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Skinner NA PVE

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Everything posted by Skinner NA PVE

  1. Still an issue. #1 quality of life issue in my book.
  2. How about an hour long mini game (similar to water) for each flag that must be done daily? But seriously I hope they can find a balance with out more things to maintain. I would like to see a ranking system on flags. Companies can choose which one they want the most protected. What the right balance is I am not sure. Current systems with fast travel 1 person can easily maintain a large area across multiple grids. Another idea we have discussed would be each flag has a constant counter that caps at 30 days. If you are near the flag it’s going up, if your not it’s going down and will declaim automatically. So where you live work and play will have good protection.
  3. 1. Only emergency patches will be implemented without 24 hour notice. 2.Patch notes should precede patch implementation unless article 1 is involved.
  4. You survived to tell the tale. You should get a new tattoo and celebrate. We have lost ships but only to those captains who don’t respect the beasts. Make sure your ship has the speed to escape them and be vigilant when in tiles 1-3 and 13-15.
  5. I would like to see a resource bounty system, ie Bring me 1000 copper I will pay 400G. You could Hire an NPC as a shop keeper with a upkeep just like any other Npc. I would limit to 1-4 tiles away how far the bounty broadcasts so you don’t have 5000 entries when you search the market and prevent a single company from price manipulation over the entire grid. (Prevent is a strong word.. it would make it harder) You could also limit the NPC to being a specific type of trader (set to wood as an example). Just an idea.
  6. I will try to answer your question. Where the main company is located in the early weeks we were battling to maintain control of a large portion of the island we settled on. Mainly because the area is rich in metal. After days of just defending flags we negotiated and surrendered 1/4 of the island as part of an agreement they wouldn’t build over resources. Well once the land was turned over within days structures stand where metal/salt once was. (Why they didn’t want to tax it baffles me). This is also the timeframe we dropped significantly in rankings (I personally don’t care about rankings I care about available resources). We have a core 12 or so players with another 10 weekend warriors. Amount those we have 66 land claims when I checked a few days ago. 25 of those land claims are in polar with sparse resources (I know cause we sail supplies there what seems daily). So 41 land claims between round it to 20 players doesn’t seem unreasonable. How the rankings actually work is baffling to me, further more why they are important to anyone is baffling. I can’t speak for everyone in Scales and Sails but from my point of view most of us enjoy playing the game and that includes helping new players or struggling players get on their feet. We have also realized giving land away isn’t always the best way for mutual benefit.
  7. Have an outpost claim in F10, deep water harbor, and best of all me as a neighbor. Message me if interested in leasing or joining up.
  8. Disney Dumbo publicity I am thinking.
  9. Had two birds glitches into my sloop when a third landed I got the too many crew gonna sink warning. Wild animal grief.
  10. I hope we can get some nets and a trawling boat soon. I want a whole fleet of Jenny boats.
  11. I’m curious if the land claim inside the sea claim was placed on the ocean floor?
  12. When set to company only thier structures should become demolishable. Please check and see if you can. It worked for me when I claimed yesterday. Half of the old structure became mine the other half remained with the ex sleepers company. When I set my flag to company only I could demolish the structures.
  13. Gates will snap to walls in the same direction as the gate. Ie wont snap on the 90 degree corner.
  14. Other than Ramshackle all give resources. I built most of what I have salvaging ships around lawless zones. I will add the plunder skill tree seems to not always work. Some planks of the same type yield more randomly.
  15. Hunted and killed 3 whales over the last 2 days. The level 22 yielded... 7 oil. Yes 7. They do give gold too 1700ish for the 22. Found ours hunting in bottom 3 tiles. Thier hit box is small and you need to be closer than you would like. Best to have them follow you and shoot from the aft end. You can see the whales as you would in real life, look for some blow hole action.
  16. Become millionaires trading mounts and resources. Then find a secluded ocean location dive to the bottom and place a chest. Put all your gold in it and leave it unlocked. Make a riddle to where it is. Be satisfied you have added content for others.
  17. My idea would be ranked flags. rank 1 flag limit 10 per company protected 4 days rank 2 limit 10 protected 3 days rank 3 limit 10 protected 2 days rank 4 limit 20 protected 1 day rank 5 limit 30 protected 12 hours millions of variants you get the idea. ps. Offline launch day sleeper purge would free up 50% of claims I have seen.
  18. If you are near F10 stop by and we can work something out. I am interested in a tiger mount, gold, oil, metal.
  19. They are platform saddles ie you can put a cannon on one.
  20. I also have some launch week sleepers next to me. What really gets my gizzard is I am paying taxes to the them.
  21. Tame level +40 is my understanding. Will let you know when my Rhino gets there.
  22. Ships decay at an insane rate there so I just avoid them(Freeport’s). When you add trading there I am encouraged to visit as others will and lag will spike disconnects will happen. You see where I this goes. Please give us the option to sell from our home zones.
  23. Drinking from water tap (mine is connected to 10k water) makes you “drink too much” and almost kills you if your full health. only occurs on E tap. Radial menu works fine.
  24. Elephant can’t cross large gate threshold
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