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Emanuel a

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Everything posted by Emanuel a

  1. Emanuel a

    Bad mapping

    That island have limited type resources also. 0 pure metal nodes and 0 berry's, the blue flowers and pink flowers dont give any berry. Sail for berrys is ridiculous. We tried to claim it in another server also noticed the map issue.
  2. I was thinking about throw the towel. But you made my day. The nightmare of naming NPCs, excel sheets with NPC location, having to port to a ship with NPCs mutinied. leveling food stat to NPC for survive and splitting the gold. They days of bringing gold to a mountain using a climbing pick, or opening 5 doors to introduce gold in a layered stash are finally over. A incentive to live in islands over lawless.
  3. I can't wait to read post of people stuck with bears in pits because they couldn't use anything else to kill the AoD. Or maybe throw yourself to a pit and kill them with the sword and kill yourself with punches after you are stuck floating in the air because of the mesh terrain. Having to use the songs again. This will be the new norm. Because devs aren't doing their job. Balancing is better than completely remove features. By the way the accordion Is not working properly after the mega downgrade. Another nail in the coffin.
  4. Yeah great idea, block content for average players behind a tame you need a submarine to get. Because all the beach Bob's have access to submarines and have all power stones and killed the kraken. Of course, everyone do that in week one after they finish their huts, tame a crab to do a freaking mw map. Whats the next "mega downgrade" for the weekend? stone buildings are locked until you clear the ice dungeon. Or something like tier 2 tames do 0 damage to AoD. Maybe AoD only receive damage from "INSERT LATEST TAME HERE" that no one asked for.
  5. I'm not mad they fixed the leveling train for boats, i couldn't care less about ships. I'm mad because they screwed all the other players who do maps. Because devs dont know how to program and instead of placing a rule to prevent ships to get experience for AoD, they did something to maps that no one asked. A normal bear alone can't do a mastercraft map dont lie. This change only benefits Megas who posses strong bears over lvl 100, with 200% damage. Normal people with shitty bears with 380-500 hp with 145-156% damage have no chance to do a mastercraft alone anymore before the AoD kill the bear or they recover all the HP. Using swivel in a bear wasn't a exploit don't excuse the devs, the exploit was the ships. Good that they fixed that, but I dont agree to nerf swivel bears. There are two scenarios here, not one. +Swivel bear killing AoD +Ships using swivels killing AoD I'm complaining about the first one, not the second one. I'm complaining they are terrible programmers because they didn't address the second one alone. They used the easy and lazy way to fix it. And the proof of my statement is that if they wanted to balance the swivel bear because it was too Overpowered, instead they would had reduced the damage 40% or 50% and reduce the damage from canons or flame 80% or something like that. They are imposing a way to the maps because they probably dont have a way to differentiate in their code if the damage come from a swivel bear or from a swivel ship.
  6. Let's kill them with melee weapons instead. Better idea, only fists will be able to hit them. Punching them to death!! Yeahh. Great idea, that would be the next patch note. Having to climb mountains or doing bugged maps with AoD inside buildings or mesh was stupid enough, now you completely remove options to do maps. For what? Megas again. Megas exploited swivels in golden age on pvp servers. Instead or preventing swivels on boats do damage or receive exp from AoD. Because you have incompetent programmers, you deny all damage except from tames, melee weapon and guns. It's that difficult to place an IF statement in the code for swivels in ships?. In the process of fixing it in the easy way, just changing the values for swivels to 0% against AoD, you killed your PVE players base and people who enjoyed doing maps on PVP. What make it difficult to make a map is sailing 15 grids for a mastercraft. Not the map itself. Now you kill the only thing I enjoyed about the game. No incentive of keep playing. 900 hours for nothing. Thank you for ruining the game for me. For the people who stay good luck. Good luck trying to place a bear inside a building and getting out, with no granades. PD: yesterday I was playing blackwake and I remembered what is good pvp fight with no bullshit 900 hp guys that tank tower puckles or suicide gallys with 300% resistance obliterating ships.
