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Everything posted by madmartigan

  1. I think the hat is stupid. It looks terrible who the fuck wants that thing.. Really that's all we get is a stupid looking hat skin? MAYBE if it actually looked good maybe.. I would of rather had a perm ship head cosmetic unlock as that would at least save me 400 gold when I needed one.. And i'm not talking a freeport one an actual unique to us who get wiped one that had real time put into it.. Not just something they found laying around and was like here lets give them this hat skin it looks terrible but who cares? Here's a wipe of all your hard work and a hat skin we maybe put 30 mins of time putting together as a sorry.. The reward should be something your proud to display not ashamed to have.. lol
  2. I think they should of had the test server up and running before saying anything about the wipe. I would personally go play on those until wipe if that were even an option.. lol
  3. Yeah yeah typos happen you're so clever to point them out! I hope one day I can be as awesome as you. I realize I have a long way to go but it's nice to have a goal. But in all serious I don't think you understand the meaning of an opinion.. lol You should try to mature more and grow up. Says the guy screaming to be noticed and thinks his is the only opinion that should matter.. lol At this point this thread is clearly just some child crying over getting wrecked on pvp and now wants the devs to save him because obviously he is so awesome at life.. I'm done my facts stand as is cry some more over it because you're the only one who cares..
  4. Actually yes it is an ea game and yes there is always a possible wipe in the futures of such games.. I did and do understand this. Though I appreciate you trying to give me insight on this perspective I am not the one who needs that insight there are plenty on this board that needs it more than I.. I suppose I could of been clearer a bit on my post. I for one was hoping that like in ark there wouldn't be wipes happening. That's about it really though I do realize they could happen because this is made by the same team just rebranded or whatever. So I was going for their no wipe so far track record and legacy server hopes.. I would most likely keep playing as I really enjoy the pve and the creative building I can do in it. But I would be bitter about having to start over again and only because i do some pretty big stone builds.. But I was merely pointing out others aren't as forgiving or understanding as I tend to be so people rage quitting is probably going to be the norm if and when a wipe hits. But in the end I'll just do my thing and hope someday someone will say yes when I ask them if they are looking for a crew to join.. lol
  5. Again your opinion and obviously people still play to be able to quit.. Why don't you do yourself a favor and except that others having an opinion that doesn't match yours doesn't make them "reeeeees" as you put it. Stop being so simple minded and selfish.
  6. I think it would be funny as hell if the devs did the live stream drunken and we could get honest answers from them.. lol Though I'd bet a lot of it would be angry replies to a lot of the hate they end up receiving. lol But it would be funny and entertaining as hell and would be a great way to just kick back imo..
  7. Peoples opinions are exactly that opinions.. I myself would hate to see a wipe simply because A it would screw me over as a solo player who has put in alot of time building and B I think it would do the same to alot of other people and most likely would cause a mass quitting of people who simply just don't want to sink all that time into rebuilding and stuff.. Maybe if it wasn't so grind heavy it wouldn't be the case.. I don't know if I would quit but I sure wouldn't be happy either.. The real question is do I really want to spend another 2 months getting back to the point I am at now..That is my opinion that I have the right to have just like you and your opinion on wanting a wipe because I guess from what others are saying is because you got owned by another company? Even if that was the case that's a pretty noob reason to start crying about wanting wipes. Self centered I believe is the term..
  8. I think what everyone should take into account is the fact that making everyone happy is a juggling act for the devs.. I'm guessing it's going to be alot of trial and error on the claims. Just because group A is unhappy with it doesn't mean group B is and vice versa.. My guess is that is why they are doing the test servers for major updates to their systems.. But I suggest a little more patience on this considering the game is still only a couple months old and in ea still.. So yes things are broken still and people are still unhappy but then there are those who are happy as is.. The devs will get it done sooner or later to where just about everyone should be ok with the system. But in reality you can't make everyone happy so there will always be someone crying about something.. I like to be more laid back if possible. Not to say I haven't had my own moments of frustration and anger with the game or the devs.. But in the end I at least understand that they are walking a fine line here trying to make as many people happy with their game so I try not to hate too much.. Positive reinforcement is always better than negative and will taken better by the devs. Like I have said in the past I sure wouldn't want to run out and jump into conversations where just about everyone is calling me a potato tard or some shit.. Just saying.. lol I think they're doing fine the game is progressing the way it should be and that should be comforting enough for most. Though I will say the wipe scares me because building out of stone is hell still and a wipe to undo everything I did in millercona bay would be devastating to me since I've got no help at all.. lol Also I want more points per lvl being solo means I still miss out on alot of unlocks that I still need or want..
