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Everything posted by Vurmis

  1. Is the setting missing on XB1 then? I know I have my temp set to Fahrenheit on PC.
  2. Unfortunately in regards to resource locations that particular wiki hasn't been kept up to date as well. There are a handful of fan run tools/websites out there with much more accurate listings of resources. To your question, no resource is guaranteed to be in a server grid. This is largely driven by the biome of the server grid. For instance in your case, Tundra and Polar grids are going to have far less resources available (but can be very rich in metal resources). There are no gems in N13 for example, but there is in N14 and N15. Once you start trying to build blueprints, you'll have to travel all over the places to collect all of the types of resources you'll need to craft them.
  3. Yeah, when I checked last Thu on NA PVE, our 2 man company had 70-something claim points. Was curious what islands we could claim, even though we currently have no interest.
  4. Don't worry about a perm base or a cosmetically pleasing base initially. Also, you can re-spec skills at anytime so don't feel like you are locked in. You'll get the occasional free re-spec via leveling, and you can take some gold to Freeport to buy a re-spec. * Pickup bottles on the beach and keep the maps (typically spawn in evening) * Start on an island that has Bears, or Ramshackle travel to one from Freeport * Start on island that isn't limited in one of the basics (Wood, Fiber, Rocks, Metal) * Push your limits early. Try and lose your tames and ships. Everything is replaceable. The worst way to play this game is in fear of loss. Goal 1: Get spear & bow as quickly as you can. Kill animals for XP. You can get the first dozen or so levels fairly easily this way. Stops being efficient after that. Goal 2: Get a smithy and advanced tools (metal). This will greatly help with harvesting, which you do a lot of in general. Considering getting the first 2 levels of Hand Harvesting Goal 3: Get taming and a tannery. Get a bear. Cannot overstate how life changing this is. Goal 4: Get skills to build Sloop/Schooner. Use bear to help harvest fiber/thatch (some islands have this), and to help haul wood. Goal 5: Do treasure maps with your Sloop/Schooner & bear. The XP from maps is HUGE. Keep an eye on quality of map, better maps means higher lvl undead (can overpower your bear) Once you get mid-30's in level, you'll feel like you have access to quite a bit of things and the world will start opening up. You can really start doing whatever you want at this time. Don't wait to long to build your first cannon Schooner/Brig and take on the Ships of the Damned, can be a lot of challenging fun.
  5. To add to the list: 100%, do not use "taming pens", use another tame and do it in the open. Pens add a whole another wall glitch challenge you can just avoid. Can't find the feed spot, or still trying to use a taming pen? Use a shield. You can feed through a shield while the shield is absorbing their attack. Bring a friend if possible, makes it quite a bit easier with being able to split jobs.
  6. An example of what Zottel is talking about with the PVE tax rate of 20%. Guest player harvests 100 wood Guest player gets 100 wood Claim owner gets 20 wood Guest player digs up 1000 gold treasure Guest player gets 800 gold Claim owner gets 200 gold The PVE claim system in it's current form is very flawed as you will find out. From all angles, as an island owner, tenant on the island, or just visiting to get discoveries or do a treasure map. It is on the dev roadmap though, just pretty far in the future.
  7. Skill resets as well. Don't you still need to pay crew with gold in single player?
  8. My assumption based on how I believe they have implemented the sub is that you do not need to do any refreshing of an attached/docked sub, and that it is treated like another other snapped structure to your ship. Basically, the sub doesn't exist while it is attached/docked to the ship as a world vehicle, but is an item in a structure that is snapped to your ship. When you launch the sub, it converts that item into a world vehicle and the other way around when you dock it. This is why you see "ship added" and "ship removed" log messages whenever you take the sub out for a spin.
  9. Bookshelves are fine as is in my opinion. If you are concerned about double-digit kg of weight on your ship from them, I think you may have other issues of weight to fix first. I have one bookshelf on my ship that I mass dump all gathered maps, blueprints, songs, etc into while traveling. Then those are transferred into the 6+ bookshelves at my base, which are painted by color codes, and have folders setup for sorting and organizing. Works fairly well and don't have many complaints. I have my own rules for how good a BP must be to not just be thrown on the floor. I do agree that there should be more options available to extend map decay timers either with a new object called "map case" or maybe allowing preserving salt in the bookshelf to extend maps. If you are not aware (and possibly a bug that could get fixed), maps on your hotbar will not decay. I seem to always have a few maps cluttering up my hotbar because they are good ones that I know I want to do, but the timing isn't just working out. The fact the bookshelf can hold 280 items, much more than other storage options, is a big benefit it provides.
