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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    The first time you play the hard music is brutal. Plus there are bugs on some where if you miss one note it fails every note after even if you hit them right. But as with anything that develops muscle memory the more you do them the easier they get. I can knock out most hard songs with one missed note. Keep playing accordian hero and start easy, get that down, move up to medium, then hard. Lag is the biggest issue I've found lately. With the tame buff active taming is a lot easier, so buff doesnt seem to be as big but it does help. Gold buff is nice, but again not seeing is having as big a bonus as the taming. Not sure on reload time song or some of the others.
  2. 1 point
    Here is an idea why can we not have an endgame item called a tavern make it massive so it takes up a lot of space very expensive to craft and what this thing does is it feeds all the npcs on the island so it lowers clutter of food larders EVERYWHERE now its just 1 item feeding all of the npcs on the island and if you want make it so people can customize it for the PVE players. Also while im at it why not make it so the flag pays all of the npcs on the island and npcs of docked boats, this makes it so everyone stores all of their gold on the flag and an incentive for players to conquer said flag for the gain of the gold inside of it. These 2 updates will improve the QOL of the game so much its worth looking into, nobody wants to go around filling 30 chests with gold and food with 10 fps small updates like these will bring players back, please please please consider it.
  3. 1 point
    Ahoy Pathfinders We've had our heads down and just wanted to give you a quick update on where we're at with our upcoming Public Test Realm and major version release! Public Test Realm The team has been running the latest update through its paces via our internal testing and bug fixing prior to releasing it to all of you on the PTR for more wide-scale extensive testing. We've found the Public Test realm to be highly beneficial for our team thanks to your enthusiasm in helping us to identify issues and bugs. We're excited to relaunch the PTR next week prior to the update officially launching on our main network. We will keep you posted in regards to the exact date! Magic Mythos Event We will be holding a special Magic Mythos Event in tandem with the extended weekend from now until Tuesday. Bonus 3x rates across the ATLAS to EXP, harvesting, taming, gold, crop growth, and as a special bonus, breeding and raising creatures! We really appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing all our Mega Update has to offer with you!
  4. 1 point
    Hello Systemfehler , Thank you for the many nice words. Yes, we always strive to make our buyers feel as comfortable as possible and like to come back. As a result, we teach many nice people like you and are always happy who you make nice contacts and make buyers happy. We help and suport our customers around the purchase and even after that we always have an open ear for them. It was very nice to get to know you hope we see or write to us more often. Dear greetings Grace and Anne
  5. 1 point
    I had the same thing happen to me, hung myself and got the curse. Five real days passed and still had it. The only thing that seemed to fix it was taking my skeleton down from the rope and getting my skull back.
  6. 1 point
    yes that's how it works. but still needs to be fixed
  7. 1 point
    We are 4 and bring an Brig
  8. 1 point
    Then leave them on When I did PvP we didn't have peace time. ~Lotus
  9. 1 point
    None of those points apply to PvE as those points all relate to the war system in PvP, including the last point. Your ship, as long as it is anchored will be fine when you leave it at someone elses settlement.
  10. 1 point
    This happens when you have people dancing around you. If you have one person dancing, one mistake will count as two. Two people dancing and it will count as four. Three or more and one error is an instant fail. Pretty sure it's a bug, as I'm under the impression that people dancing is supposed to increase the number of errors you're allowed instead of reducing the number.
  11. 1 point
    imprinting re-normalizes to the speed of maturation, so it should be ok, EXCEPT if the animal was already in flight when the bonus was rolled out. then, since the timers don't update, it can leave you unable to finish imprints.
  12. 1 point
    This for sure! We were in C11 Temporate and had wolf packs we constantly were dealing with. Leaving the base and making a run for the shore was a challenge in itself sometimes. And we died a lot, and we built traps to catch them, and we had so much fun!!!! Lions came out at night and we would sometimes just hole up and talk about what we wanted to do when the sun came back out! And to agree further with other comments And the agro range was crazy on some of them. You tap a horse and the alpha horse from the other side of the island decided your face was dinner. And the Alpha fights were like mini boss fights and you felt awesome when you beat them. Or you would use the terrain and crush them from above. Either way the game was dangerous and I felt like I really had to play to survive againg the environment.
