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Found 19 results

  1. I created a new company recently, but realized when searching throughout the existing companies that the company section on this website is extremely barebones. You can only search and sort for very few parameters, such as PvP or PvE. This does not help people looking to join a company very much in making a selection out of the hundreds of companies listed. I would like to see more sortable and searchable parameters to be added to distinguish companies. Like in Star Citizen, we should add: - Language - Gameplay/roleplay (e.g. trade, combat, exploration) - Active servers - Hardcore/casual - Grids active (ok, for big companies this might be cumbersome, so there should be an all grids option), at least this will help people to find a company within their area of interest.
  2. Is there a way to find out which clans are the largest per server? Specially NA. Thank you.
  3. I'm posting this suggestion that a critical change that could help the progress of smaller companies, and help make the game more fun in general. Currently no one knows if the Freeport settings on live are on purpose or an accident. Tames, last 8 days in the Freeport, only requiring that you render them in, and feed them to keep them pretty safe, other than players trying to gather wild Freeport animals to kill them. Mine have been safe at least. You can keep anything on their inventory safely essentially saving your progress in the game. Ships in the Freeport, at first seems unmanageable to keep them floating until you increase resistance levels, my brig at 220% resist has been fine, and would take about 16hours to sink. So currently if you dont want a claim you can manage keeping everything besides a farm in the freeports. Saving my progress this way, knowing other players cant ruin it has been FUN. Knowing that if I steal something cool, or do something difficult in the game, I can save it. I cant be online for 9 hours everyday to keep a claim. This is the only way I can play atm as a small company, there are still huge advantages to having a claim like infinite non decaying ship storage, so that you can have more than one or two ships. So what I'm proposing is that you make the Freeport more of a sanctuary for small companies. Introduce a Freeport bank npc that can hold like 25 slots, no weight limit, for small companies. Do not link the bank npc together, we dont want people teleporting resources across the atlas. All this would be is a small cache of items that is personal to each pathfinder, and has nothing to do with the company. Not enough to save everything but enough to pick what's important to you to save. You have already introduced a nice trading, and shop system, which has little merit to small companies that have no where safe to keep their items, except for Freeport tames right now. I do like the settler system, however big companies aren't struggling with upkeep, so while they probably wont mind having settlers, the settlers arent of much value, so there's not much incentive to protect their stuff on your island, also bigger companies will just push that you merge with them rather than be your own company, while they cant MAKE you do this, they CAN however, evict you and wipe all your progress. However this small personal Freeport bank could fix alot for solo/small company players allowing them to do buisiness with big companies without fear that the big company will decide to wipe all their progress. I LOVE YOUR GAME, and I hope you can consider a Freeport bank a possibility for its future. That way each fight/ battle doesnt have to end in someone wanting to quit, or realizing big companies are the only way to play it at all.
  4. Hey all, I just stumbled up on Company Size increasing to 75. Now devs could do that all the rest of the game and change it back and forth every now and then. How about starting to think different? I thought about a Skill System for Companies, everything in this game has Skills, why not Companies? Let's say as a base every Company starts with 75 Members, gaining a level up grants your Company Skillpoints similar to those of a pathfinder. Putting it into max. Company Member limit you'd get to 77, 79, 81 and so on. To make the System work there have ofcourse to be other Skills to choose from, maybe even different Tree's if there's enough ideas for Company Skills for example Structure Hitpoint increase on the Island, Artillerie Damage, passive Gold income or whatever could fit. Let me know what you think and feel free to add your own Ideas onto it, the more the better! Happy sailing! Gonndyr
  5. I would like to see the recent online time, level, DP of the company members on the company tab. for example, as in the picture: (The picture is just for illustration)
  6. @Jatheish (At first: sorry for my bad english, i am just a woman from germany, trying my best to write down my opinions in english) I see what the online player count is dropping down. I talked with a lot of people in different ark/atlas communitys about - why they dont log in. And i tryed to find some solutions for bigger problems. So just some brainstorming ideas. Let the players create a usefull city, a trading routes, habours and so on Bank System: Let the people up- and download gold to the own account, let them use every tribe-bank or ally bank for this. Taverne Food selling. Lets craft every tribe NPCs whos is only able to sell food, so a tavern makes sence. And buff the cooked food to something its worth shipping resources from around the world... and don´t down them to a 5-stack. Habour and growing citys Everyone can build a nice habour but for what? Look who is the bigges tribe or wich tribe hast the most landclaims in a sector. So THIS tribe, is able to place NPC Vendors or Auction buildings. If a