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Everything posted by JakeM

  1. How long do you wait before you close the client? That sometimes happens when loading primalgamedata_bp. If you havent, let it sit for a few minutes and it should load in.
  2. Ill take a look at this, but I know reservoirs were changed to not fill up from rain. They should only be gaining water from a body of freshwater. As for the water barrel, give me a few minutes to check it out. Thanks!
  3. How many discoveries do you have? Do you see a note on your exp bar that says find more discoveries to raise max xp?
  4. Liquid Flame/Greek Fire had its requirements changed to mineral oil from flint, so this is intended. As for mineral oil, you can get it in more places than just in trenches its just that mineral oil was added in small quantities in the trench.
  5. So with an NPC on the lift control, just look at the elevator itself and the e: function turns to up or down. If you stop the elevator, it turns to down but if you hold e you can tell it to continue up or down.
  6. So the skills are working, but it seems the numbers might not be intended. Will pass this along!
  7. Thanks for the reports, give me a bit to take a look at this and Ill pass it along!
  8. It happens with all the players, even with my avatar. And there are usually different loading times depending on the hard and soft resources of the players. As far as this issue is concerned, make sure you update to the most recent build. This was a big thing for us with v101/v101.1 and it should be fixed. As for the flying "bug", this is definitely not an issue as it is intended that you cant go above the cloud line. If you have more issues, please send them along in this thread and I will take a look and see what can be done regarding them!
  9. JakeM


    Sorry for the delay in responding. I have taken a look at this and it seems to only effect the ladder when the ship is fully anchored. I have passed it along!
  10. JakeM

    Bookshelf bug

    This has already been passed along for fixing. Thanks for the reports though!
  11. Im not able to get this to replicate. Is there any way you can provide a video or screenshot?
  12. Im not able to get this bug to replicate. Is there any way you can provide a short video?
  13. I will take a look at this! THanks for the report!
  14. Thats....interesting. Will take a look, thanks for the report!
  15. I will take a look at this and pass it along! Thanks!
  16. ■ Air limit - In admin mode and using "Cheat Fly", when it rises enough and touch 'the roof of the game', the admin dies. It is not normal. This is intended. The limit is more than 50,000 uu, higher than most players would ever need to go. ■ Destroy / Killaoe - The "Destroystructures" command is very dangerous. If the admin is wrong at the time of executing it it deletes the entire server. The "killaoe structures 2500" was more practical (killaoe <type> <radius>) Use cheat destroymytarget instead. Might not be quick, but you won't make the mistake of destroying a bunch of structures. Instead, just aim at what you want destroyed and use that command. ■ Player bug (he is very serious!) - When a player leaves the server and leaves his body lying somewhere normal, when he returns to the server his body is underground without the possibility of recovering his loot. It is very annoying and the administrators are in the need to continually compensate the aforementioned players. It is a very important theme. This is likely due to a streaming issue, meaning that the player loads in before the world around him and as far as I know it is something we're working on but it is rather complicated. ■ Broadcast - No sound is produced when a note is broadcast (cheat broadcast blablabla). That makes many admin messages go unnoticed. I can not find the place to configure that option if it exists! The broadcasts are rather large on the screen. Will pass it along that a small notification sound might be useful though. ■ Damage of wild animals to structures, when they are born inside the base - Wild animals of normal level, do too much damage to stone structures. - It is not normal for wild animals to be born within bases. That does not happen in Ark. Restricting spawn in player structures has not been contemplated? This is another one of those things that we have been working on, but it is rather difficult sometimes to get things exactly right Thank you so much for your feedback, and I hope I was able to help a little. I also hope we are able to get some of the fixable issues taken care of in future.
  17. Im very sorry for the late response to this post, and as such I will be working on the first 2 issues. As to the weight limit on the boat, you can actually go over the weight limit slightly without losing any health or causing the ship to sink. It's just that after that point you start to get into the area where you will start to sink. The grace threshold on the weight isnt overly much, so be careful how far over you go.
  18. Sorry for the late response, but can you give me a detailed list of what you were doing prior to this happening? I realize it was around 8 days ago, so if you can give as much detail from what you remember as possible, it can help us to replicate this issue and hopefully get it fixed.
  19. As Nobletoker said, this is something that was implemented to stop players from griefing others. While it might not have been the best implementation, it did help to alleviate griefing for a short while and it is something that we are actively working on a rework for.
  20. Ok, Ill take a look at this and pass it along if it repro's for me. Thanks!
  21. I will take a look at this and pass it along if it repro's for me. Thanks for all of the info yall, its really appreciated
  22. JakeM

    Carbine range

    I remember something like this happening very early on in testing, something to do with server ticks. More than likely you're seeing the projectile hit but you're not seeing the hit marker simply because of server latency. This issue has vastly improved since then, but I see its still an issue. I will work on forwarding this on to see if something can be done. Thanks! And of course, I try to at least let you guys know someone is on here taking an interest in what is going on, and I can assure you everyone on the back end of things greatly appreciates all of the testing that everyone has gone through to make this game what it is intended to be. I hope you don't feel that you're being ignored
  23. Right now, all I know is that it has been passed along to be fixed. Ill check to see if anyone knows whats going on with it
  24. Ah, I see. I think this might stem from them originally being sap, or something like that. I will pass this on to the proper people! Thank you!
  25. This is an issue that has already been passed on to the proper people, but thanks for the report.
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