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Everything posted by Kidori

  1. On PvE servers before the recent change wild animals could not stand on your ship, if they tried they would harmlessly float above it, unable to do anything and would not add to the crew count. Couple that with a lot of people having issues with wild animals spawning inside their pens and an anchored galleon with just the top and bottom decks with no sails was the safest and best place to keep animals as it kept them from being attacked, required far fewer resources and needed less building parts for the server to send to clients, reducing lag. On PvP servers I would agree with you that keeping animals on ships would be a poor idea, but until the recent patch keeping animals on ships on PvE servers was a superior option to a pen, so plenty of people did just that. But whether or not it's a good idea to keep animals on ships is irrelevant, at least in the context of the current discussion. A bug had been found regarding claim timers of animals on ships and another related bug was found on regard to the decay timer on anchored ships. These are unintended mechanics that have caused players to lose substantial progress, and even once they have fixed those issues there's no guarantee that a future patch won't cause the same or a similar issue to arise. Hence my suggestion that we should be able to see the appropriate timers on our belongings so that if it does happen again we don't find out about it the same way we did this time around. And also because there's no real good reason we shouldn't be able to see those timers in the first place.
  2. If you're currently within render distance of your structure, both you and other people can see the decay timer holding steady at 10 days, and it just doesn't start counting down until you leave the area. But the reason I say that we should be able to see the timers on our own animals and our ships is because the issues that people have been having recently would have been caught a long time ago, and people would have known their animals were claimable on ships or that their ships were decaying and could have taken steps to resolve the issue themselves while wait for a fix. That would be much more preferable to us only learning about this bug because hey someone just claimed my animals and my ship was randomly removed from the company. If we could see the timers on them and they were anything less than ten days, well, red flag.
  3. I'm all for the decay timer on ships and structures and the claim timer on animals. But I have to question why we can't see those timers on our own stuff. They had changed it so that we can see the decay timer on our own structures, but to see what the claim timer is on our animals we have to have someone from another company come over and tell us. There's no good reason for that. Similarly there's no good reason we shouldn't be able to see the decay timer on our ships. Feels like a lot of these issues could be avoided by just being allowed to know this information. It would also help us to give better feedback if something isn't working as intended, before bad things happen to people rather than after.
  4. If the owners of the boats don't get on they'll be gone in three weeks.
  5. I know your team size is limited and you don't always have the chance to communicate with us as much as you'd like, but it's heartening to see you try to address as much as you can when you're able to. Especially here on the forums, which seems to get less love than, say, Discord. Keep it up, it's great to see.
  6. They can survive without food for a long time, however other people can claim them (and demolish your structures) after 10 days.
  7. Kidori

    Cats :)