tribe is able to create a player-friendly habour ... it will start to become a big trading habour /center. If there is enaugh space to land /anchor with ur ships, if u finde a lot of trade stuff and maby u will finde some land to rent from the tribes, for a small outpost, storage... something great can grow. Crafting a nice habour and make ships anchor. Give us a component for a quay wall, where ships can anchor. It is a pain in the ass to build a harbor and at the end the ships can not anchor. Dont let us waste tonns of struktures in the deep water to get the ships anchored. Landclaims (Idea is just for PVE. i dont know enaugh about PVP Server to make a suggestion there) U need a better system. Its not ok to run all the time to save ur claim (PvE) but also just loging in all 3 Weeks to make ur land save, its also not ok for the rest. So make some stats to check, how aktiv a tribe is/was last 24 hours / last week. Check up how many ingame hours a tribe has last 24 hours, last week. Check how many ships moving hours they have, how many ships released, how many tames got used and so on. Dont tell us exaktly wich faktors are how importent, so people dont find to much easy ways to use the mechanic in a wrong way. If u know how aktiv a tribe is and how many players are aktiv in real.... use that informations to manage how many flags they need = can hold easy and drop down the save-time for the flags. Use something like online hours or tribe aktivity points. Maby a tribe can have 1 Tribe Flag wich is save for 2 Weeks. Then set up more flags (save time 7 days) per 8 hours playtime/aktivity ... no mather 4 persons play 2 hours a day or one play 8 hours a day. If the tribe has 48 hours playtime / day - they have 6 more flags with 7 days savetimer. If they drop down the playtime to 24 hours / day ... drop down the savetime of each flag (not the one main tribe flag) to 3,5 days savetime... so they need to be more aktive or remove some flags to have more savetime. Land for rent Lets talk about why rent land/space to other players. If an enemy try to claim ur land. The tenant get an information also. The tenant has a kind of right to claim the land as first. He can take over the land before the enemy gets it. Maby let it cost an amount of 1000 Gold. (First renter on the flag, has the first right) Give this renter a chance to say "save the claim for the owner" - so flag stay save, without beeing claimed and for no money. Old ships standig around for weeks , blocking ur habour. If a Ships isnt moved for 3 days - let player klick on it to say "remove ur shit". The owner tribe get an information in a new log (tribe log is to full to find this info) , or mark it in an other color on the map). The owner tribe has 3 more days now, to just move it 1 meter (or just anchor it again) to show... its not and un-loved ghost ship, its in use. If they pass the 3 day timer... lets decay it between 1-3 more days, depents on how big the ship is. Let the people removed compleatly. If a player dont logged in for 4 Weeks. Remove them from the server. Compleatly... also from tribes and so on - clear that shit. Look into their stuf, so the tribe dont have bad penalitys cause of that. Ships - personal owner. Give the option "personal owner" to ships. Let the Ship Creater choose, its an tribe ship or an personal owner ship. And as an personal owner, u can unclain a ship, so everyone else can claim it and can choose claim as personal owner or as tribe. So we can build and SELL ships! TRADE SYSTEM! We realy need something like a trade window for an save share. Without taxes, or something like an auktions house. Just to say "take this and give me that", without the need to drop stuff on the ground. If i wanna sell a ship: I need something like a ownership notice, put it into a trade window and if the buyer put the right amount into the window, everyone can klick "ok", so we have a save deal. Same like resources. Use a selling box, put in the stuff u wanna sell and close it (say ready) ... buyer put his payment into the other side of the box and say ready, and if both klick a last "ok", the deal is done. Breeding 48 hours is a way to much. Temperatur... its to heavy to manage the breed, the babys dying to fast cause of the normal changes of the temperatur and u cant do anything against the warm/hot. Having 20 pinguins and 30 fires and looking into it for 15 - 48 hours - that cant be the right way. Sorry, but our tribe needs to work in real live. We can do it as a tribe, of cause - but if everyone needs to sleep or work... there is nobody who can manage it ... so we need some people without a work to be able to breed? In Ark i loved to be a breeder, but in atlas, its not possible if u have a real life. Ship Autopilot. I can put an npc on a ship weel and use the auto pilot. But why the hell it stop working, so far i leave the ship - so its useless? Of cause i know, it will just drive forward... yes i know, it will drive into an isle , will do nothing agains ghost ships (ok, i can set the npc on auto fire with cannons!) and will be a blind pilot. But if there is an autopilot - lt me use that! I wanna set it on drive strait forward and i can jump onto the bed on board if i think the npc need help. (i can see my ship on the map). If i loose the ship... its happed... let it be MY risc. There are a lot more ideas, but i am not sure if any one importend will read and think about it - and i dont wanna waste my time
  7. I would really like to tax our own company members like you can tax others. In Eve, taxes affected your own people and it allowed for the ability for guilds to provide a lot of ships and stuff for their members. The same would be nice for ATLAS. Being able to tax company members would allow for most companies to be able to provide for their members and reduce the needs to resource constantly.
