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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. True, where's the captain's workout station? We have vitamin management, why not make it that much more realistic and make us manage our cholesterol? My cardiologist already yells at me anyway. Me: Doc they can take my cheeseburger out of my cold dead hands. Him: THEY MIGHT!!
  2. LOL. QFT. These guys do have a gift for making compelling games. They just have no ability to stick to any sort of timeframe, even a self given one, while doing so.
  3. My partner and I lost a schooner when the game let us build a shipyard in water to shallow to hold it. It sank upon launch. RIP. Kind of hilarious in retrospect if frustrating atm, but lesson learned. Other than that she drives and I do lookout. We have yet to sink anything while actively driving it, and there's a ton of shallows around our island.
  4. Hi! Welcome to Atas! Many of us are excited to be here. If you're not familiar with GrapeCard™, the game's developers and the creators of Ark, let me acquaint you with a relevant bit of their track record with that game that seems to be carrying on the same tradition here. Namely that these folks are almost comically bad at hitting their own deadlines. I would strongly advise not taking any publicly announced date from them seriously. Use it as a vague guideline at best. The dev kit will be out when it comes out. Expect it Soon™
  5. This brings up an interesting point. Buoys exist to warn players of things like sandbars, but the game offers no incentive for people to place buoys to warn others. Placing a buoy to mark the sandbar that just sank your ship doesn't do you a lot of good, and at the moment you just lost your ship is not likely to be a moment you're feeling particularly community minded. I'd like to suggest that the devs consider offering some reward or incentive for doing so, considering we all know that expecting most players to behave altruistically in online games is a fools errand. So give people a reason to do it.
  6. Personally I thought the relevant suggestion offered by DragonChampion in this thread was excellent: I also agree that cyclones need some tweaking. Further good news is apparently Jat read the post, according to a poster in the thread.
  7. Given that there are clearly marked pvp and pve forum sections, complaining that pve players shouldn't clutter general with their concerns is uncalled for. They paid for the game the same as you, and if you want to discuss pvp centric concerns, there is a forum area for that. Pvpers don't own general discussion and have no greater claim to it than pve'ers and the forums own design bears this out. Please go to a forum section specifically for your preference if you don't like looking at pve posts/threads/comments. Having said that, when someone is posting what are clearly pvp concerns, I also don't think it's necessary for anyone to come in and intrusively question why the post or thread doesn't address pve topics. Not every thread or post needs to address everything, so let's all try to be courteous and extend to others the same treatment we'd want given to us.
  8. I don't know but this is a great topic to start so those who do can share with the community. How about it acheivers?
  9. uhh, you meant Atlas right? But here's the thing. We're not only talking about right around your base. We've encountered this issue while out hunting for treasure or resources. If we had Ark splus style pickup of structures, then using a pen would make more sense, and sometimes when you are out doing those things, opportunistic terrain doesn't present itself every time. But a lot of people could benefit from becoming more creative/crafty and I suspect far fewer leverage these things compared to what they could, so I don't fault you at all for pointing them out.
  10. Be advised that Realist does not own Atlas, and his stated purpose for being on this board is only to criticize Atlas's devs in an effort to warn people about them. In doing so he does not appear to think people can make their own decisions and come to their own conclusions regarding the game and it's developers, but rather need his assistance and advice regarding a game he doesn't own. He's also been caught red handed in the past couple of days lying and denying his own statements. Feel free to check his post history to verify this.
  11. Well I did just tame a bear, but I have no prior bola taming to compare it to, because that was my first. I can say that I was able to feed it from the front without being attacked at all, so maybe that's what it's doing. But that's certainly not what the skill description communicates.
  12. I can confirm that I kill alphas and in my experience they are far more common than in my 4k hours in Ark. In ark they are something you occasionally encounter and need to either kill or avoid. In Atlas it is difficult to engage in normal land based gameplay without being forced to deal with them regularly, because they aggro from very far away, are very aggressive, and are difficult to kill. Also the sneak ability in beastmastery does not seem to be having any noticeable affect on their aggro radius.
  13. Sure. Heroin addicts die, it happens. But there is always someone else who needs a addiction hobby. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to sterilize my needle before the crocs show up. I think they just want my stash.
  14. I just realized the perspective when placing thing is probably what was making it so frustrating for the OP. Thanks for mentioning it. It will probably solve it for him.
  15. Correlation is not causation. I’m also extremely skeptical of the notion they cause lag. Have been around several diffferent ones with no noticeable change to FPS.
  16. I’ve also taken the stealth talent and maxed it out. Predators seem to notice me at about the same distance as my partner, who has not taken it. This skill might need some fixing. Good approach.
  17. My gf employs this same tactic at bars. After a drink or ten. At least that’s her story.
  18. I mean you could always just do a few sit-ups or hit the treadmill. I don’t know that carrying a whole sail just to compensate is really a good life choice. <——- Is a total hypocrite who will stab you if you touch his Cheetos.
  19. Couple things: 1. A major part of the game is exploration. Not having all the ingredients conveniently close at hand is almost certainly by design to force you to go out and explore to get the things you need. People attempting to craft anything from bp’s are encountering the same issue where they often need to travel to acquire the multiple kinds of mats within a category needed to craft the bp item. This is especially true for metal since it appears only one metal type to a region. 2. As far as the spoilage issue, it sounds like you might not have tried crafting a shipboard larder and/or preserving bags, which increase spoil timers by 4 and 8x respectively. This will keep things from spoiling otw home. I do tend to agree to some extent that if they expect us to cook recipes from ingredients that are far flung by design, the base spoil timers might need to be looked at somewhat as a practical matter. Most food spoils in a matter of days, not hours. 3. Given the stated design goals for the game, I think it’s expected over time that trading and trade routes will develop with merchants going out and acquiring resources to trade to others elsewhere. Eventually this will likely provide you some opportunity to purchase or trade for ingredients instead of having to go get them yourself. Right now we’re less than a month from EA launch. On this aspect you’ll need to give it time for this to develop.
  20. My experience mirrors this poster. Not really sure what the Op is on about. We have built everything up to a brig. When we had just a schooner the tannery and loom we placed on the shipyard, as they are most space consuming and also least necessary shipboard. Those two I might agree it wouldn’t hurt to shrink just a little. Everything else we got aboard no problem. On the brig it was extremely simple to get all crafting stations and plenty of storage. On the brig we put the forge topside as well as loom, everything else quite easily went on lower decks. To me it feels like one would have to go out of one’s way just to pretend this was any sort of difficulty on that size ship.
  21. So buddy and I wanted to build on top of one of those rock spires. Put 9 bloody cliff platforms to get just short of the top. When I try to build stairs up from that top one, it won’t let me place anything. Too high from the ground is what it says. Anyone know a workaround?
  22. It's because sometimes even what seems like straightforward evidence can be taken out of context or twisted in it's presentation. what you can never seen in a picture or a video is what someone else did beforehand, therefore most forums take the common sense approach of disallowing public airing of grievances. This does have it's drawbacks, but all around it's probably the most practical approach unless you want forums full of bs posts of people vindictively trying to get each other banned.
  23. Got earthworms on lawless I think m4 or 5 eastern temperate. Grassy areas. In my experience using a shovel, areas that yield salt and areas that yield earthworms are two different types, they can be right next to each other, but they are different.
  24. Dig in the dirt with a shovel for earthworms, the other I don’t know.
  25. If you are near those olive trees, stand by one and hold down H. This will tell you all the possible resources harvestable from it. If olives are one of them and you haven’t been getting them, then either it’s a bug or you’re using the wrong tool. Generally though tool use just determines weight of resources given, not whether you get them at all or not.
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