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  1. Hi. I am wondering when the next wipe is planned! to searche for mostly anything regarding atlas in GOOGLE is way to time consuming cus all i find is from 2020- 2019 and such. if anyone know's when nxt wipe is comming pls comment.
  2. I'm looking to get information on island wipes... will this only wipe structure or will it wipe any boats docked and tames/npc's? also.... would a boat have to be green anchored to be considered docked? i'm sure you know where i'm going with this... i would like to know exact specifics. Thanks!
  3. It would be cool if you would make it possible to save some things beyond the wipe e.g. the following: The character models (to be able to keep one's familiar looks) The XP count (in order to be able to get back to one's "former" level (similar to a respec even if the skill tree has changed) to enable players to rebuild quickly after the wipe(s) without the need to gather XP for hours or even days on end just to be able to craft the items needed to rebuild) The tames (for example by creating locations (e.g. at Freeports) where the former owners of the tames can redeem some kind of token after the wipe which can be used to spawn in their former tames) The ships (for example by creating locations (e.g. at Freeports) where players can sail their ships to to "bottle" them to be able to redeem those "ships in bottles" after the wipe to release them into the ocean again (e.g. somewhat like the Black Pearl in "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides")) Another possibility would be to make it possible to save everything that is transportable for example by adding the new map onto new servers and making it possible to sail from the "old world" (on the current servers) through some kind of portal or something into the "new world" (on the new servers) (and back) for a limited time (a month or so) after which the old/current servers would be fully replaced by the new ones to make it possible to bring ships, tames, resources, blueprints, gold etc. onto the new servers/into the new world.
  4. Hello! We have opened up a new Atlas-Blackwood server! As for now, it is quite fast-paced PvP with 30x rates. All rules, features, detailed settings & more can be found in-game - Just press F11. Any feedback is appreciated in our discord at #atlas_blackwood Mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1828720463 Server IP: steam://connect/foppasgaming.com:26050 Website: https://foppasgaming.com Discord: https://discord.gg/WRdqz5R How to add as a favorite: https://foppasgaming.com/connect/ Or follow this picture Invite your friends and join the battle! Regards FGC Team
  5. Hey ! Will the Servers rly wipe with the next patch??? Or is that just a horrible HORRIBLE rly rly rly Bad joke ?!
  6. PVE: Purchasable deed of land from an NPC bank for PVE servers perhaps? No foundation spamming. No one can put anything on your purchased land unless you have set permissions to do so. No one can build anything on unpurchased land. You pay tax on the land weekly? Bi-Weekly? Monthly? When someone quits, or just doesn't pay, it goes into foreclosure. A timer ticks down for the old owner to pay last minute. Otherwise (if this is possible for them to determine), everything on the land from the previous tenant comes with the new deed at a higher price determined by everything that would be included with the deed. If no one bids for it either the price continues to drop or a timer runs down until everything on the property is destroyed and the land price is reset. The deed price can also factor in other variables. Island size, property size, island resource wealth, company size of the purchaser. A large company would pay more than a soloer. And there has to be a workaround for someone in a large company to quit real quick to buy the land then join up again to just get the cheaper price. Just added thoughts. Work in progress. You can place your flag anywhere on your land that you have purchased. The price for deed purchase can be from gold, various tasks they set forth, or their quests they have mentioned implementing. The possibilities are endless. Perhaps the other options are open to 1 man Companies since it's harder to obtain measurable gold compared to teams of people. Just need some brainstorming for development. Hope this is clear. Upvote if this is something you could agree with. Edit: Owner can temporarily change permissions to allow someone to build a taming pen on their land.
  7. My prediction is that Grapeshot will use the rapidly sinking numbers post wipe announcement as an excuse to merger the servers and combine the EU and NA servers together (Both the PvE and PvP ones). So look forward to a future server where every nation is playing and the lag increases either for the NA players or the EU players.
  8. https://steamcharts.com/app/834910#7d Those numbers include both official and unofficial servers, so the chances are that the drop on official is higher than unofficial. It will probably get worse over the next few days as people start to 'go out with a bang' The biggest problem with the upcoming wipe is the wiping of characters, or more importantly the characters DP's. The real level grind in the game is search for and discovering as many of the DP's as possible which in turn lets you level up. People have literally spent hundreds of hours sailing from place to place to find these discovery points. By wiping characters there is simply no reason to log in for the next 3 weeks, this will result in players trying other games, some will find a new crack, others will just not want to face searching for the same DP's again. End result is a much smaller player base after the wipe. My suggestion is that they retain characters, set everybody's xp to 0, forced 'respec', wipe inventory, claims, tames, map etc so after the wipe everybody comes back with their characters as level 1's, with no xp and only retains their DP's. This would also encourage everybody to keep playing and spending the next 3 weeks exploring the map and keeping player engagement. Fail to do this and i generally think post wipe you will see a 30~50% player reduction than from before the wipe announcement.
  9. Can someone say definitely? Will there be a wipe of characters or not? Thanks.
  10. It would be great if there were carpets, flags, or other decorations. They would all thrill the atmosphere of a ship, captain's room. - Rare ornament stuffs from treasure chests - Carpet crafting on the Loom - Wall Flag crafting on the Loom etc.
  11. It's not really a suggestion, it's a question. After the rework, the grapling hook will be one-handed and i can use other tool when i use a hook? I can accept, even with the part of piracy skill tree.
