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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    You either live in big company or live in lawless zone . There are only a few 15 and 26 points islands and way many 35 points islands which you need at least 5 people in your company . So solo players or company that only have few people can't claim any and have to live to lawless zone . In the end we still have same problem as before , don't bother forming small company , just join the big one and get a jump-start .
  2. 1 point
    I do like the farmhouses, given we are a company of 2 this has made our lives so much easier and the game a lot more playable given we now don't have to farm resources for hours to build boats, pens etc. However to reiterate an earlier point can we please have some way of choosing whether the farmhouse collects either food or resources seeing as ours are permanently full of berries or herbs and contain very little of the resources we actually placed them down to collect. My better half would also like to be able to paint them!
  3. 1 point
    Once again new little thing and its totally broken unfinished or tested crap. Really funny is that i can't build it inside my base too many of them in same area wtf.? So my neighbor have farmhouse build first and then i must find place outside base for farmhouse that's just idiotic. All can turn it off lol And why it needs wood or thatch for fuel?, those materials are most needed. I really think game is alot more fun without farmhouses.
  4. 1 point
    Haven't really wanted to log in but decided to see how things were last night on D7. Latency was over 200. Fed my animals and promptly logged off. I don't even want to get on to try the new Farmhouse because the game is unplayable right now.
  5. 1 point
    They removed all those discovery points so exploration is way less fun. They turned on instant auto decay so exploring abandoned structures is gone. They made the map smaller so it’s not really “far” to sail anywhere and it’s overcrowded. Farming is a thing now so why bother with animals when we can have 100 windmills. Why in the wide world of Atlas can’t we have one huge PVE server with a few tweaks different from a PVP server? I have plenty of money to spend on good DLC’s, lots of PVE players do. Why do they care how they make money? Why is it always PVP?
  6. 1 point
    Agreed and at this point I will not sail which, is the biggest part of this game!! I knew this would happen and would have railed against it had I had a say so in the dumping us all on global but nooooooo none of us get a say so and now look, to the author everyone is complaining not just a few. We were attacked five times last week due to not being able to get the sails to work right they kept going up and down up and down due to the lag and rubberbanding sadly if it isn't fixed I will have to give up the game, really sucks!!
  7. 1 point
    Let's keep things less hostile moving forward please. No need to even start insulting others even if you disagree with their viewpoint.
  8. 1 point
    https://gyazo.com/beabec99599ab4509d1f6fa33d58090d The game is unplayable. Hardly any people in the grid and high ping.
  9. 1 point
    Ok, I play PVE, and last week I was on my leveling and discoveries mission. I also leveled my battle brig for 50+ Galley quest. And I meet some weird issue within loot. Treasure hunting. So far I dug about 45-50 maps lvl 10-15. I've got tons of different stuff! From useful bp of weapon and armor to totally useless like mythical TINY shipyard, or mythical shovel with 160% damage (like hell any1 wanna this one). I also got about 20000 gold already. And guess what I didn't get at all? I mean NOT A SINGLE ONE, even common quality? Small and Large shipyard. Yeah, I've got my basic vessels. Right now I don't build rare BPs for them because I plan to obtain better shipyard, give away my current ships and build advanced ones. So I just wanna ask - are those shipyards THAT rare? I mean how many maps should I do, before get one? 100? 200? And how many maps should I do to dig one with good stats? 1000? 2000? Should I go treasure hunting for 6 month every day to finally get that damned shipyard for better quality ships? Any purpose for that? I mean... I already done both whales and took down lvl-60 Galley. I soon probably go Ghost Ship, then Kraken and with that my ship mission will be done! --------------------------- Same with damned ship loot. I already took down about 30-40 lvl 25+ Damneg Galleys. I've got tons of different stuff. From useful cannons and planks blueprints to useless like legendary mortair, barshots, small weightsails etc. And guess what I didn't get at all? I mean NOT A SINGLE ONE, even common quality? Large sails. Speed sail. Handling sail. Weight sail. I've got like 20 medium one, 30 small one. And not a single large. Even after I took down lvl-60 Galley, I've got just masterwork wooden ceiling (120% sturdiness) and 250 golds (also lvl-135 crew. They are not lvl up BTW). So here is the same question. Are those big sails THAT rare? How many galleys should I take down? 50? 100? Should I down like 500 galleys within 6 months of playing to get a single large speed sail with good stats? Any purpose for that either? --------------------------- I again wanna tell DEVs! This game right now in "SO MANY EFFORTS, SO MANY SUFFERS! SO LITTLE REWARD!" state. And it simply doesn't make players happy. And every patch the situation getting worse. I don't wanna you to give us everything. There must be element of luck, and challenge. But reward SHOULD ALSO BE REASONABLE! - I run across the world to tame rare animals. - I level them. - I run across the map for treasure. - I got through very risky and dangerous battle. - I got the whole NOTHING as a reward (got some crap I throw away right at the moment I get it).. - Then 40 more runs across the world. 40 more risky dangerous battles. 40 more great NOTHING as a rewards. Things should NOT be like that.
  10. 1 point
    Unfortunately most mmo's seem to think that making a game more grindy, keeps people from noticing the lack of any added game content.
  11. 1 point
    It really seams like the lawless regions are far worse for lag then the owned islands. I'm based in H2 and there and the squares around it have little to no lag. Went resource hunting at the weekend and just about every single lawless grid I went into had lots of lag leading to lots of rubber-banding. Would hate to live in one of those grids.
  12. 1 point
    F4 & G4 are laggy as hell. I am from EU and on some servers I have sub 60ms ping. But on these two I am having over 200ms. And ships barely move. SOD is everywhere.
  13. 1 point
    I went on this morning to do some metal runs from another island, took ship out and the sails are moving backwards and forwards with lag. I go so far out and said na not bothering, turned back and shut the game down. Until it is fixed I will leave it for now, I can't play with lag like that, reaction time from hitting buttons is crazy.
  14. 1 point
    Nah, no advantage to being lvl 120 for extended peroids of time. Devs, need to actually balance the game, instead of blowing each other. No reason 2-3 companys should own 1/2 the map 24 hrs into a wipe. Its not going to get any better from here. Its like me making a game just for friends and family but a week later I'll let you play too even though you stand no chance against racism and hacks. But thats ok, because the loser mentality is that who can cheat the best wins! Ya, they really care about developing this game.
  15. 1 point
    Everyone is experiencing it from what I've seen and heard in chat. I've posted multiple times about it in the General Forum and in the Bug Report forum. I tried to do a map last night in F7 and the AOD were warping and rubberbanding so bad I couldn't hit them or dodge the big guys swings on my bear. Ended up dieing because of it and ran back, finished the last 2 AOD, but it bugged the treasure map and said there were 2 more guardians (which there wasn't). Couldn't complete the map. Game is running terrible right now. No one @ATLASis acknowleding the issue which makes it worse.
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