their fears regarding the hat’s fate, but the degree to which it is now overdue is not a promising sign. Authorities do say that a certain Cat is a “person of interest” with regard to the hat’s whereabouts. If you or anyone you know has information about either the Cat or the hat, they are urged to contact Inspector Jerryn immediately. Information which lead’s to the hat’s recovery may be rewarded with an ingame item.
  46. 1 point
    After finding decay timers getting reduced even further for stuff i'm getting close to pulling the plug. Training dummies now have 2 days 12 hours decay timer, lost one already because of it. Not much of a big deal for training dummies, but the constant reduction in decay timers just because spam can't be solved is getting ridiculous. If I wanted to play a 24/7 365 game then i'd be happy, but nerf decay timers is getting stupid. Even ARK wasn't this bad with decay timers.
  47. 1 point
    We should build a city somewhere to concentrate everyone left. Everybody could have a small base or shop. If anybody has the ambition to make the most populated city on atlas, I would come.
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