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Everything posted by Dragoon14th

  1. Here a reason for ya if a player is deem inactive for a long time then the Age will slowly erase his data therefore marking Ship/bases own by him would be much easier to take over. AS i believe the real reason behind age mechanic. Is to introduce Player decay rate. So without a sleeping body being there that mean its get easier to take over old bases and such to allow new player to step in... Omg that like real life lol.
  2. Well dev kit is out and..... its a massive clusterfuck in how they are doing it.... So Instead of allow creative they PUT EVERY FUCKING POSSIBILIY instance Mesh socket joint ... Let that sink in they have over 20k socket instances from the get go. That just insane. So good luck to modder that want to add new mesh because For every new mesh you have to add another 20k or less instance mesh placement. This isnt even smart to do this... This is hell waiting for something to break.
  3. I love it.... But instead have bottles that Give out a FoY map. Quality determine how much in reverse age it can do. Another idea i had to make a craftable Brew from FoY... by harvesting FoY water and using it for the company for those that cant be on 24/7. But seriously Your idea is even better. I also like to add that when doing FoY map run. it spawns A gorgon Plus some Soliders.
  4. honestly I was done with the game when they Released FoY without any secondary way to decrease age. In fact they dont even know how to balance a game for good they are too full of themselves.... I bet if they took one good look at the forums and looked at where the complaint was.... they either tell us were wrong or remove said feature and Ask the community on ways to tackle the problem. .
  5. the main problem with Atlas so far is that.... this game was built for those who has no life and who loves to do nothing but play games. There was actually a reason behind Warcraft Time gated. It was to do a couple of things.... it was to pro-long the game but also get people from playing too long in the game. Its a reason why Open MMO generally cater toward Kids and private server for success. Now this network technology is new but they Failed at it... and didnt let the pros to actually handle it instead they rather do it in house rather then letting a 3rd party to set-it up for them. So now we got these cheap ass rip off Servers that doesnt make any sense 150-200 server max that still seperating the world from being able to play with each other.... The owner of the game just want total control and chaos to everyone.
  6. Here a hint use large shipyard they are high hp and can act as a sea barrier. Also in shallow water you can build on to them there no restruction to that.
  7. it wasnt that they were hard it was the fact of how they were attacking.... one time a Lag hit me and all the sudden the normal lvl 1 wolf just did 5 attack in rapid succession. Keep in mind that Non tamed animal has unlimited stamina so they can attack forever without getting tired.
  8. it isnt easy to do this ive tried.... the issue is how the server see the npc in open world in most traditional mmo it wasnt open world and all npc was static and no culling was needed as your client would just load from server. but when Culling feature popped up that mean that Ue4 will unload that npc and prevent any tick tock tasking. So it is impossible to have this being done... Its a blessing and a curse so blame culling issue for this one.
  9. atm ive heard you just get a stat debuff but later they will add perma-death
  10. I agree but if they want to put age in then having this brew to relieve pressure on fountain of youth would be their best interest. I mean i like the idea of it but it just doesnt work and reason why we play games not do Real life work.
  11. I wouldn't mind if they did 6 month from age 1 to age 100... that reasonable ammount of time to join company and get started. Also id would get them seeing about getting the medicine tree with the last feat cost 10 point and grant the ability to craft [Rejuvenate Brew] only at a Grill station. It takes 20 Med herb, 20 Mythos, and 1 full water jar of Holy water ( Fountain of Youth) with no spoil timer. Stacks 20 time only and weighs 10 pound per stack ( 0.5 pound per brew) and can only decrease age by 20 year per drink until 18 year old.... if continue to drink pass the age of 18 old then you lose your character. As you would erase your own existence. This would solve a lot of issue with it and that large company would go in harvest the water make it and then not have to go out to island again for a while thus opening up the island for other to go in and get some as well. and it would be company dependent as you would need both a cook and a healer for this to work and as well as a group to harvest Mythos from the mythical creatures. Because there is no spoil timer that mean that they wont have to hunt the Fountain as often. Its best of both world solve everything and Is still up to their logic in game-play and balancing.
  12. digging can give liek 5 sea salt... but that at the expense of the shovel durability. I suggested this over n over n over so many times. yet nothing about it.
