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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Systematic banning and oppressive muting of the most loyal player base to have ever player ATLAS has to stop! With well over a hundred thousand hours played when added together we have a voice and we refuse to get bullied and banned and muted because we want to better our most beloved survival game. When a moderator abuses his powers to silence people who have criticisms to offer or have opinions on the games health clearly the game is doomed to fail and will never accomplish its true potential. Scott Mcreggor(Sense) a biased, opinionated, culturally ignorant person, and whose bigotry has led to tens of bans handed out carelessly and without reason or fair warning to the most loyal community, a community that wants ATLAS to succeed. We have started this petition to show our concern and to ask the newly hired Community Moderators to revise this moderators behavior as we have strong reason to believe that he is actively destroying and alienating its community due to being left UN-checked by previous Community Moderators who we shall not name.We believe, that In our day and age, freedom of speech more important than ever and we would like to keep it that way. Please consider our plea! http://chng.it/Lrd6Q897vC
  2. 2 points
    Actually they haven't said they are keeping the eu pve server either, they just said na would go offline first. And seriously i'd rather build cute little ships and houses than big square blocks with no windows, and ships that look like wooden pyramid shaped hedgehogs covered in canons.
  3. 1 point
    So atlas was supposed to be launched with pve and pvp if the deves dont thank this is wrong I won't to know why? There is a list of definitions I could use but evidently I could get my post locked. I would be ok with pvp if it was at sea only were history shows most if not all pirates battled. I don't like it that I could spend hours on taming a animal or building a place just to have a person destroy it and that is supposed to be fun? How I feel like I wasted my money on two purchased atlas game
  4. 1 point
    We have reach a point in this game that is a very important cross roads. We have seen that they think they know what’s best for the game but we can all see the numbers and the frustration of the community. This is an “ark game” and what I mean by that is that it’s a mega alliance game. True the numbers aren’t high enough to truly call anything a mega but they are still there. factions or 2-4 with main cites that are unraidable. Here the pve people will be able to build and craft. The pvp people of that same faction only will be able to come and resupply their war inventory through either gold or trade(most likely gold from the raiding). This is also optimal because they “allege” that they want the game to be more about sea battles and not inland. Problem solved, you can’t take down the main city so don’t bother trying. Go sail out and take down the pve people when they do have to “risk” going through trade routes or whatever. don’t get me wrong I am in favor or even the pve people having to worry about pvp sometimes like when sailing but buildings just simply need to be indestructible now. If people just really have to have the risk of owing their base then they can still have an option of living on lawless areas. not sure why people need to have that risk of losing everything but we can easily accommodate those people by lawless areas all over the map. factions need to be a thing and main indestructible capitols need to be a thing. If those are implemented then you can actually have a good meld of pve and pvp. i am not worried about if pvp people like the idea or not because they will still always have their pvp regardless. I just want to make sure the pve people can also have what they want without anyone having to sacrifice too much.
  5. 1 point
    Whatever is or isn't right in the world of politics, I do not believe that the atlas forum is the place to argue over them. The discord has a general chatter, but I doubt how long it would be b4 you were kicked though.
  6. 1 point
    Yeah I am with you as well to an extent. Unfortunately as being a true believer in free speech it is more our right to ignore what people say than it is to tell them they can’t say it. I hear plenty of stuff I don’t like but I will never tell anyone they can’t express themselves. The main thing I want you to remember and I am not sure if you have been here since the beginning(don’t worry, I am not assuming) but depending on that you might not know the frustrations that have gone on for these people. i for one don’t like the devs but that is because I have played ark since the beginning and I have seen all of the unethical stuff they have done for over 5 years so believe me, it isn’t a pooping on atlas discussion man. It’s a righteous take a dump on the devs discussion and believe me you would lose that one regardless of whether you like the game or not. btw I like the game as well.... not the devs.
  7. 1 point
    Not factions. Those are Megas. Factions would be a completely different game.
