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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I read your text and just want to ask you: are you too lazy to play a game of this size? survival means: do something. U can easy cook some food and skill in vitamin deploying. I have never problems with the vits. Too hot or too cold? Craft gear, skill in fortitude. We get islands in the desert and in the deepest polar regions. Never get problems with the weather. Skill the temperature-penalty of armours helps too. No water?! Place a barrel in areas with rain or a stone reservoir in desert sectors. U will have way too much water for crops, cooking and refill your bottles. Or dig with a shovel and refill your bottles. Building a ship takes too long? Definitely not!! I can easy farm and build up a brig while 1x is active in 3 hours, solo... Too easy... I think you're just a spoiled dude who never had to work hard. You can easily manage that game.
  2. 1 point
    3k gold gone in total for a handful of crew in 4 hours. And apparently also out of the flag, even with settings set to "no one". EU PvE.
  3. 1 point
    Sorry guys, had a belly full of ale and after typing a few lines decided nobody cares anyway. Yes, I've been playing solo on NA PVE since day after wipe... Day of wipe the usual tribe/clan/company/etc leader logged in long enough to build a 4x4 straw hut in M3 and log back in when I was there to join "coffee Company". Oddly enough there is no coffee in the game but I sure get asked to sell some often. Love that and it will keep me coming back, along with feeding all the critters I have in outposts around the world expecting friends to come back. Anyway, I scoffed at single player at first. Been playing online games forever, maxed out first credit card on The ImagiNation Network at $3 per hour. Not having to carry around a couple turds to eat when malnutrition sets-in is almost worth the solitude... Almost.
  4. 1 point
    Hello. now its my time to show what i have build in this game. Im a newly member of the company Fairy Tail, that are located in G10 Magnolia island, on the PVE EU Server. They wanted me to join so i could do some building for them, really love to build big in is game. We have hit the structure limit so it cant be bigger than this, last pic there are an elephant in front, it should give a idea of how big this building is. Lolle Mi the captain of the company had an idea, she wanted a big cathedral were the back should point against the sunrice. I have done 99% of the building by myself, the others have helped farmed the resourses for this project. Thanks alot to Lolle Mi, Zottel Bartacus, Malin Whalefish and Edward Paw This building is inspired by the Notre dame. Hope you all like it.
  5. 1 point
    Bears take 4 hours to reach 10%, same amount of time as gestation takes (on 1x). EDIT: Wasn't sure if you were referring to 1x or 2x when you said 2h 30m.
  6. 1 point
    Every single time I get a crewmen.. sharks instantly spawn next to them and kill them. Even if i use the dingy.. or diving suit.
  7. 1 point
    So i woke up made my coffee and got on my computer loaded up steam and saw your update post. I have to say im very proud of all of you. Most of these little shit mongers that had bought your game complain 24/7 most not all i want you to know there are some people who love atlas and are super happy about the singleplayer. Amazing work im getting 90 fps no lag im so happy thank you.Im sure thier will be bugs but im sure youll fix them.
  8. 1 point
    The way large numbers of players complained endlessly about vitamins without ever acknowledging that a reasonable investment in cooking could mitigate everything they were complaining about still sticks in my craw. Admittedly vitamin drain was a bit much out of the gate, but they tweaked it and imo at that point it was fine, but many players continued to howl nonstop until they nerfed it to a point that now cooking isn’t remotely needed, just a convenience option with a few buffs. The fact many players employed a play style so lazy they viewed just dying and respawning as the best solution is right in line with what you’re saying here. I hate that they got rid of the various specific debuffs for each vitamin deficiency. I thought that was a neat gameplay twist and innovative design that fit perfectly into the survival concept.
  9. 1 point
    Its not that ppl complain cause they hate game, its cause they want the game to be good . For now PvP server is dying maybe 40% of islands are claimed.
  10. 1 point
    yes the combo of glitching ladders and sharks is enough to make one rage quit
  11. 1 point
    Too many players think some aspects of the game are not worth their time, and it kills them. Then they come here and complain that those aspects are crap because it killed them!!!!! One person (not the OP) even complained that dieing, respawning & getting rekitted because he could not be bothered with vitamins, took too long. As Forb Hidden says, just a little preperation and you can live in comfort in any biome
  12. 1 point
    Great. More cinderella castle lagfest...
