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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. I approve of this man’s screen name. ”Somebody help! There’s a....peck with an.....acorn pointed at me!”
  2. Depending on where you are in the zone frequently not an option. The storm winds reduce your ability to go where you want during the storm and this often means by the time your ship would reach anchorage the storm is over. Storms combined with Sods can create a high risk of losing your ship that is beyond your control. We also experienced the joys of 6k wood worth of repairs after dealing with both cyclones and SODS simultaneously during adventures this weekend. When cyclones are active imo something needs to happen to mitigate the risk of SOD bombardment. Counterfire while being tossed about in a storm makes scoring hits more a matter of luck than skill. People do not like losing large investments of time and energy to chance factors beyond their control.
  3. This is called making lemonade out of lemons. Nice.
  4. Tiger sharks have been found to have rear fenders of cars in their stomachs, rubber tires...you name it. Whales are not quite the same godless eating machines that Tiger sharks are, but sure, yeah, close enough I guess. The main thing is really this: If Yahweh gives man free will in the book of Genesis but then makes Jonah spend a month in the belly of a whale when Jonah refuses to do Yahweh’s bidding, is free will really a thing, or just okay as long as Yahweh doesn’t want you todo something you don’t wanna do and then all bets are off? Either way, I don’t wanna know what Jonah smelled like after that month.
  5. I like this idea. Im very important. Somebody make this happen. *snaps fingers the way a jerk summons a waiter* *waits* *snaps fingers again* *waits* I dunno, they must be on break or something. Anyway you got my vote.
  6. “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Mark Twain
  7. This is just one of those things that has pros and cons and sleeping players contesting claims was a huge issue so they are trying it this way. Inevitably over 2 years someone will work out what the optimal solution is and if history is any indication GrapeCard will inexplicably go for the solution two down the list from the best one. I would love to be wrong about this but don’t expect to be.
  8. Whales r sneeky. Ahab say git gud noobz
  9. It’s probably safe to assume that as we move through EAadditional ship types will roll out. Ark rolled out creatures in two and threes per patch over the course of a 2 year EA.
  10. I think the loot tables are about right for SOD’s in that 90 % of what you get is ship related with the occasional odd building bp thrown in.
  11. Agreed there is much criticism that is fair and on target. Jat should not even be in the position of being primary point of contact with the playerbase, he’s just the guy who was willing to do it because his bosses didn’t hire a full time person the way they should have. For that I am grateful for his efforts but he’s still stuck in a situation that should not exist. The only thingI will take issue with is the idea you should expect “the journey of a lifetime” this early on the process. There are definately initial design decisions that do not show good judgement or lessons learned from Ark but I think the journey that is happening now is the journey of development, and for all its flaws I’m still having fun. Your post makes it clear you are not, and when that is the case leaving is prudent. Perhaps if things improve we may look forward to your return somewhere further along the journey, but in event I wish you well and whatever you’re playing may the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
  12. Not sure how this is in any way germaine to making blanket assumptions about large companies that don’t always apply. You only have to pay the taxes when farming on someone elses’s claim. This is true for any size company farming on another companies claim for resources they don’t have otherwise. My point is that sand man over generalizes in a way that is negative and inaccurate about large companies.
  13. I don’t even belong to a large company and no one tells me what to do but thanks for making erroneous assumptions that demonstrate my point. It is clear that you show disdain for anyone that doesn’t share your exact idea of how to play the game, even though your idea is at odds with the very nature of this game genre. Given that this is the case, why would any reasonable, fair minded person give much weight to what you to say here?
  14. Yesterday my company embarked on an all day exploration expedition. We did plan ahead, over a week ahead in fact. We all scheduled out that day from our busy lives to gather and go out and explore Atlas together. To the extent that our ships went nowhere due to lack of wind in a sailing game over the course of the day, our time was wasted. This was our issue.
  15. They really should make these other forum sections more visible and prominant. I'd bet even money the OP didn't even know that section existed.
  16. What an absolutely wonderful approach! I'd be willing to bet that contrary to many here when you log off you're actually in a better mood than when you logged in, and the only difference between you and others is your mentality. It's all monopoly money folks. There is plenty of greed to go around irl, why not be generous for a change? When I was a child the joy of Christmas was all the gifts I received. Now as an adult the joy of Christmas is finding the perfect gift for those I care about. Off topic rl pro tip: If you're giving gift cards for christmas imo you're mostly doing it wrong. Just my two doubloons. The thing we most often forget it seems is that these are games and the point of games is to have fun. If your heart is so cold that your definition of having fun doesn't include making someone else happy in game, I truly feel sorry for you. Also anyone with a Gomez Adams avatar is going to be fun. That's just a fact.
  17. Since when did pirates ever fight ships full of undead? Arguing that the game must bow to your vision of thematic accuracy is unlikely to yield anything other than disappointment for you and is a poor rhetorical position to start from that offers little chance for success. This is a pirate game that includes flags. Crazy I know, but so is hitting a rock with a rhino horn and getting resources from it. Accept the reality of gameplay design having to make compromises with thematic sensibilities or go find that one completely thematically pure game out there that about 10 people are surely playing somewhere. The choice is yours.
  18. Are you saying human beings need something to slaughter each other over other than the same competition for resources seen in nature? Why that’s just about the most absur...*remembers religion* Yup, you’re right.
  19. His impossible=your interesting and fun challenge would be my guess. Sure my friends give me land irl all the time, so why not in a game? Just the other day I asked my buddy if he had a spare couple hundred acres I could build a shopping mall upon. You know, just something small he’s not using and wouldn’t miss.
  20. which makes sense from the perspective of you as a player making a gameplay decision based on efficiency, but is a total thematic fail from a development perspective. This definately needs changing.
  21. tl:dr version dear devs, your game is too much like what you envisioned and not enough like what I personally prefer. Change it to what I want or you will fail. Just to be sure you understand I’m serious, let me belittle your efforts and insult your product with profanity, because that is always very persuasive.
  22. In the same way that not every solo player is some anti social hermit who hates other people and lacks the social skills to thrive in groups, not every large company is some dictatorial monolith full of mindless sheep drones who do the bidding of a few powerful leaders. Some are simply large well run organizations of people who like playing games together. If you don’t like being pigeonholed as anti social for playing solo, then don’t pidgeonhole those who prefer large clans as sheep. It is nothing more than the same stereotype in reverse.
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