I know this is going to sound like im whining here, but the claim system is broken. Anyone who did not get to any island within the first 24 hours of game release are screwed unless they intend to join a massive company. I get this game is MMO, so a certain lvl of competitiveness is a requirement. But the ability to claim an ungodly amount of land is too much. Every character should get 1-2 land claim flags. That way the larger companies still have the ability to claim an entire island. But people with a company of 5 or 6 would only be able to claim small islands, or partial islands. I feel that this would actually increase the competitiveness. Companies who share an island would either have to be allies or continuously watch their back. I dont agree with everyone saying that claims sould have upkeep, thats just a pipe dream. Not to mention if you have a life other than gaming, you are screwed. This game is currently designed for the large streaming masses who have huge companies, and nothing but time to play games. I've been playing with my company of 10 since release, but we have not once claimed any land or built anything bigger than a sloop simply because lawless islands are full of chineese griefers and the rest of the map is preclaimed by the super companies. I feel that the amount of land you can claim should be a reflection of how many people are in your company. More players=More land. I know the Devs will probably never see this but let me know if im being unreasonable here. Does anyone else see this or is it just me?