  13. 1 point
    I get insta sharks within 30 seconds of touching water. The amount of sharks and the frequency at which they appear is absolutely fucking nuts. And always a nice touch to have them push you off ladders, too. Since ladders are working so fine already and they hardly ever glitch, right?
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Yeh i managed to kill one of them then another appeared.. i have same issue with crew, sometimes i send to ship and they just exit follow and stay treading water etc.. its annoying.. but i got the crew eventually from other sotds. We just went into golden isles and 2 sotd fleets waiting 3 gallys 3 brigs and scho.. was fun.
  16. 1 point
    There is no deep water trench in O7 in single player. I have not searched the rest of the map but O7 does not have it.
  17. 1 point
    If you are playing on anything but official there are several furniture mods out there.
  18. 1 point
    I would love to visit you but with the lag i'd get I doubt if i'd see it at more than 1frame per hour!Looks amazing though,really well done guys and gals.
  19. 1 point
    yeah lets add a single countries specific celebration into the game , why? ( sarcastic voice on ) just another way to make the oh so great USA feel great about itself ?
  20. 1 point
    You have very solid points here and they make sense but your also coloring things with frustration and hostility. The fact is you can win a debate with the facts and you have the facts layed out and you are right, but you colored them over with needless hostility These comments clearly put Martyn on defensive, (To an extent its a bed of his own making) but at the same time you can clearly see bye his follow on comments that he is on the defensive and feeling cornered.... What a strange day that I find myself mediating on a forum....
  21. 1 point
    Seriously???? Guybrush, its not hard to read what Martyn wrote here and it certainly wasn't a personal attack on Realist!!!! Now I don't want to defend Martyn to be honest, because I rarely agree with his points of view, but if anyone in this thread has recieved a personal attack its Martyn! He simply used Realist as an example, what he posted is what most people say to discredit Realist, he never said he agree's with this point of thought, and he confirms this bye saying "Now Realist has every right to comment like every single other person on this forum." This is a game in Early Access Alpha stage!!! Alpha and Beta testers USE TO BE PAYED, to give "quality" feedback! Now in the bizarre world we live in we have early access where, Everyone gets to pay the developer to Alpha Beta Test: Have no idea what being a Tester involves and act as if they purchased the finished product. There should not be people DEFENDING the game there is nothing to defend its in ALPHA and everything can and SHOULD be changed. Now its fine to point counter point based on preferences, but at the end of the day NO single persons Game Play preference should be more important then anothers! And if you don't like what someone posts then remember that Disney Movie your Parents made you watch called Bambi...
  22. 1 point
    Is it a waste? How so? I can cook meat faster than I can collect berries.. there are almost none at all on my island. Not every island has them you know.. but we have plenty spiders and thus tons of meat.. I also have a spacious farm, so plenty of vegs as well. As for feeding 20+ ships etc.. Don't see what the issue is.. it isn't like they eat much, if you aren't playing. Region is unloaded.. Anyway.. conversation with you is clearly pointless.. since you seem only capable of arguing against anything I say.. hell, I could agree with you and you'd call me silly names and say I was wrong. What's the difference between the flag and the silo? Er.. nothing? The graphic maybe.. so how exactly is it qol.. It's actually another thing you have to build and worse, you have to put points in esotery to get it.. That said.. beside the bank.. it's probably the only other useful item in esotery.. It isn't improving my QoL at least.. it's another skillpoint sink.. that I really don't need.
  23. 1 point
    For obvious reasons, we won't be lifting the ban.
  24. 1 point
    Yet you think you have the right to comment..
  25. 1 point
    I was promised magic, the trailer says magic and i want to launch fireballs have magic infused weapons and to be able to launch the cursed heads of my enemies at the remaining enemies via catpult. But honestly they said there was going to be magic and i am yet to get any.
