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Everything posted by Bandit_Black

  1. Let me guess, you don't play pvp servers and lack reading comprehension. Its not about levels its about the intelligence crafted ships and more from the 120+ intelligence crafters. At the very least they should allow all the players to level on the guillotine exploit. Off to a good start after the wipe ya think? This game won't survive unbalanced exploiting as we've seen with this guillotine thing. Many players are demotivated to play.
  2. There needs to be some action taken by the devs. The problem is far beyond the guillotine exploit and level 120 people. Its the intelligence crafted stuff that came from it. The rest of the players that don't exploit suffer from this. The devs should character wipe. Because guys that do this legit and run maps all the time are barely above 80. Getting higher levels doing something that shouldn't be done, and is abused bug in the game is an exploit. It should be easy to find the people have abused it and take some action. Not to mention the rumors of the bp dupes from lighthouses still in the game some say. Remove lighthouses and guillotines, 2 useless things that have been exploited. This game will not survive a second wipe. The chatter in my discord is very demotivated players seeing level 120 guys running around.
  3. Crabs are OP in pvp right now. Able to pick riders, jump away to heal, pick balista npcs. Not much you can do but try to suicide barrel bomb or crab vs crab. This crab is ridiculous the way it just jumps out of danger 10,000 feet + 1000s of hp, they are really too much for this game considering there is no counter. This is a copy paste from ark and out of balance with atlas mechanics.
  4. One who speaks of how the game should be without ever playing the game is unable to give an opinion that should be valued by anyone, including yourself. Sorry but buy the game and experience the mechanics before you try to say how things should be. Further more, it is a company game. Did you catch the word "company". Not a squad, not a clan, not a group, a "company" game. What is the goal of most companies? To gain wealth, power and influence. So no, 5 people shouldn't control an island. Is it doable, yes. Would joining a bigger company make life easier in this game. Most definitely.
  5. If you can barely afford the island, then you can't afford ship crew or defenses. Re-evaluate your atlas life decisions. Join bigger company or get friends that farm gold better.
  6. 2x brings population to the game, in a time like this, would assist in getting people back into the game. They come back play game for 1 hour and they feel accomplished and continue playing after this mess of a wipe. 2x serves more purpose than just increased rates, period. Most of you all don't see the bigger picture because you run around solo or in small groups.
  7. Wah wah wah. This is a company game, join a bigger company.
  8. 2x brings population back, not bunny ears. I'm in a big clan and every 2x is high activity. This event might be top 10 worst I've ever seen apart from the name, which is 10/10.
  9. Maybe you should actually buy the game and see for yourself. Seems healthy to me.
  10. I was confused at the part where you hid in a bush for several hours. Be careful of those shadowy figures watching you and ready to kill you. Run back to pve server before you get ganked!
  11. Agree with you. My opinion is flame swivels shouldn't be a thing on carts. Needs balancing with that alone but good ideas all around.
  12. Agreed, Flame swivels are OP. Flame bear cart swivels are more OP. Guns don't do a damn thing to bears. Their natural regen beats through the dps you can do with a gun not even counting natours touch. Guns should severely gimp tames. I hate calling for nerfs, but flame carts need balancing. It way out of whack.
  13. We have pve players in our pvp clan. They just don't consider themselves pve players. It is entirely possible and more exciting when pve players play on pvp servers. Every clan needs them.
  14. Even I can agree with this. Exploiters was/still could be an issue. That's definitely the biggest thing pushing pop away. Just yesterday the clan kraken flame carted a whole pen of tamed bears through a wall. Many aimbotters about from various companies. Why is exploiting/hacking the last thing devs will deal with? Maybe because they require too much evidence for bans?
  15. Pvp server means freedom. Now that freedom is taken away. What we have now is half pvp/half pve server and I'll try it but sounds really limiting to say the least. Instead of playing in bigger companies, the vocal minority got ORP and carebear rules. I'll try it but can't imagine this game will go anywhere like that. Because everyone needs to play where the pop is, and that will be colonies. Empire server is dead on arrival for various reasons.
  16. Finally a use for PVE servers. Amen!
  17. Ark numbers are spread out over many private servers. Ark is good but much more grindy then atlas and not huge maps but different server groups. Steam charts are misleading. There is plenty of healthy pop for fun. You all that rely on how popular a game rather than if you like it are just sheep imo.
  18. Yeah but you dont even own this game. Why wait for it? You don't even know what the gameplay is like. No better games that are huge world, pirates, sandbox, pvp. You are wrong in that regard. Maybe you like arena apex, or WoW but I don't Outlaws is not even close to a decent game. ANd I sure as hell aren't talking about solo player games. Honestly, there could be total 1,000 players and this game would still be good. Everyone so upset because its not in the steam top 10. As long as there is pvp to be had, sandbox style building and pirating, its a fun game. You don't need 20k people to agree with you. Tell me how many open world, huge map territory control pvp pirate games there are out there?
  19. Agree, this game is far from a grind. Another gimme gimme generation post. And we're talking like there are better games to play out there? There's not.
  20. Are the legends true? You really have not even played the game? Or are these only fairy tales? What's the definition of insanity? Posting on a game forum you don't even play 1000+ times? I'd say its something close to that. Then again I now understand how you have time to write so much.
  21. There is a lot more that goes into clans on pvp servers than just pure pvp'ers. Someone has got to farm and craft all of it. And furthermore, balanced players are the best, those that enjoy all aspects of the game including pvp. Take a well balanced team of players to succeed. Sorry your butthurt buddy. You should try the pvp servers out some time. Its really not as dangerous as you think.
  22. I'll be honest. Why do PVE servers even exist? Why do they have top 10 rankings? Why would you play this game with no sea battles or territory control raids? I laugh when I think about PVE servers...then I look at the new rules and realize we are all PVE'ers soon,
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