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Everything posted by Pizik

  1. Why wipe midweek? That seems pretty perverse timing. (Also irritating that I have no holiday days left and they reset those on April 1st :P)
  2. I plan to land grab a spot on wipe day and try be a benevolent dictator. EU-PVP. Come be a serf in my mighty kingdom
  3. Pizik

    NPC salary

    Maybe something akin to a control position similar to the Lieutenants podium but for cannons. Like a cannon master who controls a bank of NPCs firing. Would be the halfway point between the two ideas. Anyway, nothing at all to do with the OP
  4. Nothing says it is English language only. As for the OP, try it after the wipe and if you are still sad after 1 week leave.
  5. The moment I read your post I got the feeling you wouldn't get the polite, considered reaction you had hoped. Anyway, thank you for the OP. It was a nice read and I strongly agree with what you had to say.
  6. Yes, 99% on Official, 95% solo. I lived fine through diplomacy and was wiped, maybe, 4 times in that period.
  7. I think people are basing too much of these assumptions on past behaviour where the only aim was to land grab to secure an area to defend. Maybe in this new world we can try talking to each other. Ask if you can build somewhere and when allowed you will be much less likely to be wiped. Eventually players will learn which companies are benevolent and which will wipe them after a period. Also, building outposts on multiple islands is probably going to be the main approach so you can spread your riches around (the same way that mega-corps currently spread their ships around multiple harbours to avoid one bad offline raid sending them back to Rafts.) I look forward to the changes and how the player-base reacts to the new mechanics. Will the land you build on be protected by a benevolent overlord who has their tax income firmly in focus or will it be ruled by a Tyrannical dictator bent on squeezing every last resource out of your crew?
  8. What?!?! I was under the impression the wipe was today. They have made one of the biggest mistakes you can make when wiping by announcing it massively before it is planned. If it is not wiping with v20 then they made a HUGE mistake announcing it now.
  9. Played game 600 hours, had fun. *Game wipes* Play another 600 hours, have fun. I know people always get really upset at a wipe but I am a little shocked it didn't happen sooner. We will lose our virtual items and start again. No biggie. I suppose the player's reaction is down to differing views on games. I enjoy what I have done while some enjoy what they have got.
  10. At least the Dodos sounded kinda cute. Penguins sound like they are having something inserted.
  11. Ark always had the same issue and I am pretty certain they never fixed it.
  12. They changed their name to ChemB Dupping Cheating W... after being attacked last night. (Hence the new ChemB cheating posts from their members on this forum)
  13. While I can't disagree with your intentions by posting on the forums to report people exploiting, you shouldn't spam the forums as it detracts from your point and can lead people to disbelieve you.
  14. I have yet to lose a ship to a SoD and I only go hunting them in my Common Schooner (Same ship I do all my stuff on). I struggle to understand how people manage to lose their ships this way. It is even easy to avoid the cannonballs after they are fired. Just rotate your sails or turn your ship.
  15. At least we all now have an insight into how colourblind people feel (Which makes me wonder how people with Red-Green colour blindness cope with the whole claim system)
  16. I spent all weekend playing on EU PvP and experienced 1 server crash and it was when the server was at excessive population during a large battle.
  17. It is unfortunate but it is an indication that the patch is not ready to be deployed. It is the lesser evil to delay the patch than to roll it out with problems and then feel the wrath of the community screaming and shouting about incompetent Devs. The amount of complaints from the launch only 2 months ago should be firmly in people's minds; I am sure it is in the minds of the Devs. Anyway, they have been working on other things and rolling out balance changes during the period we have been waiting and I expect that will continue. This also shows that they have been diverting resources away from the big update over to small patches that make the game stable, more balanced and generally more playable. Still, sad to see the delays.
  18. I think the minimum gold dropped should be equal to the gold required to recruit the crew that drop. Then you have a choice, Gold or Crew sort of thing.
  19. Since Daish's last post I have experienced a scenario where I considered sailing across 4 servers while we were being raided on another island. The reason for that is so many people were spawning in the wait time was ridiculous. There is a mechanic already to limit fast travel that hits some companies hard so that should just be tweaked to encourage people to sail.
  20. I am still not seeing any argument for your proposed changes other than "I think..." or more accurately "It needs to be...". Can you provide some concrete reasons based on evidence? I am even happy to listen to anecdotal examples I will concede that I would very much like to see a tighter limitation on Fast Travel (I posted in a previous thread on the subject); maybe limit the server -> server fast travel to a much smaller figure but allow a higher amount of in-server fast travel so moving around your area is still efficient. I am not sure if you are aware but there is currently quite a severe limitation on Fast Travel into a region that always hits larger companies when they try to all zone into a region. As for me wanting the game to be easier - I started Atlas solo but then after a few weeks joined some other guys and eventually several mergers later I find myself in a large company by chance, not necessarily by choice. I played thousands of hours on Ark Official PVP as solo also. Survival games are something I love because of the difficulty involved. I build my own ships in Atlas without the use of animals tames because it is more satisfying. I like a challenge.
  21. This is a multi-server game. I could be sailing to battle among a fleet of 10 ships in J8, compatriots can be sailing a similar fleet in J9, same for J7. If you have ever been in / seen a large company battle it normally ends up a battle of attrition. Using the format I mention above means you can rotate ships into combat that are fresh and retire ships from battle that have taken a beating and are fully stocked with their own ammo and repair materials. This is just a single scenario, without mentioning that while 50 are out fighting that battle there can be teams farming resources, people repairing and maintaining bases, people prepping ships for battle; and that is before considering that a decent coordinated attack on a big company will require you to hit multiple servers at the same time. I suspect you are part of a small company who is wanting to level the playing field. There are other ways to achieve that. Do you just want a game which offers nothing other than a staged battle, fleet against fleet with no thought to tactical situations and resource replenishment?
  22. Shouldn't you be posting this in the section for Bug Reports and up-voting it so it gets fixed?
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