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Everything posted by Herasea

  1. This pretty much. I agree about the better BP for PvP. For PvE, if i can take out a high level SotD with basic stuff, what's the need for better planks? use 20+ cannon balls and get 1- 3 ammo out of the crate? An idea would be custom looking canons or ship planks, for PvE that would make hunting them way more interesting. Maybe later when down the line for ghost ships or other hostile NPCs will make it worth while, but PvE needs other intensives imho
  2. I would be fine with a wipe once bugs and other things are fixed. This is EA, they're going to do something for the launch to allow a level playing field, either wipe or make current servers legacy, if people honestly think they will launch with the current servers, you're kidding yourself. Would be utter suicide to have fresh players/streamers/media to enter the current servers where land has been taken via exploits and other dubious means, with many areas being over crowded and almost near unplayable due to lag (lawless)
  3. I think people are scared they might lose their ship if they don't kill it quickly. Admittedly, i thought that too, tested on a private server were the SotD went up to 99 lol and it was doable, but just a dragged out fight and took more thinking . But overall i think it's fine to limit cannons, all you have to do is fight smart with SotD, because it's surprisingly doable. Not trying to show off like i'm some master king MLG, but like i said you can dodge and weave pretty easily if you time it well.
  4. This isn't Ark.....if they were making a game exactly like Ark, i would agree, but they're not......
  5. Agree, even without the double weekend i would like to stuff a ton in my ships chest for the NPC and forget, but I can't because they weigh the ship down soooo much. I see no reason for coins to be so heavy. If i want to treasure hunt, i don't want have to go back to my base just to drop coins off, some require you to travel to the ends of the map, to ask me turn around make a trip back and then return again for only a handful of coins, is over the top imho. This also leads to the devs wanting players to spend more time on their boats. Also, how in gods name are we meant to get 50k to a freeport or even on a ship for the dragon box thing, are we gonna have to take out 10 ships just for the coins? If anyone could give a sound reason I would be happy to back out, but right now I see no reason coins need weight
  6. Agree, I don't think anyone feels it's off to a promising start tbh, even though there are those who think otherwise if you're not crap talking the game everyday. Not sure what purpose these threads have, you see them in every game and they amount to nothing. Over the past 5 years there's been two MMO games that actually DIED and that was EQ Landmark and Wildstar. So these doom threads come to fruition, what, 1 out of 1000 or more times? If a game like NMS can make a comeback after such a mess up on their OFFICIAL launch, lying left, right and centre before launch, hiding for a few months after the launch, which is 100x worse than this situation imho, i have no worries here. As long as they keep updating, stick to their guns and not cave too much to the needy solo players (i'm solo) I don't have much worries.
  7. Nah, i think weight needs to be more. Just limit cannons. The dev said they want players to not just settle on land bases, but live on their ships, limiting weight would kill that straight away. So i agree with the OP, if they wish to make ships a place players can live on, they need to allow a lot more customization and more weight and just limit how many cannons you can place depending on the ship size. Love NP, but those ships are just stupid haha. Also, if anyone noticed?????
  8. Not sure about the friend part, but the other is an idea, earn something to increase claim time. Shows you're active if you're willing to make said item.
  9. because with this type fo game it isn't extreme at all. They cannot appeal to everyone, what about those who want 3 weeks holiday? or away for a month or are away from their computer for serval weeks at a time, what about those people? The problem is when you set a rule for one group of players then you have to do it for everyone else. A universal rule has to be set to make it fair across the board. Also i'm sure non ones taken in account how the a-holes of the community will abuse this (trolls/grefers) imho real life should never dictate how a game should be made. Then those who are way for two weeks will complain that's too low, then those who are three weeks away, you get my point?
  10. If they just spawned randomly in the sea I would be fine, but the homing mechanic is the problem
  11. I agree and disagree, the devs know what they're getting into and expect and should expect to get blasted with criticism, but at the same time players need to understand what they're buying into and expect, and it seems, based on this forum, not many people do. I've said it before criticism is needed, but when people are screaming and yelling that the devs are F-ing stupid or don't know what they're doing and they don't listen and hold this ridiculous high expectations, that's on them imho. They've made some questionable mistakes, i agree, but as the same time i expected it, as i knew what i was buying into. tbh I got more than what i expected, basing on my past experience with EA games, i never expect them to be actively patching so early on into the games life , they're not perfect , but they're actually doing something.
