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Everything posted by Taiine

  1. Now I want some Undertail music done.
  2. You telling me. We have been stuck on lawless since the game first launched and have been going around to nearly every grid looking for land to contest or asking if anyone would like to offer any up. We don't want to build on someone else's land, as we have already been screwed once by that. But now after so long we finally have land only to not have any use of it. Our company owner and two others are thinking of leaving for private servers due to this. Leaving me and one other behind if they do. So yeah if we don't find a fix for this or find somewhere else we can go I don't know. I can understand the OP's annoyance because nonsense like this really breaks any enjoyment you might have had for the game, all because some of us have lives outside a game and can't no life it.
  3. Hey, least you hadn't been given land only to have another company freely foundation spam it. Enjoy THAT nonsense, because we now have land but can't do jack with it.
  4. Taiine

    unable to tame

    The taming needs to be fixed. We keep losing our tames due to wilds aggroing on our stuff through our fully enclosed walls .even with a foundation-wide buffer zone wilds still glitch through and we lose stuff. Now its even harder to tame everything. We just lost all three of our bears yesterday to an alpha cobra while said bears were on neutral. It didn't matter if they fought back, they were all put to sleep and then they died. This is getting very old very fast. We found it going down when we arrive back at base and couldn't kill the thing in time before it killed our bears. Now our taming pen to get more is useless as we can't feed them and latancy and nonsense, as well as grif from other players, makes trying to tame one free running impossible.
  5. Not really much info here outside you saying thetone shot you and seeing you swimming in the water. How did thetcheat/ what did they do? this is like saying someone stole your car then just posting a image of you standing on a side walk.
  6. N7 is a lawless and due to a lot of issues with land claims and it also being right across from a power stone island people are flooding them to settle bases for quick travel for the fountain of youth when it spans. the same is happening to most the lawless the border a power stone island.
  7. @Jatheish Can there be a fix some time that stops people from foundation spamming our claimed land? We were given two flag's worth of land by a large company but another company next to us even with our flag set to company and allies only have been able to come over and foundation spam pretty much our whole area, even right next to our flag. I've already put in a report on this but it's getting pretty stupid that we can't even use our land.
  8. The most I ever seen on my ships were 4. one being clipped below deck, one in my cabin room, and two stuck in random spots along the edge of the top deck. They all counted to the extra crew. thankfully only have a crew to handle my sails.
  9. So..this is the price for going out and trying to claim land. Due to the current buggy set up, its still a mess as those who are their 'first' still own the land, even if your flag is on it. So good luck finding land out there everyone, because even if you do find some it still may not be yours. We have been trying to find land since the game came out and finally found a small chunk of land of our own on E7. Once we got the land, we took a breather, made plans to go to the lawless we've been stuck on from the games first days to start moving stuff. But then we come back to this nonsense. This one company "The Idiots" (not calling them such, that is what they are named) who are next to the land we claim has opted to foundation spam everywhere they can, blocking off over half of the land we have claimed and now are blocking us from building anything due to being 'to close to an enemy foundation'. All doable, because apparently, their claims overlap a large portion of ours, and since our flag is new, and they were there, the land overlap is free for them to build on despite setting the land to company and allies only, or even just company only. They apparently couldn't do this before with the old owner of the land, but now that we have it, they have free range to do whatever they want. So we now have land that we can't even use due to this. We even offered to ally with them from the start but they would have none of it and would just rather mock us than accept any offers. This land system badly needs to be fixed. Land ownership is tight as it is without having most of what you have worked for be taken because someone else can foundation spam it. Look at all that foundation spam around our flag. Our flag. Their foundations, and them admitting them not changing what's been done. and their continued attempt to foundation in every single spot. Blocking resources, animal spawns, and making it so we can't expand past the little starting shack we have here. I've already sent in a report, and have a video of them placing down more foundations and coming up to us and mocking and cursing at us over voice. This is the price you pay right now for trying to get land. All this, just for two flags of land. UPDATE: The foundation spam continues. Enjoy just HOW MUCH OF OUR OWN LAND we can use. a.k.a the area around our shack here. and the other side. So out of TWO LAND CLAIMS, this small space is all we have due to foundation spam. Dev's this needs to be fixed. This is flat out stupid that we can't use our own land. UPDATE AGAIN: We are now being walled in on both sides. the flag was changed to the company only, made no diff.