  26. 1 point
    Moin Community laut dem server grip editor und diversen anleitungen wird immer geschrieben man soll maximal 1,4 mil x 1,4 mil Cellzize grösse machen. Da aber nun in dem kommenden Update wieder neue insel kommen ist hier nun die Frage ob es evt doch auch grösser geht also z.B. 1,6 mil x 1,6 Mil. Hat das evt schon wer gemacht ,getestet oder was auch immer.Oder kann mir wer dazu was sagen? Greez
  27. 1 point
    You don’t like the current system but don’t have any suggestion for how to improve it. Saying “it’s not my place.” is a cop out. This is the part of game design that doesn’t require coding ability, just conceptual thinking. It’s easy to sit back and say “lol ur system sux, fixit, I’m out deuces.” But until you have a better idea, you’ve contributed nothing but bile. If that’s all you have to offer, few will mourn your absence. You are conflating different things when you talk about losing progress. Just like any other MMORPG, you don’t lose character levels or experience if you stop playing, but expecting your ships and structures to stick around infinitely in a finite game world that others must inhabit while you are gone is just not a reasonable expectation.
  28. 1 point
    Hey, we play on 1.6 since 5 weeks without problems. Dont go higher then 1.6 we have tried 2.0 and 1.8 but this caused some Bugs.
  29. 1 point
    New Ships: Frigate, Trading Ship, Fishing Ship, Company Ship of the Line New SailType XLarge Sails New Shipyard New Deko Objects 20+ New Animal Dog, Cat More Action on the Sea, Pirates with Normal Ships that is what we need And Pls No Bigger Animals
  30. 1 point
    Also- If you look at the ship sizes, both from a build stand point and size stand point we seem to be missing sizes in our current lineup for sure. Beyond adding different ship types of the same size as ships we already have, we have room for a size between the sloop and schooner, the schooner and brig, and the brig and galleon. Other pics and information sites list cutters and a few other types as well. If the ship speeds were more historically accurate even sloops would be usable as fast attack ships. And grappling an enemy ship to board would be nice.
  31. 0 points
    - Reverted the Claim Flag height limit on Official Servers v209.34 - When replacing invalid claimflags, you can now place them within the green ring of your original flag - Claim flag height limit has been increased to 6500 units above sea level v209.31 - Important: Claim Flags now have a maximum height limit when being placed. Claim Flags that were previously placed which exceed this limit will indicate as such on the HUD. Those which exceed the limit will be able to place a 2nd claim flag in a viable location. This will destroy your old flag and drop it's entire inventory into a loot cache (2 hour expiration time) on the ground. Next Wednesday, we'll be deploying an update which will force destroy any legacy flags which exceed the height limit. The limit is 4k units above sea level which is approximately 16/17 walls and only admins or above will be able to replace the flag. - New configurable ini setting for Claim Flag height limit [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] MaxSettlementFlagZ=4000 // you can set this number to 999999 to have no height restrictions. Reading this through.. it appears as tho someone had an idea.. Added that idea to the game without testing. The idea was then removed. All that's changed is a new line of code appears in private server scripts and alot of people where stressed out for no reason.
  32. 0 points
    I kinda agree with this, alot of what goes on in the game doesn't need to be touched or felt within the game for comment to be made on. However, alot of what happens in videos.. is edited for effect, staged etc for amusement. Which can lead to false assumptions. That said, the viewer can watch a fight and go "oooh... that's unfair.. see that!" and the player will be in total agreement. It's even possible indeed probable, that viewers will see stuff or guess stuff that the player can't/won't because they're preoccupied with not getting their legs ripped off.. But.. the issue here, is that people who don't play a game.. not only don't have any moneytary input or quite likely, won't play it ever again, somehow have the right to steer how the game is designed. ie to change the gameplay future.. of current gamers. The people who do put into the game on a daily basis and do make "in circumstances" ongoing payments etc should be the only ones giving feedback. People who haven't played for a week or more, don't own the game etc.. shouldn't even be allowed to post in the forums.. let alone view the content. They should perhaps get a forum for themselves to discuss theory. Where their opinions can't hurt anyone.
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