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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Woah. Stop right there. There is so much wrong with this post I'm gonna have to make a list, so buckle up. 1. My criteria of a finished game, whatever it might be, is DEFINITELY somewhere above where Atlas currently is. Lack of meaningful content, lack of core MMO game systems like group finder or hell even grouping at all, ongoing experimentation with key design functionality like claim systems, many islands being copies of each other just rotated and with different biomes on them. All of these things and many more point to Atlas being miles away from a finished game and it matters little what another poster's exact definition of their criteria might be when the game being discussed is nowhere near any reasonable person's definition of such. Not even the devs. We are 8 months into what they said would be a 2 year EA. 2. I don't need to grasp the technical challenges that go along with "a project of this magnitude" any more than you need to understand the technical challenges of designing the car you drive. All you need to know is that if it doesn't have a transmission or brakes, you're not getting in it, are you? And you definitely know enough to know that if it leaves you by the side of the road 5 miles after leaving the dealership, something is not up to par. I do need to have patience and not show up at the head engineer's house while he's still designing it and complain that I didn't win the Indy 500 with his prototype, but that is meaningfully different from what you're asserting, which is that somehow we need extensive technical knowledge to offer any criticism or feedback of the game in it's current state when in fact all we need is the ability to compare it to similar games we've already played. You can compare cars without needing to know how to build or design one, it's the same with games. 3. "...demanding free support for a 13$ purchase..." There is so much wrong with this statement I almost don't know where to start, but here we go. First of all, the statement itself demonstrates a lack of understanding of both Early Access and the MMO genre. The game is unfinished, of course it still needs support. How can you even argue we aren't owed support for a product that is clearly sold as not yet completed? The idea in and of itself boggles the mind. Secondly MMO's even when completed and released require support indefinitely because they entail ongoing development. New content is always being added over time (in theory), so support should always be ongoing because new issues will always pop up. This genre is not a static product that ever reaches a state where no further support is needed. 4. "....$13 purchase that your parents spent over six months ago." Look dude, it's 2019. I don't know if you've realized it or not, but there are a hell of a lot of gamers that don't fit your 1996 football jock's idea of what gamers are that was never valid. I'm a grown man with a career and all of the responsibilities and experience of an adult. I've been playing online games since 2004, and if you think I'm some kind of exception to the rule in this regard your overall impression of gamers is woefully off base. None of us appreciate your condescending characterization of people that disagree with you as immature brats. You would do well to disabuse yourself of this notion, as this statement says far more about you and your wrongheaded assumptions than it does about the people you're talking about. 5. "...let some air into that dwelling, it will do wonders into the long run." Funny, based on your prior statements in this post, maybe I should say the same about you. Again, it's 2019, characterizing gamers as socially inept shut ins who do nothing but sit in the mythical parents basement and play games without expose to the outside world is a notion that is far removed from reality. Video games are now a bigger industry than Hollywood: https://lpesports.com/e-sports-news/the-video-games-industry-is-bigger-than-hollywood Or do you also think everyone who goes to movies is just some lonely nobody who sits in the dark munching popcorn because they have no other life? If you do, again it says far more about you than it does about the people you're slandering this way. 6. "entitled playerbase" This game's first half year and change have turned out to be one of the least auspicious beginnings to just about any game ever. Atlas is currently an industry poster child for how NOT to do an Early Access launch or game. While the opera ain't over til the fat lady sings, blaming the few remaining players that are still here, still playing and offering feedback and input to the game's developers and calling them entitled is unfair and a bit mind boggling. The entitled left a long time ago, they took one look at the game's buggy barely playable state and left within the first week, maybe the first month, by the wipe at the very latest. Anyone still here has stuck with this game through thick and thin (mostly thin) because they are either enjoying it despite it's myriad issues, or they see potential for it to be something worth their time down the road. For you to paint us all with the broad brush you have based on your half baked assessment of who and what we are says (anyone sensing a theme here?) more about you than it does about us.