  8. 1 point
    Why does everyone want to ban everyone else. It’s a shame how weak the world has become. The lack of freedom of speech has become pathetic to say the least. Cancel, cancel, cancel. in my opinion I should be able to the the N word on here if I wanted to and I really don’t care what anyone things about that.
  9. 1 point
    I'm talking about the soldiers, as an ounce of intelligence would show you, however as you are quite obviously just trolling and not interested in any form of mutual debate then I will just have to put your comments on ignore in future. And if in said future I find myself requiring a bout of uninspiring, mindless textual exchange, I'll be sure to seek you out. Have a great day.
  10. 1 point
    I love it actually. Less forever sailing for any biomes, plus more traffic will be near center and world will looks alive. And yeah. Let's hear about trade routes - the main reason of map change.
  11. 1 point
    Well Zeta you clearly don't know much about the military if you think they are interested in money. Tbh though I don't think the devs were in it just for a quick cash grab or any other reason like that. I base that on the evidence of some of their other games, ie dark and light, outlaws of the old west, citadel etc. All these games I still play and they still get updates very occasionally. I've always said I think the devs just get bored and have other Ideas, and move to something else from time to time, some creative people (myself included) have that failing. I too have had my money's worth,pc and xbox, though not so much xbox. But I also wanted a game that I could continually play and support for years to come, so I understand that others are disappointed too at recent events in Atlas. The potential for this game is amazing.And these forums are a good place for genuine debate that might even get things changed for the better.
  12. 1 point
    Open for business. You can agree with OP, or disagree. You can disagree with someone that disagrees with the OP. I only ask that we not go quite so far off rails this time.
  13. 1 point
    I recently had a post locked. Thus far the explanation, reasoning and execution seems fair. If this hasnt been the case for others i apologize and am not attempting to undermine your grievance. Good luck Nevermind. Gotten screwed over 3+ times now. Theyre not interested in constructive criticism
  14. 1 point
    honestly i dont get what the point of mega companies is, instead of having several mid zised groups that can have their stuff and fight eachother from time to time they facilitate the creation of 2 at most 3 mega companies that will not bother eachother and focus only on wipping solo players, what is bound to happen is that megas will turn their eyes to the players in the outer/less profitable region where all the solo players will be located and they will harrass them and destroy them, because they will have peace with the other megas, hence will eventually get bored and stop playing, the entirety of this game have such deep contradictions that unless they redesign it from scratch they are gonna lose even more players.
  15. 1 point
    I hope not. Because I am and I definitely don’t think that he does lol
  16. 1 point
    Given that I've played for over 1000 hours, I've already got way more than my moneys worth out of the game, so if I don't like the new changes and stop playing I'm not too bothered. To me the fun of the PVE side of thigs was exploring & sailing. Well, they already dumbed down the sailing, the ruined the exploring by making the whole map visible, not just showing the places you'd been. But the real issue with the PVE side was lack of things to do once you'd done the basics of finding somewhere to live, built a home and a few ships. If they had ever manage to get the wild pirate encampments in, that would have helped. Presuming PVE is staying in some form, then a wipe means there is some fun to be had doing all the initial stuff again, but after that it comes back to lack of things to do.
  17. 1 point
    Hi, as far as I am aware Atlas is keeping both PvE and PvP. The recent information was admittedly vague and so hopefully they can clarify exactly what they meant soon, but it doesn't definitively say they are removing the option to play on a PvE server. Two parts of the announcements that come to mind that people are interpreting as no more PvE are that NA PvE has been taken down, and that the announcement mentions 'breaking out PvE play into something else'. Regarding NA PvE there are reasons to believe that it was only taken down in order to be used as a test server (PTR) prior to the upcoming official network wipe; it has been reported that a PTR atlas branch has appeared on steam which would add credibility to this possibility. Also, Atlas has done similar in the past as well, where they take down one official cluster to use as the PTR then the official cluster returns after the testing period. The announcement does not include any of these details, so hopefully we get clarification on whether this is the case asap. Regarding the announcement wording, some read 'breaking out PvE play into something else' as turning PvE into PvP. However this is also vague and we could use more clarification on its meaning. But one possibility is that they simply intend to change the way PvE currently works into a different approach to PvE. Basically, we need more information. But so far they haven't said no more PvE. Let's hope they let us know soon because no one is enjoying this period of confusion and frustration.
