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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Thanks for this post, you speak exactly my emotions. - I mean I never had the feeling the community management of Grapeshot was extraordinarily good, but for Atlas it's actually a catastrophe since day 1, and I am baffled about the fact that certain individuals have not been keelhauled a long time ago. This stream now speaks volumes. For me, personally, the stream said three things: (a) We do not care about the current problems nor the community requests (holy crap, 999 out of 1000 game designers would have given us more ship types by now, and if you only slightly adjust existing ones!), (b) We desperately need money to keep the thing alive, and consoles are our last resort (understandable), and (c) we are chickening away from admitting we have to make yet another wipe because that would mean to again lose probably ~80% of the player base. Very disappointing, very uninspired and zero passionate, and worst of all: terribly prepared.
  2. 3 points
    So I'm reading a thread on Atlas Reddit filled with all the cryin' souls that just watched the live stream. Blah, Blah, Yada, Yada, you know, same ol stuff different week. Regardless, I come across the following post .... "The stream was basic at best, and the reason again as i stated above is because Dollie and Jat came on to discord voice and gave us the details that should have been in stream not discord voice. Instead of answering questions about cosmetics they should have answered questions like Dollie and Jat did that the majority cared about." Easily raised my eyebrow and thought to myself "What the F#%k". Again .... per usual .... per GS historical norm .... there are information channels that seem to get treated substantially differently than others. If you are not in the right one, you are SOL. So I'm kinda pissy and my son comes in and says "What's up?" I explain to him the separation of information and he just nods and doesn't really say much (Usual response is "I can't believe your still playing that game."). However, on his way out he does say "Forums are for old people, dad." What? What does that even mean? Apparently the general consensus "IS" discord and twitter for gaming info .... at least in his world. So I thought about this as I really don't care for either to be honest, it does make sense. I see the live stream dev panel and I would call all of them young(er). An argument could be made about all info channels should receive the same information, but, I'm trying to stay away from that for the moment. I'm sure that is where this will devolve though. Secondarily, I do not know for certain if Jat and Dollie in discord voice even happened. Seeing as I am an old(er) person (50), my question is .... if you are reading this, are you an old person? Is this forum just filled with edgy curmudgeons shaking their walking sticks at the monitors?
  3. 3 points
    They ignore the old at their peril. They are the curmudgeons that have the disposable income, time, and dedication to make a progression game work. The younglings get distracted by the latest shiny and move like locusts from game to game, stripping content fields bare before dying in a glut of speedrun torpor.
  4. 2 points
    While everyone is in a Kind of Doomsday mood atm And the Forums are flooded with 2 Million Threads about a wipe imagine that somewhere there is someone Sitting infront of his PC enjoying the Game And has a really Good Time until he steps into the Forum And gets Knocked out from negativity And Doomsday messages. While many People Hit 1k hours already but there are also New Players Who still enjoy And explore this new world.all that negativity effects People And spreads like a disease. We all waiting for new content And Bug fixes right now but remember how you left the freeport on a Raft, blindly stepping onto the golden Age Island And get Killed. Remember the First Ship you build and what a big thing even the First schooner was. Remind Yourself of the First plank you lost And the First SotD that you sunk. Your First Tame you had. Treasure Maps You did Without Tames,even the 100s People Running naked to the FoY, or the First Hydra you Killed. All that Stuff is still new And amazing to so many Players. So please Dont Ruin it for them #JatsHatforZottel
  5. 2 points
    It's easy if you only have one perspective. Devs perspective: The game is in the doldrums, people are bailing, there have been a number of unpopular design decisions, nobody seems to know what to do. Suddenly there is new energy, a new director in charge, a better idea of where we need to go. Everybody is busy as hell and working hard. The xbox release is exciting, the community managers run here and there, posting on twitter, hanging in discord, briefly hitting the forums...everyone is going like gangbusters. The EA has a long timeline, but we have a roadmap and everyone is kicking around all the big new ideas. Very exciting. Player perspective: The game is in the doldrums, people are bailing, there have been a number of unpopular design decisions, one of which caused a wipe and lost even more players. The devs don't seem to know what to do. Problems that have been around since launch are still unresolved. The latest efforts are all focusing on things that don't affect the official servers and nearly everyone has left them. Now there is a new director, new energy, and a livestream coming up. Maybe something good will happen.................... Livestream - nothing is going to happen. Focused on xbox release. After that focused on performance. Eventual focus on what the base elements of the game should be. From the perspective of a player on official, this says "Nothing for you. One year. Maybe a wipe." It's either very encouraging and energizing or deeply demoralizing, depending on what shoes you're standing in, and not many people seem to be able to change their shoes and have a look from a different perspective.