  7. Total agree with the OP, static defences suck, nothing stop a suicide gally to come inside your port and destroy everything. Morters and Puckles purple are a joke against 300% resistance ships and guys with 800 hp. Now they made army of the damned immune to swivels. So only with perfect bears will be possible to do mastercraft maps or journeymen. So you need more bears to do the damage you did before the nerf of swivels bears, and this bears have to be breaded bears or they will be obliterated or you will not have enough DPS to kill them before they go into the ground and recover full HP. Making it more difficult to do maps because sailing 10 grids away to do a mastercraft map wasn't boring enough. Let's make them waste more time doing the map, "make them farm more gold and invest more time for defense NPCs that fail to do their job. They will love it."
  8. Is there a reason we dont have a wider door for gallys or brigs? Having to align in a perfect 90 degrees just in the middle of the door to get a brig inside is ridiculous. Why dont introduce a door of 15 ceilings with rails or change the wide of the door at will like the elevator. A custom door pulled by NPCs. Placing a switch triggered by NPC to open or close a door. It would be awesome if you could whistle the NPC from your gally to lift the door. Similar to remote control of ark but with an NPC. Or maybe re using the code of the remote control but change the sprite of the control for a wind instrument like a pan flute or something. The NPC will hear the code of 1 to 9999 or music notes (because this is atlas) then open the door. Maybe we can do musical sheets to insert in the accordion to play the song and if they kill you, they can steal the accordion with the musical sheet for opening or activating doors. The area of activation would be the area of effect of the accordion that you level up. The hp of the door should be something like 50 k stone or 75 I stone because it will be larger than a average giant wall. Probably a stupid idea, please delete the post.
  9. I want puckles to be able to shoot. Being able to build over the boulders underwater that prevent building. And a door wide enough for a gally to pass. And not having to align in the middle of the gate in a 90 degrees angle with no wind or storms. The turn ratio of a gally is huge.
  10. Having to build around them is difficult. There are areas where is literally impossible to close because of this big boulders. I agree with the OP.
  11. Puckles are a Joke. In ark autoturrets shoot granades in the air before the nade came closer to the turret. Will be good having a option of hit projectiles in a puckle. Because right now they can come over a crab, the crab takes the damage of the puckles, while they are healing the crab they throw granades and puckles are down. 100 NPCs didn't stop this ridiculous attack, you can only have a limited amount of tames or NPCs in a grid, even if you have a lot of npcs mastercraft, dont matter, they will only delay the inevitable, our defense of thousands of NPC didn't hold against high level crabs, high level players and granades ( our structure full of NPC lasted 1 hour and only because we were actively defending, probably can hold 10 min if no one defend). The only way to survive in PVP right now is building over super high natural pillars, this just make completely useless 80% of the available islands in the game. You won't be secure if you dont live in a pillar, forget about having a port, resistance in ships with a layered wood ship can take all the canons of the NPC on land. Your land defenses do nothing against that, you can easily go inside a base with 40 cannons full resistance vs land canons NPCs and throw granades in a crab. Place a new door for galleys or brigantines, large stone walls are not wide enough for them. We need the ability to close a port. Is stupid how a schooner full resistance with layers of wood can get inside your port full of crabs and canon bears and start a land raid and sink everything with 0 effort. 1 crab, bunch of granades, some canon bears and a schooner full resistance. Morters do like 1 k damage against a wooden ceiling because of resistance. The only way to stop this is building a shipyard as a door everytime you want to go out of your port, and block the entrance again with another shipyard. Because even with 40 NPCs in canons don't work against a ship with resistance. Land canons should be able to level up or something. There is no way of you noticing a suicide boat with resistance going inside your port, please create a big door for gallys and Brigs. At least that way we can notice in the log if your door was destroyed and not when your boats are sinking already.
