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Everything posted by DocHolliday

  1. I've always wondered if ARK never existed how this game would be viewed. Seems a lot of users prejudices originate with ARK. Also the launch was a damn disaster, but things have steadily improved since then. Ways to go but its definitely in a much better state now than it ever was.
  2. Hit "X" to unequippe the suit or the Xbox equivalent.
  3. Tamed two of them about a week ago. Possible an update the last week broke something, but thats how it was a week ago and the previous several months for me. Its been pretty consistent since they fixed some issues with it in the spring or early summer. Don't remember exactly when.
  4. Considering multiple polls show you to be in the minority.....yes.
  5. Tame elephants using a bear and no trap. Use wheat.....using anything else is a giant pain. Always feed the elephant from its belly side. If its body has fallen on a flat surface or legs facing downhill you can easily walk up between its legs and inch forward so you permanently get the feed icon and can watch the timers without getting hit. When the surface is uneven or blocked by trees, rocks, pillars, trap it can be very difficult and you have to use the dive and retreat method. The only issue I typically run into is killing the tame because my dumbass forgot to put my bear on passive or another creature (ie cobras god I hate you) slithers up and kills it.
  6. Yeah its annoying that the nectar spawns look like honey. If I remember right the easy way to tell besides holding "H" while looking at it is if any bees spawn when you start harvesting it. Nectar spawns have no bees, honey does. IMO they should change the nectar spawn......at worst change the color so its recognizable by vets.
  7. Xbox is not tracked as its against ToS AFAIK. Any numbers you see will be Steam only. This is how it was explained to me by people who know such things.
  8. I just find the implementation to be very annoying. There should be far fewer water spouts and the few that do spawn should be much more powerful. Also the fact that they de-render on your client and when you turn back towards them they restart the animation is annoying.
  9. I've seen tames desync of fall off ships mid grid. Rare event as its never happened to me, but I've seen it happen to others and have found quite a few tames randomly floating in the sea. Usually belongs to an ally so we just mark the position and tell them about it. Most of the time its a crap tame and they just leave it.
  10. Yeah we have enough tames. We want more variety with ships, PvE content and improved PvP rule sets to allow smaller companies a better chance at survival.
  11. Larder for feeding crew. If your ship is parked back at a safe harbor that feeds your crew via the silo then I don't even bother putting a larder on my boat. Its extra weight I don't want. Every kg matters when it comes to PvP naval combat.
  12. I don't know if it helps, but I suggest trying a Diving Attachment. When in the suit many sea creatures will not aggro including sharks. Might work for mermaids as well.
  13. You have (2) ways to pay them. You can put gold in their inventory or you can put gold in your Ship Resource chest that should be on your boat. The second option is easiest. If you own an island or anchor at a friendly island with the proper settings the islands Tax Bank will pay for your NPC's. You can also park next to boats in your own company and they will pull gold from their resource chest. Jerk thing to do, but it happens.
  14. I've been to M7 a hundred times since this game launched and never saw that issue. Not saying its not possible, but they should be there. If you are at the dock where the other islands have NPC's and you see none I would relog and see if they appear. Also is this Official, mod server, single player? If there is a bug causing this knowing these things can help fix it.
  15. You do not need a high level bear to do most maps. Random crap 10-20 bear will do the job. I've even used a level 5 that had a max HP roll. If you get a good one 25+ and level it up to 1000 HP and stam it can handle pretty much any map. Just need to be smart with the masterworks and have the heal/damage buffs.
  16. I would relog. Sounds like a bug or you are not in the right place. All Freeport islands have NPCs.
  17. You can have an NPC sail for you if you are on the ship. Hold T for pinwheel of options. If you jump off sails are raised and it stops as mentioned before.
  18. Treasure maps and Power Stone cave camping seem to be the quickest ways to level up. Also 14 cannons on a schooner? My god that's too many. Speed dictates fights. When you are heavy like that you are a sitting duck and easily sunk.
  19. 75+ in a single drop? Yeah that definitely sounds like a bug. Most I ever found was around 8-10. I tend to keep all commons because any stat bump on them is worth it versus building without a BP. As to the rest I sort them and toss the crap rolls not worth spending the rare materials on. When I say rare I refer to any material not native to your home grid.
  20. 1 Right stick 8 Start button 2 Directional pad (D-pad) 9 Right trigger 3 Left stick 10 Right bumper 4 Back button A A button (green button) 5 Left bumper B B button (red button) 6 Left trigger X X button (blue button) 7 Guide button Y Y button (yellow button) My Guess is to look at the rock and hold the back button. #4 according to Xbox support page.
  21. My tips: 1. Put fortitude at 30 to help with environment 2. Do not use tame pens. They make it easier to hurt and bola your tame, but the structures tend to get in the way of feeding. 3. Use a bear to hurt the potential tame and then bola in the open. PUT BEAR ON PASSIVE. If you do not you'll learn quickly why you should. RIP lvl 30 elephant 2 days ago because my dumbass forgot. 4. Best to bola tames so legs are facing downhill if on a uneven surface. Takes some practice. 5. Always feed from belly side of animal. Inch up to tame and stop right on border of feed range. If done correctly the tame will never hit you. 6. Use grown foods whenever able as it lessens the time needed. It is usually around twice the tame percentage as wild grown. 7. If its your first tame for a given creature then low levels are fine. They tame quickly and can be used for farming. Once you are established you can get pickier about what you tame.
  22. File a support ticket in the support section. We've had that happen before and it was never fixed. Galleon lost to the void.
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