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Everything posted by Sleepinator2000

  1. I don't see why everyone is attacking the OP. He isn't saying he wants to avoid the fight or get rewarded for no effort. His request is pretty clear to me - he just wants a way to engage or locate a straggler from a fight. I too think it is ridiculous that they wander off cliffs and under inaccessible locations only to bury themselves in the ground never to be seen again, making the treasure effectively unlootable. They aren't there to protect it, why can't we dig it up? The answer is of course that it would encourage kiting exploits, and not fighting, but I don't see anything wrong with having a dig attempt respawn any remaining defenders back near the treasure so you can at least try to clean them up.
  2. A few datapoints I find interesting from personal observation: Once it starts happening at a particular location, that location seems to be significantly more vulnerable to relapses. The oldest structures I have built seem invulnerable to the problem, as if some optimization kicked in once I passed a number of pieces or connection points in an area. I have never had this happen in a location with a direct vertical connection to solid floor. Things I have tried (and failed): I created a separator between major structures (they were all connected via walkways, that could have caused them to all be treated as one giant building). I increased the density of supporting pillars and floors (theoretically increasing the number of attach points to each piece). I tried rotating replacements for vulnerable pieces (to utilize different connection points). Things I haven't tried (yet): Replacing problematic pieces with a stone/wood counterpart (at the bottom, to see if that somehow resets the attach points). Place a floor piece directly below the problematic piece (whether attached or not). Subdividing long structures like docks with a separator gap.
  3. I was able to work around this by placing a wall on the bottom deck directly below the problematic location (didn't have to be directly attached to the problem piece). Was safe to remove the wall after placement succeeded I have also found for side ladder extensions that simply replacing the top of the ladder would allow placement of previously blocked lower rungs. Somewhat related, but you may find more success by removing the piece you are attaching to (as long as it isn't the deck, of course). It seems like their object register can get screwed up if you leave it alone for too long. The caveat is that the piece you remove might also exhibit the problem, meaning you have to remove more pieces, so use with caution. Of course I have done this so much to workaround placement problems as they crop up that I am certain there is a keystone piece somewhere on the ship that will blow the explosive bolts on every panel if it gets destroyed, but living dangerously is part of the fun, right?
  4. If there was some kind of auditory tell associated with whales, I would be fine with heavy fog in the polar/tundra, but they are way too dangerous to accident upon. In all the other zones, I just full-sail power through it and enjoy the adrenaline rush. Actually, thinking about it, even Polar is okay by me, because you at least get a healthbar to know one is coming at you.
  5. That sucks if the server switched things up on you. If that happened to me, and I didn't have any resources to gather somewhere else or nearby maps to fiddle with, I'd just fast travel back to my base and do some crafting or maintenance for an hour to let the wind change to a faster or a better direction. The one constant is that it always changes. Just curious, did you change ships for the return voyage, or was that for the point of illustration? Also the turn of wind looks like about 2 hours worth of clockwise movement, did you spend that long at the powerstone island? If so, the wind direction actually seems about right for a return voyage.
  6. Amen to that. I found that it started happening when I hit a critical mass of interconnected structures. Perhaps coincidence, but I added a small seam on the bridges between major structures to see if that eliminates the problem. Too early to tell, but so far so good.
  7. Same thing happened to me yesterday, 4 of our original ramshackles just poofed, only evidence is in the company log which states that the ships and their associated beds were removed from the guild. None of our active players were on during that time. They were parked right next to other, larger ships. Wasn't really a huge loss, only one of them had seen any recent action, and they were just ramshackles. They were all coincidentally created at roughly the same time on the same day (first day of NA PVE). If this somehow happens with our newer, bigger ships at some arbitrary date in the future, we'll be righteously furious.
  8. Angled half ceiling, and whatever the hell shape they need to make so we can seal the top back deck of our Schooners (heptagram, rhombus, triquetra?)
  9. Yep, that would do the trick, and add even more real-worldisms for strategic planners to think about. Just make the 4-line prevailing winds eastbound, 7 line westbound, 9 line eastbound, and 12 line westbound. Also make it much less likely that winds in these longitudes go calm, but the stormwind frequency is increased to compensate.
  10. I don't know how far in advance their simulation determines there is going to be a storm. For all I know it is only 10 seconds, but I suspect it is alot more. As others have suggested, I would LOVE to have thunder and lightning implemented in game, and not just for show. It could be an advanced tell maybe 60 seconds before rain starts, that could give you a little more time to vector toward safety if you are overloaded or a scaredy cat. I think many players would somewhat ignore it as ambience and just keep sailing, I know I would, except when I am seriously overloaded.
