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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    What a bunch of bull... The guy doing the interview is obviously scripted to ask the specific questions the person that is being interviewed is prepared to answer!!! No useful information was shared here the only thing I see is the whole we need to make sailing a better experience "Company Line" And this guys initial thoughts on how to do it are so far off base its obvious why they can't make this a decent game! Make ships EASIER to aquire??? As if its not already stupid easy to build a ship??? More Events on the Sea's??? Because the SOTD and the Storms are NOT REASONS people have quit playing this game?!? They are not in touch with reality....
  2. 3 points
    Time for a fun thread while we wait for Xbox launch on the 8th Soon™. Post your Atlas oriented haiku here. For those not familiar with haiku : https://poets.org/text/haiku-poetic-form I'll kick things off: Will there be a wipe Everyone and brother ask From the devs silence
  3. 3 points
    Yeh but look on the bright side if you own both and they introduce breeding you can be your own mum and dad!
  4. 2 points
    Interview complete ATLAS in event XBOX. Thanks developers !!!
  5. 2 points
    I used a haiku generator. It didn't produce a great haiku, but it gives you reviews of what you wrote, and the reviews are perfect. https://www.poem-generator.org.uk/haiku/ Vitamin - A Haiku by Anon Achromatic isle A complex, vitamin sail in spite of the bear The reviews: Auto Praise for Vitamin - A Haiku "The juxtaposition of vitamin and bear is truly inspired." - The Daily Tale "I don't like short poems. So why am I reviewing a haiku, you may wonder? Well, I liked the title - 'Vitamin'. It went down hill from there." - Enid Kibbler "Amazing how so few words can set a scene so perfectly. I close my eyes and all I can see is the colorless islet." "I felt that I was a vitamin. It was spooky. I hope to read more by Anon. Perhaps next time, something longer." - Zob Gloop "I've always wanted to write a haiku about a vitamin. I can't belive Anon has beaten me to it." - Betty Borison
  6. 2 points
    Words are cannonballs Posts are like waves of the sea Boomer and Realist
  7. 2 points
    But hey, now we get a date, when the patch goes online. Seems not so important to tell this on the official website, where you can "find informations and news"...
  8. 2 points
    Amazing that people think this statement means it will never appear in official, but any command of the english language knows what this is saying it is not going on official right now at this moment, is exactly the same thing as saying it might go up shortly but we are not going to tell you that so that you do not think we are planning to wipe... Notice that it does not say 'This will only ever be available' This will be available to play on single player and non-dedicated at the moment.
  9. 1 point
    So far we have Ark like stuctures for on land and boat like stuctures for the ships, but we lack any stuctures that serve to connect the two. I'm talking about docks. 1. a dock foundation, the ideal would something similar to Ark's 'Advanced Rafts' Mod Dock foundation, where the pillings automaticaly decend to the sea floor. 2. Pillings, a pillar that can snap to the corner of a foundation to make docks look like docks. (I know the workaround to get pillars in the corner position, but they are not connected and are so skinny that you need one every foundation to make it look realistic. have you ever looked up at the cargo racks on your galleon and thought would be nice if i can reach them from the dock. 3. Some method of unloading ships, whether it's a crane with a swinging boom that gives you access to any cargo rack it touches, or making the cargo racks actualy be able to be lowered and raised on thier already crane like fitting. 4. stantions, to tie ships to. Just for looks or give it the already in game ship harpoon feature any allow it to drag ships to it. 5. A rope fence to place on the docks. If GS just take a look at their own custom creations they show off so readily in thier previews, if we can build stuff like that, that would be nice. Your first stage of your roadmap is bug fixes, QoL and improving stuff already in game! I hope structures are included.
  10. 1 point
    Played yesterday and no problems, today I joined an normal 1X gathering rate. Did something change on the PTR ?
  11. 1 point
    I think when you're first starting out from freeport on the raft or ramshackle sloop constantly being sunk by sotd can be really off putting, especially when you've just died 50 plus times of cold or vitamin deficiency, but a lot of us have persevered beyond that point to enjoy the game. They have to get the difficulty balance just right really. cos if it's too easy people get bored, too tough and people quit too early. Not an easy task to balance it on an mmo.
  12. 1 point
    Day one "The Wipe" Day two "WTF" Day three "Content Wall" Day four "Need A Wipe!" The future life of Xboxers everywhere coming to a forum near you.