  2. 2 points
    Actually i never meant to imply the fantasy theme was a bad thing. I only find it unfathomable how that fantasy term is used as a cheap excuse for having a stupenduous amount of taming related content in the game, and little beyond that. "Look, fantasy pirates don't use ships for that. No, really. What they really be using is...... *drumroll* BEARS". Having what you consider to be a "pure" pirate experience without all the romanticism that comes with the theme probably wouldn't be any more interesting than being a real pirate on the somalian shore is these days. Them trying to sell their shortcomings as being in tune with and practically required by "the lore" kinda ticks me off. Pirates plus sea monsters and krakens and mermaids and heck even dragons is A-OK in my book. Pirates plus bears and armored infantry tortoises and elephants and chicken however is not.
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    There is exactly zero incentive to PVP in atlas. Why hassle with trying to attack an enemy fleet in an epic sea battle, or siege a well equipped fort with heroic defenders when you can simply wait for your enemies to log off, then kill them without resistance and destroy everything they ever created in the game in minutes. Once your enemy logs off, they are defenseless, sleeping, and therefore can be killed with a single hit and looted of all possessions without any skill or difficulty involved. There are no safe places to log off either. The strongest walls anyone can build in the game can be destroyed with a few salvos from a ship, so in about 10 seconds. Even walls that are built far away from shores can be destroyed by a single cannon cart in about two minutes. Also, a simple cannon has longer range than any defensive armament of a base, so you can safely park your ship or cannon cart outside any base, and shoot it without any chance of retaliation. Any ship you may build will also go down in a matter of seconds if found unmanned, even if you spent a week building it. Suppose you are really vested into not dying when you log off, and decide to spend an enormous amount of time and effort building on a remote mountain top that is both away from ships, and cannot be reached by cannon carts. Well, then then any attacker can still destroy the strongest wall you can build in the game with about 30 grenades, in about 2 minutes. To put this into context, grenades are relatively cheap to make and the average player can carry about a hundred. Interestingly, not only is it incredibly fast and easy to kill people offline and destroy entire bases, its rather expensive to build them. Atlas has the odd logic of making it cheaper to attack a fort than to defend one, even not counting the range advantage of attackers that makes all the defensive armaments useless anyway. At the moment not even mega companies seem to keep a large enough player force to defend themselves 24/7, so just build yourself a cheepo ship, get a horse with a cart, pack in a few grenades and sail around to find any building or ship left unattended for two minutes. Destroy it, loot it then move on. Its what everybody seems to be doing as its the most efficient strategy with the current game mechanics. A single player in underpants can currently beat any mega. I had this stupid idea a month ago to start the game, team up with some friends, build an awesome pirate base and fleet and then look for other fleets to battle. After a month, the four other guys left, as if we built something, it would always be destroyed while we were offline. We never witnessed an actual battle. We did see ships sometimes, but if they found us online, they would just sail away without attacking, and avoided us if we tried chasing them. The few allies we met have the exact same experience (most of them left after getting wiped repeatedly). I have only witnessed actual ship vs ship combat on videos. And to be fair, cruising around we found countless fleets moored on shore with their owners logged off, and also countless bases built by fellow players. We made the policy of not attacking anything if there are no players on it, as it did not seem much fun griefing others. But for most people this is the game: find an unattended ship or base, destroy it, then loot it. If you find other players, then just avoid them. Offline griefing is by far the most efficient strategy in this game, and this makes it a very unrewarding experience in my opinion. Its not the fault of the players, its a mistake of the game developers that made offline raiding the easiest and most rewarding activity in Atlas. A very poor game design choice if I may say so.
