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Everything posted by microphobe

  1. What they need to do is have a "governor" position that is the one that holds the lands, they collect the taxes and in turn they must defend the island against PvP and PvE threats. Make it so that there are occasional attacks against the coastlines by SotD and AotD on land and they will try to raid against the "governor" company meaning that the only structures that are PvP are the settlement owners structures, after they are gone and the flag is brought down it returns to lawless and everything is raidable but you MUST kill the land owner first. That way in PvP living on a powerful companies land is beneficial because right now with the system they have stated, you are unable to defend against a PvP attack because you can't build cannons etc on your land unless you are the land owner just puckles.
  2. Not really, what he did is blatant greifing either through ignorance, apathy or malice. There is no such thing as a total coast that can't be anchored at, he just didn't try hard enough or didn't try at all. Is it a dick move to retaliate against someone by locking their ship in? Kinda yeah, but for all we know this guy left it there for days, chances are he did if it happened over a week ago and this is his first post about it. The guy possibly waited a day and after which went, well this butt puppet has decided to abandon his ship in my dock, if he ever decides he wants it back I'll make sure he can't have it. The OP makes no statement about trying to reach the player or come to an arrangement with them, he parked his car in their garage and went home for the night, now he is complaining that someone closed his garage door and he can't get the car out. Here is how you solve the situation, make a billboard and stick it on your ship deck, write a note saying "I'm sorry I was inconsiderate and parked in your shipyard. I will do xxxx in contrition for my actions" I would be willing to bet the next day the blockade would be gone.
  3. you parked in someone else's ship yard, by all accounts that is griefing the player who owned the shipyard. If you did not ask permission first as far as I'm concerned you deserved it. why would you not just park next to it, or a hundred metres down the beach, or anywhere else other than exactly where you would cause the most disruption to another player. The admins will not side with you, in fact they will probably side with the person who put up a couple ceilings to fence in his own shipyard.
  4. I know, I was agreeing with you. It's just that wild grape card shot has their heart set on making freeports a thing, its not going to happen. I only go there to get figureheads and I buy a few at a time. There is no way I would go there to buy resources, certainly not on a pvp server, its just asking to be sunk on the way in. Guaranteed source of gold or mats for any boat going in.
  5. nobody wants them in the free ports, people want them as buildable shops on their own islands. That encourages trading and trade routes rather than just buying crap from a vendor in a freeport.
  6. I'm all for it so long as I get to own my own ships/tames/flags and base and if I choose to leave the company they go with me otherwise why the f would I ever join a company? They already get my time protecting their flags, I build my own ships, I build my own base all that stuff "belongs" to the company as it is. Taxing me on top of that so that the admins can make more galleons for themselves is a pointless waste of MY time. If they provide me with cannon balls, panels for ships, or ships in general then yes sure, tax away, but they don't and any company that tried to tax members without providing those things would end up empty very quickly.
  7. wipe the map if needed but at least let me keep my character. That is the thing that is hardest to earn.
  8. I would hope that it would be a connected structure thing not a radius thing if they really wanted to cut the pillar spam. if its just a radius then people will pillar spam and have some in the middle of them.
  9. I build docks for just this purpose, with open water barrels around for people to fill up on as well. I have never had a problem with strangers parking there only with my own company leaving their ships haphazardly around.
  10. Well it's a big middle finger to everyone actually. You should have been able to get this right now but we are going to delete all your progress and make you start from zero again in order to get the stuff you already had. Oh and btw you actually have to survive the locked out Kraken fight in order to get the rewards, there is no respawning in if you die or teleporting to other ships, the water will kill you quick and if you die that's it. No reward.
  11. Super spectacular builds will be a thing of the past, most people will prefer to have a small base with minimal repair costs associated with it. Those that want to make super coll things like that base that was featured in the captains log will all move to unofficial servers without the upkeep costs and no one will ever see them.
  12. Pretty sure this is just their way of testing it out to see if it's really true that everyone is going to go and build on other peoples metal spawn points. Pretty sure they are going to lol.
  13. The problem is that one is too few unless they tripled the size of the claims and for the love of god made them square or hex shaped rather than circles that can never actually cover all the area. You will never be able to "solve" the issue of more people having more land. Even in PVE, there will be companies that will block off an entire island and then just gather their resources on a neighbours island given that they wont have to pay taxes anymore, They can have their cake and eat it too so to speak.
