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Everything posted by UnknownSystemError

  1. If they are in your company you are responsible for everything they do. Since all the ships and buildings are communal there is no way for them to know who took part in those actions, just people from that company. We had a company that we were allied with that had merged with a group of younger players that were living on their island. Turns out they had named a bunch of their boats racist and sexually explicit stuff. Many of the older gamers we knew from that company quit in singles and doubles over the course of a week and ended up in our company because they saw that it was just going to go badly down the line. We dropped the alliance once everyone had moved over. You can't control everyone's actions, but you can choose to only allow people you feel comfortable with in your company.
  2. Merge them and lose the PVE players. Just because PVP is going it's normal route of twitchy, angst-filled twats getting bored and leaving when they have no one to offline raid or grief does not make taking one playerbase that has made an active choice to avoid those mechanics a winning solution. It amazes me that game developers keep falling for the chest thumpers claims of huge populations that would make them rich, rich, rich if they would only listen to them and go full loot pvp anytime kills. Most of them are now looking for jobs since those games have folded or are in the process.
  3. The 20 percent tax is indeed taken from the gold you generate from the map. Gathered resources are not taxed like wood and such. Gold is not considered a gathered resource.
  4. 8Ball is correct. But here is the other thing to look out for. If fully anchored you will get half the resources from the plank or item you destroy. Be careful to not sink your boat by not paying attention and overweighting yourself with base repair materials due to replacing structures or cannons.
  5. They are dps checks. If you lack the dps to take them out in a timely manner they will reset. The more you do it, they greater your chances of one getting stuck in the ground. Just use a tame like everyone else. Treasure maps take literally 20 seconds to do with a bear.
  6. Giving him admin gives him all sorts of power to do dastardly deeds. When faced with a problem child having a tantrum, do not hand them a gun. The crew I have now are all older, mature gamers here for the fun and we have little to no drama, but I had an earlier company at the start that had one of these drama queens in it. You offered to help him continue his journey, he is not taking you up on the offer. Kick him to the curb. If he causes anymore drama that constitutes griefing, screenshot it and fill out a ticket for the developers to look at. Don't come here to name and shame, they don't like that so much. But those that try to ruin gameplay for others are finding out that the developers eventually do get around to smacking their tender, little bottoms when they act out.
  7. The higher your intelligence stat, the greater chance you get for a bonus to the crafts you make using blueprints. Mine is a little over 400 now without really trying and I get anywhere from 0% to 15% extra stats on a craft. The reason they nerfed it was people who had exploited to level 150 and were using dupe mechanics to boost their intelligence to around 3-4k and getting rolls of around 300%.
  8. You can't give him any ships. You can however put resources, gold, etc in a resource chest and leave it unlocked. He can then transfer the stuff to his own resource box once he leaves and makes his own nearby to hold while he finds where he is going. You can do the same with tames. Just unclaim them in front of him. The structures and ships are whoever ends up as owner of the company though. They instituted those changes way back under the old claim system where before if you had people leave the different flags would revert to whoever had laid them down ending up with some interesting results.
  9. Someone went through various servers early Saturday announcing "KrakenBowl at 6pm PST" and everyone that plays the game currently on NA PVE showed up from around 6pm EST (inorite?). I say everyone since they hit the 200 person limit on the server wall and then started this fun mechanic where they randomly started removing different boats and the toons on them to the surrounding servers. Were around for 4 Kraken pulls. Two of our people managed to survive the inching lag/rubberbanding till the end of two of the fights to unlock sub.
  10. There was mention (can't remember if it was patch notes or livestream) that ships would need to be unanchored/anchored every 21 days or they would go poof. Rendering them in was not enough.
  11. Jat posted that it won't always be 2x a specific thing. They want to try different bonuses out like 2x SOTD ship kill exp and others. If it isn't listed in the splash message as that particular bonus, odds are you ain't getting it. Shipwrecks and flotsam were increased 20% in a recent patch because they realized no one was doing that content. The game only rewards active players. The whole setup discourages the casual who wants to log in every few days and putter around on a boat. Take more than a 10 day break as a solo player and come back to having lost all your stuff on land, tames claimed, boat decayed and sunk (takes longer than that, but still happens).
  12. If you look back in the patch notes doesn't it say that ships need to be unanchored and re-anchored every 21 days or they go poof?
  13. If double exp is all the time is it really doubled? Then it is just tweaking official to be less grindy. I am all for it, but they have to find that balance that players feel they are challenged and what they build and sail matters vs EZ mode 6X whack a tree once to fill your weight mode cause they just DGAF because they are wiping. We have one guy in company who plays on a 50X server, and all he does is moan when he comes back to official because he can't hit a tree and build a galleon.