  8. Blood Ravens -- Fight to live, Live to fight... Info Looking for Active & Mature players 16+ Enjoys Naval PvP and Land PvP Able to farm when not raiding Mic and Discord We are a smaller group looking to grow and do more larger group activities. We have our own Land, and you are welcome to build anything you want aslong you gather your own materials All playstyle Welcome, but were in need of ship crew, shipwrights, and farmers. We have pure metal nodes, coal, wood, thatch, fiber, flint, stone, crystal. Contact us on discord - https://discord.gg/GmQaDY
  9. Are you playing Atlas on EU PVP? you are! YAY! Then why not join up with us and become part of our company in game, we will help you get your inner pirate going in style, we love to get into fight or two ,as well as going on the look for new places and lands in game. We also have a strong alliance with other larger companies in game. If that sounds good to you and you wish to get on board come walk the plank on over to our Discord http://adhdg.com/discord Our website http://ADHDG.com Here is our Guilded page https://www.guilded.gg/ADHD-Gaming/games/Atlas/overview http://adhdg.com/discord
  10. Are they bringing merging back or is there something I'm missing when it comes to merging companies these days?
  11. Dear All, My name is Avius. and I invite you all to join our company. The Alliance is a small but active company of mature gamers. We are looking to Expand and grow to become big and powerful. We are determent and Patient and we will get greatness. We are just looking to have some fun on Atlas. We are accepting new and veteran members. Ranks Admiral Vice Admiral Captain Commander Lieutenant Seaman Seaman Recruit Current Members Admiral Avius (founder) Vice Admiral ZX_Warrior (founder) Captain Co2tvv Commander Nezdii Seaman Lucke Seaman Papz Seaman LittleBrop Seaman Clous What we are looking for: We are looking for good strong mature members. Who are ok with the fact that this is an Early Access game and that things are subject to improvement or the opposite with every patch. People who can be organised and respect leadership. People who have good sportsmanship and not get salty when we lose stuff cause we will. An Island :3 What we are not looking for: People who are not willing to participate (We understand that real life takes priority but at least be on once per week) People who are immature and irresponsible. Conditions of applying Be mature Speak English, mic and Discord Enjoy the grind Be ready to be great Cause we will. Quick admission interview Things I can promise you. You will have fun. we will raid enemies we will make alliances You will make friends Post a reply with the current information. Name in Game: Name on Steam(link): Age: Relevant experience: Ingame level: Which skill line you wanna go down: What are you expecting from us:
  12. The fact that you can own a company from start. Make a ship, and without knowing it. Leave your company for what ever reason. Could be an accident. You loose your ship instantly. If you then, somehow was at a freeport. To either find people, or get some resources easily. There is noway to reclaim your ship. This is just stupid. I made the ship for me, and there should be somewhat personal belongings, and company belongings. While i like the idea, of sharing and caring. I do not like the fact, that i am not able to "own" anything for myself if i am in a company.There should be an option to make a ship MINE. And I should be able to leave a company, with MY ship! Especially if i made the ship, before joining any alliances/companies.just my 2 cents here DISCLAIMER: I copied this comment from a post, which i made myself. I felt it could be used as a post. Ayee Pirates!