  6. 2 points
    honestly, i pretty much give up on this game's dev team for the foreseeable future.. so many great suggestions and very well thought out questions were offered to them... plenty of time to make a decent presentation... and what did they do with the opportunity to redeem themselves after they finally made a good move and announced a new lead designer to the last 0.01% of their actual player base that remained loyal to the cause ... a fuckin garbage graphic with a couple bullet points... calling it a fuckin "road map"... and they didn't answer anything of substance except notify the community that the game is STILL substantially going NOWHERE and will be going nowhere, for a long time... that stream was a complete and utter pile of steaming bullshit.. i literally puked in my mouth watching it. the final nail in the coffin in my mind. i tried so hard to keep the faith/hope/denial going... im fuckin done. Good bye atlas, ill probably pick you up in a year or if xbox launch is crossplay... but as i see it right now, fuck that. Hello star citizen. no matter how long it takes, at least they're using their communities support, efforts and time correctly instead of spitting in our faces like grapeshot is doing.
  7. 2 points
    If they did a bigger stream ya'll would have complained that "their ideas suck! Will ruin the game" Ya'll got what you wanted: Confirmation about more ships, offline defense, less tames, factions, crossplay, QOL, optimization. Literally all of the complaints about this game were addressed and you're still crying about it. It might just be you don't like the game, dude.
  8. 1 point
    The brand name of the electric knife that Frank brandishes at the dinner scene is Hamilton Beech. The line we always yelled out at the theater was (yelled at max volume and cattle auctioneer speed): ALWAYS REACH FOR YOUR HAMILTON BEECHES IT SLICES. IT DICES. IT @#$&es JANET WEISSES. CIRCUMCISES, SODOMIZES, LOBOTOMIZES GUARANTEED NOT TO RUST, BUST OR COLLECT DUST AND DAAAMN CAN IT CATCH FISH! Ah those were the days....
  9. 1 point
    There are MANY who come up negative in the forums who are honestly, just giving an opinion and they will actually outline why they have that opinion on one thing or another about the game and that's the kind of feedback that is very good for game development. Many of those opinions are just that, an opinion.. some want pvp focus, some want content focus, some JUST want to be able to log in.. heh. I like to read what others are having trouble with or the insights they may have on improving the game even when I personally disagree with them at times. Just because something is valid for me don't make it so for someone else. Now, when you get those post that are for no reason other than to flame the devs or the game and really, have no other purpose, that's nothing but toxic, why are those ops even here. Many many people who DO complain are doing so because they actually ENJOY the base of the game and just want to see it become something brilliant in the end.
  10. 1 point
    Because they have had a golden goose. Over the years, people have pleaded with wildcard to pleaseeeeee give the game to more experienced, capable developers. The game concept is great, execution never really ever managed to live up to that ever-elusive *potential*. To beat a dead horse / try to stop this talk about "ohh you guys are complaining about the wipe lol etc" - go have a look at the 'golden age of piracy' captains log, the devs try to give us the message that they are working on changes to the game to make it the 'dream pirate game'. - notice that for the past 4 months or something, there has been no significant progress on these goals that they have stated, there is no actual roadmap or solid gameplay mechanics implemented/worked out/even discussed with us that much really......................... - the devs seem to be very distant for months - the devs announce that there is a "livestream" that will contain a roadmap for stuff that was in that old ass captains log from ages ago - then the "livestream" is actually just a shitty video where the devs say that there is no roadmap - surprise surprise the devs have been working on xbox version for the last 4 months - to go around in circles, the devs try to give us the message that they are working on changes to the game to make it the 'dream pirate game', after xbox $$$$ p.s. love you devs thanks for the great games, just...... can you ...... make it better?
  11. 1 point
    People are not complaining about this game being broken, we, mostly, understand that's it is currently in development, what is bothering is a complete lack of communication on official channels. Some dudes had to drag poor Dolly to some obscure private NA stream to get ANY information out of her after that disaster of a stream - that's why people are salty.
  12. 1 point
    Sure there's doubt. I have doubt. Other people have doubt. If there is a technical reason that they must wipe, then they should do that. (And if there is, then it will be interesting to see the reaction when single player gets drawn into that) If there is no technical reason, then they should not. Alla yous who keep going around saying that of course this will happen, ought to stop doing that, because for some players, that makes it as good as done, and they leave. That's not a good thing. The statements above are logical, and given some of the earlier GS decisions, they may not follow logic. (Anyone remember the great idea of land owners being able to wipe the entire island?) Still, hope springs eternal.
  13. 1 point
    thats not even the problem the problem is the lack of clarification, they rather see us here fighting with eachother about it that just growing some balls and say "hey guys, we gonna/or not wipe"
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Nah, When you plunked down your cash you had no idea what to expect. The premise was good. It was worth a go. The rubes are the guys who think it would be just great and totally fair if the devs destroyed all the other players stuff so they can hand over their cash to play on a nice clean server. (Not realizing that once they pay, they'll be in the exact same spot themselves, and they'll become the "dirty" ones who need to be wiped out for someone else) I gave up on the hat. Cut my hair, dyed it navy blue and selected long dreadlocks. Those have been fun, but they didn't get very long, and the game decided I needed a tan to wear them, so it did that too. What I really want is a hairstyle called "combs hair with mixmaster".