  5. 1 point
    Let me start off with this first, I'm a PvE player so this goes from PvE only (my view); the following is not meant to be too sarcastic but you guys really have done a great job in letting the (almost) entirely community go to the bottom of the sea and even deeper. Why? Thats an answer you all know, the silence on all threads and only responses on the Blackwood thread makes it even harder for the majority of players to even making it worth while to comment on this forum. Here goes; Almost 1600 hours playtime. Thats how many I got since the release in december 2018. Good deal for a game wich costed me about 20 euros. When I saw the anouncement; ATLAS, a MMO with 40K players. THE pirategame where you can tame and breed animals, NPCs and even companymembers, I was stunned. Finally a game wich lives up to my name and created by the people from ARK. I just loved ARK and almost everything about it. I often wondered how it was like to sail around in a pirateship and do the same as in ARK. Taming, basebuilding, making awesomely insane ships, upgrading canons/weapons and so on. Now we got the chance of fighting pirates and all what came with it. Hyped. Everyone got hyped, we watched the TWITCH channel for the release and even when it got delayed, people still wanted this game so badly. It looked like you guys hit it spot on. We all where gathering old friends to buy this game and set up companies. Opened up multiple Discord channels and we where LOVING it. In the next weeks after release, we got alot of patches, the game is in EA and it needed alot of tweaking. Players where giving alot of tips and bugs and we had the feeling you guys learned from ARK and finally stood closer to the community then before. Then; the wipe. The wipe was something needed, we all can agree on that. New players where given a chance to try and get an island for their own, next to alot of improvements such as the claimingsystem. We where all hoping for more "piratecontent", wich was promised to us. More boats/different canons/breeding NPCs/villages bursting with activities like in the anouncements. We also got a skin for helping you guys out. (ikr), communitymanagers where appointed to keep in touch, but to be honest, here it stopped. Entirely. I'll never forget your face Jat, when people where spamming the TWITCH feed with comments like; Where are the new shipbuilds? Why is there a charwipe? Why don't you fix bugs? It was there and then we said as an alliance;" He's in way over his head, this game will never leave EA." Griefing. Players and companies where being griefed big time. Like us, we tried to get help in alot of ways. The only response I got, after 3 days of continiously spamming the the "ticketbox"; "I see what I can do, but I can not give you any info from here on." Thanks for that, I guess. Alot of companies where not having the "luck" of being smarter then the one who griefed them, they also tried to get in touch and/or help, but nothing happened. They left and felt like being stabbed in the back, most of them never will return. I remember and issue with one of our allies at that time, they went on and on and on for weeks on the Discord from ATLAS. Finally they got help from one of the admins. It was solved in 5 minutes, the griefing player was warned firmly and it was solved. 5 Minutes it took for the admin, was it that much for the other admins to do this? And before everyone goes ranting on them, remember they are being told to do things. Or not. The "Mega updates". You gotta be kidding me? That was our first reaction. Unreal, we get a, yes people; A Ron Jeremy of camels. I still can not believe it, an animal to make salt water tastes sweet, it feels like a screwup wich was done with sweet waterspots during the design of the game. No new ship designs, no new canons... Erm, ok, we got a torpedolauncher wich is almost completely useless on at least PvE and wich is expensive as.... For soloplayers/little companies? Nothing changed, it has gotten worse. Foundation and pillerspam? Some companies think it's normal to bomb places entirely, still happening. I asked once if a company wanted to remover theirs, I got so much BS about it, now they even made all of the floors 5 wide. "We just want to prevent other people from building there, due to the resources." And how about blocking other players to build? "There is space enuf now, let them keep on searching..." Sigh... pathetic. And not a single person from ATLAS does something about it. July mega update? It's august ffs. We don't even want to know the updates anymore and alot of players do not even care anymore. We know we're getting new animals and a new gun. That's not wat we want; WE WANT NEW SHIPS, NEW PIRATE CONTENT, BREEDING NPCS, NO MORE BROKEN PROMISSES! I do not care anymore about fixing, for instance, the so much hated building bug? Keep it, you guys know how to fix it, but leave it please. It has been fixed by a couple of modmakers. And in this rate with the game being drowned, we all go to unofficials. This game should NEVER been thrown into EA. It has been completely changed since it has been introduced as a "Pirate MMO with 40K players." Too bad to see all players go, people we got to know in the last 6 months are mostly gone allready. They will not return, so be happy with their cash. I really couldn't care any less if one of you responded or not anymore. Only one thing me and alot of players want to know now; Is this game going to be as it was sold to us or not?