  10. Crab. I've honestly become impressed by the Crab and it's ability to destroy AoD spawns, plus it's an amazing climber/jumper. Another bonus, most (all?) aggressive animals straight up ignore you and the crab. As long as you have some stamina left, you can also jump quite a ways out of immediate danger. Weight can be an issue, have to keep an eye on that. My mediocre tamed crab of ~600hp, ~700 stamina, 119% damage had no issues farming the AoD packs on a power stone island, including level 150 AoD that spawn in those. Definitely ran into some issues with too many packs closely spawning (stamina issues).
  11. I'd even be happy if blueprint troughs gave a duration buff to decay timers.
  12. Interesting in that you identify the point but only see the attacker side of it. PvP needs agency ( " act independently and to make their own free choices. " ) based risks on all sides of the equation. In your example, the attacking force had agency in the choice of what they were willing to risk in the fleet they decided to sail and how far they were going to sail. The defenders should also have this agency in choosing to engage or to not engage. This is a key aspect that is missing from the game mechanics right now. If the defenders choose to not engage it should create a blockade like situation (not in-game mechanic) but basically make it hard to impossible for the defenders to use their land/resources because attackers are there. In most PvP games I've played, the effort to get a fight to happen is quite large. There are always feints, maneuvering, and out playing the opposing force to even get the engagement started. If you want guaranteed action then you either need PvE content or the game needs to have a much lower bar for risk of loss to engage as the defender. An example of that would be that any death or loss within a friendly claim flag area of effect is greatly reduced as a defender bonus (and an incentive to defend). Tames killed go into a recovery pen, players that die only drop 1 random or no items and can respawn with their entire kit (there already is a respawn time penalty), ships lost go into a recovery dock or their resources get dumped into claim flag, etc.
  13. A healthy game would be active players versus active players. There is no benefit or game-play value in offline raiding/destruction, at all. Ships and everything on them should be immune to all damage in all zones when you have achieved green anchor status (with delay to achieve). To prevent this from creating permanent roadblocks (at least with no effort), "out at sea" decay damage should still occur on planks, which can be continually fixed by sweeper NPC's. This introduces three resource sinks to maintain your invulnerable ship status: repair resources, food, NPC payments. These sinks can be adjusted to gain a desired management of time/effort to maintain your invulnerable status, as well as provide a natural removal of players that stop playing. In my opinion, a similar "green anchor" status should be introduced for land based structures that goes into affect on lawless regions. You would gain this status after all company members have been offline for 15 minutes. Same resource sinks. This would support companies of all sizes and time commitments. At the end of the day, you want active players seeking out other active players to create "player made content" for PvP. Ideally, this should be sea battles, battles near shore, and land based ones with defensive assistance from NPC's. Any PvP destruction where one party is offline is just PvE content, and badly designed content at that.
  14. Can we get a log message for any NPC's or Tames that have been lost at sea with GPS coordinates? I would think that if an NPC/tame is in the "swimming" state for longer than X with no company member in render range it should trigger a log message (or maybe not in distance of "landfall"). At least give you a chance at rescuing them. This weekend I came across someone's bear in the middle of no where that I was able to claim and save (not the first time). I also lost my NPC wheelman at some point during a SotD battle, he wasn't on the wheel at the time and I think he got booped by cannon fire. He was level 101, HP tanky and wearing plate. Couldn't find him afterwards and have not received a death log message, so he's still out there swimming somewhere in the ocean.
  15. I use a large handling sail and small speed sail on my battle schooner. It is quite fast, can catch wind in almost every direction, turns very quickly, and can stop on a dime. At low speeds, like when docking, it will spin so fast I'm surprised I'm not flung off.
  16. It is possible that an island will have zero metal nodes on it, even in Tundra. Pre-wipe was on a Tundra island with a couple of claim flags down and there was no metal nodes on it. The closest metal nodes were on a nearby island in the same zone.