  9. Lawless is pretty much just ARK style.. If you played ark ever for any length of time then you know what to do.. But sadly just like in ARK there are always going to be assholes ruining shit.. Thats just life.. People show their true nature when there is no consequence to deal with. I for one pillar the land around my base just like in ARK so I can make sure I don't get trolled. The only thing I don't do at this point is build up fences or gates or whatever to protect my land. Simply because I don't have to deal with dinos eating everything anymore. Ports or harbors are another matter though in my opinion.. I've considered walling mine off simply to keep boats from blocking me in or just sitting there never to move again... I'm getting sick of all the random trash people leave in them.. (trash being ships) Anyways thats just my opinion on lawless and pillars.
  10. You people act as if you've never played ark before.. lol Just saying.. But keep in mind as others have pointed out lawless is kind of like a haven for those who can't find land. Wipe lawless and I promise you that player base will dip alot further than it already has.. Punishing the many for the deeds of the few has Never been a legit idea.. Though I realize these things happen.. The real solution like others have pointed out is fixing the land claim system.. Once they do that and other people can actually go out and find land then problem solved lawless will reduce in population.. But doing something drastic like wiping all lawless would be a terrible mistake until they fixed the flag claim system.. Once they fixed that then I could see a wipe to clear up the servers.. But since most of the games populations live on lawless for the most part wiping would just be a way to kill the game until other systems were fixed first. Most people in lawless are ok with the current situation and find ways to make due. I by no means am saying claiming an entire island in lawless is ok. But just like ark pillars and foundations will always be the norm for that type of land build claim system.. Just look at the many years it has been that way on ark.. A smart player protects their investment and when you build the area around you is an investment..
  11. I'm going with people are just assholes..
  12. Did anyone get the 20% more points per lvl to spend?? I didn't.. That and stone/sap were all I really wanted.. lol
  13. Well this is cool have a set time limit for the 2X but can't play to enjoy it. lol
  14. So I posted this already in the suggestions but I believe it kind of goes unnoticed since there seems to be alot of suggestions lol But I for one would love this to be a thing.. Just wanted to give a suggestion in this regard. I think it would be cool to have the option to marry/impregnate women from other crews or even your own. I say this because the whole going and buying a baby thing just seems weird... lol And lets face it.. There are an overwhelming amount of men on these games playing as female toons.. So think of how cool it would be to raise your own replacement.. Hell maybe they could even get breeding stats from both parents... If you think about it, it really would add a whole new layer of depth to the game gameplay and how you interact with other people in the game.. I just feel like a system such as this would be more fluid and something to actually get more involved with than say sailing for hours only to have to die for another hour running the gambit to the FOY.. "Not saying take out he foy but maybe the buying babies part could go away" Or say buying a baby.. The last part just seems wrong on soo many different lvls wouldn't imagine I should have to post the many reasons why it might feel immoral to some.. lol I also feel as though it would promote more alliances in PVP for the sake of breeding your bloodlines and insuring it keeps going forward.. But in any case I think marriage and breeding with others is a fantastic idea and should be looked into by you guys at the very least.. Of course I have a shit ton of ideas on what i'm suggesting but I just wanted to throw out the basic idea to you guys.. Here's hoping you read this and at least consider my idea.. I think it would be awesome to set my kid on wonder in my base and see him walk around sit or interact with everything in my base.. lol
  15. I'm sorry guys but I hate to break this to you.. They can't and won't afford more staff gm's because they have to keep paying for those slick costumes they wear during their live streams.. lol
  16. Good to know I'm not the only one.. lol
  17. I just think think this is funny and pointless since in another post I already point out the obvious anyone can use any game mechanic the same as the other guy as long as it's not hacked or glitching... So how is it unfair they're the ones smart enough too? Fight fire with fire I believe is the term.... Just my opinion
  18. Just wanted to give a suggestion in this regard. I think it would be cool to have the option to marry/impregnate women from other crews or even your own. I say this because the whole going and buying a baby thing just seems weird... lol And lets face it.. There are an overwhelming amount of men on these games playing as female toons.. So think of how cool it would be to raise your own replacement.. Hell maybe they could even get breeding stats from both parents... If you think about it, it really would add a whole new layer of depth to the game gameplay and how you interact with other people in the game.. I just feel like a system such as this would be more fluid and something to actually get more involved with than say sailing for hours only to have to die for another hour running the gambit to the FOY.. Or say buying a baby.. The last part just seems wrong on soo many different lvls wouldn't imagine I should have to post the many reasons why it might feel immoral to some.. lol I also feel as though it would promote more alliances in PVP for the sake of breeding your bloodlines and insuring it keeps going forward.. But in any case I think marriage and breeding with others is a fantastic idea and should be looked into by you guys at the very least.. Of course I have a shit ton of ideas on what i'm suggesting but I just wanted to throw out the basic idea to you guys.. Here's hoping you read this and at least consider my idea.. I think it would be awesome to set my kid on wonder in my base and see him walk around sit or interact with everything in my base.. lol
  19. I think they should make us use paste on ship building too.. Oh and while they're at it might as well throw in some sharknados for good measure.