  11. Sounds like bad luck by the OP, but I've been there. I always zone at oblique angles now so that I can quickly exit if I am faced with a whale or a fleet at pointblank. I wouldn't mind if they added a little tweak to the AI so that it tends to path away from the zone border if it is within firing range of it and doesn't have aggro on anything. In the current form, it feels a bit like a player exploiting zoning mechanics, kind of like gate camping in EVE. When I am transiting and I see a group close to the border, I will frequently do an aggro flyby to pull them away a bit. I like to think I've saved a ramshackle or two from certain death, but I'll never know.
  12. I have seen this off and on throughout development. Mostly occurs for me when a brand new cannon is added to a rack. I can usually solve it by "priming" all the guns with a manual aim and waiting until all the lines appear, and firing a single test salvo.
  13. Schooners were made for you, they are the fastest, most maneuverable ship in the game if you don't load them to the gills with cargo. You'll like them even more once they add the cargo container attachment in the next patch. You just need to live with the ~2000 kg limit on cargo space for your trading until then. As many have said, Galleons cannot maneuver AT ALL. I am not exaggerating when I say it takes 2+ minutes to execute a 180 degree turn with a fully speed sailed Galleon. Ever wonder why you see so many abandoned SoTD wrecks all over the place? Galleon drivers don't want to waste 5 minutes executing a 360 degree turn to pick anything up and get back on course. Don't be the cartoon character who runs straight away from the rolling boulder, just turn and laugh as it shoots by. If he has Schooner support, then you have a real problem, but at least you have the option to only fight the Schooner with a quick turn into favorable wind.
  14. Although it seems to be broken and backwards, I will miss the awesome unobstructed scouting view you get from it whenever they get around to fixing it.
  15. Nice to finally see an example of someone protected by the new system, I guess it really does work. With mixed reports from people who got evicted, I was never quite sure if that was happening on old servers or new. Of course that person still is stuck with a bad landlord, but at least he has grandfathered protection against him.
  16. I find that the gate collision mesh for the small gateways seems to be slightly more than 1 piece higher than the top of the gate, so I have just been in the habit of removing anything 2 above it, or better yet placing it before I build above it, and then build back whatever I had to remove. No excuse for the shoddiness, of course, but just a current workaround that works for me.
  17. I did my testing with regular hatchets between someone with no skill, and someone with the full upgrade. After 20 of the same type of tree each. We saw about 5% difference in total yield (the person with no skill got 5% more, which we assumed was just expected statistical error for the sample size). We did no testing on blueprint tools, and perhaps hatchets and picks work differently, but my testing seems to contradict your mathematical conclusions that the skill increases yield. It also seems that the bulk of posters here are drawing the same conclusion.
  18. I think the terms we are using are too loaded. I should be more explicit. In my tests, "yield" per chop (of a hatchet, for example) is clearly higher when you have the fully upgraded skill, but the number of chops to fully deplete a tree is correspondingly lower, so the total yield from a tree, or bush, or rock does not appear to be improved by the upgraded skill. It just makes harvesting each source faster.
  19. Tested the hand harvesting with tools between myself with no upgrades, and a mate with full upgrade. It only made him harvest faster, no difference in yield that we could tell, and certainly not the +100% that the skill description would seem to suggest. Certainly more worthwhile than it was when it didn't work with tools, and I did actually get the first level for 1 point, but not worth it to me to spend any more.
  20. So purely an accelerator? I might have to test this with one of my company mates who has the skill fully upgraded. If that's all it does, I have much better uses for the skillpoints. That isn't how tame harvesting works does it? I could swear that I used to get dramatically more fiber (and berries) out of a field when using a Bear than I would have if I harvested a similar sized field by hand.
  21. Yes, it can be. Most unofficial servers I have seen since the patch have the fog of war on. One more thing that I miss dearly about fog of war after thinking about it, is a very precise chronicle of where I have been, and where I have yet to explore. Now I have to rely exclusively on the forcefields to remember where I've been when I am sailing toward a familiar-looking island that is a copy-paste of another island I might have visited on this server, or maybe it was the PTE, no it must have been that unofficial server... I think.
  22. Not sure I understand? Are you saying that bonuses from hand harvesting override the bonuses from improved tools? It seems like they should stack - either additively or multiplicatively.
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