  14. Make sure to verify your files in Steam. I was getting multiple blue screens of death, memory errors, graphics drivers crashes (Nvidia). I did the verify and found 118 corrupt files that needed to be downloaded again. After that no issues for a few days. Then started crashing again. Repeated the process. Found one error. Fixed it again.
  15. Yeah, they finally caved that the mechanic of staring at a screen, sailing with no wind or against it, for hours at a time just to experience content might just be losing them players. I am a firm believer that if you make the devs play their own game without god powers a whole mess of quality of life issues would be fixed quite fast.
  16. There is a bunch of misinformation in the earlier posts that should be cleaned up. (PVE, not talking about PVP) If someone claims an island that you have already built on and your structure has been there longer than 24 hours, they CANNOT destroy it. They can destroy anything you place down in the future though with the normal 24 hour window. The same 10 day window for login refresh applies. So if you want to keep that structure you need to log in at least every 10 days and make sure it renders. If you are one of those that has pillar spammed an island and you don't run around to all your pillars, they can be demolished. There currently is no difference in the time window between lawless and claimed island for the timer. Even people that put half a million gold in their flag can lose their claim if they don't come back at least once every 10 days to refresh. Owning an island is something that you really need to think about the cost vs the benefit. The only benefit is being able to marginally control where people put new structures and to benefit from from the taxes generated. If you have an island with active treasure spawns that are not blocked it can pay for itself. The only other real benefit is that you get taxes if people are farming on your island so you don't have to gather it yourself. Trick is to pick islands that have rare resources on them, so people are going to visit them anyways. We never have to farm honey or oil ever again because our first island has those and people love oil and honey. Our second island that we claimed has bamboo and other resources. There is one resource of every type that is rarer than the others. If you want to know which one, visit a freeport commodities vendor and look for the one that is usually 4-6 times more expensive than the others.
  17. Yes, there is an option when you die to completely reset the character. It gives you a warning asking if you really want to do that. Look at the grey buttons along the bottom. It is the one in the middle next to where you normally select the bed you are going to respawn at.
  18. I had this yesterday. Make sure to verify the game files in Steam. I had tried many other things before that, but that fixed the issue for me. I still have instances of skipping lag, frozen screens for a few seconds on transition and other dodgy stuff going on, but I no longer am getting crashed and locked out of that particular server anymore.
  19. The OP was whether the damage works against ships of the damned. It does not. It works just fine if you are using melee/ranged on treasure map or Golden Ruin aotd. But who uses melee/ranged on aotd? It does not give a boost to your tame. So basically useless skill unless you are in some weird ass company doing shit the hard way by not using tames on maps. The Shovel skill line works just fine too. For open ground harvesting. So if you are someone that digs up lots of worms and twigs, totally useful.
  20. Same...at 413..max level was 63, currently 62, new max says 61.
  21. Popcorning is when they hold down O to dump all their inventory at once so that it decays faster and people can't get it. Satchels from a drop all take a long time to decay, the other way not so much.
  22. Simple solution. Bring more bears and have others port in for the map clear. We just did a 28.8 with 3 bears. One got to half health on initial pull, the other two no damage. Knowledge of the old ones like mentioned above is useless just like the fog of war reveal skill, or the shovel skill. People still think they get more gold if they take that. They don't. But they get a crapton of potatoes or earthworms on open ground.
  23. Nah, I think they made an Ark dlc, realized since they were not going to make any money off the Ark crowd since they owed all the season pass holders another dlc, sat around and realized they could sell it to the clueless brah in the office. He bought it and went for the cash grab. You watch the livestream and can watch JAT and the the other guy nervously laughing at the CEOs jokes while the clueless twit envisions all the scratch he is going to make from a console release. Has no idea what his own developers are doing. It will keep going until the bubble bursts and he realizes the money trickle has dried up.
  24. What’s planned for the state of Piracy as an action? We know this is a question that has been raised a lot, and especially recently with this update’s reveal of content that may not be as pirate focused as some would like. We are interested in how these various pieces of content play out and it’s important to state that what is in the current game may not be in the ultimate game. This means we’re going to try different things and experiment a lot, especially throughout early access. Over the weeks and months ahead, the game will continue to evolve as we sail towards our goal of making the most fun pirate fantasy game, as opposed to the most realistic pirate game. On that note, this upcoming mega patch does introduce a fair bit of content related to seafaring and the pirate playstyle, and we’ll continue to look into ways we can further establish this via new multidimensional gameplay mechanics as well as rebalancing and tweaking existing systems.
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