  12. Puckles are underpowered. A guy over lvl 80 with hp build can come inside and grenade all your puckles. Crabs can also jump in the middle of your puckles and destroy them easily. Even puckles mastercraft don't do much against that. I noticed how useless are defenses against a guy mounted in a crab thwrowing grenades, can you negate the ability to throw granades mounted on a crab at least?. Because I noticed that ballistas are pretty much useless against a crab. They just come throw granades kill NPCs. Jump again then heal, do it over again and GG base. Your NPCs do nothing against crabs. The only thing that can save you as against crabs is building your base over a natural pillar and not all the islands have this type of pillars. Puckles never focus the rider over the crab, good luck trying to snipe a guy equipped with mythical stuff, full HP with medkits jumping in a crab. You do 32 damage in the head with a normal carbine if you manage to shoot the rider, well I will need to build walls over 15 high to avoid the crab coming. Let's spam more buildings. And dont say ballistas or swivels do something to them, a good crab can tank any NPC with healing, the only way we found to kill one is killing the rider somehow and mortar the crab. I think bola weapon should work against tames 100% like in ark. Or placing bear traps, give us something to defend bases please, NPCs are useless right now. Even the spikes will be fine if you implement them here.
  13. We enclosed a wild level 30 female bear in a pen of 3x3 foundations, and framedoors around with a medium gate, a tribe member started attacking the bear from outside of the pen with a pike then the bear tried to run to the opposite side, after doing this for a while and before the hp of the bear hit 20% it suddenly disappeared when trying to leave to a cliff, we tried to look if he was stuck in the mesh, but he was gone.
  14. Playing music is rewarding, I cried the first time I completed a mockatoo once told me in hard mode, after practicing 5 hours. I will recommend the dev to add milliseconds to the music between notes randomly for avoid players using macros ( the macros fail when you lag, because it adds milliseconds to your music). I find it easier play the hard music by myself than a macro ( because of my laggy computer or internet), with a macro you have 0 chance of recover in the middle of the song if you lag, but playing it by yourself have higher chance of success. Once you master a mockatoo once told me, all the other hard music is easy mode. ( except drums I hate them because the space button is unnatural. And you lose the music if you lag ( happend often). I can play a mockatoo hard mode 4 times in a row without failing the song.
  15. Lol, tame him and see if he transform in another atlas tame. Maybe the bear all we know is a carno with a skin?
  16. A half wall to place on sides of a 1×1 puckle building, I find the framedoors aesthetic and no really useful to use all the effective area angle of a puckle that is like 160 degrees of range in front of the puckle I think.
  17. I Like this idea, I Will rather sail around for gold than checking a excel spreadsheet. Im sick of that. If this building you mention increased the gold cost of NPC 10% if you have 25 to 50 NPCs, 20% 50 to 100 NPC per island not per grid and something like 30% if you have more than 100 or 200 don't know. To give small tribes that have limited members to cover all areas an prevent giving more power to megas. You have more people sailing gold if they dont want to feed and give gold to all the crew. It would be optional to have this building if you have over 1000 NPC in a tile because you have a lot of islands, it will be optional to have the building, not mandatory to have one, this will help more tribes with one islands than tribes that have 5 islands in the same grid and more NPCs. Because in theory if they are mega, they hace a lot of people to do it. More people in the seas farming gold = more fun.
  18. What about a creating or modifying the carriages to introduce prisoners inside a cage pulled by a horse. I find it useful if you want to transport a prisoner to a fortified base full of puckles, you have to turn all the defenses off, bring the prisoner with a hook, and then turn your puckles on again. I suggest that puckles will ignore anyone inside the cage if the horse is from the same tribe than the puckles. So your own puckles will ignore it and you could bring the prisoner inside your base if you capture a griefers inside your house or you are being raided in that particular moment. Is also useful if you are raiding someone and you can't place a cage in your boat for a design issue or you cant place a cage in their island because too many enemy foundations.
