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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I just know the PvE mechanics because as a working person with friends, girlfriend and family I can't be in front of the game for 16h a day. And Jean didn't wrote if it's pve or pvp. So both are "totally right!" Oh and what exactly? I was not wrong and you can't hit out a "Nope" without an argument.
  2. 1 point
    I've pointed to No Man's Sky in the past as the ultimate example in the gaming world of "The opera ain't over til the fat lady sings", but until this past weekend, I'd never actually played it. My boss (who incidently is one of those mythical grown adults who plays both console and PC games and makes distinguishing between the two as somehow separate and distinct groups somewhat silly) has been campaigning for me to try it for at least half a year, and has kept me abreast of Beyond, it's free update released last Wednesday. It is currently on sale at half price for another couple of days and so after giving it til friday for my boss to verify the new update was as promised, I finally took the plunge over the weekend. I didn't write this to hype a different game on Atlas's boards, but in the sincere belief that all concerned can take something instructive away from No Man's Sky. If you've been living under a rock for the past 3 years, then NMS's launch might be the only one to rate as a bigger charlie foxtrot than Atlas's. When you have legal and regulatory agencies of multiple governments publicly declaring their intent to investigate your game based on allegations of outright fraud, it's safe to say something has gone horribly wrong. Yet Hello games, in the face of massive bad publicity and widespread public rebuke, declared their intention to simply put their head down and go about making NMS into the best possible game they could. If ever a developer had every reason to just walk away, this was it, but they didn't. Fast forward 3 years. The game I played over the weekend was engaging, it felt fully developed and fun. If I had been unaware of NMS's disastrous launch I would never have known from playing it. I believe NMS is an instructive example for 2 parties in 2 ways. The first will not be what you expect. For Jeremy and Snail Games, and all other decision makers in the gaming industry, look closely at No Man's Sky and think hard about whether you really want to release your game long before it's anywhere close to a finished product and charge people money for it, whether you call it Early Access or not. Because the damage to your game's reputation if you do so and it goes poorly cannot be undone. No Man's Sky took 3 years to dig itself out of that hole, and what it has arguably lost in the process is the chance to ever be a big hit. It's clawed itself into being a solid game because Hello games put blood sweat and tears into making it that way without ever asking for a penny more from the people who bought their product. But if they had waited until now to release, who knows what it might have been. Certainly more than the 10k average activity steam charts even over the past weekend with a major new content release AND the game at half price. "Long is the road and hard is the way that out of hell leads up to heaven." Indeed. It would seem wiser never to put yourself in hell in the first place, wouldn't it? Secondly, for everyone who bought Atlas and now despairs of the game's prospects as hopeless and beyond repair: go and have a look. I'm not saying what will be, merely what is possible. If GrapeCard™ were merely shysters looking to make a fast buck, I sincerely believe that they would never have chosen an MMO to do it with, and more importantly, they would probably already have walked away. Atlas is making almost no revenue at this point. Do you see many new players trying the game out? The fact they continue to press forward should be evidence of a significant commitment to produce a viable game. It is entirely possible that the game could still fail, that it's myraid issues may never be satisfactorily resolved enough to attract a meaningful and viable playerbase, but that is only a possibility, not a certainty. I want to also say a word about the continuing criticism of Atlas's concept as not just pirate themed, but pirate/fantasy. If you don't like the concept, by all means say so, that's useful and legitimate feedback. But at the same time, try to give them credit for trying something new and different. The gaming industry has too little innovation and experimentation at the top these days, as the bigger companies just regurgitate mostly bad sequels to already proven franchises. If Jeremy et al had truly wanted to just create Ark II, they could have done it without taking the chances they have with Atlas. Beyond this, for those that just want to stand on the sidelines, throw stones and jeer instead of offering useful and constructive feedback, I offer the words of Teddy Roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
  3. 1 point
    Could we get a grinder like the one in Ark?
  4. 1 point
    Basicly they said no Big content patches Till xbox release And that they are going to adress And fix Bugs First And do QoL before adding Any bigger content And changes.