  20. Look not here to troll.. But I would suggest calming down and ask yourself wasn't ark the same way in ea? It took years for ark to be where it is today. Even after official release the game was still riddled with problems.. It's by no means a perfect game today but it is a great game. Hell I remember my first day on ark I waited a month to get into the ea because I knew it would have problems... And boy did it.. But I stuck it out nerf after nerf bug after bug crash after crash.. I did this because I saw the potential the game had in it.. I knew it was going to be something great and it was .. I just had to stick it out and deal with the ea and official release growing pains.. And to me it was worth it every gray hair it gave me from stress.. lol But seriously man you shouldn't just give up on an ea game so easily.. There's a reason it is ea and it is always evolving which means the future you paint isn't so dark.. You just gotta be willing to stick it out and the devs just got to stay committed to making sure everyone can enjoy their product. Yes it's painful stressful and frustrating but it's ea you signed up for it and should of known the risks.. WE ALL SHOULD.. But I will say I do think things could change communication could and should happen more during ea games.. Not to say they never do.. But they are scarce about it and pretty much we sit here waiting like hungry dogs for our table scraps.. And either we enjoy the scraps we're given, or we go ape shit and hate them and start yelling "how dare you sir!" I mean seriously why appoint community managers if they aren't managing the community..? I mean I do realize they are busy people but uhh what was the point in Dolly then??? Just saying.. But in any case man i say give it a shot and be patient with the game and devs.. I by no means work for them but I'm sure I wouldn't be eager to run out and start conversing with a group of people who constantly post about how stupid and retarded me and my game are.. Would you?
  21. Personally I don't mind the tames. The thing I do mind about them is having to unlock the ability to do so.. In fact having to unlock the ability to ride them is even worse to me.. Because lets be real here if your group is riding around on tames and you're not what fun is that having to be the only person on foot..? So naturally you unlock riding just so you can be a part of the group.. But now everyone has wasted points in riding because it is forced on you... So pretty much the skill points are lacking because if they are trying to cater more to solo and smaller groups along with the big groups then they should consider the mess that is their skill system.. Having to unlock something to be able to unlock something else is seriously a broken idea.. Most of the time I find myself wasting points to have to unlock something I never wanted just so I can unlock something I do need or want.. And then lets not even go into the maddening situation of having to unlock sooo many things just to survive and keep up.. I mean seriously yeah we can respec till max level, but come on you don't see how solo players or smaller groups are going to be turned off by this because they suddenly realize that gal they wanted to build is not within reach unless they spend thousands of hours trying to find the thousands of discoveries just for a few more levels??? I really think they need to add in mind wipes and never take them away or give out more points per lvl.. And before people start crying about balancing gonna go ahead and point out it's not the other guys fault you're too retarded to use the same tools as those other guys who are obviously hacking and exploiting game mechanics that everyone can use... Just saying alot of balancing is pointless and stupid because it comes down to people just suck and need to figure out they have the same things at their disposal as well.. But no they cry foul and say the game is unbalanced unfair all because they can't believe someone might just actually be better than they are at a game or even smart enough to use something that was at their disposal... Obviously there are real balancing matters that need tending too.. But most of what I see people cry about could just simply be stated as "help this is unfair, person A used this item against me and since it worked it must be broken or unfair.. Has nothing to do with the fact that I to could use same item but I am just too damned stupid or lazy.. So fix this because i'm seriously a retard who can't even see the obvious in front of me..." This is all my own opinion so just chill out with the backlash because I don't agree with someone else thing..
  22. It actually worked for me since the update kicked in once I opted out.
  23. Wow.. I just read your post and thought it to be a good idea to opt out as well and then suddenly it started the update for me.. lol Not what I expected but hope this works..
  24. I'm having the same issue right now. I can't get in or even find a server nothing comes up for me.
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