  13. 1 point
    We Bought a lvl 42 razor and also a high bear(lvl75 its a fuckin beast xD) ,3 Giraffes, a Tiger and a Wolf ! All of them are super Amazing ... Never thought i would Ever find a razor That high But they made it Happen :D they are all super friendly specialy anne and Grace who actually spent a lot of Time keeping me Update to Date about my orders they Always answer super super quick and u rly feel how much they care about the poeple that buy stuff at theyre store ^^ my base is at k9 so traveling to d10 Feels like a world Travel ... But i already did it 2 times and Many times will follow. keep that good work Up !
  14. 1 point
    Alright so I just woke up to do imprints but saw this post. I could just be tired still. I want you to take this constructively. Your post makes me think of a high school english paper. The kid tries to make it seem more sophisticated but, ends up losing clarity to the point it doesn't make sense. Maybe I just need you to show me the analogy in your post cause I'm tired. Anyway... When you talk about group size you could be talking about 2 things. So for party size yes in all games it does have a limit (to my knowledge atleast, eve seemed to have some huge battle vids though I never got that far). A group in lets say WoW for world bosses in vanilla could be multiple raid groups. ? ? -_-?? wat? Does company size = raid size? What was promised? So company limit is 75. Alliance limit is 10 . (If it's the same as PvE). So if we invite just that then raid size = 750? Odds of them all being on for an attack is low so they bring who they can, the one alliance brings who they can. This is not a battle ground it's an open world PvP system. I think they would do better with instanced combat. This was in response to basically as 1 person I should be able to do significant damage to a much larger group. So as a tribe of 1/75 you should be able to inflict substantial damage to 75/75. @Nutcutt3r said it best when he talked about people wanting an accommodations when they play alone by choice. So for your example of group limits. What MMO's have it set up in PvP that you can enter solo and gain the ability to fight with as much strength as a group? ~Lotus
  15. 1 point
    I am also habing a ridiculous amount of ping across all servers. Im in south Carolina, and never had this issue until 2 weeks ago after a patch that "fixed servers". I wish this was fixed so I could actually enjoy this game..... BUMP
  16. 1 point
    No he was definitely very nice and worked with me to figure who the offender was and was not rude in any way about it. So I believe I DO have to give him kudos because he could have come at this completely different and the end result could have been a lot worse. So, respectfully, I disagree with you on this. He WAS very professional.
  17. 1 point
    Just a headsup - I am by no means a fan of the current state of the game and I have huge complains about some things the devs are currently doing. But to this specific question: I think it would be good if people would actually try PvP themself instead of beliving every single complain. Many complains here comes from people that either do not understand some mechanics correctly (as example the guy who screamed bug because he could not use a fresh placed cannon on land to defend his base - when in fact this has been the case since the start of 1.5 on land on every cannon and is for everyone the case) or they try to play the game in a way it is not ment to be played and then complain about it (example the guy that cried bug with high lvl treasuremap because the mobs "disappear to fast" when in fact he is doing it solo without any tame and simplay fails the dps-test of the high lvl map. And instead of accepting that there is a dps-test for this high quality he demands the game to change but does not want to change his gamestyle). And not just start once and give up. Put effort in playing the game like it is envisioned to be played by the devs - and then complain: 1) claim your own Island (and there are enough Islands unclaimed right now) or 2) settle on an Island with a good landlord. A good landlord will offer low taxes, protection and search for one that has a peace-timer that works with your rythm. There is NO offline-raiding if u actually play like intendet. There are a lot of good landlords if ppl would actually bother to look. low taxes, most of the time there is a protected harbour you can park your ships in and the island is protected. You don't have to bother with politics or defence - just do whatever you want to do. You know why you never read from happy settlers? Because they are bussy playing. I think many ppl diregarded the Island-claim-system without ever really trying it. I remember reading a complain from someone about the system with the reason they had to join the company of the landlord caus the landlord did not want to ally up. How is that the devs fault? Simply do NOT build on an Island with shitty landlord. Go to a diffrent Island. But if we are honest this seems to be main issues of many complains here: people want a specific Island, but do not admit it. And all the complains and suggested changes should grant them this one island. As long the core issue people have is something like this - we will never gonna be at a point people are happy. Because every Island just excist once, no matter what. Another point that would actually help - if devs would stick to their words and actually punish bug abuser & cheaters. With the xp-exploit they have been reacting way to soft and also punished people that was not doing it. Instead of sticking to their words and not only ban the exploiters themself but the entire company. Why did they not do this? People bug abused from lvl 50 to 150 and sitt now on lvl 100 laffing their asses off! This is by no means a competitive enviroment. This bad reaction of the devs have led to many people simply leaving the game. And others publicly saying here on the forum from now on they will bug abuse as well since there are clearly no consequences. The devs have created a huge messe here and it makes me wonder if they plan to use this mess to justify another wipe.