  18. 1 point
    I am locking this for now. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there is no need for the name calling, threats, and telling people to shut up. I am leaving the original post as is and we may re-open it later, assuming that a lively discussion and debate can occur.
  19. 1 point
    Does our level carry over? That would sooth the fact that I lose it all. It would give me a reason to continue playing until the wipe.
  20. 1 point
    The only correct response at this point is to boycot all associated products and downgrade the reviews. Perhaps this will motivate the company to act responsibly if theyre even capabile of the transformation. Nuff said please show some support if you agree. Dont bless them with your input, they ARE not reciprocating
  21. 1 point
    I've been messing around with Elephants lately. Breeding in Equatorial so you get the weather swings. I don't use grills or fires anymore I came up with a system using Torches. I place a 3x3 set of wood guns mounts in a close bundle. If you place a wall hook on them they turn into a spike which you can place torches into. You then set the pin codes all the same and pin code them to a electric lever switch. Then go around the outside and place another 12 torches and pin code them to a different number. Code them to a second switch. When its day I turn everything off and the temperature is ideal. When it gets colder in the afternoons into the evening I turn on switch 1, the 3x3 set. When it hits night time and the temp plummets I turn on switch two. Reverse as we come out of night into day. This keeps my elephants happy 100% of the time. Also tested it and works with parrot eggs. I build over the top of the setup and the heat transfers through the floor so its clean and tidy. This is what it looks like under the floor.
  22. 1 point
    Id pay a 1 month fee right now to have whoever approved pulling the server and whoever approved that Orwellin news release walk the plank
  23. 1 point
    Plenty of games arent subscription based and they DO NOT wipe or reclaim their servers. Period. This does NOT mean I'm opposed to the idea of going subscription based. However having to pull the servers for ANY reason demonstrates poor management at a minimum and complete incompetence at the other extreme. If theyre borrowing it for testing why wasn't it mentioned in the news? Another idea is quartly-ish realease of DLC at a reasonable price providing new skins, mats, creaures and general content. Works great for a competitor of thiers...dropped 30+ on it gladly after encountering the vague double talk being masqueraded as a news release I could fix this entire shit show.... But then theyed have to pay ME
  24. 1 point
    they clearly stated this is done to encite conflict, wich makes sense, if you are not gonna play a PVP server probably you shouldnt care.
  25. 1 point
    The trouble with mixed pvpve is the fact that pvp will always gain more than pve, they have already said that the best resources will be in the pvp zone, and that pvp players will get greater rewards/ benefits than pve players who want to remain safe. Even though they have hinted that the pve player won't be totally safe either.
  26. 1 point
    The bottom line is regardless of if they actually make pure pve zones they won’t be able to implement it correctly and it will be easily exploited by many different ways that would take months at the very least to fix those exploits. pretty much no matter what there won’t really be any pve because of the exploits. And in my opinion people will see it as more fun to exploit the pve zones that it is to just go do some pvp. I mean just the trolls alone will be constantly going after the pve people in any way they can. who knows the pve people might reach out to the Megas and ask for their help. The Megas will probably agree to help but for a price so the pve people will pretty much be grinding for the Megas so the trolls don’t grieve them. And if that is actually that successful I imagine the Megas will have some of their own go undercover as trolls just to get them to pay for more protection.
  27. 1 point
    Don't expect a warm welcome when the community has been given the cold shoulder for so long.
  28. 1 point
    Anything that unclogs freeport of PVP knob stashing would be appreciated.
  29. 1 point
    LOL This is an exit strategy, not a continuing to work on the game move. They never recovered from their botched launch, now it's a matter of server cost reduction. The reality is, the game is probably as fixed as it ever will be. If this was them working on the game, there would be new content. new ships to build , new monsters /achievements. If they weren't giving up on the game , they would be doing what Ark does to get new revenue. I say all this as someone who has been through this with several other early access games, I would love to be wrong .. but when you have been through it multiple times before , you learn the patterns.
