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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Pathfinders, We hear your concerns about the Explosive Barrel changes. We’re introducing some server side fixes to help balance the issues that we can now. We will continue to look at and address further issues into the next week. We will not be rolling back servers at this time. Please find the patch notes for tonight's hotfix below: Catapult reload time for explosive barrels increased significantly (Reload time may not match animation until next major patch) Fixed bug where NPCs were spawning with Puckles Fixed bug where explosive barrels would drop instantly when thrown while on a ship Temporary Fix: Made explosive barrels get destroyed when thrown onto a ship until we can completely address bugs with intended functionality
  2. 1 point
    The Changes to Barrel bombs are going to badly unbalance the game, and probably lead to the complete wiping of multiple harbors/island/companies. Not sure of the why this was done, but i think its going to prove to be a bad. Please roll these changes back before half the game gets wiped and quits the season.
  3. 1 point
    Map spawns are very broken, most islands have lost them due to player building. You want people on the sea more, right? Add treasure maps to yellow flotsam.
  4. 1 point
    Im building ships to get off freeport and all the ships i build are stuck in first person. I cant sail like this, please help
  5. 1 point
    With your farms and warehouses, you will kill and dim all the landscapes on the islands, return everything as it was!
  6. 1 point
    The huge disappointment in the developers is only intensifying among many players !!! Maybe it's time to stop? Put everything back, the old map with its achievements, return the players to their PVE servar !!! And start thinking of the game as an MMO sandbox, not a shooter on ships ! This game is not about sailing !!!
  7. 1 point
    new fetures, new mistakes !! SODs stand around in the middle of the ocean and do nothing Graphic errors are increasing. Now we even have holes in the water! or is that also a great innovation with which the developers want to delight us? The ping problems are only getting better in places because more and more players give up in frustration and look for a game that works and where the developers break a working game with updates and stupid innovations. I know that Grapeshoot wants to push PVP, but we PVE players also paid you money and don't want to be punished for it now.
  8. 1 point
    Yes Atlas is a very great game and it's so easy to get past 1000hours in there learning new things every day. But the frustration to play this game is very much as well. The game makes fun but it is work after work that you think to often about do i really want to "play" this today? But you must to compete and stay alive. There is no chance of taking a break. And in the end you ask yourself for what do i play? The harbor you build gets crashed by some enemy galys and 1000 torpedos. The Base you build on the highest mountain gets wiped by barrels or grenades from some guys sitting on an other climbing up and all your ships are gone again and again and again. And You know it.... 80% do not sink in a seafight. You farmed 50k gold a week to pay your NPCs on puckles and ships and just 10-15guys with 3 horses can wipe all this in two hours. The only time i really enjoyed this game was in my holidays when i had time to play the hole day to feel some kind of i can protect this. With barrels and the map like it is now the game will not get any new PvP Players to stay in it other than playing the freeport life.
  9. 1 point
    Barrel bombs, barrel bombs, barrel bombs... Good season lads, time to pack it in and go back to Tarkov.
  10. 1 point
    Barrel bombs were able to fired from cannons like a season or two ago, and even then it was a bad idea and was disabled. What has changed all of a sudden that made the Dev's think this failed PvP mechanism was gonna work? I don't remember anywhere on this site, Reddit or your Discord that anyone lobbied for this to be a thing. How about optimizing the game. How about adding more ship classes.........
  11. 1 point
    Barrel bombs have been an issue for as long as i can remember. The community has pleaded to you guys to nerf them, and even remove them from the game. Instead they have been buffed. Able to toss them from a glider. Shoot them out of cannons and catapults. Being able to shoot them from the back of a horse. PvP is dead in atlas now. Boat pvp is done, there is no longer any reason to have a BP'd ship anymore since a common ship with barrels will just 1 shot your planks. Land PvP has just devolved into who can drop more barrels. Tames get 1 shot. Players get 1 shot. Bases get ripped apart by naked's on gliders. Bottom line. The game is not fun anymore. LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY PLEASE! There will be no future for Atlas if these recent changes arent reverted quickly. Just completely remove barrels please. Let the players have some fun and actually engage in battles. One shotting someone with a barrel is not fun. Its not a battle. Its not PvP. It doesn't get the heart racing. There is no skill involved. It's not fun.