  14. Sunk cost is what keeps most gamers playing through the tough times, they have sunk so much time and effort into their base, character and tames that to quit seems like a waste of time. When they wipe the bases, kill the tames and delete the characters that effectively severs the sunk cost tether to the game and a lot of people will just not feel the drive to come back afterwards and those that do will have their sunk cost reduced to a week and so it will be much easier to move on to another game. With the removal of the land claims it reduces the reason to join a company at all in pve to anything other than social and continues to hold the negatives such as not owning your own boats/tames/bases to the point that I'm pretty sure I will start my own company and just ally with my old group just in case, because frankly there is no real benefit to being in that situation. No one is needed to protect claims because there are none. The tundra areas will be barren wastelands devoid of people because why live there when I can build my base in the lovely warm tropics, sure I have to share it with 2 other people but hey with the population on the servers being what it is chances are you will never see that other person anyway.
  15. My take on this is that there will be a dedicated "repairs resource box" for a building and the materials needed to maintain that building will be pulled out of that box. When that box is empty the deterioration will accumulate until destruction of the structure occurs. What this means is that every individual structure will need to have it's own resource box attached to it in order to maintain it. This in itself is fine and I have no issues with it, it's great, it will keep our beaches clean. The issue is that there is nothing to stop someone from building right fricking next to you and essentially restricting your building and expansion capabilities, it will require you to make sure you build close enough to the water that people can't build in front of you and block you out etc. Seriously, 5 claim flags per person hard limit, how difficult would that have been?
  16. A better system is each player gets 10 claim flags to place down where ever they want, they can put it in their company pool or they can build in their own location away from the company but either way they only get so many, If you leave your company their limit goes down, the flags that player placed start a 5 day count down and will eventually no longer be part of the company this will allow a company to pull resources out from that area if they have it or to pull up other flags to trim their flag numbers down to their new limit. Making parts limits for land building is a bad idea as it stifles creativity and you will have boring boxes with no windows etc. Making a keystone system is a far better system for example making it so that all structures must connect to an original keystone piece that each person gets one or two of and cannot get more. This stops foundation spamming etc as well as one person having 5 bases that they can teleport to in order to refresh claims.
  17. The issue is the overlapping of claims, Whats the point of paying for a claim if someone else can overlap it and take your stuff anyway. If they really want to fix the claim system then the flags must be in designated areas that cannot overlap other peoples stuff and remove the water claims.
  18. I would prefer this to be some sort of "trade table" that can also connect to a cargo hold in a ship through a drop down menu of your nearby owned ships.
  19. Whales aren't fish dude. Whales are mammals like people.
  20. They are bringing in a bookshelf, hopefully this will act like a larder and double the decay timer.
  21. I suggested the same thing a while back. Having a rogue wave as an alternative spawn to the hurricanes that they have now. I would also like to see these weather effects doing damage to the sotd to heal clear them out and make them more enticing for people to engage.
  22. If you are going to have an upkeep as a per flag basis you really need to start making the flags set in a predesignated hex or square area on the map and any flag placed within that area only contests that one preset area, people currently have to have dozens of overlapping flags because people are putting water claims down and overlapping land claims, or claiming territory on the edges of flags by overlapping other land claims. If you are going to charge per flag you must make the system so that we don't have to pay to have 5 flags in place to hold one piece of land.
  23. I feel that perhaps with the monkey or something else it could have a repair capability seeing as the crew wont repair my structures have the monkey able to be trained as a odd job repairer that can repair a small amount say 1pt per minute to any structure he is in or on, something very low but enough to repair your base slowly of those annoying 1pt durability damages to floors etc. (resources out of ships chest of course) That or make it so that crew can do it because they certainly don't seem to do it in my base.
  24. I would like to see more involved passive taming, rather than just walking next to an animal feeding berries I would like to see a two stage tame. Make it that passive tame animals can all be lassoed (I think that's a word) or grappled in some way and immobilised (hog tied) they then need to be taken to a taming pen where the player must spend time in proximity to the animal so that it can get used to the player, effectively a reducing skittishness bar. Once the animal is accepting of the player they can then tame the animal by feeding it in the same way as normal taming but the animal doesn't walk away, rather as you tame it it will follow the player the more. This option should be used for horses at least if nothing else.
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