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Everything posted by eeeceee

  1. Lol, welcome to a last year. Please feel free to catch up on what you have missed Not sure what you are replying to, but ,unfortunately, that is the most plausible explanation
  2. yeah man video games!!! yeah soo coooooooll!! lol derp
  3. errr..... ok put down the bong. Get a job. loloolol.
  4. Thanks for the laugh :) also @Chismebeard what do you mean you don't know how to login to the atlas forum? What do you mean by there is nothing for you to say? Can I ask, what do you think is the point of a community manager if they don't manage or even communicate with the community?
  5. Sorry, but this doesn't make sense. If you guys are not really developing the current state of the game, and its the players, then to be blunt, what would you know about the meta? If I could shield bash spam you I think I would... haha.
  6. They have always had issues updating patch notes. They don't know that it needs to be updated, they just occasionally update it, maybe if somebody asks them to. They probably forget how to even login to the forum half the time. edit: Oh, and they never respected their players.
  7. The wording of that first question is interesting. Up until now I don't believe I've seen the devs (?) mention a "fix" without ensuring that they also say something about how they know freeports are used by new players, and that they benefit new players arguably better than megas who are "abusing" them which requires a vague "fix". This "fix" would probably be similar to how they apparently intended to "fix" underwater fobs by patching back in cannon barrels. Haha
  8. Lolwut. Pointless? Nice. Anyway, hopefully tames and breeding get buffed. @DannyUK how is your silo going?
  9. Touch my triple threat treat discovery bed and I will wipe your island.
  10. Err... ok, lets copy paste more links for wargaming.net and not explain ourselves.
  11. Hahaha thanks. Yeah, take down 500 galleys within 6 months to get a single large speed sail. You got your reward, and it is reasonable, large speed sail with good stats is too good for you.
  12. The core of this game is that it is open world, sandbox, and has a persistent world. PVP is something you can do in a sandbox, so it is also probably a core of the game. PVE is just PVP without the PVP. PVP does contain all of the PVE gameplay, and the devs appear to have tried to just develop the game for PVP, then remove the PVP in order to create a PVE only mode. I can't blame them, and I wish they would just develop the game. Nice story, another group of players that play PVE that you missed is the people who realise the PVP mechanics are mostly lame/undeveloped/imba/boring and want to just play the content (lol)
  13. OP is in lawless? Claims? Wow this thread looks like such a mess. It is never appropriate to grief (back), griefing is sad.
  14. An example of number of players on different servers, which is the same sort of server, a global server. Hmm. Ok. Makes total sense to me. smh
  15. Wargaming.net? @Bugboy its paint, so yes you have been in a coma
  16. That appears quite desperate, lol. Do you want this to be a good game, or just make money?
  17. So rude. How difficult is it for other people to type on a forum what you just tried to type? Just so very rude.
  18. @Chismebeard, @Nami, and @Gortok? *crickets* lol
  19. That would require coding. So, good luck with that. With that said, this is not at all a critical issue or something that the devs should spend any time on. If you are playing pvp, you cannot expect people to not destroy your stuff. Heck, i dont expect my own company to not take my stuff.
  20. Why do you have stutters when looking around? Have you tried launching in low memory mode? Are you in a harbour with 20 galleons etc? Would be nice if there was some optimisation, ark runs much better than atlas on my rig. You know the history of this game though, so all I can say is good luck.
  21. What? Do you even play this game, mate?
  22. What else do people forget? I wonder why you are not commenting on other posts to assist the many with making decisions on whether to play?
  23. Ark has transponders to help with lost animals, sadly it appears the devs (lol?) forgot to copy paste the code or give a shit. Same with command groups. Haha damn "until the game is finished at least" made me laugh.
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