  30. 1 point
    I will try to make a comment without choosing sides. I understand the company side. I also have a small game studio here in Brazil, and I've been struggling for a long time to try to get somewhere. I understand that when we make a product available to customers it becomes vulnerable to all types of criticism. If I take into account your current product, the Atlas game, we can see the size of this game's ambition. He doesn't have a single defined audience, he has many defined audiences. The feature of this game goes beyond a simple survival game, it has a little bit of several game genres. Being such a broad product, covering so many types of audiences is clearly a double-edged sword. You earn in quantity of target audience, you gain in quantity of members in a community and of course you gain in quantity of sales. On the other hand, you get an absurd responsibility, I'm not just talking about the number of people, the responsibility is mainly with diversity. Diversity of the target audience, which, as we have seen, are many. They are people who like PVP games, people who like PVE games, people who like to raise animals, cultivate their farms, who like adventure and hunt for treasures or else who simply like to battle and create chaos. The responsibility of a game that put all these types of people in one place is to keep as many of them satisfied as possible. I'm a game developer, I'm an entrepreneur and being both at the same time I feel the pain that you took for yourself when you decided to create this game. You need to keep everyone satisfied, you need to keep their satisfaction out of the game, with a heterogeneous community. In addition, they need to maintain the health of the studio, the staff. Anyway. I really understand. Perhaps not in your magnetism but partially. The company behind the Atlas game, already has experience in this segment. With the ARK game, this should make things easier, because the ARK game has a lot of similarity to gender, target audience and mainly community. From a commercial point of view, the team behind Atlas must already have enough experience not to make the same and exact mistakes already made in the ARK game. More is not what I have witnessed since I decided to play this game. Speaking now from the client and player point of view. I was also an ARK player, I am well aware of the problems already faced by the ARK gaming community. So I will be very punctual and point you in the right direction for your failure in both games! 1 - You, as a company, do not know how to take care of the gaming community. Understand that a criticism can be reversed with a simple answer. The Community is made up of people and deep down what matters to people is to know that they are not alone. It is knowing that there are employees listening to them and mainly that their criticisms are being evaluated. Remember the following: If someone is taking the time to write for you, it is because they care. That person stopped everything he was doing to take the time to talk to you. This is no small thing. That person pays the game, that person influences the other person. That person, that single person being quantified as a unit, is important. 2- You like the game. Atlas: You need to understand once and for all that the people who are playing, those who are enjoying the time of their lives in the ATLAS world, are people of different genres. You need to learn to understand the gender difference that this game consists of and you must understand that this must be the person who will define your success or failure. The discussion you need to focus on is not whether the game is PVP, PVE or whether it is to farm or raise animals, etc. The discussion is: How can I balance all this mechanics so that everyone feels at ease. You will never be able to please everyone, but being halfway there, balancing things out is great. This means that they are trending, learning from their mistakes and evolving. The community of players watches, absorbs and, oddly enough, they seem to understand! 3 - Transparency. Everyone knows that the game is having difficulties, it is incredible to see that we are still here with all the problems of the company and also with the game. But we're here, right? This must be taken into account. This means that it is important to share the truth with the community. I can play a game that is struggling to stay active. I can't pay more or play more of my life in a game I don't know in the future. When your problems became problems in the community, you automatically gained new problems, the obligation to share solutions with everyone. I know it is difficult, but the world has never been easy. Finishing: Advice: Take care of the community, be transparent with us and, mainly, respond. We have wonderful ideas for the game, we play it every day, so give it to us as a test player. Evaluate our opinions and put our advice into practice. You will not gain anything by closing your eyes and doing crazy things that reach the ceiling. You obviously have a huge need to identify the problems in the game, but that is not a problem, because we are here, we are identifying them for you. You just need to swallow your pride and use all the information obtained through our gaming experience to improve it. This is Community! GoodLoock!