  18. 1 point
    Hello, I made a farming video. I was also kinda tired when I did it XD ~Lotus
  19. 1 point
    I understand where the lack of communication is now. What I am saying is there's not really a successful game that has PvE combined with PvP where PvE players are happy and able to remain a smaller faction. The upkeep of running a large army in this game is crew maintaining so many ships and coordinating them. (It is awful on PvE and from what I saw on PvP the bigger tribes didn't even like doing it.) The exchange of one thing for another is to turn something into an advantage. The advantage in this game is to trade your small community lifestyle to become a number in a big tribe. The risk is things like the guy that put up the racist sign in another thread and now his tribe is getting punished. To me the PvP in this game is sluggish and slow and serves little fun for the amount of headache and work I need to do to get to the good stuff. ~Lotus
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    GMS shouldn't be policing this game for curse words. Handle the exploiters and cheater. It is an adult themed game. GMS can ruining a game faster than anything else. If I wanna paint my boat pink an put big giant pink dildos on my sails. So what? ? if it offends anyone then try and destroy it. don't cry and report in hopes of getting someone banned..... not like the game is really populated as it is.
  22. 1 point
    Its pretty bad. I totally support Grapeshot for working to make a great game, a fun game. Wiping servers, making changes when and how they need to be - that's awesome, and it is Early Access - we are just helping test the game, in a sense, and that's solid. Its what we agreed to. But, when Grapeshot comes out with strong statements about banning entire companies and alliances if folks abuse known exploits - strong words, that really give folks like me hope that the game is going to be revitalized... ... and then don't keep their word - well, that support dries right up and I agree - best bet at this point is to move along and find a game developer who keeps their promises. I don't care what that promise is! But strong words and zero action sum up to one thing... pathetic.
  23. 1 point
    Maybe that person should ally and play with the others to make sure they mesh well with the tribe. I mean I would hook somebody up with whatever they needed if they wanted to leave but I haven't had that happen yet. The thing is the person should also talk to the leader of the tribe about things like how they feel rather than just rage quit. Most leaders of tribes are pretty cool. Some are not but most I have come across are. If the person is happy with the solo life then why would they give up the solo life that just doesn't make sense to me. ~Lotus
  24. 1 point
    You realize that crew cost decreases when you take them off your stations right? So cut that number in half roughly. You should also have a few points in accommodations so you have a few more beds it also increases pay times by like 30 minutes per 1 point or something (I don't exactly how much cause I don't worry about gold to me it's just a bed I know it does help though also with food.) They increased the gold from floatsoms and wrecks and if you really want I will buy the music sheets from you for 200g per difficulty. That is 600g for a hard sheet! This leads me to a serious question though. Is 100 gold a lot of gold to some people? ~Lotus
  25. 1 point
    Hello, I am looking for a list of the buffs given as rewards for the completition of the various "quests". If someone know where to find one it would be appreciated in the meantime let's build one. Voyage of Power (kill the kraken) : Submarine recipe The Fountain of Youth *: Lvl 1 +10% Melee damage, Health, stamina, Weight, Health regeneration, and stamina regeneration Treasure Master *: +100% Tools durability Ghost Hunter : +20% gold on treasure maps Scourge of The Damned *: +100% armor durability Friend of The Mermaid *: +35% stamina regeneration Blue Whale Killer *: +100% prone speed +50% crouch speed Sperm Whale Killer *: +30% taming affinity Squid Killer : idk Veteran Explorer : +250% overweight speed Journey of The Gods : idk The ones i am sure of are listed with an *. I will edit this list according to my progress and your comments. Best regards. Albibak
  26. 1 point
    None of this matters. As soon as that small company draws the ire of a larger company and that larger company wants them wiped they will be wiped. Doesn't matter if its a 9 hour war phase or 2 hour. Its going to happen. Then the bitching continues about company sizes, limits on alliances, make the game so I can play with my 2 buddies crap. This game aspires to be bigger. If it ever gets there you can kiss owning an island with a couple of your buddies good bye. Each island will be claimed and have quite a few residents. 50-100 player pops in a server will be average across all zones. I'd love to see it get there and it never will if we keep making things smaller.