  6. 1 point
    You just asked if there was an EA game with better numbers lol and btw everything is apples compared to the orange that is atlas. it is such a hodge podge of random stuff that is probably doesn’t even know what it’s own pro nouns would be if it was human lol
  7. 1 point
    Forb Hidden has the right of it on this. I looked this up several months back, but no worries, I was also incorrect when I first looked it up. Early access From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the video game industry term. For the clinical drug testing term, see expanded access. Early access, also known as early funding, alpha-access, alpha founding, or paid-alpha, is a funding model in the video game industry by which consumers can purchase and play a game in the various pre-release development cycles, such as pre-alpha, alpha, and/or beta, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue further development on the game. Those that pay to participate typically help to debug the game, provide feedback and suggestions, and may have access to special materials in the game. The early-access approach is a common way to obtain funding for indie games, and may also be used along with other funding mechanisms, including crowdfunding. Many crowdfunding projects promise to offer access to alpha and/or beta versions of the game as development progresses; however, unlike some of these projects which solicit funds but do not yet have a playable game, all early access games offer an immediately playable version of the unfinished game to players.
  8. 1 point
    I second this request. I have been playing ATLAS since the early access launch and suffered through the server wipe and was forced to farm and rebuild/re-tame everything back and STILL, the game gets boring at a certain point since there is literally nothing to do in the late game (UNLESS YOU HAVE A LARGE COMPANY TO BOSS/DUNGEON FIGHT). Please for the love of ATLAS, implement AI humanoids that will liven up the game as they toil to gather their own resources, hunt the wilderness, build up their own bases and naval fleets, and eventually declare war on other Playing Characters.
  9. 1 point
    you want criteria of a finished game in 2019?? how about this: once again the problem with the game is not the technical state, rather for example the fact that the team is focusing in other projects as atlas xbox and ark genesis at the same time and also as i have stated in other posts: -Decay system (psychological tactic used to force you to log in the game, is part of what big scum companies like Ubisoft call "live services") -Lack of a meaningfull progression -Content hidden behind groupal activities -Lack of ingame logic (pirates are forced to live under a feudal lord, submarines fire ballista ammo instead of torpedos, boats can fire torpedos instead of cannon balls, bows have higher DPS than guns, etc) -Usless skill tree branches (the only reason to go for the weapons skill branch is the carbine since we all know bows have higher DPS and versatility than guns) -Ship upgrades dont feel meaningfull and are lost upong ship sinking (wich forces you to not use that ship you worked hard for due to high risk low reward situations) -SotD gold drops are stupidly low wich forces you to do treasures (being forced to do something you might not like doesnt rly feel like the life a pirate would choose) -Time and effort put in the game doesnt feel rewarding -Game feels very unfriendly towards solo players (having to stop after each fight to manually repair the ship breaks the immersion) -Unnecessary nerfs of fun features like guns and gliders -Exploration is boring, repetitive, tedious and unrewarding -Sailing is boring, and overly simplistic (no special skills, no cool animations, only fire cannons, fire cannons again, and fire cannons until you fall sleep) -Earning gold feels meaningless (there is no cool goal to grind gold for in PvE) also not enough variety in ways to obtain gold other than treasure chests (SotDs should drop gold, not fucking people) as you see most atlas's problems are concepts wrongly implemented, is not even about the money or the shady tactics they use, is about companies in 2019 delivering low quality products under the excuse of "early access", it only hurts the developers who really need to gather money to keep up on their projects by releasing early access, i can guaratee you many people see this as a learning experience to never buy early access games again (and all that because some greedy bastards) if you rly want to support early acces games, you cannot help to normalize games being released in this lame state
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    imo the pets on themselfs are not a bad addition, but the sailing and pirating has been left soooooo abandoned that is inevitable to compare and deem pets as unnecesary content, but content is not the main problem in the game, i think the problem is the lack of common sense, lack of good priorities critera and the most basic psychology principles not being even considered when implementing stuff, like: -skill tree: good idea -well impelented?: no -blue prints: good idea -well impelented?: no -Progression: super good idea -well impelented?: not even close etc etc etc we as humans cannot avoid looking at the neighboor's grass when its greener than ours (even i had one or 2 rants about pets being op and getting too much attention from the devs), but rather than wishing them bad we should focus asking a balanced investment of time in the different aspects of the game, yet again if the devs are too busy planning their xbox cashgrab and the new ark expansion well.... then the problem rather than pets is probably greed.
