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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Oh, so NOW we know who built Thing's box? ETA: Boats in UO were a friggin' nightmare to script. I nearly got it working but I think due to lag I'd lose a piece of the boat here and there.
  2. 2 points
    Thanks for taking action and communicating
  3. 1 point
    Please implement: All mountable weapons have inventories & can be unlocked (currently only ballista turrets have inventories) Change rock elemental spawns to stay in place and not move locations when un-aggro'd Fix ship hind ladders Add command podium for land for easy crewmember cannon/turret combat Add the steampunk airship Add pineapples (Vitamin C) Add piña colada recipe Add pumpkins (Vitamin A) Add pumpkin pie recipe Add celery seeds Add lime seeds Add coffee seeds + recipe Add tea Add tobacco Add cigars
  4. 1 point
    Anyone else feeling like the proposed gold costs to build ships after the wipe is a bit excessive?
  5. 1 point
    I have an idea of warehouse placement Atm we can build a number warehouse on an island and the radius cover of that warehouse determent how many farmhouse it can get the resources from. But since trading is the main sources of gold income now, warehouse become more important and every company will want 1 at less, but because the warehouse placement prevention radius, most company will not be able to put a warehouse down. So I think a good idea will be ...... only allow to place 1 warehouse per island per company, do not need the prevention radius, and coverage of the warehouse will be the whole island, just like the silo, so that way company will not spam warehouse everywhere, since only allow 1 warehouse per company per island and other company will be able to place the warehouse down as well
  6. 1 point
    I started before atlas was released. Had glitches yes. But player base was wayyy higher. Ok no to the why. Took the suggestions of a few and ignored all your big companies. Aka your player base. U keep doing it watching the numbers drop. Please stop. The first system was the best why we had 600 ppl in just our company now u travel and see 4 ppl and a crashing server like d10 right now
  7. 1 point
    Curious what players expected when they purchased this. 1. Trading. 2. Ship combat. I figured customer feed back might point them in the right direction. 1 or 2? 2.
  8. 1 point
    OMG I had a dream project for Second Life to start a school to teach mosquito identification using 3d renders of mosquitoes. I figured out how to do it, but I couldn't get anyone in the research community interested. I suspect it was because Second Life has a reputation as a kind of virtual phone sex...
  9. 1 point
    I also did some stuff in Second Life, but it got to the point where objects were not created in-game, but by importing from a 3d renderer. I made a decent income crafting floating "Roger Dean" style islands that people would build their houses on, using an in-game 3d shape renderer that was pretty rudimentary. Pre-fab shapes and such, nothing custom. But, I wasn't talented enough to figure out how to use the freebie 3D apps, and couldn't afford the commercial products. That experienced gave me the "matrix" insight into how things like running water is created in games, so I can't look at a stream in any game without seeing the various pieces and parts of it that make it work. Oddly enough, I got started coding from being an early user in my RL job of something call ArcView, which is now called ArcMap. It's a mapping program used by just about everyone over the last 20-30 years. I use an app extension of it called "Collector" daily for nearly all aspects of our operation, but now I'm in management so I've got some talented people to do the coding for me.
  10. 1 point
    My coding skills never got beyond "Hello World" I can still take ya waaay back though. I remember watching my neighbor type for 2 days just so we could play Pong back in the 80s
  11. 1 point
    It's still going. I keep a house on Atlantic server just for grins and giggles. They were trying to adapt it to 3d rendering, which I was pretty pleased with, but apparently it was too problematic and they reverted back to the 2D "pixie" type animation. They've done pretty well with it (as evidenced by it still being in business), but the graphics haven't aged well, especially when you scale it up to 4K.
  12. 1 point
    Missed ultima Played pen and paper D & D though and started w Everquest. Heard some awesome Ultima griefer stories though lol
  13. 1 point
    I'm certain that I've previously read that the warehouse is the one that needs to be placed within 30m from the shore. I've moved my warehouse, which is still connected to my FH, so that the market says it's connected at a distance of 19m. My market is legit at water's edge. There's no way the two won't work together now.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Lol I have been a carpenter for 30 years and still love going to work and getting something built. I have had many opportunities to be involved with programming as a job but I always thought that would take the fun away from playing. Ultima Online, very cool! I have been sailing ships on the seas since Ultima 4.
