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Everything posted by Warspectre

  1. That's the kind of thing I like doing. My first Sloop had 6 cannons on it. Admittedly it was more than a little cramped but I still did it. I was new to the game though and I didn't realize I would never be able to have enough crew to man all those guns but oh well.
  2. Well, I know for a fact we were getting around 70 to 90 wood per aged wood tree before this weekend with a metal ax. I won't know until later what it's giving now.
  3. Well, it sounds good on paper anyway. Thanks for at least down tuning alphas. Being one-shotted out of the blue by alpha crocs while swimming was not a fun experience, nor was being terrorized for over an hour by multiple nigh unstoppable alpha cobras because weapon nerfs have made them borderline invincible. All we could do was watch helplessly as they killed all the best tames we had. This was the opposite of fun. Also can we maybe not have animals eating houses? Like any kind of houses? Can that be a thing? I get a dragon being able to destroy a house with fire, or a hydra with their breath weapon, but in no way does it make sense to me that a snake would or could headbutt its way through a wooden wall or foundation. Or a croc, or wolf, or lion, etc etc. Maybe an elephant or something massive like that. And what about cobras clipping almost their entire bodies through walls and foundations now? Also, when a player mans a puckle gun, the only thing it works against are birds, but when we put an NPC on it, they can attack anything. Any plans for a larger elevator platform or making elephants fit on the large platform properly? Also, the elevator crank noise doesn't stop playing even after you stop using it, like loudly and continuously. Can we get snap points on gates, and a smaller gate than the small gate and a medium sized gate?
  4. I'm not talking about cost balance, I'm talking about islands that spawn hordes of 15 snakes/wolves/gators/lions/whatever aggro predators all in one spot, I'm talking about islands where one or more vital resources are simply absent while others have them in abundance even in the same zone, I'm talking about wildly fluctuating extreme temperatures that don't even make sense for the region they're occurring in, I'm talking about clusters of SoD. That's the kind of thing that needs balanced first before you start making things cost more.
  5. I've been saying things like this since oh day 2? Making anything more grindy while the game is such a glitchy buggy mess is just adding salt to the wound. Once everything is stable and balanced then and only then should you consider changing costs. Crap like that will drive players away.
  6. Yeah, it was scary and exciting the first time, but after that, it's just a nuisance that adds nothing to the game as a player and goes on far too long. So yeah, this has my vote to get some down tuning.
  7. My company just started a galleon a few days ago, if this is true it'll go from a week-long project to months. Not to mention everything else becomes more grindy. Welcome to AtGrind Online, your other full-time job that cost you money. So much fun.
  8. I can take a stab at why they didn't build ships like this in real life, and I'm guessing it would be because it would fall over sideways and sink without a comparable counterweight on the other side. If I were a pvp player I would call this a slippery slope, as people, knowing them, will start coming up with equally ridiculous designs to counter or surpass this. Pve side it would be less of a concern to me personally, but from a dev standpoint, I can see it getting nerfed because of the potential of trivializing content. All that said, I can also see the entertainment value in it in the short term.
  9. As weird as it is, yeah. It would be nice if they'd reduce the radius on this but for the time being it is what it is. I built a single foundation with a bed on it on a hill and it turns out that blocked all sorts of things for quite some distance. Trees, fiber, crystal all never came back until I destroyed it.
  10. This is the most long-winded attempt to grossly oversimply and justify poor game mechanics that I've seen in a while. Congratulations on the most verbose hyperbole anyone has created in one post. No one is asking for things just to be handed to them. Way to miss the point. But that's OK, go ahead and white knight the developers that are doing a bad job. Tell them their convoluted and warped game mechanics are perfect and hemorrhaging their player base is actually a good thing. And when the game tanks keep telling yourself it's because us complainers are just 'entitled' and just wanted everything handed to them. Now, bully for you that this is your epitome of what a game should be, but some of us have had to struggle for things in real life and would like a game that distracts us from our problems, not one that imitates what we're trying to get away from or makes things worse. Games are, in my opinion, supposed to be fun. And there's a whole lot here that isn't.
  11. If they can't figure out how to make collision detection work on snake meshes maybe they should take them out of the game. Just a thought. I'd rather have something not done at all then done wrong, but that's just me. Yeah, one of their damn patches Friday I think it was broke cobras and essentially made them both super magic wall hacking assholes and, (even though I didn't think it was possible), even more aggressive. Which makes the alpha version officially the bs king of player griefing.
  12. I've been saying this for quite some time, even quoted Jat's ridiculous justification and telling him as a player I want game mechanics that make sense and this whole breeding system doesn't. Of course, there was no response or any acknowledgment that their silly excuse for a breeding system needs to be revamped. Creatures breed naturally in the wild all the damn time. There's only a handful that needs to go through some ridiculous journey to pull it off, as in the case of salmon for example. And even that isn't as obnoxious as what the devs have players doing. In a safe and relatively controlled environment, raising animals shouldn't be that difficult, especially if their parent(s) are there.
