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Everything posted by DannyUK

  1. Well I was hoping to play tonight looks like it will be tomorrow now as it's getting late in the UK 10.13pm, there goes my headstart.
  2. Well of course if you play in a large company you will most likely get things given to you on a plate like weapons and ships etc without the huge working for it. I like working for resources and building, it gives more of a satisfaction but that's just me personally. I never played Ark so I can't comment on what that game is like. I never play PvP in Atlas either, it's always PvE for me but if you start PvP on your own I don't think you will last long, i've heard you will be wiped out very quickly in Atlas also just like you say in Ark.
  3. Well actually you'll be surprised at how much enjoyment you will actually get out of it even though it isn't finished yet. Not only have you got official servers and private servers but you also have the option to play single player. The game takes a long time to play, it is a grindy game but personally I love that even though I play alone or sometimes with a friend. You will never complete everything, there's always something else to do but hey that's just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own I guess, if you don't think it's worth buying then don't buy it.
  4. You know it's been that long I didn't even know they stopped tames from doing maps. I always use to take my bear with me when doing all the maps, I used to enjoy doing lots of them over the double gold weekend but I would not attempt them on my own, at least not the higher ones maybe a few lower ones you can get. So this mean we have to get used to killing them with guns or bows? I just hope they increase the damage much more then because if you're playing alone it isn't easy to do them all without your tame. Hopefully they allow the tames to return to do these maps. @Jatheish @Dollie
  5. Yes you are limited to 10 per day at least that's how I saw it. We got around this by doing what the poster above suggests, take someone with you and they can buy 10 also and then transfer them to yourself. I don't think levels come into it, I was high level and was still only able to buy 10 which is why I thought it was per day.
  6. Well I was close, 1 hour out that will do fine for me though, will be on as soon as it's out. Looking forward to spending hours on end again grinding away.
  7. I think last time it was in the evening around 6pm in UK I could be wrong though. I'm usually on as soon as it comes out, it didn't take long last time before you started seeing those foundation spams to map out your area, I think this has been fixed though. If it comes out after 11pm UK time then i'll be leaving it until morning, people can have a head start.
  8. I wish they would put more sound effect on ships when you have NPC on board and let the NPC run around your ship doing certain things rather than sit on the side. As well as this I can imagine an atmosphere with sound effect with them all talking in the background like you have sound effects for the sea and you hear alot of different things. They would shout certain phrases at you like what do you want us to do Captain or We're under attack, do you want us to raise sails to maximum? This is what a pirate game should be like, especially for solo or small groups. I really hope they improve the NPC in this game, it's very limited but I'd love for them to make it more immersive like I said above.
  9. I wish they would improve NPC's especially for solo players. I'd like them to be able to all have repair hammer and run around the ship to repair whilst at sea, not just while you are anchored. This would at least give it more of a level playing field with other people who actually play in groups. There is no doubt solo players are left behind in this game, focused more towards large companies and I don't like large companies, I prefer to be on my own or with a friend at certain times. Not sure how much they can improve the NPC but I really hope they do sometime soon.
  10. Best thing about this community was people used to organise fights for Kraken etc so for people like me who play alone or 2 people we can all do it together in a group. I've had fun playing the game, has been well worth the money so far but I do think they need a market place or some sort of trade in the game apart from the shop, never used that shop was useless.
  11. Have they sorted the blueprint sails out yet to go faster than normal speed sails? As far as I know blueprint sails don't make any difference than normal ones. Hopefully they do something with the wind and speed very soon before we all get sick of sailing for hours again.
  12. I have a PS4 also but I never use it, since they made everyone pay a subscription to play games I ditched it and bought myself a top end PC that would last for years and no subscription to pay on PC and you get cheaper games also. Don't get me wrong I love Playstation, infact I have been very loyal to them in stay from my very 1st console PS1 but after the subscription thing it turned my mind. I think crossplay on all consoles is a good thing, the more the better as it connects more people to give a better experience. I don't think it will come to PS4 also though, at least until it is a more finished game. I can't wait until they get some sort of auction house going or market place so we can trade like in other MMO's, that's what will keep players active also.