  13. 1 point
    Hi, my name is XBob and I really looking forward to play this game. But I cannot start to play on the 6.Oct, because I am late to the party... I will be buying the game like a week, maybe a month after it comes out on XBox. So can we have another wipe for when I finally come online for the first time? I mean... it is vitally important that I get a fair chance to start at the same point as the PCBobs and the other XBobs, right. For the good of the game it is more important to start me at Zero with everyone else, than to keep some progress of the Bobs that where here early, right...? I mean what is some other peoples invested time when it comes to me getting a fair start with everyone else at a time of my choosing, right... People like Baps will understand that, right...? I mean he should expect wipes, right...? But he should not expect that anyone like me, coming late into the game should be left behind and have to catch up, right...? Thank you for your understanding...! See you at the start line after the deserved XBobs wipe... I mean, what I don't get why you even want to play the game when it releases on XBox... because there will be a another wipe when I finally buy the game and get online later, right... I think that is such a waste of time, right...? Knowing you loose all you progress again when I finally get online so we can start together on this epic journey, right...? I mean this will be super, all the fun we will have, right...? I only hope that when Atlad releases on Mobile later, that they will not be so stupid that they wipe the servers just for them, so they can start from tje same point as everyone else before them... I would be very pissed if that happens and they wipe all the cool things I build ingame just because of these Johnny come lately's, right...? I mean at that point I would leave the game forever, right...? I cannot be expected to start all over again, right just because of some MBobs getting into the game, right...? Right...???
  14. 1 point
    I've never been against wiping if the developers determine it's necessary for any development related reasons. What I was and still am against is wiping for the sole reason of making it "fair" for new players, or because they think they deserve it. It takes only the simplest of logical examples to illustrate why this line of thinking does not hold up. Do the people who join the game at any point down the road after it has been wiped for the initial wave of xbox players not deserve the same level playing field? If so, then you must wipe every x period of time to make it "fair". That is obviously an absurd approach to any game where there is long term investment of time and energy. In just the same way that life is not fair, a game should not cater to such a perceived need just because some group agitates for it. Every player who joins Atlas or any other MMO for that matter at a point after an initial launch has to cope with the "unfairness" of others having a head start. I myself have done it many times on many games. It is the nature of the beast, and frankly part of the challenge. MMORPG's have successfully divided servers when game population size made that prudent, or to better serve real world geography. I absolutely disagree that pvp and pve should not be seperated. They are two fundamentally seperate game modes with players seeking fundamentally different experiences, and what has happened every single time any game I've played has tried to shoehorn them in together because of some hairbrained developer notion otherwise is that the pve experience has suffered horribly for good reason than to provide amusement for pvpers who would rather grief players than actually engage in competition. It is a foolish invitation to asshattery, and the only exception I've ever seen to this is Eve, which found a way to blend the two reasonably successfully. When Grapeshot demonstrates the same level of professional competence and mastery that CCP has over more than a decade, fine, we can have that talk. Until then, I'm firmly against it. I agree that it is precisely this sort of toxic behavior that limits games which allow this sort of nonsense into a backwater niche within the MMO genre. that's completely understandable, and as you've already made clear in the past, your decision is as much about playing with your friends as anything else, so a change in their preferences based on the information in hand could obviously result in a change of where you play.
  15. 1 point
    Yeah, it is disappointing and time wasted. I do still stand by the wipe however for others. I guess I was merely saying that bowing out of the race since officials won’t be viable for me unless I do choose pve. so my stance really hasn’t changed, more like my situation has now changed.
  16. 1 point
    My comments had nothing to do with whether official or unofficial is the better place to play. I have tried both and prefer official because to me personally the size of the game world is an important draw, and unofficials are much much smaller. However, that is very much about personal preferences. The point of my post is that Realist as much or more than anyone here has been the driving force behind campaigning for official server wipe as "necessary" for a "level playing field" for Xbox players when they enter. For him to have invested that amount of time and energy into something that would result in other players losing their far greater amount of time and energy invested to suit his personal whims, only to make a decision at the last minute which renders the need he campaigned so hard for at others expense irrelevant, well.... that's why I was giving him a hard time about it, if only in jest. Based on what Realist has said he likes to do in the past, I think he could enjoy the game in either place. Keep in mind, he won't be the only one joining, and his play preferences and what he finds enjoyable could be quite different from what you enjoy, or what I enjoy. I still think that unofficial servers for a traditional MMORPG that was trying to promote the things Atlas claimed to be aiming for at launch is a head scratchingly bad idea, and that's coming from someone who ran his own multi server cluster for over a year on Ark, so I'm certainly not anti unofficial. However, as I have watched Atlas's development this year, I am letting go of the notion that unofficials make no sense for this game, because it is never going to be the things they said they were setting out for in the beginning, and I think if Atlas ultimately survives and finds any long term success, it will have to be by finding a genre defying space in the gaming world that does not fit previously held definitions. So I'm not standing on an unmoving inflexible hill of "unofficials bad, officials good." I'm just saying for what I would want from the game, having tried both, I think officials are more likely to get there, but as always ymmv.