  12. 1 point
    If they can't be replaced by something non-taming-related, then yes. Even just one would be too much. At least now i know what to expect from the ark company. Apparently, the key point in pirate life seems to be the baby cuddle intervals. It is funny how this important part has been left out of almost every pirate related narrative ever. I guess that was just bad storytelling. Or those just weren't fantasy pirates, only the regular, totally boring kind of pirates. Now if you'd excuse me, i have to go collect some fucking berries so my bear won't starve. I'm just kidding. I stopped playing this shit a week ago.
  13. 1 point
    @Darcascia What network are you on? Need to know so I can hop on and take a look
  14. 1 point
    A good way to find them is climbing up high rocks and gliding around - yes you will losing climbing picks and gliders but it gives the best view of the ground. Also look up, a couple times we have found them either on top of or near the top of tall rocks. I don't even want to know how they got up there but it wasn't by accident that's for sure. Another thing to mention is the official playatlas discord, they do have people monitor the channels there especially the bug reports channel - if you do a big search and can't find it report it in that channel and there is a good chance it will be checked on there and then.
  15. 1 point
    We still have Plenty wild Level 89 to sell with alot of points to Spent, so you can Level them to 125 Instant can Check as soon as im online
  16. 1 point
    @The D Legacy 1. It was (or still is) early access in alpha state and was sold like that. 2. You payed around 20 euros for this game. Same as around 30...50'000 other people did too. What do you think how much your voice count, if you make some suggestions? If you donate 300'000.- or more I'll be sure they listen to you way more. And selling games in ea and bring it on console as fast as possible now is just the way, a small company can develop a game today. Or you get around 1...2mio beside, then you can finish a game and sell it when it's complete. All of this is just logically and should not be necessary to write down. Then we have Realist. He never payed a cent for the game and behave as the sun would turn around him. Just wait and see what happens. You can't change it anyways (or become a major sponsor).
  17. 1 point
    Hello there, I am fairly new to Atlas (3+ weeks or so) and despite all the weird glitches and server connectivity issues, I'm having a blast. I have, however, few gripes against the game that might seem minor but, in my opinion, influence the overall feel of the game especially for new guys like myself. So here are my questions: 1) Are you planning on redesigning the interface? The current one is, to put it gently, a little bit coarse... that font (the font is so bad that using Comic Sans would actually make it better), the overlapping sections, unintuitive icons, hard to read the information on the screen etc. - I believe that the interface might be one of the most off-putting things for the newcomers. I came here from Ark so I'm used to a rough design but I know people (2 blokes I hoped to have in my company) that issued a Steam refund ticket after seeing the tutorial message. 2) I have a feeling that there are very limited sources of experience for dedicated builders/housekeeping types of players. I am running with a small crew of four guys, while three of them run around collecting maps I build, farm, tame, harvest and do maintenance and I am literally getting no experience when compared to the guys that are running some cheap, common maps. The only chance of getting any experience points is when I encounter an alpha creature. Do you have any plans to grant players more sources of experience gain in the future? 3) It appears to me that fighting Fleet of the Damned ships, unless you are looking for some higher-level NPC's, is currently a waste of resources. I might be wrong since I'm new to the game but I have downed my fair share of lvl 20ish vessels and the rewards are rather disappointing for the amount of effort you have to put into this. Especially gold-wise it seems much more time/resource effective to just do sunken treasures all-day - 0 effort and only resource you use up is fish oil. Do you have any plans of rebalancing that? 4) I see that lots of people are asking about more tames, I for one believe that we don't need an "Ark but with boats" and making a tame-centric pirate game will completely ruin its unique feel. Boats and naval combat should be one of the key selling points of a pirate game, not tames. And there is a lot of cool stuff that you guys still can implement to enhance that aspect of the game. That being said I am wondering if you guys plan to implement more ships and ship customization options in the future? 4b) Somewhat connected to the previous question: I am watching lots of tutorials on boat building in Atlas, and it seems that there is no reason to even use the broadside cannon planks since nobody fights like that, instead we see some disgusting abominations with ceiling contraptions and stacked cannons, are there any plans to gently push players towards more "realistic" naval combat? Or the meta will remain roof-covered eyesores?