  16. 1 point
    I don’t mind the restarting, I just need time frames. I will play differently in a 2 month season (I have to call it something) than I would in a 6 month one. I will just sail around in a sloop in a short season and kill hydras and drakes with carbines and collect stones for fun. In a longer ‘instance’ I would build a nicer base and try for a bigger boat. It’s not knowing that makes me cringe. But they don’t know so why should I? Hahaha
  17. 1 point
    I'd like to think that game developers care enough about their occupation to stay interested, but I've experienced too many game endings to really believe that. I used to run a private Ultima Online server, and it kind of made me burn out and not want to play, so I get where they are coming from. But it's a fact that unless you play, or are willing to hire people to play, you are going to lose touch with what the game is all about. One thing that stands out for me from my experience running a server is the incessant efforts by players to exploit the game. I actually recruited some of the worst players in an effort to improve the coding (private UO servers are script based, but the emulator was built well enough that you could modify just about everything), but in the end, producing a game rather than playing seriously damaged my enthusiasm. ETA: My tag "Bugboy" refers to my career as an entomologist. I do mosquito control work, and have done that work for over 30 years. It STILL fascinates me and challenges me, but most of all, I never seem to flag in my interest in it. I'm good at it, so that helps. Maybe these guys just aren't good at what they do?
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Reduce the gold cost for at least the schooner, dammit.
  20. 1 point
    It's to prevent ship spam... but now the fucking idiots (devs) are just making sloop spam because DUHHHH it's the only free ship and takes 10 minutes to build a fully kitted one.
  21. 1 point
    I'd like to know what the maximum range a market can be from a warehouse is. Unless I've missed something, I haven't seen any notes telling us the maximum distance it can be from the warehouse. I've seem players say that it's gotta be no more than 10m away, yet mine says "Connected to warehouse. Distance 33m" ... So it is saying that it's connected, and even shows the amount of goods available...then 15mins later, it says it's not connected to the warehouse, only to say it is again 20mins later.....confusing.
  22. 1 point
    Things started out OK, but now with 15-20 players on my island it's gotten pretty laggy. Enough that I don't feel comfy hunting anything w/o dying. It's a hard 4 count just to open or close map. Guess I'll try the PVP again, but can only assume I'll come crawling back with butthurt griefholes in my arse.
  23. 1 point
    The bad Lag and 255 ping is coming from the Market buildings and the trade routes created within, Something is buggy with the code. If you can, have everyone in your grid remove the market for now unitl its fixed and your lag issues will be gone. Its going to be a few patches before its going to be solid and working. Hope that helps, and I hope you can get your other grid members to do the same...
  24. 1 point
    It looks like the faster the servers down, the faster the game will be repair.
  25. 1 point
    I agree, the developers want to see more people at sea, don’t make it such a punishment to loose a ship. You’re going to loose your ship, daily on pvp. More than likely while your asleep. Dont get attached to it. But now you introduce more grinding for a ship now, fun. The goal for the team should be how to make ship building more effective, faster. Without taking away from the current grind, or adding to it. Balance ship designs and ship combat. If you want trade just an auction house. that brings people on the water and with stuff to sell putting more potential for gain/win scenarios. But honestly what am I buying or trading? I don’t even understand the value of trading yet. Meals are all garbage and the gear can all be built in company with the right set up. examples, More customizable decks, planks that can only be planks be already assembled on ship build. hatches for the schooner lower deck idk how many times I have been glitched inside there repairing and had to wait to starve... Sails, the only sail of choice seems to be speed and maybe handling at times. The sail system needs to be worked on entirely. But till then speed sails and front and back cannons ftw.
  26. 1 point
    I really appreciate bonus level sarcasm.
  27. 1 point
    Math: 42 Your right there is no maths, its more feelz. But lets extrapalate then. 10000, would take 10 1k gold maps, or 20, 500g maps. So 20 green maps (which are fairly easy to get and do, solo with a shit bear) gets you the 2nd best ship in the game. I made and spent about 500k gold on pve last season. Mostly was spent on bears with stats i didnt have. My final bear (before i got bored and wandered away) had H20, M24, W18, S18. I think I had about 50k in my boxes when i quit. My experiance playing the game:1.6k hours, so nope not a clue wtf Im doing there clearly. Bonus: Your god damn right buff barrels!!! I could only cull 18 bears at max with 1 barrel, should be be able to boom all the things with one. Since you clearly cant understand sarcasm: THIS BONUS SECTION IS SARCASM, JUST LIKE THAT COMMENT IN THE OTHER THREAD. Hope that clears that up. Hugs and kisses, Gin
  28. 1 point
    I've uninstalled the game and truly don't think they keep it with just ridiculous priced ships. Such a waste for what started out to be a very potent game.