  17. 1 point
    To be honest it sounds like Realist has made a great decision to play on Unofficial. Be honest with yourself Boomer it's the only place the game is currently playable and enjoyable.... As for the elephant in the room "The Wipe" Get over yourselves people, this is a game in Development its not freaking released.... And its expanding to XBOX! Of course there going to wipe and it's not the end of the world, you can rebuild your pixels. Games wiping in development is part of the process. The train of thought that wipes are driving the player base away is CRAP The game itself, its poor implementation, drives the players away all on its own. The Wipes don't matter one bit to the fact the population has declined. The same people who were about to quit this game before the wipe are going to quit after the wipe, the wipe will just be there excuse or final nail in the coffin.... But don't be fooled they were dead men walking already!!! And that same people who love this game will still love this game after the wipe, though I can't imagine who those people are, they evidently have strange taste in a game!
  18. 1 point
    Maybe It's like empyrion with not a hand full of devs. There it makes sense, that alpha state takes longer.
  19. 1 point
    Haha, often when you purchase a animal, you can check the ancestors and see that there is ancestors named "800 DMG", for example, and your newly purchased animal has 500 dmg.
  20. 1 point
    ... I’m gonna shoot you in the face with a bazooka. You’ve been on here for months arguing about the absolute necessity of a wipe and now at the last minute you’re shrugging your shoulders and saying “ meh it doesn’t matter, I’m going to unofficials.” You get back here and eat your peanut butter and broccoli sandwich young man. There are starving children in Alabama who would murder you in your sleep for that sandwich. Seriously, don’t go to Alabama. Kidding aside, I’m not sure what advantage you think going to unofficials will gain. Boosted rates and some mods maybe, but on a vastly smaller game world subject to change or disappearance at any time based on the whims of the server owner unless you and your buddies rent your own. But you’re an Ark vet, you don’t need me to tell you that. Just curious as to your thinking because while the game has plenty of issues, those issues still exist on unofficials. Maybe I’m overlooking something relevant. Break it down for me.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Hello and welcome to the game and the forums. Server wipe has been a heavily debated topic around here, but the long and the short of it is that GrapeCard’s publicly stated position is they will only do a wipe if it is needed for technical reasons and prefer not to if it’s not necessary. Anything beyond that stated by parties not employed by them is speculation. Take it for what it is worth.
  23. 1 point
    To be honest I am starting to not care about the wipe anymore. That interview was so underwhelming and seeing all the negative feedback on mixer, twitter and reddit because of that interview I am kind of just meh now. i mean my buddies and I will still get it but we will be going to unofficial servers. Just from hearing about how broken or lacking in content it is from you pc guys over the past few months has really killed the hype. so yeah. I mean there still should be a wipe, but it won’t be because I want since since I am pretty sure we won’t be going to officials. I still do feel for the poor guys that will play on officials. anyways, I don’t think they did a good job with the announcement so this might be another bad launch unfortunately
  24. 1 point
    Well come on over to unofficial servers and we can pvp all day long
  25. 1 point
    PVE could probably keep their levels. But not PvP. Just because PC players already have an advantage doesn’t mean they should be given more of an advantage. That is just a bs argument. But that is irreverent since you clarified that you are referring to PvE. Also I wouldn’t say I’m a beginner. I have a bout 1000 hours in the game and don’t care at all about losing any sort of progress.
  26. 1 point
    What the hell are you trying to say? Be straight forward instead of trying to sound pretentious as fuck. Are you saying you don’t think characters should be wiped? If so you are wrong. Yes PC players will have an advantage when the game releases since they had it first. But they shouldn’t be given a larger advantage by retaining anything. This game is still in EA. People should expect wipes. With the Xbox release, it is needed more than ever if it hopes to succeed. Console release is the life raft for this game. They can’t afford to fuck it up by not wiping the game completely. People that cry about losing their progress should really look at the bigger picture.
  27. 1 point
    well, you know what im doin. marking this in my calendar as xbob cheeks clappin day. gonna need to take the whole week off for this event. THEIR SUFFERING WILL BE LEGENDARY
  28. 1 point
    Eh, I was a couple of weeks off. We still have to see if there is a delay
  29. 1 point
    what happened to Nov realist? you was so sure about that date. yea everyone was just screaming boring get to batman from what I saw.