  13. I had this same idea and tried it, but this glitchy ass game, the tames would fall through the sloped door sections and glitch out and couldn't make it up the ramp. I also tried an elevator, but the animals also tend to glitch through it too and still get eaten. And elephants can't quite fit on the largest elevator platform, even though elephants are only 2 tiles wide. Sometimes you can make them fit but it's a giant pain in the ass. Basically, every preventive measure I've thought of doesn't work because the game is so damn glitchy. Nothing works right, not consistently anyway.
  14. Yeah, the same thing happened to us. 2 different islands had Alpha Cobra asshats running around killing most of our good tames, and then proceeded to try and eat our base but not before killing me repeatedly. And since they keep nerfing our goddamn weapons it took over an hour to kill one ****ing alpha cobra. I'm not even sure what happened to the other one, it's probably base raping us now as I type this. This is not fun, devs. This is making me hate your game. Like actively hate your game to the point I will boycott any future products you release and if anyone asks, "hey, should I buy this?" I will say hell no! That's what you're doing to yourselves if you don't address this kind of bs.
  15. I'm pretty sure one of the recent patches made cobras able to glitch through walls/foundations even further than they were able to before, so now they can glitch under the firing arc of the swivel guns I have set up to defend against the constant ridiculous cobra swarm. We also had alpha cobras on two different islands go on rampages and kill most of our good tames and since they keep nerfing our weapons it took me over an hour to take down one of them. This is the opposite of fun, devs. Stupid crap like this is going to keep getting you negative reviews and keep players far far away from this game. And I was just talking the other day about how silly it is there are cobras in the bloody tundra. Cobras are desert creatures, seriously, what planet are these devs from. They seem clueless about the animals they put in the game. Watch some National Geographic or Discovery Channel once in a while you clueless ********!
  16. It was more of an example of other broken animal-related issues rather than more examples of what wolves can do. The point being, pretty much all the animals are broken, how they spawn, how often they spawn, where they spawn, how they behave, their relative power levels, their ability to eat wooden or thatch houses, attack through walls/foundations, just a big ole pile of broken.
  17. Probably for the same reason cobras can now stick almost their entire bodies through foundations/walls and climb up 3 high stacks of foundation walls. Some things are just broken in obnoxious ways. Maybe someday they'll get fixed.
  18. I think they got out of bed the other day, went to the office, saw they had 13,820 negative reviews on Steam and said, "**** it, let's run this the rest of the way into the ground!" And that's what they've been doing ever since.
  19. Hey, don't rush them, they're ****ing things up as fast as they can!
  20. While it's awesome you can get an alpha out of this, what's not awesome is I can't and wouldn't spend a 30-hour marathon playing this game to make that happen, even if it was 100% guaranteed to get me an alpha. Which it isn't. And considering how glitchy this game is and how easy it is to lose your tames, to spend all that time only to have it disappear because "reasons" is so not worth it on any level. So OP, I sympathize, but the devs aren't listening to the players anymore if they ever were. They especially aren't listening to tamers. It's great if some of you can enjoy a system like this, but I'd almost rather use a melon baller on my own eyeballs than even give it a shot.
  21. These last few patches were a dazzling display of ignorance regarding what makes games fun versus antagonistic and frustrating. Consequently, they more than earned my very first negative review on Steam. Granted there are currently nearly 12,000 negative reviews already so it's basically pissing in the ocean at this point but since it's obvious they're not listening to us, maybe other people will listen and not give these undeserving developers any more money.
  22. OK, I tried taming an elephant last night to see if the Steam Verify Files fixed that and I can say with 100% confidence it did not even a little bit fix it. I'm pretty sure the 2nd entry in those patch notes basically made any large creature virtually untamable because they're always going to clip into things because the devs didn't do IK right with them. Basically, it should say "-We arbitrarily decided to punish tamers for something that is entirely our fault. You're welcome!"
  23. They seem to be doing a fine job of coming up with stupid ideas on their own. Because things like alpha cobras blow right past fences, stone or otherwise, and proceed to eat your wooden base, so there's that.
  24. I don't know if whoever is making these 'balance' changes is bipolar or merely wants to sabotage this game because they're secretly tired of working on it, but they need to be stopped before it's too late. Lately each patch gets more and more disappointing.
  25. I wouldn't mind a solo option at all, it was what I was hoping for when I got the game. I think a good majority of the other players are more or less decent, it's that 1% that seems to have nothing better to do than go around and try and ruin everyone else's experience. I haven't encountered any yet personally, but I know they're out there.
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