  13. elephants are useless now. not much use for them since weight reduction are gone
  14. AS i stated Offliner protection : ships that are anchor have offline protection for two days and must move 100 yard after two days to regain the offline protection buff on their ship. Its that simple. If you cant move a ship in two fucking days then you deserve it being sunk. a suggestion but who do i know DEVO knows it better then use DUR da durrrrr
  15. the main problem with their game is liek their Dev kit... its messy and its so bloke bloated with shit that it will never use. infact even modder are trying to fix their dumb ass game but i cannot because of fact that you need like a 128 ram just to run the dam kit. they need to hire some real Developer and take their game and tighten down what should be done this way and that way and upgrade the engine to 4.21.. 4.5 cant cut it anymore.
  16. I feel like they havent play any games in the past. I come from starting Playing with Warcraft 3 and age of empire... god those were the best... Moving on... The important of making a game is to balance toward an end goal not to balance toward alpha tribes. Nerf wild animals so that they are in line with player power and that their levels only increase stamina only when wilded but tamed have random point allocation when tamed. Easiest way to do this now.... Is to remove all Alpha animal buff and their spawn ... Next is to instill gathering resource animal that matches with pick / hachet at level 30 level.. every level after 30 tames increase harvest rate by .1 so every ten level it's multiplier will go up. Next is that if you do harvest with the right animal on the right things it give a weight reduction. Next, Make cargo saddle able to have a resource chest with weight reduction. Next is to Make Predator Have inter changing Aggro radius such if it hungry it eats something... if it full it will run from you. Next on Ship you want more PvP action and less offline this is really simple. make anchor ship no longer able to take damage unless if it hasnt been moved in 2 day time with the movement having to be at least 100 yard. So move the boats when you can to avoid offliner. You want to nerf and buff in the direction of making player happy not for your BDSM self inflicted pain fetish. one more thing Balance each feature before Adding... with each new adding make sure its core to your game balance beliefs.
  17. not to mention that it ok to have these mechanic in place but you got to be reasonable with you playerbase. Because atm most of the people who can support this kind of games are the one that has money right... so they have job outside of it. Really one year in real life should put you at age 90 not 2 month and suddenly you are 90 year old. That just wrong. Also if they are gonna put fountain of youth in... Make it Pve it only and no PVP or buildable land around it. PVE =/= pvp Unless if you have NPC that can support the PVP. To which you have not. Also They should start to think about having a faction war Pirate vs navy. because having open world PVP company based is not really ideal if you cant support it properly. This is why Warcraft is still going strong. Because of the fact of 2 faction war keep people in a large group but able to have sense of who they are and what they represent.
  18. think of it like this do you want to waste time repairing the pick wasting resource or use the damn bull that can harvest it.
  19. Or wife can beat on men ? I mean we are evolved humans who can do alot of things... It goes both ways. I guess.
  20. Wtf ... Well this is interesting Its not like wood isnt the heaviest shit to harvest in term of cost and material usages. Having that weight BECAUSE they nerfed Stat increase per level ? and they still got Alpha running around killing tames in 2 to 3 hits.
  21. tbh if you are wearing the diving suit then disable the temperature things to being at constant balance rate.
  22. i agree Alpha has no use in the game atm. If we cannot tame them then they are nothing but trouble and serve only as a npc griefer. Especially when players can still kill tame quick as well.
  23. yup AI in Ue4 can be hard to code if you dont know how to use it correctly. Like i struggle with it all the dam time. what they need to do is add a hunger system to the animals like for instance if it not threaten or hungry then they will not aggro you... but if hunger drops to 25% then find nearest animal kill eat and restore hunger.... hunger bar shouldnt drop below 25% for like 12 hrs at a time. I swear i never seen hungry animals and Rattlesnakes prey should be chickens and rabbit not humans.... rather to flee from humans. Like they need to go to a zoo and LEARN a FUCKING CLUE in how animal properly behaves.
  24. also on spawning animal i find it weird that they been spawning in Pairs... male and female spawn at the same time ?
  25. The problem with the game is that its so easy to invest early but without a middle ground to help support the end game....Its too difficult to play the grind game. In other games you could at least get to middle and then to end game after a month or two... but as it stand there is no Middle ground grind.... you Die repeat grind die grind... its get boring and old and the Pvp action is So fucking boring as fuck the only thing that matter are ship battles and mortars. animal are outa of whack... Farming for food... does not work very well.... And so much exploit going around its gave me a head-ache. Plus to play this game properly you need no sleep and no job no nothing and then you can play the game for hours and wear yourself out very easy. Im just done with the game honestly its getting to the point where I feel they have forgotten how to play the game and realize that they screwed up and didnt think how player would react to various challenges and difficulty but at the same time artificially Made the game Way too hard for what its suppose to be.
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