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Everything posted by Wulfeh

  1. So here i was, just calmly sailing around looking for a new place to live. I had just finished my new schooner and put everything i own on it, it is packed full. Then i get hit with the water spouts from hell, i am close to some landmass though, so i steer towards it. just as i get close i am forced to sail into one of the spouts (which really should be somewhat transparent) and i hit one of the big rock towers sticking up from the ocean, only on the side though so i skim it. I then put my sails up to wait out the storm in this little harbor, when my ship starts to spaz out and glitch, just shaking violently. And taking massive amounts of damage on this rock. Ship sinks, and i loose everything. I think i am done with Atlas for a while. it is a great game concept and i am sure it will be great in time, but for now the amount of bugs is just too much:P Hopefully you can fix this one though since it is pretty severe.
  2. Took me a while to understand what you meant, but yeah, that would be cool:) +1
  3. To learn the preserving bag you need The Basics - Water Keeper - Cooking Unlock Then under Cooking & farming you need Water Storage - Basic Farming - Preservatives
  4. yes, i love this idea, giant whirlpools would be awesome:D
  5. So, i just came from one of the FOY spawns and......what? Why would you make it so hard to get it? It is like hell with the amount of fire/rock elementals, and every other creature around trying to get to you. after who knows how many tries of running naked towards that cave trying to get in, i finally managed to enter the cave by stepping on the dead corpses of my fellow seniors. Please, not even just for the solo players, but all players, make it at least doable without having to count on luck.
  6. I see more and more people leaving their ships at freeports thinking it is safe, only to learn the hard way that it is not the case. I learned it the hard way as well, loosing all my stuff a while back. it would be nice to have a warning message when entering freeports, telling you not to leave your ship there.
  7. Good idea, would be great to know for build planning:)
  8. I can see how this is a great idea for bigger ships, instead of everyone just standing around doing nothing:)
  9. I don`t think anyone would mind a bit more range on the sickle:)
  10. Good ideas it would indeed fix the issues we are having in those cases.
  11. Would be nice to have a button to TP to your bed, i got stuck today in a taming pen. Completely locked down and no way out but to kill myself and loose all my stuff:/
  12. I like that idea, if you are forced to sail against the wind, you can have like a short boost at least with a cooldown to not make it too OP:)
  13. I think the hydra armor can be farmed sure, and having it be very strong. I just wanna mention that going around with plate armor does not seem to do anything. It needs to be boosted. instead of getting mauled in 3 hits using hide armor, i get mauled in 5 hits. you would think plate armor would be stronger than that:)
  14. Did you check your hotbar? I had the sme thing happen and turns out it was hiding on the hotbar that i didn`t think of looking at:)
  15. For the love of all that is pirate, please remove the cooldown after equipping a weapon. it makes no sense that we should wait any amount of time before we can use the weapons. This becomes very annoying if you are out using the shovel. (and you for some reason cannot have the bow equipped at the same time?) And out of nowhere some beast from hell is coming towards you at full sprint with blood in their eyes ready to rip you apart. And you have to wait 10 seconds to use your bow! Or more i think if it is the blunderbuss or whatever it is called. So yeah, please remove the unrealistic cooldown on weapons after equipping:D Edit: This was suppose to go in suggestions but my tired behind did not do that xD I am sure a kind mod will move it for me:)
  16. Until they come up with a better solution, just keep away from ships that are not yours. I am sure a new fix will be out soon:)
  17. This is the new bug/feature after the patch to prevent the ship sinking exploit. Unfortunately it did not go very well, for now just stay off rafts and boats you do not own. and if you do get stuck again, the easiest way and only way to get off is to punch the air until you die.
  18. I would rather have them look like actual sail ships but worn down and ghostly;)
  19. It is silly how you are not safe from the temperatures when inside. And the fireplaces does not seem to work much when it is cold. And of course i need to mention the god damn water spouts. It is like the apocalypse out there with walls of water spouts trying to suck you in. It is too much:P
  20. The anchors should indeed be longer, it is annoying trying to find the sweetspot for anchoring.
  21. Fix it fix it fix it, i am stuck on a raft Edit: ok i punched the air until i died, but now my corps is floating on there and wont get off:P
  22. Wulfeh

    Ladder quirks

    Ladders in general needs to have a bigger collision box or whatever, you need to be in a very small area to get the climb prompt.
  23. Agreed, i was really surprised when i accidentally launched my ship:P
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