  5. 1 point
    I think one way to get the emphasis away from the land based game - is change the way animals are in the game. The whole taming element is interesting yes, but it puts a huge emphasis on doing it and drastically changes the focus of players from being sea-based, to amassing and protecting vast stocks of tames. The tames also by nature become the focus of combat, raiding etc. If anything - it's as if they're unwilling to step past their ARK roots and let Atlas have its own identity. If you're going to have tames - have them purchasable for gold, and instantly. Get rid of that whole side of the game which anchors the gameplay on land, and return it to the sea. Look at new ways of obtaining gold (although what is there currently isnt too bad)- but moreso new ways of spending gold to enhance the sea gameplay. Man I don't know - but all i do know is, if Atlas is going to ever step out from ARK's shadow, it needs to confidently declare its own identity - ie a game based around the sea - and then all design decisions going forward need to be selected with that in mind. It's almost as if it needs a standard company mission statement to colour the design roadmap. If it was up to me (and it aint :)) - i'd be instantly halving the size of the map - possibly even a quarter of its current size, so the existing player base is not so spread out. You WANT players to be seeing other ships almost every time they sail. The more ships on the water the more chance of NON ship combat every single time. By that i mean - ship combat isnt a guaranteed thing because you rarely see other ships and it's omgomg kill anything that moves. It'd be good to see other interactions in addition - trading on the waves, sailing together for protection, etc. All of those kinds of interactions would make the actual combat so much more special. I mentioned above about expanding Freeports into proper towns - purposely designed port cities. Imagine there were 3-4 main cities like this - it would instantly give purpose to the map - if you say bought bananas in City A then went across the other side of the map to sell them in City D for solid profit - suddenly you've got a trading route - incentive for traders, incentive for pirates. You simply build alternate routes and concepts on top of this until there's a real game in there. But more - what if you took those Freeports and added things like rentable rooms in inns - so solo players had a safe base (at a cost) and a place to keep their ship overnight at the docks? Right now the game seems to be held hostage to the amount of land available. The map is big, and empty and dull - just so everyone can have sufficient land to spend all their time protecting and doing little else. This needs to be turned on its head somehow. The game set out to be an MMO of sorts and it was a great concept, but the reality is, those numbers are never going to be sustainable unless there's the best goddamned game ever inside - and ATLAS to me, still doesn't know what it is. It needs to be find the courage to dump the superfluous things that are keeping it from being an awesome sea based survival game.
  6. 1 point
    I don't like the fantasy part of the game, but I love, like, and wait for the more pirate aspect of the game. Since we are doing famous dead guy quotes, this is one of my favorites from Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), "A gold mine is a hole in the ground, with a liar standing on top of it". That is just coincidence statement that I have liked. I agree with your opinions but NMS is not my cup of tea.
  7. 1 point
    100% agreed. Forcing someone to be on 24/7 to protect their hard work while they were on is unacceptable. If I had to log in every day and start from the beginning, I would have left the game too.
  8. 1 point
    Ah. Yes. Nice ad hominem there. Just because this account doesn’t have posts I must be a newbie and not know what I am talking about. /sigh. His arguments contradict each other. In summary, he said: ’It doesn’t make sense to own an island because you gain no benefit but it doesn’t make sense not to own because you pay the land owner’ (which is a benefit to the landowner). ‘There are no benefits to building in lawless because people screw you over’ which implies there are benefits to owning or building on an owner island. If he were to say that the benefits were not sufficient for the cost, that is a discussion worth having. But he didn’t say that. “You get nothing in return.” personally, I think the claim system is a nice idea. However, it is most effective on a large population server with a lot of people building, harvesting, and working together. If you have 20 settlers on your island, all harvesting and giving you a tax, it means you don’t have to harvest. All you have to do is just pull from your flag/bank and build as much as you want. Frees you up to get gold to pay for the island If you have an issue with something, rather than just complain, offer solutions.
  9. 1 point
    I'm done... again. Decided not to play until there's a wipe and the whole stupid land claim system gets fixed. It started with someone claiming and taxing a previously unclaimed island where I was farming tin and cobalt. It got exacerbated when I was trying to build a ship to take on STOD. Spent a small fortune in time and resources, got to the part where I was trying to place a sail and it kept saying obstructed (even though it was blue). Ripped half the ship back apart and it was still obstructed (and got 0 resources back because it wasn't 'anchored'). Got pissed off and demolished the entire shipyard. Then, got to looking at claiming the island I was on (not because I wanted taxes but because I didn't want anyone taxing all the work I'd put into it) and realized just how much maintenance I'd have to do to keep paying for it. Screw that. If you claim the land, you're taxed by the game, forced into a time-sink to pay for it and the only thing you get is that someone else can't tax you. If you live on someone else's claim, you're taxed by them, spend 20% more of your time to gather the same amount of resources and get nothing return. If you live on an unclaimed island, someone can come tax you without so much as a by-your-leave and you get nothing in return. Of course, the other option is to live on a lag-fest lawless island and there, you are never truly safe from dickhead neighbors. Sorry but this is supposed to be a game, it's supposed to entertain the players. None of those options above are entertaining to me. Ta-ta.