  30. 1 point
    I know it’s too many syllables, but this *almost* feels like a PTR haiku.
  31. 1 point
    Who's to say they aren't? It takes time to implement things. Some stuff is pretty straightforward sure, but I wouldn't assume that none of our ideas are being listened to and considered. Way back when I played City of Heroes, players clamored on the boards for the ability to customize the visuals of their powers (mostly color). We were told this wasn't a simple thing and because of the way powers were coded and would require a major rework of that code. Most players considered it a dead issue and moved on. Literally years later ( I wanna say 3 or 4) with little fanfare the devs rolled out power customization to the great surprise of the playerbase. "We said it would take a lot of work. We didn't say we wouldn't do it." To this day the City of Heroes development team is the gold standard against which I measure the devs of any game I play. Those guys were epic in every sense of the word.
  32. 1 point
    You know, this is a compelling point and one that has been scratching away at the back of my mind from the beginning of this thread. Maybe the reality is that what makes sailing fun is so much an experience that cannot really be replicated in a computer game. Maybe it's the smell of the ocean, the wind on your face, the actual physical labor required to make the ship do as you want. Of all the five senses, a video game can replicate only sight and sound. Maybe the factors that make days or hours at sea enjoyable cannot readily be translated into a game on a screen. On a personal level I've always found people enjoying watching their avatars dance onscreen for more than say a minute kind of weird. Dancing is an inherently physical activity. The notion that large numbers of people enjoy virtual dancing is something I have a hard time wrapping my head around, but it's the best case for why GrapeCard might be able to make sailing fun in a game despite the sensory gap.
  33. 1 point
    @Realist: stop act as you would speak for all the players. I don't give a fuck if there's a wipe or not. Both sides have pros and contras. I don't give a fuck if the other player on the grid plays on PC or Xflop. I don't give a fuck about the playerbase, because GS doesn't too (you can see this in the case that they still programming it). So in the future I would really like to see you acting more like a smart person and less like a politician duchebag in the opposition, flaming everything you personally dislike and make propaganda without any evidence for your words. You're not Donald Trump, so don't act like that piece of shit. So shift down, even when you are excited about the xbob launch soon and calm down a bit. Ah and please stick to the OP (in every fucking thread!), or do you read the threadtitle and just understand: "another thread who wants to be mutated in a wipe-thread by me"?
  34. 1 point
    *yawns* Oh look, Realist has hijacked his own thread to talk about something he's never brought up before. Man those Wild Pirate Encampments sound nice for pve, too bad we can't talk about them. Dude, this is starting to border on an unhealthy obsession. It will happen or it won't, either way pick up the pieces of life and move on.
  35. 1 point
    Wow.. again for single player and dedicated servers. The lack of comprehension on these forums is comical, and makes one feel like the most intelligent person in the room.
  36. 1 point
    Thanks Vorxius, I will try it out, but the whole idea was to play with my boys. they worked so hard to build the ship it really took days for my boys and I to build it. Due to a raid before taking most of our stuff so we had to start again. It was really hard to tell my boys that all of our stuff is gone due to other players coming by and probably with in a few minutes destroying all of our work. They didn't even get a chance to use the ship. They don't want to waste their time building another ship. it took way to long, and they sink way to fast. Just not worth the time. We are going on to play another game together that doesn't punish us from being off line. So thank Vorxius for your mature response and your sincere care. Sadly there are some fanboys in this game that don't see the problems with this game and will insult you for not wanting to play it because of the frustrations and waste of time. If they made some really good NPC's that could actually guard your base while you are off line then maybe we will try sometime down the road, but I don't have a lot of faith in these game designers / programmers to have the ability or experience to create the AI to do that.
  37. 1 point
    Like your ideas, and the multiple players on a ship bonus sparked some ideas of my own. 1. with a captain at the wheel, if there is a player on the podium - +5% speed, plus an additional 5% divided by number of sails for each sail manned by a player. 2. with a captain at the wheel, manning a cannon will grant your loading and targeting bonuses to the nearest 1-2 NPC's mounted on cannons, a player on the podium will increase this by +1. 3. make cargo racks mountable. With a captain at the wheel, if an NPC is mounted reduce speed penalty by 25%, if a player is mounted reduce the speed penalty by 50%. Increase this value by 25% if there is a player mounted on the podium. (All values are for description purposes and can be changed for balance)
  38. 1 point
    Appreciate ya keeping this thread active and edited. Number of good ideas in here
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