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TurpentineCrow last won the day on April 15 2024

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16 Good

About TurpentineCrow

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  1. In the current state of the game, large dominant companies are able to utilize knowledge of exploits to complete content and have max level characters within days. They use the larger group as a crutch to then prevent small companies from advancing at all. Many, many, many players have experienced this and will never play the game again. People in the mega companies that do not generally even play with the larger "mega" group leverage this knowledge of exploits and the position of the company to play independently without fear of reprisal from their enemies, because only one of the 4-5 mega's can challenge another mega in a meaningful way. Players who are new, not in a mega, or not interested in being part of this process have a drastically different game to play. I think this problem can be solved by limiting the company size to 15 people. This would make being part of a company much more valuable, and company leaders will have to make decisions on who is actively contributing. This would also give players more opportunities to access features of the game, that would otherwise be block indefinitely by large "mega" companies, think MAW and Cursed Spawns. Players in mega's make up a minority of the game's players, but dominate the field and prevent new players from adopting the game. The fact being, you don't have to sacrifice the game to mega's, you can reduce the company limit, even it it make the mega's "mad", because they're the minority in the scheme of things. It would actually increase you player base by allowing more people to have positive and engaging interactions with the game. Here are some more benefits from a smaller company limit: 1. Mega's won't ruin the game for the majority of players (people who play in mega's are not the majority). 2. Creates a more enjoyable experience for new players learning the game, because no mega's dominating seas and land a week into a new wipe. 3. Server loads during fights are reduced due to less people in companies to zerg into a server, less lag means fights are more enjoyable. 4. Game content within companies is spanned out over more time because less people available to systematically run players through pve content, more challenging with a smaller group. 5. The game map becomes larger because companies are smaller and more effort is required to traverse and develop around the map. 6. Because companies are small, becomes harder to maintain huge swaths of islands, opening more land for groups to fight over and colonize. Generating more content for everyone. 7. Specialization within companies becomes more important, making it more important to engage and participate with your company. 8. Company positions are relative more meaningful, so recruiting become credential based and needs based. (I'd would challenge the most companies generally do not have more than 15 actives at any given time.) 9. You'll save the game from it's slow death back into the best seller list. Mega's don't run this game, take it back from them. 15 Person Company Limit.
  2. Increase cooldown, or decrease knock up. Stun locking should not replace skill.
  3. Holy mother of god, everyone misses skilled melee combat, absolutely everyone. Absolutely no one likes the shield bash as it is.
  4. Shield bash is OP, really sucks that everyone just runs around shield bashing.
  5. I'm bringing attention to the issues. Go try do the Kraken... Haha. You handle it. In case you don't know, there are so many ships of the damned glitch out around it they drag your crewmates off and you can't shoot through them.
  6. Going to die? They are sitting on a pile of ashes. It's dead and no one that lost all their shit this weekend is coming back. The worst part is that they don't even own their mistake and revert, they just let it ride and watch it burn. Fuck that pisses me off. P.S. There is no such thing as an alpha game. You get one release. "It's still in alpha" is a bullshit excuse for incompetence and mismanagement.
  7. Developers are part timing it. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but they do nothing to retain players. You lost 90% of your player base over the weekend, refused to do anything and now are sitting on a pile of ashes. Honestly, devs, you let me down hard with this, and you let it stagnate to the point of no recovery. It's extremely frustrating that you don't give a single shit, or respect the players enough to tell them anything.
  8. I left the LiF to come play this on wipe haha, literally. Like the combat here better, much less clunky, but I was NA so ping was always bad. I've always enjoyed the foot combat in atlas, and I think there is a good rock paper scissors, just need to adjust the shield bash. I am still waiting for the development team to say something, anything, as to how they will revert the game to the more playable state it was in before Thursday. Everything was good at that point, aside from shield bash. Seems like there is a whole slough of problems now, not least to say about barrel bombs, barrel bombs, barrel bombs.
  9. Increase the shield bash cool down. Make warehouses the same as farm houses in the collection aspects and permissions. Revert the barrel bomb changes. Appreciate the new buildings. Also, I'd be cool with a roll back.
  10. Instead of adjusting shield bash. They told everyone the season is over by jumping us with barrels bombs... Slow clap for the devs, always the ultimate trolls.
  11. Barrel bombs, barrel bombs, barrel bombs... Good season lads, time to pack it in and go back to Tarkov.
  12. The changes to barrel bomb make it the new shield bash for port attacks, it's unstoppable.
  13. Completely agree with this. Barrel bombs are now unstoppable.
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