  13. I would like to preface this by stating some facts that should be abundantly obvious. Not all Chinese players in Atlas are cheaters and not all Chinese players in Atlas are part of the mega tribe (zerg is a term used to describe the kind of mob mentality based mega tribes). For the longest time, I was against the idea of region locking China from Atlas despite my many run-ins with the Chinese zergs in other games. They are people who love games just like us and push the game to its limits. That being said, at this point I can't ignore the blatant exploiting and abuse the zerg and other Chinese factions have been participating in. Nearly every Chinese streamer I've seen has been blatantly duping resources, cheating, or using some other kind of exploit to gain an unfair advantage. Even without these exploits, the zerg itself is very problematic. A single mega tribe that plays at all hours and actively works to destroy smaller clans with overwhelming numbers, force, and organization wouldn't be so problematic if it wasn't so big and destructive. Because of how big it is, even if those in charge of the zerg were opposed to exploiting and cheating (which it seems they aren't) they would find it difficult to enforce those rules on their members. What also doesn't help is that many zerg members make large amounts of money off of streaming these games. This means that many of the zerg can focus entire days on doing nothing but playing Atlas since they are making money off it anyway. There are entire pseudo gaming companies that are run through these zergs and make tons of money off of the streams. A simple solution: make an asia/chinese server and region lock them to it. If they want to cheat/ exploit, let them do it with other cheaters/exploiters. Honestly, it would be more entertaining to watch multiple mega zergs fight each other on stream than it is to watch a single zerg kill small tribes and ruin the game for them. I would like to say that this isn't an Asia/ Chinese specific problem (being Asian american myself), but in my twenty or so years of gaming, I've only ever seen this with the Chinese or Asian countries. Region locking them would spare not only the players of Atlas a lot of greif, but also the Grapeshot staff from being overwhelmed with banning waves and complaints.
  14. Tell me one of the major drawbacks of belonging to a company is if things go sour with the group and you want to leave but to do so you have to usually leave with none of your stuff. I think it would be nice to see a system where assets are managed in the company by conditions of asset ownership and contacts. For example if I join a corporation with a Sloop, when I received the invite to join the company you could State whether or not all assets belong to the company or if I maintain assets that I bring with me. if I were then to leave that company that assets that I began with would once again be mine. But at the same token well with the company a company member may choose to donate assets to the company itself if the company does not require all assets belong to them. If deciding to leave the company a company officer or leader can then invite the company member to resign. They can then label assets as belonging to that person if the company chooses to provide them with a severance. in addition while being a member of the company if the company has needs of certain resources they can set up limited contracts within the company to automatically dollar assets two company members upon retrieving said resources. I think this would add a layer of dynamics two company gameplay where they feel less like tribes and more like Pirates or privateers. Also with this would be the idea of being able to use the map of claims to hand draw zones that can then be assigned to different roles. This idea of zoning can allow company leadership to Foster creative civil planning Solutions while delegating it to company members. This can also be tied to the contract system if a certain structure is built within the zone and conditions met. This could also work for livestock if a company member where to deliver a tame to that zone and then set it to company assets. Overall it would be nice!
  15. I know this is going to sound like im whining here, but the claim system is broken. Anyone who did not get to any island within the first 24 hours of game release are screwed unless they intend to join a massive company. I get this game is MMO, so a certain lvl of competitiveness is a requirement. But the ability to claim an ungodly amount of land is too much. Every character should get 1-2 land claim flags. That way the larger companies still have the ability to claim an entire island. But people with a company of 5 or 6 would only be able to claim small islands, or partial islands. I feel that this would actually increase the competitiveness. Companies who share an island would either have to be allies or continuously watch their back. I dont agree with everyone saying that claims sould have upkeep, thats just a pipe dream. Not to mention if you have a life other than gaming, you are screwed. This game is currently designed for the large streaming masses who have huge companies, and nothing but time to play games. I've been playing with my company of 10 since release, but we have not once claimed any land or built anything bigger than a sloop simply because lawless islands are full of chineese griefers and the rest of the map is preclaimed by the super companies. I feel that the amount of land you can claim should be a reflection of how many people are in your company. More players=More land. I know the Devs will probably never see this but let me know if im being unreasonable here. Does anyone else see this or is it just me?
  16. Logged on after crash, all members out of company, locked in base, cant access shipyard etc.. (with a half built Galleon) on EU PvP -- Kinda BS ngl, everyone else is in their Companies.
  17. I know the start of this "Early Release game" was a rough one for many even if you are an experienced ARK player. But all of that aside once you get through the 5 or 6 rafts you lost to game attrition or server problems. You finally make it out of port and on your way. Only to sail for hours and hours and see nothing but red from the hordes of large companies and their land grabbing. The concept is cool, but PVE is not PVP and building more permanent homes is something of a must. That being said if you cant lay down roots what is the point of playing and sailing to yet another island only to find 656 Sloops and all red claims yet again!!!!!!!!!!!! Please fix this glaring issue.
  18. Algum brasileiro perdido nesse game? https://discord.gg/QtFRcv
  19. Hi, when selecting a "sort by" option like "name" and then change to a different page of that sorted list, the list turns back to the default sorting selection (latest activity). Finding a specific company is already hard without a "search" function, but this is making is more difficult. Verified on using Firefox (64.0) and Chrome (71.0.3578.98). Regards, - Zillith
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