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Taco Infame

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About Taco Infame

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  1. I did not say it would kill 50% of players...statistics of world pop vs. specific faiths that see that as something to avoid. Very loose stats. There to make a point that many would see that as a reason to not play. With all that more than likely if they brought in a "tarot" skill, it would not be bringing in specific real life superstitions anyway...game would be more to identify a storm or whatnot, not try and foretell somebodies future or make the player believe any superstitions.
  2. Keep it fantasy. All i am saying. Real occult practices will not add value to the game, and will only cause many to throw it in the trash. All i am saying. There are many ways to implement fiction fantasy “magic” without ruining a good thing. The “over 50%” is a loose number taken from faith percentages of the world. This detail i don’t believe needs to be explained in detail.
  3. Did not say 50% of the player base...I said 50% or more of the world population would look at this as a red flag and something to avoid. Did not say "magic" as there is fantasy type magic portrayed in great movies like Lord of the Rings. All I'm saying is to keep it fantasy and don't bring in superstitions that do trip people up. Simple.
  4. Thanks for all the responses. We all have the right to our own opinions for sure. Beside the fact that including real life occult crap into the game would eliminate at the least 50% of the world population if they do follow their convictions they say they have, it really does not bring any value to the game. Fly ships sounds way more fun than creepy superstitions that will surly bring controversy.
  5. Grapeshot and all game content deciders, Using the idea of fantasy and magic is a great idea, however can you please consider using another term than Tarot so the game can be played by more audiences. This is something that is not acceptable by many groups in real life as well as in game, and will not bring any value to the game. Making it more fantasy like Lord of the Rings and many others will still allow the gameplay your trying to develop, however without bring occult practice ideas that billions would avoid. Please consider this. Other than that I'm liking the development so far. Keep up the good work.
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