  13. I think they should get rid of companies altogether and just have factions, put them apart on the map. I don't like the claim system, it is focused towards large companies, not everyone wants to be in large companies, some just like to play with 1 or 2 friends. If there was factions in the game other fellow teammates in the faction could fight the otherside, there would be no need to join companies to attack another. I've never tried to own an island but I know it costs alot of gold, they have made it for large companies to take over and exclude the smaller ones. They should have just gave everyone 1 or 2 claim flags instead of having to have alot of gold to take a whole island. This is the only reason I live on lawless, at least you know you are safe there but we shouldn't have to be on lawless if they got the claim system right. I'm not sure the system will change though, they had to wipe last time, can they change it without another wipe? Who knows but unlikely to happen anytime soon.
  14. Personally I think they should merge the EU and NA servers in PvE. I see no reason why they continue with the two when players were dropping like flies. It would make sense to just have 1 PvE server whether it's called EU or NA or something else but having two just splits the players. I'd like to know the reason they have two though as it would probably save them some money and have players play together more but whether it can be done is another matter, can't see why not.
  15. Yes but not everyone plays in big companies to get the gold to pay for the island. I lived on lawless because people would just erase your structure within the time limit. I did start off on a claimed island and we were welcomed then within 12hrs it was gone so it was 2 fingers up to that idea. I am another who thinks the claim system should change or just have factions to build within faction areas. I ended up on lawless and I will be going back there again without a doubt.
  16. I don't mind waiting a week, I am looking forward to coming back, even more so with crossplay with xbox. I'm hoping there will be many more people coming back again, I remember people coming back from the last wipe, it was great to see but it only lasted about 4 weeks if that. The more people that play the better the experience, you have more interaction and also trade. We used to trade just in the chat and people came to our place and vice versa, only happens with more people online though. The past month I haven't played it at all, was 3 people on my grid at most, not great but looking forward to Oct 8th.
  17. Comes with the game unfortunately, wipes are part of it at the moment. I've played and came back since it was released and I intended to do it again. Although they have said there will be no more wipes I still think there will be at least 1 other wipe before full release, not that they will tell you that of course.
  18. Hopefully they bring in Pirate encampments to official servers as I only play EU official. I'd love to see those pirate encampments on there also, they should have been in there first in my opinion, it supposed to be a multiplayer game but has been added to single player first. Can only hope it comes soon to official servers.
  19. Don't think that works, if they are claimed all you have to do is be in render ranger or go near wall and it will reset the timer, at least that's how I understand it and that's what happened to me also even though they were inside. If they claim them they don't get them anyway, I just taunt them until they die so we both lose out. They call this PvE or so they say.
  20. That sounds more of a real MMO what this game should be. If only it was like that with lots of NPC's and such, I'd quite happily pay a subscription if it was a real MMO but unfortunately it isn't, at least not in the sense you talk of. We should be seeing festivals in the freeports, and many other things whether it comes remains to be seen but I'm not hopeful it will.
  21. Make structures repairable and damage over time, that will sort out the spam. I think Rust has something similar where you have to put resources in to repair over time.
  22. Said it was coming months ago, I think many anticipated it not that it bothers me, infact it brings me back. They say there will be no more wipes but I'm not so sure about that, I think 1 final wipe after this before launch but that's just a guess.
  23. Well if it's anything like the last previous wipes it will be unfair to console players because I know very well what happens. As soon as you can play after the wipe, people spawn on islands, especially lawless and then spam the foundations all over the island to claim their space. You can imagine how bad it is in just 1 week alone, not every island but quite a few. I would have had both start at the same time if it was up to me or if it was possible. Console is getting an unfair advantage, coming from a pc player that is.
  24. I'd love trading in the game, i've wanted it from day 1 and it should have been in months ago to be honest. This is what keeps players interested and coming back, to work in getting resources and selling them on the market. Player shops are a horrible idea, they should be removed in my opinion and replaced with either an auction house on freeports or at least a couple of NPC on freeports where you can go up to them and click "my market" and then list all of your items. People that want to buy go upto them and click "available markets" then it brings a list of every shop or every item for sale. These player shops on your own island are useless, nobody ever comes. I've never tried placing them on freeports but I think I read somewhere you can place them there? Not sure if that made any difference, if it did I would have seen them spammed all over the place, I never saw 1 at a freeport.
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