  10. It's the fishing system from ARK, right down to needing sap for bait.
  11. Agree. right now the game is more focused around owning as much land as you can by spamming land claims and less about I dunno... playing a pirate? Even in the fantasy terms of what a pirate is.
  12. If you have a small crew and can get a grapple you can pull in the crates you find at sea. I can more then support my small crew on the gold I pull in from these crates alone. That said I would love to be able to unseat my crew in one go and than stick them back to where they were before. Like assigning a job, to them, and they remember that job. Maybe when unseated they could even move about the ship, sweeping, and looking like they're doing various tasks. Then you tell them to get back to their posts and they all move back into place, rather manning the sails or working the cannons.
  13. They do stop dead if no one is left online on the ship. The issue is you don't crash right away. Just because your game is frozen don't mean your character on the server is. Most the time during a DC I log back in and am still on my ship. a few due to lstancyon the server my ships a little ways out front and im in the water. There's not a whole lot you can do. it's just the issue of when you crask, when that info goes to the server.
  14. It's this nonsense cheating that made to go over to pve.
  15. I would love to be able to just report these darn messages. Some we have come across are super offensive.
  16. This would be so much better than using pincodes. But I would add an extra option to set what allies you can allow access to. So new allis cant come in and yoink stuff.
  17. On top of cutting down their spawns, balance out their freaking levels. Max level for tames is 30 it seems and max level for alphas is 300. That's a freaking big boost and thus far I'm on our 7th trip to re-tame all our beasts because an alpha snake spawned inside our enclosed animal pen. With 2 more biting through the walls. Note we couldn't finish concerting to stone thanks to the stupid changes to stone tier making us have to sail out for metal and sap. So our wood stuff is just being eaten through.
  18. I'm sick of the stupid twisters every time it rains. I run a titan video card with 32 gigs of ram and the darn twister storms TANK my FPS into the ground. They should be rare and not massive 6+ massive twisters in one small area. God forbid you run into a ship of the damned while in these storms thanks to the rapidly changing winds. Lost a number of ships due to this nonsense.
  19. https://game-maps.com/ATLAS/ATLAS-MMO-World-Map.asp Or you can locate a copy of the game map outside of the live map and go by that.
  20. These trees are from Temperate , not tundra. They don't spawn at all in tundra areas. The closest north most or south most area to any of the tundra zones that has sap is K4 and K12. https://atlas.gamepedia.com/Saps Types & Locations Sugar Cane - Tropical Zones Honey - Tropical/Low Desert Sugars - Tropical/Low Desert Syrup - Temperate (your red trees) Gum - Equatorial
  21. I would also like to point out, for the players that are trying to reach the power stone islands for the purpose of fighting boss's and getting the stones now face a near impossible task. With the fountain of youth in play on these islands, people are flooding to them in mass. Causing the grid to be so lag filled it's nearly unplayable. Like I said before we never made it away from the world border once we zoned in due to all the lag timing most of us out and the over spawn of ships of the damned. We lost everything before most of us even knew we had lost everything. Plus there are players that do make it trying to leave ships at the island for easy fast travel via the beds, this is filling up the available areas to drop anchor. Plus dealing with all the ships of the damned people are louring to the islands. Overall the system is badly thought out. The fountain of youth should be able to spawn on ANY island to encourage people to go out and explore and not just camp the same few set of islands.