  31. 1 point
    Many seem to forget, so my comment was to assist them with making a decision whether to play now or wait
  32. 1 point
    i gonna tell you what gonna happen, 1. anounce new stuff 2. get some cash out of it 3. ignore the Community for month 4. Invest it on next Ark addon and this has nothing to do with salty, time has already shown that they gave up the game after seasson 1, its just a cashcow.
  33. 1 point
    Ah yes, there's always one, "well why are you here, then?" Because I have many many hours in Atlas, on Official, and a lesser amount on unofficial. There are aspects of the game that I love, and aspects that I hate, and many people hate, and it drove them from the game. I am here, because I would like to see changes made that make the game more fun for more people, so that we can once again, have a healthy sized player base in Atlas.
  34. 1 point
    The game will never thrive. Get used to that. Most former Atlas players are now playing Last Oasis. All of my Atlas friends are there, and they say it was everything they had hoped Atlas would be. They could literally save this game with one simple change. Ship vs Ship servers. Also, reduce the disparity between the high and low end of ships. Common ships vs 200% ships is only going to end one way. People can say, "Just create your own Mega," but that is the dumbest thing anyone could say. Creating a Mega isn't easy, and not something new players can accomplish in a short period of time. Most players are already in a Mega. The simple fact is, this game is extremely hostile to new players, casual players, and players that like to play in small groups. Ship vs Ship servers, with ships ranging from 100% to 125% tops, would save this game. Will that happen? I doubt it. All of the former Atlas players I know said they have no faith at all in Grapeshot ever seeing the light. They note that Last Oasis devs actually care, and police the servers. They have already wiped clans that duped. They also have long cool-down timers so that megas can't swap people in and out of the clan. In short, the Devs listen to the players. There is NO offline raiding, because you upload your walkers to the Lobby before logging off. Your crafting base packs up in the blink of an eye, and is stored on the walker, as are your resources. The game puts the focus on PvP, not grinding...and no grindy base defenses. Atlas, unlike many survival games, could go this route, but they seem to choose not to. As such, the game is dying. These forums are nearly dead also. Those who make survival games have to understand that it is a Game, not a job. Nobody wants to have to spend 10 hours a day playing it, in order to compete. Atlas, ARK, and so many other survival games require you to treat it as your second job, or you will fall to those who do. This is why Last Oasis is going to top all of them. It is extremely popular right now, as a result of the emphasis being on fun, not work.
  35. 1 point
    Gooday' peeps. I've been compiling a list of console commands, so I thought why not share the love? So, here you go. Hope it comes in handy. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M-1_faHIrspxrmzfIDDlX7lEcGJE8FiO6MtTHQOu9ks/edit?usp=sharing Please be aware it's still a WIP and I'm still testing a few commands but, most of them work and for some of the ones that don't, there's a generic code to get the base resource.
  36. 1 point
    Same thing is happening to me! I was in A4, Got disconnected, and now cannot join either A4 or any other server. 7 days of Connection issues. Haven't played the game but maybe 60 mins this entire week. Huge let down. Really was hyped about the game. Can't even play it while my friends from ARK are all playing it and I'm watching youtubes of people playing it. Major let down.
  37. 0 points
    hope someone an help Official NA PVP grids K4K5 K6 have been down for over 24 hours weve messaged numerous devs but their notaccepting messages or friend requsts weve submitted tickets but had no responce hope i get some reaponce here
  38. 0 points
    From the way it reads pve na server is done there debating on removing the pve EU server amd there goal is to get people to play pvp. I agree they need to stop tiptoeing and just say it because the way that article was written pve is done.
  39. 0 points
    From the information provided so far they are not removing PvE. The last wipe they took down a cluster to use as the test server (I think it was EU PvE that time) and then after the full network wipe EU PvE was back. So it is possible that NA PvE will be used as a test server between now and the full network wipe (apparently a PTR branch has appeared on steam too), and then it could be possible NA PvE comes back when the wipe happens in the first half of July. All that aside for a moment the announcement is vague and not clear at all about what is happening so the confusion and frustration many feel is understandable. Hopefully someone on the dev team will clarifying the details for the sake of the community soon.
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