  16. 1 point
    I must be one of those rubes. I sat down with my family to learn what wonderful direction the team was taking the game. Here is what I found out: Jeremy has dollar signs in his eyes, my teenage sons love to make fun of their fathers pirate game and it’s developers, my wife (who has 100’s of hours in this) is adorable when she plaintively asks, “What about my hat?” It’s just a jump to the left I suppose...
  17. 1 point
    I wish I had been. I watched it this morning and it was excruciating. Recap - 8 months after the game launches in which they repeatedly state that they are emphasizing performance and bugs, they present a roadmap. The roadmap is not going to start until they launch Xbox, which may or may not be sometime in the fall. The first phase of the roadmap is performance and bugs. So 8 months ago they released a pirate game with no pirates in it. After a year of focusing on performance and bugs, while delivering claims 1.0, claims 2.0 , a succession of increasingly ugly tames, and a couple of single player modes, all improvements are now going to be held while they focus on new sales. There may or may not be a wipe for the new sales, but if it makes things all nice and comfy for some rube holding a 20 dollar bill , then hey, why not? (You'd think the rubes would see this as a sign of how well they'll be treated in the future , but I guess that's why they call them rubes) After that's done, they are going to try to improve performance and fix bugs. (If you can't do that in 8 months, can you do it at all?) And they have stated very firmly this time that they really do understand now that it ought to be a pirate game and they have the charts to prove it. Water. Lots and lots of water. No new ships for a long time because those are hard. Water is easy. All you need is 2 hydrogens and an oxygen. So hold onto your missing reward hats. If you liked the first 8 months of Atlas, just wait for them to finish the sales part of game development and starting next year you can have all the performance and bug fixing you can stand. After that - pirates.
  18. 1 point
    when they talk about wipe
  19. 1 point
    I have to say I am glad to hear that no new content will come to the game even well after the release of Xbox. It will take Xbox players awhile to get used to the content that is already here so there will be no reason to add any new content until atleast 3 months after the Xbox launch. i also love that they will be sledding up sailing. I was really wanting that. I don’t want to spend that much time on the boat so increasing sailing speed will be awesome. factions. I love that idea. Can’t wait till there is no more company vs company. FOR THE HORDE!!!!
  20. 1 point
    You are confusing the word evidence with the word hypothesis. What you have is a hypothesis, not evidence.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I just have to say for a second that I am glad to see the two people that hate me arguing with each other. This is a breath of fresh air to me.
  23. 1 point
    Look, the biggest problems for the community are obvious. In the better part of a year, they charged us for a barely playable alpha state, and for some, not playable for months. They have repeatedly failed deadlines, and blatantly left out promised content from updates. They have no direction, and when they do it changes like the wind direction in one of their storms. In a year this software has gone almost nowhere. Now they gonna focus on serving up a sad state of a game to Xbox players in an attempt to keep this boat from sinking. Question is, do they have enough buckets to bail out the water while they harvest resources to build new planks. Maybe. But they probably ought to offer up a better sales pitch.
  24. 1 point
    er, newsflash, the game doesn't exist yet. It's broken. They said all the same shit the last time...... I do play the game, I have like 3k hours or something fucking stupid, and no I will not be shutting up.
  25. 1 point
    Exactly. You just don't like the game. Stop playing and shut the hell up. OR: Deal with the answers we have for now. They need to overhaul major parts of the game, (they even said that) but, they don't know how to go about it yet. Want to make sure they walk the right path? Leave thought out and detailed posts in the feedback forum. Knock it off with all of this "DEAD GEAM" "NO DIRECTION" shit. I'm sorry how many hours of this game have you played? Did you not get your $20 worth? Wanna call people crooks and shit over a 20 game that you played for hundreds of hours... my god.
  26. 1 point
    I'm gonna float this at you; and I really want you to consider it. Maybe they don't know either? Its a small team working on what is among one of the most ambitious games to date. Most of the team are not professionals, but modders from the Ark community. Seriously cut them a lil slack.
  27. 1 point
    im totally happy with the stream I cant wait to crush them xbox noobys
  28. 1 point
    Have you thought of putting a map with pvp and pve areas together like a lot of the private servers have made so that small tribes can enjoy the ship pvp without having their base trashed by the large tribes and have a safe area to relax when they want to just build.
  29. 0 points
    Sell an old game to new users and leave? Why did we test early access for the whole year? Take the experience of popular private servers! PVP and PVE cells on a common map. General global chat on the full map. (NMT?) Travel to the Kraken or other joint destination no longer than 1 hour. ( smaller world 7x7, high speed travel options ?) Ping is always no more than 100. (more servers in the world but smaller than 15x15?) Trade! Between players through an auction in the game. (From the developer, I can also buy a dinosaur for $ 10 if it's a Pirate ARK ) where is it? Do not give up. Do the wipe. Sell to Xbox Users and Give Us the Best Game!
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