  18. 1 point
    I got only one; Will this game be the game you sold to us?
  19. 1 point
    Whilst hard work would be lost, I think people wouldn't mind a wipe so much if they at least could keep the hard earnt Discovery Points they have got. I get the fact they might need to wipe the map clean but no need to wipe the characters DP's.
  20. 1 point
    Can we expect a pirate game anytime soon? Or will it just be taming creatures like Ark?
  21. 1 point
    I know this has been raised many, many times but having 8 ships of the damned camping IN a zone border is NOT fun or CHALLENGING, its just a pain in the neck. I do mean IN not ON there were 4 on one side of the zone border and 3 on the other. This is on top of the fact that there are typically 4 or 5 in a squad with multiple squadrons close to each other. I know this is a personal thing but when they were solo you could avoid them or fight them but this just kills the game for me and I suspect a lot of other solo players. On top of which they respawn pretty much instantly. I've been using fly/kill then just leaving the lot because I just hate the mechanic and don't want to deal with it but if I kill them too far away they'll have respawned by the time I get back to my ship. So please at least on solo player could we get the numbers/spawn rate of them either turned down, off or made adjustable by the player so people who actually enjoy this can keep it and those like me who hate it (especially since half the time we're on a slow ship sailing into the wind) can just turn the whole thing off entirely.
  22. 1 point
    Balance is as always the key and appeasing all is never going to happen. That said, as has been mentioned by others, I’d like to see the two modes rolled up into one server hub with PVP and PVE zones with the power stone zones belonging to the Damned and the Freeports belonging to A.I. Navies of various nationalities and the Lawless Zones belonging to A.I. pirates. Get a reputation system going to align you with an A.I. Nation and Navy or A.I. Pirate band, then make the rare resources a little more scarce and spread out around the map to give you a reason to travel 15 Grid squares and kick off proper trade routes and hubs in the aforementioned A.I. hubs. Want the safe route? Yep, 15 squares, want the shortcut of 7 squares, you’ll be needing to transit PvP and or Pirate zones matey! This also lets the casual PvE’s try out PvP without committing to a server though, win win! Certainly the wildlife needs to be more lethal, I should be running and squealing like a little girl when I see a 20ft Cobra not waltzing up to it and casually poking it with a sharp stick, but an Alpha bunny? Really? That said, whilst the Fountain of youth quest shouldn’t be an easy stroll through the daisy’s, it seems that a lucky nudie run is the only way to do it as I certainly don’t see how the hell else you’re supposed to do it!