  19. Tornados are hitting anchored ship. Our port is in deep water and we lost few ships like this.
  20. Having to place gold in every NPC is almost a job seriously, you need to run around all the island looking for the NPCs because the range of them getting the gold is 9 or 10 tiles, some NPC are located in difficult areas to go like cliffs and inside laberyints that you need to open a lot of doors to get inside or they mutiny. This mechanic is super grindy no fun, and no point. Yes you can place tons of gold in the chest but you risk someone taking the money after they blow up a tower. The food is another issue but I can live with that leveling only food in my NPCs ( 20 hp more would not make the difference if they are snipped with a canonball), but the gold is an issue. Especially if the tribe is small and your island is big. This will help defenders to maintain defenses and boats anchored. What I suggest is a system that give gold to npcs in an island owned by you. We will be able to do towers not that big because we dont need to place a 2x1 stone house with a chest every 9 tiles and all over the island. Which means less foundation spam and better render of the map in huge bases, also less resources of the server. And less people grifing ships anchored. Options I propose that system would be managed by a tribe admin in the bank or the flag. Having the option to give gold to anchored boats or disable that option. Another idea is managing boats in groups where you can activate this function in only that group, in case some inactive guy in the tribe want to have a boat never use full manned. It would be nice if you could set different policys to NPC over a boat, NPC on the island just standing doing nothing, and NPC on managed puckles, canon or swivels on land. I will really appreciate if an admin at least read it an consider it. I think this will help small tribes that have a shortage of man power to defend against megas. Also another incentive of going to take an island over lawless.
  21. Animals will keep respawning in your house, there are designated areas where animals respawn , we have a Npc in a respawn area for rattlesnake. An there is always a rattlesnake hitting the puckle. I used to have a bridge made over pillars 5 walls high over ground and there was an area of the large bridge tunnel that spawned lions. They just respawn from the sky and fall over your buildings or go inside of your buildings when you made your house over that area. Pillars can help you to avoid cobra's getting inside from outside, but not much if you build in a respawn. I used to have a house where lions and alpha snakes respawned, they even killed NPCs inside the building or destroyed Smithys and storagea trying to kill a NPC. Build your house in other place.
  22. I had seen ppl mounting towers over shipyards with no pillars, is hilarious when the shipyard is destroyed everything made is destroyed immediately. You need one pillar every 3 ceilings and a lot of people will suffer when their 300 k tatch building is destroyed. It's balanced.
  23. I will talk about what I witnessed so far. Our starting group of 9 were treated by a mega, we made an alliance with local small tribes an decided to fight and resist, we made several attempts with what we could sail. (we didn't succeed fighting in the sea against freaking 10 ships average), we were always outnumbered 1v2 in the best case scenario, 1v4 worst case. We always went to help the allies that lived 1 grid close, even landed with tames and helped to supply them with weapons and helping them, but that only prolonged the inevitable loss of the island, until all their games were killed and NPCs destroyed. Our player base in our tribe reached 3 ppl online at the same time and 6 actives. We were forced to merge with other tribe of 6 because we were being attacked in other islands by nakeds with grenades or gliders thwrowing grenades, constantly being harrassed. The amount of times it drain to a group of ppl to be always protecting your stuff or kamikazes is huge. While they send 2 or 3 ppl to do that the other members of the megas prepare for the invasion. Eventually 5 islands of the grid above us were taken. because we couldn't do much against groups of 40 ppl attacking with crabs and flame bears, we managed to kill countless crabs and bears but eventually you lose, because you can't resupply at the same speed they do. You kill 1 crab and they bring 2 more to replace it. The status at the moment is 1 grid above us of small tribes allied are completely wiped, we could merge the remaining members but only few ppl, the others left the game. Now they come for us, they started sending scouts. we made a fortification of giant walls, puckets and ballistas aiming tames, a lot of morters also for boats. Let's see how long can we hold against the mega.
  24. Crabs are OP, they should nerf them. Doing 6 damage with a carbine is not fun. Small tribes can't afford to stop that overpower tame. An average Joe should have tools to defend against that.
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