    Be careful what you wish for.
  8. I had one of our ships sink in our harbor the first week after the wipe. It was fully salvaged and the wreck is long gone, but the icon on the map is still there. A tombstone forever marking its grave and getting in the way of selecting beds.
  9. The change to building in water that was introduced in v104.14 (Any structure that checks for enemy foundations when placed in water now has a 4x enemy foundation check radius) has been causing a lot of headaches for people trying to build on settlements. It's been over a month now that no one on the island other than the settlement owner can build a shipyard or dock for their ships. This is not an isolated incident, as many other people elsewhere have been having the same issue as well. I (and many others) believe the check radius is excessively large. My tests put the radius at roughly equal to render distance, which is far larger than it needs to be. This makes it so that anyone that has a neighbor cannot build a shipyard or dock, and that this change was introduced after people had already chosen their building locations means that many people had already set up closer together than this change allows. I understand the thinking behind this balance change, but I feel as though a better solution could be implemented, or at the very least the radius could be reduced without compromising the effectiveness. PvE servers are hit the hardest by this issue as the check radius provides zero benefit to game balance. This change has done more harm than good, and I feel it needs to be readdressed.
  10. They drastically increased the structure blocking radius for structures placed in water. My tests put the radius at roughly equal to render distance. Settlement owners can bypass the structure block, but everyone else can't build within render distance of each other.
  11. I don't want to be "that guy" but pirates did get a rudimentary form of worker's comp, and we already have taxes in the game so while it's a bit over-the-top the premise is not that far fetched. Might want to hold your tongue or we may end up with that.
  12. I'm confused what part you believe is wrong. The part where I came to the conclusion that they should be working on fixing major bugs or the first sentence that you read and skipped over the rest.
  13. This is true and adheres to general game development philosophy. However this game suffers from a major PR problem in the PC gaming community at large. Many people will not play the game even if it were given for free because of the bad reviews. Those reviews are largely negative because of major bugs and cheaters going unpunished. They've stated that they're not worried about player numbers right now, but one day they will care. Fixing the PR problem the game has will be a long process, and starting on some of that damage control now will pay off in the long run. Fixing bugs that require changing important parts of the engine would be better to hammer out earlier rather than later, as the more stuff they add the higher the risk of those fixes breaking other aspects of the game.
  14. We already have custom radio: https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/7428-accordian-song-macro-creation-tool/
  15. You must be doing something wrong mate, it's pretty easy to make an unwanted girlfriend disappear never to be heard from again while sailing on the open ocean.
  16. My wife and I play the game duo, we both work and only get to play at night on the weekends when the baby is asleep. We have a nice place to live, a pen full of good tames (including a couple crabs), ~80k gold, ~20k mythos, all the powerstones, killed the kraken, got our subs and have been working on getting the trench stones (we're halfway to kraken 2.0). None of the above was done with glitches or "cheesing" the game. So you may have to explain to me why someone with 750 hours since the wipe cannot do/have any of those things. To be frank,
  17. Controllers for PC are the same as for consoles. There are a couple controllers out there specifically for PC but 90%+ of people that use controllers on a PC use either an Xbox or PS4 controller. Xbox controllers have the benefit of working natively on PC, you just plug them into a USB port and they work. Atlas is also designed to work with a controller on PC. Additionally, most graphics cards come with HDMI ports that you can plug a TV into, and Steam's Big Picture mode is made to be used with a controller on a large TV. If you were so inclined to do so, you could set up your PC pretty easily to function exactly like a beefier console with more power and better graphics. Added bonus: get a wireless keyboard and mouse and you can just tab out of the game and come post on the forums.
  18. The ship diagram is that of a brigantine, and it also shows the weight at just above 50%
  19. Oh my... This Kraken fight is gonna get hawt.
  20. I forgot to point out in my previous post that in the screenshot that nearest enemy structure has a castle built on that rock. I have my view distance set to max and those structures aren't rendered in. So the block distance seems roughly equal to render distance. Again, it's way too large of an area.
  21. Additionally, I think the polygon count on stone walls could be reduced a good bit without sacrificing much visual fidelity. Those faces for the decorative masonry add up quickly on larger structures. I also think the boards on wood floors could be made wider and flatter. Around large areas of wood flooring performance can take a big hit with SSAO on, reducing the number of shadows that need to be processed could increase performance substantially.
  22. The range really is ridiculous. I would love to build a docking area for our ships, but due to this change I can't build in my bay anymore. There really isn't any reason I shouldn't be able to build a dock, but I get the "too close to enemy foundation" message whenever I try to put a new structure down. I'm certain there are no enemy structure parts closer than the one shown. It does seem that the shallow water on the edge can be built on if you're placing a foundation snapping on to an existing foundation, but it only seems to work so far out.
  23. Newish, wasn't always that way but it's been like that for a while now, not sure exactly which patch it popped up on. Since it's been like that I started packing some pistols in my music box. People get shot for dancing while I'm trying to play a hard gold song.
  24. Or the ship log, that's been in the game description since before EA launch and they've never even mentioned it once beyond that
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