  29. 1 point
    Compared to what? Anything else that the devs have done (or not done) so far?
  30. 1 point
    currently weighted sails are hardly ever used and are undermined by the cargo containers. I'm starting up this thread topic on how to make the weighted sail a viable option compared to the other sails while maintaining the usefulness of the cargo containers. the ideas i have so far will be numbered to allow people to discuss each individually and help me help the devs make it a sail worth taking. 1. my main idea for the weighted sail is to allow it to rotate 360 degrees BUT requires 2 crew for the small sail, 4 for the medium, and 6 for the large to rotate it with the turning speed slowing down the larger the sail (negated somewhat by the crew skills to improve turning rate). but could be turned with less than the max but at a much slower pace so even a solo ship it can be used stil. 2. the speed of the sails should be slightly slower than the handling sails when both types are full green so someone who is using duel speed sails can still attempt to capture people with heavy sails. 3. weight should effect the sail differently like not actually slowing it down until after 80 percent (or some other number) and wont allow the ship to be effected by the cargo racks (so a large ship with large sails and cargo racks is slow but not a snail) 4.the weighted sail should have twice the sail hp and 3 times the mast health since weighted sails tend to be just as weak as other sails but need to take more damage since the ship is slow and should be able to take a beating. 5.currently weighted sails and cargo sails are mainly used for the heaviest mats such as wood metal and other heavy items when these matierals are easily available to all parts of the map it makes trading routes short since you only have to go to the tile next to you to get a certain type of metal so to counter than materials should be more scarce in biomes they shouldnt be in. metals should be in the artic, wood in the tropic, and stone in the desert with biomes inbetween being a mix of these. I'm not saying there should be no stone anywhere else but there should be massive deposits of these mats with different types of stone on different islands within that biome. changes to the heaviest items in the game make traders required and make pirating more important to take transported goods with the weight of gold also being increased and the ease of getting it slightly reduced would make it a lot more valuable especially for traders. feel free to add and help me with this discussion
  31. 1 point
    Lol, don't worry, mateys. The next few months are going to be just like the last few months. They will shift a few .ini digits around, create a few more bugs, maybe swap some desert southwest zones in next to north-northeast polar regions and boost barrels and submarines. All the while, they will not do us the simple favor of keeping in contact with us. I just checked the staff activity around here. The new PR Team first introduced themselves in June. Their last message was, you guessed it: June. Dollie hasn't been seen this year. From a business perspective, if you were the manager of this team and you were responsible for handing out the checks, 11/10 people would fire the entire staff. These guys are making, what?, 50-80k a year? Idk the going rate, just a guess. Can you imagine forking over that much loot per team member and when you ask what they've accomplished, they show you 2 new structures and a smaller map that has east stuff on the west side and west stuff on the north side? And then, just out of curiosity, you spend literally 5 minutes going through social media to find a player base that is pissed off, leaving in droves and making sure to tell potential new customers to not waste their time on your game. And to top it all off, you come to find out that modders, in their free time being paid $0, are outpacing your team of professionals in content produced. If this was my business and I was responsible for the bottom line, I would lose my fucking mind. The whole team would get wiped and replaced. But that isn't happening. So there's only one explanation: Grapeshot is not a game developer like Wildcard is. It is a money laundering/drug running shell company. It's the only explanation that makes any sense. Within the next year, the DEA is going to have a massive raid on Grapeshot HQ and find a literal mountain of pure-grade cocaine and heroine that is being distributed to small time gangbangers throughout the Pacific Northwest (the Antarctic Northsouth in Grapeshot terminology). Screencap this post.
  32. 1 point
    Should be banned for doing that. I mean I have put posts down to map out a small area but that is just over the top. I only put posts down to stop the trolls building something stupid up close to me. There is no reason to take a whole island in that way.
  33. 0 points
    I've been fairly lucky to have a couple of land claims in one of the desert regions. Most of the lawless regions near me seem OK. There is some spam but generally there is space to build. So I was always a bit clueless when reading reports about foundation spam in lawless. Then I came across 'Shrewdale Island' in i9 NA PVE. Holy balls. Someone has covered every square inch of the island in foundations denying building possibilities to anyone else. The only legit things built on the island that I could see are a couple generic box buildings. Obviously this is way over the top. The developers could implement an algorithm that discourages foundations spam. You should probably only be allowed a certain limit of foundations that aren't attached to a larger structure. -Damn
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