  12. i would disagree, it's not the patches are getting worse, it tends to be one thing out of the entire patch note that people dislike, example with the elephant thing, the patch had 20+ notes in it, but people only cared about the one thing on it, same with the stone stuff (not saying it's fine, i think it was a stupid mistake too) Go look at v15.61 look how much is on there and the one thing people have focused on. So again the patches aren't getting worse it's one thing out of the entire patch people pick up on and this tends to be a case with every other 2 patches they do something wrong. imho it's over reacting, , not saying the points are invailed, it's just that we're just a month in on a two year development plan and people are expecting perfect patches right out the gate and instant fixes or responses, they are going to get it wrong weather you see it as a god or bad thing, that's the point of this process when you're trying something different. For me it's mind boggling because when they do fix something when the community ask for it, again the elephant weight and the bans, it's ignored and people later say they never listen. Just my thoughts, can call me a fanboy or what have you, don't really care, but this is the reality of EA, if we get to 6 months in and patches as a whole are getting worse, i will happily agree, but at this point i can't.
  13. Because they should solve a problem the instant people say it, they should break the laws of time and space and instantly create system that works perfectly, even though many AAA companies can't do so ( looking at fallout 76). Get real, just under a month in and your upset an EA game took a while getting it's ban system in place properly. While i think they're implementations is all over the place, they have at least attempted to sort shit out in past 4 weeks, again compared to the majority of games that came out in EA or even official release ( looking at fallout 76 agian), in this day and age, they've done more in the past few weeks than some have done in a year.
  14. This is the main concern for me, i'm normal fine with waiting, but considering this is an issue that the community seem to all agree on for once, i'm just disappointed there's been no response or clarification as to why it was done.
  15. Think the point they're making is that the use of sap to make stone wall makes no sense. Same for organic paste, i know this is fantasy game, but using food or animal paste to build walls is a bit out there lol They had it perfect already, was no need for the change
  16. Seems 1 after the last patch, i would like 3. Lets be honest travelling to every single island and running around to find the discoveries is a ridiculous feat to ask. I would make it 3 and if people want to they are rewarded in some way for the time spent, cosmetic a rare items.
  17. i don't think they don't play it, more a case they're playing in a different environment than we are. They need to make a 1x1 server and invite players (those who have been giving legit feedback) into test stuff before making it live imho
  18. Agree the need to be half the size or just make the small one have a double door option and a fence option (scaled to size of course) that connects to a snap point on like a hinge. it just looks horrible have gates around your base especially the large ones, can do wall, but that just further pushes back the resources.
  19. I'm in agreement, last week i was saying to my self, this is the first survival game I could actually build and enjoyed it without spending hours upon hour gathering materials, guess that's out the window, feel bad for those just starting. The thing is buildings were never over the top or crazy like you got in other games, most bases were pretty tame in size. Many things need fixing, but the resource costs weren't one of them, it was perfect, do it for the gateways only. Revert this change plz
  20. Simple answer, because it's not ARK. Somethings work well in single player, others don't. I could be wrong, n thr future they my implement it, but right now it would be pointless and imho a waste of resources. IF they haven't even got the main game up to scratch, how are people going to ask them to divert time to making it work for single player? Said it in another thread, im all up for suggestions, but when poeple ask for a game to divert it attention to something else and make it into something it's not. that will harm the game than help
  21. No because there have been occasions people being banned for being straight out racist or cheating I know this as Many have come here to complain, even some admitting they were racist and it's their free speech lol If the OP can wrangle some screenshots together or a vid, i'm sure they will be banned.
  22. Agree, I was like oo, then re-speced out of it instantly. thought it would offer sailing speed buff or you can go against the wind and still have full sail or make you invs to ship of the damned. I like the mini game, but it does need a seeing to at some point
  23. I agree with you, their method of implementation needs work, the FoY is a good example, they should have held off on it, but I feel this thread and some of the people here goes against what you just said, some hear have talked about completely wiping the game, some have talked about removing core mechanics (not in this thread in particular) We shouldn't be trying to implement "hooks", that's a waste of time at this point in development, like you said, "pushing new poorly thought out "check out this cool new thing!!" that's trying to jump before we can even walk and the mentioned things aren't the focal point of this game at all, that would be a waste, again at this point in time imho. I think people need to take ARK of the brain and stop using stats as ammunition, "your games dying, make it more like your other game now" and try to reinforce the main goals of this game and how they can improve that, Ships and the sea, hopefully they are working on getting this sorted before the next big patch, doubt it, but I hope All up for suggestion, but imho, suggestions that are trying to change one game into another to me will make things worse than better.
  24. Nothing, i'm a 100 and have been for 2 days now, have the debuff and no change, but being on PvE I don't care as much as the game isn't balanced so with or without it, Ill sill get my ass handed to me by Mobs lol
  25. Well file a ticket, they can most likely check weather you were online or not when whoever reported it and took a screenshot. I'm just assuming they can, not sure if possiable
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