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Everything posted by KeyenDF

  1. Had this same experience last night. Was it also on PvE? Do SotD still even agro anymore on PvE? We wondered if the new changes to avoid greifing have rendered the SotD useless. If so, it totally takes the thrill of sailing around out.
  2. I don’t like the idea of completely removing the creativity. I do however think those ships with 30 rear facing cannons are rediculous tho lol. Wonder if they could limit cannons to only being placeable on decks, and maybe add another option for smaller bow and stern decks that would snap between the hulls. This would allow cannons on the bow and stern to an extent, but remove the ability to put in these raised sections with a rediculous number of cannons on them. I guess this mechanic would neeed to be limited to ships tho, as you would loose the ability to use cannons on forts/walls/roofs/etc for land based defences.
  3. Ships should have a mechanic similar to flags, where if no one gets on it, after a certain amount of time, it will sink. Think of it as deterioration due to lack of maintenance.
  4. Maybe a difference between PvE and PvP then. PvE everything with an inventory is locked by default. my mistake.
  5. if you are on official, these should be locked by default. anything and everything with storage starts locked. if you have a pin code on the box, remove it. people can still "hack" the pin code to get at your stuff. just leave it as locked and you should be fine (unless there is another exploit out there).
  6. Would be a nice add. Now go throw it in the suggestions forum, so it has a better chance of being seen
  7. I have been watching a single flag the last couple days. got down to an hour last night, and is now at a little over a day. I'm not sure what's going on with the timers, but a refresh does not appear to be currently giving 3 days.
  8. Anyone try new flags? Just wondering if it’s not retroactive? (Would think it would be mentioned in the notes if that were the case tho)
  9. Check out Captains Log19. it also mentions sleeping bodies no longer contesting claims. They are working on it, however it is going to take some attempt by players to find land as well. If sailing around looking for land doesn't sound fun, I would suggest avoiding Officials, and looking for an unofficial server. usually a lot less players and a lot more space for folks to grab some land.
  10. Alpha means super hard. if your trying to relate this to real life, its not going to work lol. The cyclops', dragons, gorgons etc etc are really gonna blow your mind
  11. There's an icon on the side of your inventory screen (left side I think) with an exclamation point in it. that toggles tool tips on and off.
  12. Isn’t region locking just banning IP’s from certain parts of the world? (Or conversely allowing only IP’s from certain parts of the world) is IP spoofing still a thing? If it is, I think those “hackers” you are trying to keep out just might be able to figure out the IP spoofing bit. Region locking is only going to hurt legitimate players, and is very unlikely to actually effect the hackers you want to keep off your NA or EU servers. I completely agree with more regional servers. This just might not be the right time. This game is still pretty early in development. Any new servers multiplies the amount of work they need to do for maintaining/updating servers.
  13. Starting to look like the ‘moves to a new location’ is set to a much lower number than the 50 in game days announced. More like 5.
  14. This just pushes the crowd down the road. If they wanted to reduce the number of people trying to get to the fountain, they should drop people back into a range of ages. Take everyone over 50, and randomly reset their age to be something between 25 and 45. alternately, depending on how hard they want it to be to reset your age, they could have added a hard cooking recipe, or added something into the tarot skill line. This right now seems an oddly difficult route to take, without having a lesser option to ‘reset’ your age. They could have added a second option to become young, without the stat buff, or waited until having offspring to ascend into was added in. A singular solution to remove the old age debuff, when the vast majority of the server is close to the same age, was maybe not the best thing.
  15. It would appear that the fountain of youth is changing locations a lot faster than the 50 days originally listed. Closer to 5 days. It moved into C6 on NA PVE after the patch, and we set sail. Before we got all the way to the island, it was gone. We came from O11, but there’s no way it took 50 days to get there. Is it also supposed to change locations on server reset?
  16. Not sure about anyone else, but I’m going to need more information to understand what you’re trying to say here.
  17. I agree with this. Need to let us either repair the lantern in our own inventory (as opposed to taking it all the way back to a smithy), or add a second inventory slot to the hook that we can fill with oil for the lantern to burn IMO. (Ideally the lantern itself could be filled with oil to burn, but I suspect a container within a container holding the oil isn't feasible)
  18. The game may not be something you like, but you can't say the game concept is wrong. The developers decide the concept, not the user. They wanted a pirate sandbox game, that's exactly what they built. It just may not be your cup of tea.
  19. I agree whole-heartedly with this ^^ 30% tax is the most they can do. cant stop you from harvesting on their land, unless they physically wall it off somehow, or foundation spam it (which stops them as well).
  20. If you have other crew around, have one of them grapple you off the ship if you are stuck floating. This won’t help if you play solo, or no one else in your crew is logged in. I agree this is a strange fix by the devs. I’m hoping it’s temporary, and something else is worked out in the future.
  21. We had a similar problem with a sloop a week or so back. Since then we always try and place a trapdoor with ladder into the hull of the ship. Not sure if all ship types have the space to place the trapdoors on the lowest deck, but where you can, it’s a safety net for the future.
  22. Linking hunger and vitamins drain is a good idea. For now I would get on your admin to reduce vitamin drain if they have already reduced hunger. On officials, if running around the base, I never have a hard time finding room in my stomach for food to up my vitamins. Long voyages on a ship are another story tho. I find I don’t burn enough food to keep up with vitamins when spending long amounts of time at sea.
  23. This is already how it is supposed to work. Something does need fixed however as things are getting into/spawning inside some bases. (There are several threads out there discussing this already)
  24. I wouldn’t hold out great hope that taming and breeding are go to end up superior to Ark. this quote is taken from Jat’s post/blog after v10 was released. I figure this needed its own mini mention itself. ATLAS isn’t a taming orientated game. Yes, we have it, and we plan to expand on it, as well as introduce more creatures for you add to your arsenal, however, the creatures themselves are meant to be supplemental and not the main focal point. maybe I’m misinterpreting this, but doesn’t sound good for those of us who would love to do a lot more taming and breeding.
  25. For us the issue is we have a wall around our city to keep out the hoards of lions,tigers,large snakes and rattle snakes lol. For now our defence is 2 bulls, 2 lions and a tiger. (And hiding our farm animals in a barn, and away from the 2 ‘thin’ walls of the barn. Have always wanted to be able to let the beasties roam in a pasture for a little more realism, but after waiting for 4+years in ark, it kinda feels like a pipe dream.
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