  17. Makes you wonder if you are paying for everyone's NPC's on the island, lol.
  18. Don't place anything on your ship near your sail masts (all levels), that way you can change your sails around at any time if you want (just costs build mats). For my long haul treasure hunting brigs I personally run either 3 Lg Speed, or 2 Lg Speed and 1 Lg Handling. Avoiding SotD - As long as your ship can do 5-6 knots you will outrun SotD, sure you might take a few volleys, but nothing that is actually concerning. A few levels into Resistance helps to reduce this risk greatly. If you plan on grabbing flotsam, diving wrecks, and hitting lots of islands for discovery points. The handling sail can really be useful with the extra maneuverability/acceleration it provides.
  19. To be fair, you are correct. The vast majority of islands do not have this issue. When you do run into it, it does seem to be taken to the extreme though.
  20. Yeah, if the "sweeping" animation is an indication of them repairing. I've never seen any NPC or even my level 98 NPC do that at any time other than being anchored in a non-freeport zone. They definitely did not help with missing planks, leaking planks, or any repairs while at sea or while being bombarded by SotD galleons. The NPC's on cannons would still free-fire on ships in range while I was solo below deck trying to plug holes though...
  21. My 3 man company stuck a flag down this weekend during the new land rush. After an hour we claimed the 69 point island, we danced, yelled "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED", and checked it off our bucket list. We then let the claim expire 12 hours later and went back to our lives. The difference between having the claimed island and living on our established base on lawless was absolutely not worth multiple thousands of gold a week in value add. The larger issue that I would rather be fixed (at least on PVE servers) is foundation spam (aka island pimples). Either because someone is trolling, or because someone is "claiming" the island by foundation spam (prevent building). This is solvable by a much better claim system than the previous one and the current one. Unfortunately, probably not with a solution that makes sense on both PVE and PVP servers.
  22. Sets the heading the NPC will sail to be the direction the ship is currently pointing. Useful as the first auto-pilot command or to cancel the current rotation towards another set NPC auto-pilot heading (ie stop turning the 90 degrees to the right that I just set).
  23. Of the game systems that need to be improved, worrying about paid alt accounts is pretty close to the bottom of the list. Also, how different is an alt account from someone that joined your company and is no longer playing? I'm not sure what you would be gaining even if you did have alt accounts or a lot of inactive accounts in your company granting you more claim points to claim a bigger island or multiple islands. You still have less active players helping to pay for the upkeep (assuming the island isn't already paying for itself with treasure/harvest tax/bonus).
  24. I haven't had any issues with the stern emergency built-in ladder (seems to work best), but I have a hell of a time with any rope ladders I've placed on the side of the ship. Between vertical movement with the waves and the ladder insisting on showing "Options" as the priority over "Climb" I've died many times to sharks. Anytime I go overboard in open sea where sharks are a possibility I always bring a grappling hook now. They spawn so quickly and in such numbers that it can quickly become impossible to get on a ladder (sharks also knock you off and away ...)
  25. After you put an NPC on the wheel, a new wheel menu item called "Autopilot" will show up on the ship menu wheel. It has options to sail with the wind, cardinal compass directions, and the like. However, personally I do not use that menu and there is a much easier way with the whistle menu. After your NPC is on the wheel and you are un-anchored, hold your whistle key down (default T) until the whistle wheel appears. You will see new options for "Fully open sails", "Fully close sails", and "Sail towards my direction". These will be your goto options for almost everything you want to do. Look in the direction you want to sail, pull up the whistle wheel and choose "Sail towards my direction". The NPC will turn the ship to where you are looking and rotate the sails to best wind (btw, doing both at the same time, faster than you can do it manually). NPC will keep managing the sail rotation to keep best wind for you. You can use these whistle commands from anywhere on your ship (on deck, crow's nest, at your crafting station below deck, on a podium, etc). I recommend climbing up to the crows nest to get the extra render range (you can see SotD, shipwrecks, and floatsom from MUCH farther), listen to the wind whistle by, and navigate your ship from just the whistle menu. You can spyglass floatsom, sail towards it, and stop your ship right next to it all without leaving the crow's nest. If you have not tried out an NPC wheelman ... I highly recommend it, and you won't go back to manually sailing your ship in most cases. Same with Sextant buff, another thing that I cannot live without.
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