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The BLDX tribe has been using cheats for a long time. Why developers do not follow the game? There's not a single person who's come across this? Fights go on N7 it is impossible to undertake anything as bullets fly only to the head they see everything through textures. Anti-cheat is not working. Why don't you give ban a large tribe or at least players who use cheats?! Of course they are not the only ones using cheats but the use of glitches and cheats without punishment. Why the hell are they still playing? P.S. just search google BLDX tribe
To anyone reading this could you please up vote this get this scum banned and bring attention to the devs how big of a problem the cheating is on this could be great game. Take a look down below for yourself if you want. Please deal with this or your time will be wasted making this game all due to cheaters ruining everything no one wants that. Links to all cheating accounts caught on camera so you can have a laugh Watch that past broadcast to see him hit 100% of his shots without a single miss crazy hes the best
I would like to preface this by stating some facts that should be abundantly obvious. Not all Chinese players in Atlas are cheaters and not all Chinese players in Atlas are part of the mega tribe (zerg is a term used to describe the kind of mob mentality based mega tribes). For the longest time, I was against the idea of region locking China from Atlas despite my many run-ins with the Chinese zergs in other games. They are people who love games just like us and push the game to its limits. That being said, at this point I can't ignore the blatant exploiting and abuse the zerg and other Chinese factions have been participating in. Nearly every Chinese streamer I've seen has been blatantly duping resources, cheating, or using some other kind of exploit to gain an unfair advantage. Even without these exploits, the zerg itself is very problematic. A single mega tribe that plays at all hours and actively works to destroy smaller clans with overwhelming numbers, force, and organization wouldn't be so problematic if it wasn't so big and destructive. Because of how big it is, even if those in charge of the zerg were opposed to exploiting and cheating (which it seems they aren't) they would find it difficult to enforce those rules on their members. What also doesn't help is that many zerg members make large amounts of money off of streaming these games. This means that many of the zerg can focus entire days on doing nothing but playing Atlas since they are making money off it anyway. There are entire pseudo gaming companies that are run through these zergs and make tons of money off of the streams. A simple solution: make an asia/chinese server and region lock them to it. If they want to cheat/ exploit, let them do it with other cheaters/exploiters. Honestly, it would be more entertaining to watch multiple mega zergs fight each other on stream than it is to watch a single zerg kill small tribes and ruin the game for them. I would like to say that this isn't an Asia/ Chinese specific problem (being Asian american myself), but in my twenty or so years of gaming, I've only ever seen this with the Chinese or Asian countries. Region locking them would spare not only the players of Atlas a lot of greif, but also the Grapeshot staff from being overwhelmed with banning waves and complaints.
Can you devs make an actual server for these cheaters? Ive been shot through my own base and shot 20 feet underwater. Hunter on NA PVP was duping all yesterday and is now hacking shooting any direction. 1 shot through full plate armor by a simple pistol also with 166 health. With about 30 of them running around doing this. Like I didn't think the chinese would be this back but holy shit the devs won't do anything. We could fight back but not if we get headshot through our walls as we spawn. I just don't get it, alot of people reporting the same thing but devs not taking action? Sounds like Wildcard
we will make atlas great again so fucking ping lock china!!!!!!!!!!! Those fucked up the hole eu-pvp-map, claim and everything else. we don't want them