  23. 1 point
    Part of problem is that the developers/staff are in some discords other than official. These players have a chance to talk to the team and feed back to the team so they feel heard. Many here have to wait on the information from the team via the official network be it forum and discord and there has been no word from the team. It has been awfully quiet and yes we know whens its quiet there is a possibility of something good to be released. Perhaps they could do something like 7dtd and have a Devs Dairy in the forums. This could let everyone know what they are working on and what issues they are working with. They have two community staff that also could drop information into it and it dosnt have to be weekly. That way more information is out on the community and it have a better flow of information between all parties. A Devs dairy also might shed some light to on why they made a decision or removed a feature they said they were going to add at the time. Not everyone here understands coding or putting a game together. I know through the 7dtd Dev dairy I was better understand what was happening with the game and was totally fascinated at how they worked out AI pathing and all that went into just to get a zombie to attack a building on horde night. This also helped to stop some of the anger and frustration in the community and brought in more players. They dont have alot of time to get information out in a stream and you can see they have and want to share more of what they are able to in the time allowed.
  24. 1 point
    Appreciate ya keeping this thread active and edited. Number of good ideas in here
  25. 1 point
    You flatter me, snowflakes are intricate, complex, and beautiful, but I have a gf so don't be hitting on me any more, she might get jealous. As for the rest of your post, you seem to be indulging in hyperbole. Just to clarify though, my issues with SoD fleets are: A) Most players don't sail around with fleets that I've noticed unless they happen to be in large companies, so why does it make sense to have SoD fleets? It is intrinsically unbalanced. The only purpose this could possibly serve is to encourage players to make cheese builds and use cheese tactics, or to grief players. B) I don't find fighting SoD particularly satisfying, they don't obey natural laws and aren't beholden to wind direction like players are, have 360 degree firing arcs, and you can't board their ships. But if I do fight them I'd prefer 1 v 1 if I'm in anything smaller than a galleon. In an Age of Sails type game I want to exchange proper broadsides with other sailing vessels. C) I get that I will sometimes lose things, it makes me angry sometimes but I deal with it. But if I am going to lose things I prefer it happen because I made a mistake, rather than I simply zoned, found myself surrounded and destroyed, and there was nothing I could do about it. That's not fun for me, there was no point to it other than to waste my time and resources. Games are supposed to be fun, and this ain't it. I would like to see SoD returned to single encounters, or at most 2 or 3 in a general area, not 6. If they want to put whole fleets in put them in areas that are indicated to be higher difficulty areas like the golden age ruins. I don't think that's unreasonable at all. I would also like to see proper NPC sailing ships that I can exchange broadsides with and fight the way actual ships fought historically. I get it's a fantasy game but SoD just aren't that interesting to fight for me.
  26. 1 point
    So this whole new SOTD fleet mechanic, in my opinion, is one of the worst ideas by the devs. They're too powerful for solo play or small corp, lost a schooner right on border transition spawned right into them and I could not get away from the SOTD gally and sunk me. This is the 2nd ship that I lost because they are just too powerful and there nothing I can really do but roll the dice that I don't spawn on top of them in the border transition.
  27. 1 point
    This is worst idea. It's good to hunt one high level SODs, but not fight 5 of them. Today we fight 5 SODs in m12. We spent a lot of ammos finnally destroyed an galion with 50 LV. However, there are still 4small SODs. SO, we have no time to collect our reward. When we kill all of them and come back, the reward already disappear. This is so stupid. the reward of SODS was too low. Hunting SODS is more difficult than digging treasures. However, reward for destroying an SOD only equal 10%of digging a treasure map. There are so many low level SODs and destroy them only can get some garbage.
  28. 1 point
    All I want is lights that don’t “glow”through walls. You shouldn’t see the glow from a camp fire ina honeycombed based behind 6 stone walls lol. Makes everything look ridiculous
  29. 0 points
    whats your criteria of a 'finished' game? oh right there isnt one, the biggest issue is an entitled playerbase that has neither any grasp the realities of or the technical challenges that go along with a project of this magnitude, yet here you all are keep demanding free support for a 13$ dollar purchase that your parents spent over six months ago. like i said, let some air into that dwelling, it will do wonders in the long run
  30. 0 points
    LOL No. Atlas has SO many fixes to the shit thats broken with Ark. The problem is other players and PvP imbalance. Why do you think PvE is getting more popular? People still like Atlas, just not the PvP. Just shut your yammer about the game 'til it comes out please.
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