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About ironbark72

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  1. When I hover my mouse over an item i want to build I do not get the resource list popping up to tell me what I need in order to make it. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have verified file integrity through steam several times now and this bug is persisting. It is making the game unplayable as I have to either ask in chat or over discord what the materials needed are to craft anything.
  2. Same here. Server is full message so we are completely locked out of the game at this point. I am not sure how the devs did not realize the havoc that would be caused by funneling everyone to a single grid with a low level cap. Well it is alpha i guess and this is the kind of kinks that get worked out during alpha. Does suck for the players tho
  3. It's awesome how you started off your post quite eloquently and then degenerated into that which you were admonishing us for. Ugh these responses are about a 1 out of 10
  4. At least I can respect this post. Thanks, for not getting instantly offended by my in game problems. I sure hope the devs don't respond the same way half these other posters do. That would make the game very short lived I would think.
  5. Can't grow trees in the game unfortunately, guess I'm not that good after all. No wood = Can't survive. Sorry it's that simple.
  6. Sorry I am touching the nerve of the fan boy brigade however I post my own experiencees with the game and to be honest it has been s*** even for early access. harvest nodes not respawning on any shard is just sloppy and game breaking for some people. Oh and early access also means opening up the game for early criticisms via first impressions. It's why some companies do it and some do not. The fact I need to explain THAT to you is quite frankly unbelievable.
  7. Well hopefully you were able to harvest it from the inside then. For us we have had no respawns whatsoever ... there are threads where people are complaining about the exact same thing. We both even re rolled characters and both died from vitamin deprivation with not a single tree that we were able to harvest. Kinda ridiculous
  8. Glad to see you are not having the same problems both my Son and I are having. For me its garbage and I DO have a clue what I am talking about Actually it IS true I watched streamers who mentioned they were placed on specialty shards. I can only call it like I see it. If your experience has been better than mine, good luck to you.
  9. Very poorly thought out. You zone in for the first time and there are no trees left to harvest wood from. They have all been harvested by the first generation of players. There is no respawn on the wood outside of a server reset, so your just s*** out of luck until you eventually die from vitamin deficiencies because u cant make a fishing pole without wood ... you cant make a fire without wood ... you cant make a hunting tool without wood. I mean its great if you were a streamer that got special privileges and early access. It all seemed so easy for them: plenty of resources, no lag and no server queues. Reality is, your just wasting $30 GG Grapeshot you win
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