  12. I understand the reasoning behind the wipe, especially as so much of the game is going to be altered with the update. I think many people probably also expected a wipe at some point, given Atlas is in early access and all. The issue I see with a total start-from-scratch wipe, though, is that there is now no incentive to keep playing until the update happens. If you're a fan of building, you probably aren't as excited about continuing to build knowing that you'll be losing it in a month. If you're a fan of raiding other players, perhaps the drive to do that diminished because everything you'll earn from it will go away in a month. If you're a fan of exploration or have spent a good number of hours finding discoveries, chances are you're gonna stop doing that since you'll start at 0 again in a month. My suggestion is to instead let discovery points persist. This gives players who wish to keep working toward something an incentive to do so, while still feeling rewarded after the wipe. This still allows everyone to start at level 1 with no skills or experience after the wipe takes place, so you'll still have that even playing field. The only real advantage current players will have is a higher level cap, but even then the grind to level up will have to take place regardless.
  13. I have been reading in some places that there may be a full wipe when the game leaves early access. Most of their argument is based on some things that happened in Ark, and therefore they presume that because it happened in Ark it will inevitably happen in Atlas. There also seems to be this troll campaign that makes talk to encourage a wipe, as well as speak as if they would love and cherish a wipe. I'm not really concerned about the 25$ I spent for "early access". I'm more concerned about the time I'm investing in the game that far exceeds a 25$ price tag. I haven't read anywhere from developers that there would be a wipe when the game leaves early access, or any wipes at all for that matter. Maybe it's implied in some vague lines in the EULA? At any rate I would just hope that if there is plans, or expectations of a wipe from the development team that they would tell us now.... or rather it would be nice to clarify on the subject. Maybe put it in BOLD LETTERING somewhere, so people know what to expect on the subject. Just a bit tired of the mystery of will we be able to keep our pixels or not. If you have any documentation, or word from the Development Team on the subject I would like to see it.
  14. You really think adding a gold upkeep is going to stop "zerg"... lol wtf... the more people you get the more gold you can farm... the mroe land you can have... even furthers the reason to have more and more people... WTF kind of logic is this... Cap the fuckin claim amount.... Its not rocket science... lmao... They can grief with claims, and steal the land then demolish their claims...... Claims shouldn't be an offensive weapon... they should be for the sole intent of LIVING ON THAT LAND.....wtf about this is hard to understand... Promote PVP... STOP PROMOTING GREIF.
  15. I would like to see the recent online time, level, DP of the company members on the company tab. for example, as in the picture: (The picture is just for illustration)
  16. Well, that kills it for me. Logged in after two days away to find that my all my buildings, shipyards, and ships were completely gone. As if that weren't enough, everything from my inventory was gone. To clarify: not gone because I died; gone from my inventory entirely. I'd received no message about dying/re-spawning, so that cannot have been it. "Just start from scratch", I hear some of you say. Yeah, nah. No point in that if everything I work toward is going to be wiped without warning while everyone else in the area is not.I'd been recommending ATLAS to friends who play(ed) ARK and other survival MMOs; but with this latest issue, I cannot do so in good conscience.
  17. I know this is going to sound like im whining here, but the claim system is broken. Anyone who did not get to any island within the first 24 hours of game release are screwed unless they intend to join a massive company. I get this game is MMO, so a certain lvl of competitiveness is a requirement. But the ability to claim an ungodly amount of land is too much. Every character should get 1-2 land claim flags. That way the larger companies still have the ability to claim an entire island. But people with a company of 5 or 6 would only be able to claim small islands, or partial islands. I feel that this would actually increase the competitiveness. Companies who share an island would either have to be allies or continuously watch their back. I dont agree with everyone saying that claims sould have upkeep, thats just a pipe dream. Not to mention if you have a life other than gaming, you are screwed. This game is currently designed for the large streaming masses who have huge companies, and nothing but time to play games. I've been playing with my company of 10 since release, but we have not once claimed any land or built anything bigger than a sloop simply because lawless islands are full of chineese griefers and the rest of the map is preclaimed by the super companies. I feel that the amount of land you can claim should be a reflection of how many people are in your company. More players=More land. I know the Devs will probably never see this but let me know if im being unreasonable here. Does anyone else see this or is it just me?
  18. Hello Serious Dev's of ATLAS, - First point : Time out issue : You really need to fix that, the problem can come from the connection system, from battleye verification, i don't know.. buy it's not normal to see the population of a server decrease on time because no one can reconect to it. - Second point : Your Claim system is not satisfaying for solo players, or, little groups of players, he is really cool for big company but the balance is not existant between those groups. If we judge both sides you have : Big company = Fully playable, ressources unlimited, can do whatever they want. - Little groups / Solo players : Can't claim anythings, no ressources available, can't do nothing.. = unplayable. - Third point : Your algorythm who generate island is not enough worked, i'm sorry to tell you that but the patch is too much visible on each square, each island.. The ressources are too much unbalance dispatched. They are too much spawn point on water, on dangerous groups of animals, they are too much mountain on little island, and groups of animals are too big and agreessive considering the size of un island. I don't forget, it's an Early Access, i just resume what is not good, or good enough to succefully enjoy the game. Because, the idea of Pirates, the gameplay and the mechanic are really good. I know it's the end of the year, so holidays, partys, for everyone.. So, i just hope you gonna listen some players, and i hope you are going in the good direction. Have a great hoilidays, everyone. Sorry for my shitty English.
  19. the game started at 255 ms in all points of respown, some people managed to alir but the vast majority did not and now the islands are full of flags which we can not catch because they have 4000000 beds and teleport, we need a wipe NOW or this game will be without players in less than 1 week, the thing is serious, a group of 20 people can not do anything, less than one and we are only 30, we are more than 300 and part of the lag that gives, we come With galleons simply because they have played 1 day before, they said that creating boats would be difficult, there are already people with huge boats and many cannons, there is also no island or island, boring sea when ghost ships and hidden treasures were promised, where everything is promised ?
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