  22. I've seen this suggested before, and it really badly needs to be fixed, for both PVP and PVE. Right now if you look at the live map of the top 10 companies it's not about how big of a company they have, but about how many land claim flags they have spammed across the whole game world. You see a huge cluster around two or three islands than you see all these random flag's spammed everywhere out at sea all over in nearly every grid. That and the fact that even solo players can spam flag's all over and can claim huge chunks of land for themselves just add's to the issue of there not being enough land for everyone. Yes I get that you can steal land from players, yes that they made it so the more flags you have the smaller your timer, but the method of it is annoying and time-consuming. Like for pve needing to sit there for 4 hours to contest a flag, and if any person unrelated pass's by the time gets reset. Plus who has time to contest ALL THE WATER CLAIM SPAM? The game as it stands isn't about pirating, it's about how much land you can own, and it's forcing more and more people to settle in lawless as that's all we have left at this point, that and many don't want to see all their hard work ripped out from under them just because they leave and go sailing, and with it taking hours to get to somewhere your land can be ripped away before you can make it back. This ruins the game for those in smaller companies or those who like the solo challenge. Most my time in ARK PVP was solo, and I enjoyed it. in Atlas? Not so much. Also we shouldn't be forced to join big companies to enjoy the game we bought. If we want to just play with a group of friends we should be allowed to, and not be forced to join a bigger company just to make any headway in the game. My suggestion is simple: Limit the land claim to 1-3 per player, along with 1 water claim. If you are in a company, Limit the land/water claim to 1 extra per X amount of recruited players, let's say 5 for a starting example. So a company of 5 would still have the extra1 land and extra 1 water claim, if they get a 6th member, that boosts them to 2 land and 2 water capping at 10 members. They get an 11th member, they now have 3 land and 3 water. If you join in with a company, any land/water claim you have is removed after 6 hours. This to counter people abusing the system by starting solo than joining up once they claim land, and it gives those who join a company a safety timer to get their stuff moved before their flag poofs (because resources are heavy and it can take several trips). You can also limit how many allies you can have to avoid people just running everything solo with everyone just set as allies. This will encourage companies that truly want to get big to recruit more players and own a land claim size that they can reasonably support with their player numbers. Let the top 10 TRULY be the top 10 by their player count, and not by how many claims they can spam across the whole world. This will also allow smaller companies and those who like playing solo for the challenge a chance to own and control land that is reasonable to their size. It will also change the focus of the game more to its theme, Pirating. Let raiding and exploring be the main focus, and not about wiping people and trying to steal as much land as possible. Let land stealing from others be the focus of those who are able to expand by adding more players to their company, or for new companies looking for a spot. This can make land disputes truly be disputes. I would also suggest a hard cap on how many max land claims a company can have regardless of size to avoid the servers being overrun by huge companies that eventually just take over the world. With how big of an area a single land claim is, and the limit of what was it? 500 players per company? (and a lot of them the Chinese players) that's a lot of lands used up even with this limit in place. So a hard cap need's to be set, or after a set player amount you need more and more players to gain that extra land claim. So say if you have 50+ players. instead of every 5 for a new land claim its every 10 players. Land is limited as it is, and with the current system, there's not an inch of land to be had even in the tundra areas as that's where most have all gone too. Adding in the tax system didn't fix the issue either, it just made people all the more greedy to own as much land as they can muster to get more of that tax. With this kind of suggested limit, players will control only as much land as they can support with their player count, it'll free up large sections of land that are currently just spam claimed by solo and smaller companies. This is a pirate themed game, not a SimCity themed game. https://map.playatlas.com/ Just look at this mess. Is this REALLY what the main focus of the game should be?! Please like and upvote this post if you agree that a pirate themed game should be about PIRATES and not about getting as much land as you can!
  23. Yes because we really want to sail for hours to reach the nearest island that offers us any kind of sap option just to create the paste needed to make stone structures. Then sail back for hours to get home, only to have to turn around and sail back again for more sap. Let alone go for metal, with how much it weighs we can only bring back so much. Bad enough we already lost three ships due to zoning into a grid and running smack into ships of the damned that started pelting us before we even fully loaded in.
  24. Agree. We now have to sail for hours just to get to the nearest island that has any sap like item. It's hindering our progress.
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