  27. 1 point
    So here I am trying to give it another go as the last patch notes stated "Transition Crash Fixed". I decided to leave the Tundra in anycase, where I experience all the crashes, first transition I do crash! Right into a whale..... Lost all my blueprints, gold, Elephant, Giraffe. VOKOLLLLL left! Trying to rejoin game, I get this. For what it's worth, here's the crash report https://pastebin.com/Cj0EQ6XX
  28. 1 point
    So you are actually the ppl that should be settlers...
  29. 1 point
    We found ours in I-7 and killed it with the submarine it's not much stronger than a trench squid and kinda just ran away. My guess is it might have a spawn block by whales. I have also seen it in F11 and F12. ~Lotus
  30. 1 point
    I have no problém my shop sunked Yesterday ať lvl 39
  31. 0 points
    Every MMO has a limit for groupsizes for the diffrent activitys. That dungeons has a 6 player grouplimit, this Raid 12 player, even the battlegrounds have a playerlimit and so on. EVERYTHING in any MMO has defined groupsizes. You are actually saying with this sentence that this very core function of MMOs is not MMO? And if we continue with this analogy - the people that keep pushing of increasing company size = asking to bring 3times the people that are allowed for a 24-man-Raid. This is freaking easy mode. There is nothing wrong with the people pointing out that the devs should stick to their word an actually enforce the groupsizes they promissed with the launch of colonie-system.
  32. 0 points
    Some still could be noob players trying to survive in a desperate attempt not to die again. As I once....still am noobish…. but I can see where others may think this is someone trying to mess up their stuff. Scenario: You haven't gotten the hang of the eating mechanic, and are now slowly meeting death. You need to log off, so you are trying to find a spot to anchor, eat, then log off. But you can't find a spot due to everything being taken..... Now your are on your last bit of health, and have no choice but to head in to land and chance it. Now you got yourself stuck in a sticky situation with a bigger ship and dock, and you can't seem steer your little raft out of the way. Times running out, build a fire, look for food and hope you survive.... But this area is active and the player who owns it is now in his Galleon that you are now wedged against (due to your noobishness)…. Oh woo is mee….. He's backing up and trapping me.... "My bad" would be my response.... I'll take the lashes...:) But how do you know without communication? That's why there is ingame voip. Communication is key.. If you don't communicate...… odds are you are doing something devious, otherwise it might be a complete noob who doesn't even know yet what button toggles voip. Who hasn't been there...? Of course there is the obvious griefing.
  33. 0 points
    You guys are major trolls! The freaking cost for these NPCs is too freaking high for any small/solo company unless they plan to play every freaking night to farm a shitload of gold... One crewman is approximate, 1 gold every 2.5 hours with skill points dedicated to the cause. Add it up, 10 NPCs in a 24 hr period is 96 gold, give or take... So, every day a solo/small company would need to farm 100 gold each and every day? That is madness! I am not a fan of being a slave to a video game. Many of us need to actually work, we don't get to play the game 24x7 and when we do get the free time to play, we certainly don't want to be forced to farm gold for the entire night. This doesn't even include the food, ammo, or any other resources...
  34. 0 points
    It is NOT pvp anyways with offline ganking of unprotected, docked ships....that is merely griefing. Clearly, you are a griefer if it bothers you so much. We shall eventually see if the DEVs plan to design the game to support you "griefers" or if they plan to address griefing and make offline sinking of ships impossible... Hey, if you don't like it and just want to cry about it, go play a hardcore PVP game then...Altas was advertised as an online sandbox with both, PVE and PVP elements intertwined. Hell, if you "griefers" got your merry way, Atlas would have to have its advertising changed to: "ATLAS...spend all day building ships to have high-stakes pirate combat but then awaken the next morning to find them all sunk by griefers. So, get your money together, because you are in for one hell of an adventure. Join today...because tomorrow might never come!"
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