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Everything posted by Zarine

  1. Your Discord ban had nothing to do with him. I banned you for the reasons he stated. You intentionally overlapped my claim, and are shooting to claim the entire island for no reason other than greed. I set up the Discord as a friendly place for the region to coordinate, and get along. What you're doing goes against everything I intended for the Discord, which is something you've been doing since you arrived in the region. I grew tired of it, so I removed you.
  2. Logged on to refresh my claims, noticed an alpha crocodile spawned in my stable and killed everything, killed crocodile, logged off. This is pretty much a daily routine for me, until they pull their heads out of their asses and do something positive with the aging system and ships of the damned on server lines.
  3. Exactly. The stacking buff is an extremely stupid idea, with no thought of how little chance new players will stand against day 1 players. I don't even play on PvP, and this still bugs the shit out of me.
  4. Look at every other survival game. Death works just fine in them.
  5. This patch has put the nail in the coffin, for me. I have been playing less and less, after losing multiple ships/rafts to Ships of the Damned when crossing server lines, and once this patch hits I'm completely done playing. The age system is idiotic to begin with. Seeing as I'm a solo player, I won't be getting near the Fountain of Youth, so my attributes will be lowered as a punishment for playing by myself. The elephant nerf is stupid, making the only tamable worth anything the cow, because of the milk.
  6. Zarine


    Actual illustration of Grapeshot's meetings.
  7. Trying to figure out where you're getting "the streamers" from. It's extremely vague, and there was literally ONE streamer using it.
  8. 123 is an extremely common Steam name that pvp server people use to hide themselves
  9. Wouldn't be too worried about what you were doing before servers went down... there is likely going to be a huge rollback to hours ago.
  10. Twitch. Tried to link the clips, but they don't work here I guess. Check out clips on
  11. Everything official is down because people got admin access and are spawning in airplanes, tanks, dragons, etc and wiping people in pvp.
  12. Servers were taken down because of massive, game breaking cheats occurring at the moment.
  13. So that you can't ever leave to go to another region? No thanks.
  14. Just got hit by a Ship of the Damned immediately after zoning, while on a raft. I was basically dead before I even finished zoning, and too overweight with metal to do anything about it. Sure, it's just a raft, no problem.. except I can't even build a shipyard on my island, so now I have to re-spawn in a Freeport and get a new one. Probably just going to take a break from the game instead.
  15. Yeah, it's either 3 or 4 hours. You can see the exact time if you drop a camp fire in a Freeport
  16. 3+ days of buoys blocking resource spawns in entire islands and zones, without so much as an acknowledgement that it's an issue. Would be great to hear at least SOMETHING from them.
  17. It's the Dark and Light launch all over again. Took those devs/community managers months to listen to the community, and actually interact on the forums, or at least acknowledge that they are working on fixes.
  18. Max tamed level is 2x the level before taming, so that's why it's showing that way.
  19. This time it's buoys. People are plopping them down all over the place and it's blocking spawns on a massive scale. Had one person cooperate, dropping the buoy, and all of the resources instantly popped up.
  20. It definitely does work. I re-placed mine late last night, after someone kept contesting my claim. After doing so, no one can contest it anymore because the upkeep timer shows up.
  21. Please fix this soon. Had a person place them all over N8 today, and resources have been gone for the last 15+ hours. @Jatheish
  22. On top of this, it brings players like a couple I met yesterday. They wanted my claim, so they kept luring Alphas to my hut in order for them to break it. Finally they jumped on my roof, so I demolished a ceiling tile and trapped them inside, lured the things away, and carried on building until they died inside.
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