  12. 1 point
    You're somewhat correct, most of the third party discussion takes place on Reddit. I'll take a swipe at it though. The new Barrel Bomb mechanics have achieved the following: 1. Made speed sail Schooners the only viable combat ship. 2. Made ship blueprints inconsequential. 3. ^ ...therefore nullifying the trade / transport economy, as it'd be foolish to use anything except common planks, etc. 4. Turned naval combat into a boring fps / game of chicken, when beforehand it was quite complex and exciting. 5. Sent more player ships to freeport. Kept fewer people on the ocean. This is my first season. These forums have always been negative which I feel is a shame, because Atlas is probably in my top 5 games in the past 20 years. Coming from 1600 hours on Ark, there are a lot of design choices to appreciate. BUT ... this patch was poorly thought out, poorly tested, and poorly implemented. (Warehouses included. Farmhouses are fine.)The smartest thing the devs could do is roll back, and then schedule a conference with the original development team.
  13. 1 point
    Фэнтези составляющая в Атлас это главное, что привело сюда многих и продолжает удерживать в игре! Не убивай, а совершенствуйся и развивайся дальше в этом стиле! Добавляйте квесты, NPC, добавьте более сильную и разнообразную систему крафта! Дарите подводное содержание! Есть куда переехать !!!
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    get rid of Explosive Barrel fired off of ships way too much damage of a shot gun schooner.... I would say leave it on the bear cannon but i bet they cannt change how the cannons are loaded on different placements
  16. 1 point
    I agree Atlas devs..roll your shit back and get the game back to where it's not completely busted..then move forward
  17. 1 point
    Lol its pretty obvious they have never played the game and are just making random changes.
  18. 1 point
    They didnt listen to anyone.. literally roll back the server! This barrels being shot out of anything is insane and will ruin this game. Start LISTENING!
  19. 1 point
    So you don't think you should fix us not being able to purchase npc's?
  20. 1 point
    Did you fix Ships of the Damned being completey broke ?
  21. 1 point
    what about the bug with the gold being use up like theres no tomorrow a island that cost 1000 Gold a day with crew are now more like 10000 a day atm after the 409.1 update
  22. 1 point
    Completely agree with this. Barrel bombs are now unstoppable.
  23. 1 point
    I dunno why, but I feel so-o-o-o funny about all this mess with warehouses.
  24. 1 point
    It’s a game. It is fantasy. Nothing about it is real.
  25. 1 point
    For the love of the game make farmhouses collect all available resources on a island and limit to one per company per island. They are littering every island in the game blocking others from building. I love the idea hate the litter. the mechanics has been added and think everyone loves it but now they are just spam in my eyes. Since people are gonna litter islands with them just make it collect all resources from the island so they are not such an eyesore blocking you everything. Thanks.
  26. 1 point
    Can we PLEASE get it so that farmhouses and warehouses default to burning wood? the thatch burns way too fast
  27. 1 point
    Back on topic... How about the new ship thing... I've such a dream ship I want... Can it get more pirate! why yes it can! give me the Nautilus Others want it too: Thanks for your work on the game and moving it more to the sea! -Sargon Trillian
  28. 0 points
    I spent all day yesterday dealing with farmhouses. Yes absolutely you can place them bout 200m apart. Yes, if you wreck some out that were placed previously at 120m distance, you cant put those back without destroying more to make room. I had to clear 3 out just to place 1 where I wanted it. The increase to 200m I can say was nessisary, else the WH would become OP in some situations. The WH doesn't seem to accurately display how many farms are connected. And it appears to collect out of farms that are turned off, contrary to a previous post where I said the opposite. Now as for a new player, just loot other peoples farmhouses. It's what I did to get started. Its way better that previous seasons where you had to gather everything by hand to get started. The devs were genius to penalize the farm for building near it, so they are always for the taking. Also, the wh wont work as intended if you limit farmhouse to harshly.
  29. 0 points
    Eu relato um fato. Depois de testar exaustivamente 32 ilhas de servidores sem lei, (sim, exatamente, passei minhas últimas 51 horas de jogo fazendo isso), posso dizer que é impossível colocar novas FarmHouses com a nova medição de 200m. É simplesmente impossível para um novo jogador entrar e poder jogar. Só podemos esperar por um novo wipe ou ser pacientes, com alguma sorte, para esperar alguma decadência de uma FarmHouse abandonada. Se os desenvolvedores quiserem limitar esse recurso, basta limitar o número de FarmHouse, por tribo da ilha. Acho que 2 a 4 é um número razoável.
  30. 0 points
    Ahoy, Please fix the warehouses, in my opinion it is far more important than any changes to explosive barrels. From what players are experiencing the best course of action would probably be to have the structure placement parameters something very similar to the crew silo, one per island per company. Please start paying more attention to the pve aspects and less on the pvp.
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