  10. 1 point
    It automatically did that when I pasted it from Google. I changed it for you.
  11. 1 point
    but you didnt mention those men went blind after reading your white highlighted posts
  12. 1 point
    salty melons bears are the best!
  13. 1 point
    Somebody is giving their thoughts and has even provided us with explanation, ignore that to the point where you somehow convince yourself that now would be the best moment to tell people how they should think, and that their problem is that they don't have you to tell them what their problem is, then spam some side discussion. Fun times.
  14. 1 point
    Sure we can make them like uhh, christmas ornaments or something.
  15. 1 point
    Dont let the door hit ya....again.
  16. 1 point
    That is a little disappointing. I heard people talking about jat drinking whiskey and then you ruin it with him hiding it almost had a Jew found respect from him. If you are going to wear a pirate hat you better be drinking lol should have been rum though to be honest edit: not Jew found, I meant new found. Didn’t even change the original text so this could be better displayed.
  17. 1 point
    Still Dont understand why upkeep or tax still is a Problem. The First few days After a fresh wipe but now you get so much good for Basicly Doing Nothing. Sell stuff tames or Ressources. Do a few Maps on Weekends or Dive for shipwrecks After the Buff,go whale hunting, all stuff which gives you enough Gold for a years upkeep in a Short Amount of time
  18. 1 point
    In PvP there still a "real tax" But in PvP, the landlord should protect you and such, so you got an advantage on living on someone else island
  19. 1 point
    Absolutely wrong since months!!! If I set the tax of "my" island to 20% and you come to farm 1000 copper (a.e.). You get the 1000 copper without any loss and I get a bonus of 20% = 200 copper in my flag. The only thing who's taxed like you know it is the gold from the treasure chests. There you gain 80% and the other 20% are mine. The problem with the sails can happen because of any diagonal structure like a ramp or stairs. This is a issue since the release of Atlas. After spelling grudges and wreck it all down you know it for all the upcoming ships and don't get trapped again. First thing after placing the planks and decks are the sails, if I build up a new ship because of that problem.
  20. 1 point
    Hey Hey , meine Company macht jede Woche Mittwoch um 21 Uhr den Kraken 1.0 und donnerstags 2.0. wir treffen uns in H9 am Kraken boxenstop wenn du Interesse hast^^ mehr Infos und einen kompletten Guide findest du auch auf unserem discord ^^
  21. 1 point
    Is a server option possibly in the works to make a PVP/PVE hybrid? I hate to bring up another game but, Conan Exiles has one that allows PVP against players for a set amount of hours, while keeping one's base secure from being destroyed by other players. That doesn't mean that their base cannot take damage from animals, bosses, etc. I do think that this type of "conflict" server, would cater to those that do want to PVP but do not want to see everything destroyed offline. Ship PVP could certainly be an option during this time period as well or, ship PVP/Player PVP could be an option all the time. I do think this would entice more players to play PVP that cannot be online all the time nor, have a desire to play in a larger company. Thank you.
  22. 1 point
    Am I the only fool playing alone on official? My fun time is spent filling feed troughs around the world in hopes friends will come back.
  23. 1 point
    Aye, we should have posted that the forums were offline. Typically if they go offline, it's because someone is attacking our network, usually both sites simultaneously (most particularly after banwaves ). I usually post these and post on both platforms that they're unavailable (ARK and ATLAS ) but I was away this weekend for family commitments so wasn't around to do so but have reminded the others they can and should too. You'll notice that Chris sent out a tweet that he was looking into both sites, but it was only RT'd from the ARK account As for the Q&A, we'll be looking to answer those (in some form) during our livestream later this month.
  24. 1 point
    I didn’t find it shallow or flimsy at all, but then I didn’t go looking for combat and I only had a weekends worth of playtime. What I found was a game that held my attention for exploration, crafting and new twists. I love the idea of learning to communicate with alien races one word at a time, one NPC at a time. Mostly I wanted to point out that recovery is possible, but comes with a high risk and cost of potential for developers. The number of people who will never touch NMS despite the turn around likely still far outweighs those who have. It’s certainly not a perfect game but it’s not a dumpster fire either.
  25. 1 point
    Have you thought of putting a map with pvp and pve areas together like a lot of the private servers have made so that small tribes can enjoy the ship pvp without having their base trashed by the large tribes and have a safe area to relax when they want to just build.
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