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Everything posted by Whitehawk

  1. Mmmmmmmm I love roast duck!, But seriously guys, gals and others, I get that we are all passionate about Atlas, but I think we should leave the pvp for the new map tomorrow eh? (well almost serious anyway).
  2. yeh Atlas uses a lotta memory on my pc, but I have the xbox version too, and believe it or not it runs better, but takes a massive hit to graphics.
  3. Have you launched in low memory mode?
  4. could just be where they are working on the update due in 2 days.
  5. I meant people that criticize pve players actually, as i play mainly pve, and secondly its a forum, And I have been in the game since start and have watched everyone who no longer plays boycott any good idea for the game. So yeh I'll type what I want to thx, and I don't need permission to do so. thx
  6. I've got a feeling that they will see the player base and sales on both pvp and pve for a month or so and decide what to do with pve server after that. But for now with eu and na pve server combined, I doubt if the gameplay is gonna be that great for xboxers anyway.
  7. They are still advertising the game as pvp or pve on xbox site btw.
  8. It's not just about attacking other players though, which for some reason certain pvp players don't understand. It's about playing styles and the way you have to build. I dunno why I have to keep writing this cos you'd think pve critics could read, but here goes again, I personally do not want to build triple thick brick towers with no windows and ships that are floating wood tanks. How the hell is that even realistically a pyrate ship if it looks like a one colour rubics cube with guns? And since when did golden age pyrates ride giant crabs?
  9. If it does become a forced pve,( and i'm not saying it deffo will) but if it does I will stop playing the mmo, I'll prob still play sp, There are a few mmo's I play anyway so it wont be a massive loss, just sad really as i've played since release. On the bright side though ffonline is supposed to be coming to xbox soon so I guess I'll wait for that too.
  10. Most mmo's I play I will at least try to play both pvp and pve, although I prefer pve. But they are two very different styles of play in the way you would build to everything else. I just think there is no reason to force pve to play pvp or vice versa. Some mmos mix the two quite well, there are some where it is a nightmare though, red dead 2 being one. But speculating aside, I guess we will find out in a couple of weeks anyhow.
  11. Seriously if you don't want any pve in a game just pvp, then why don't you play chess? Also about being unintelligent sounding, when you quote "making you not a real pyrate," Firstly according to a lot of pvp'ers I converse with, they do not consider it role playing as a pyrate in pvp and neither do they want to role play, cos apparently that's a pve thing. And lastly, this is not even a bonafide realistic pyrate game anyhow, at least factions would make it more realistic. Especially as pyrates rarely attacked other pyrates in the real world.
  12. I wouldn't play on a map where if I played pve I was reduced to limited resources, I don't think that would be treating everyone equally. We all pay the same money for the same quality of game. The only hope for pve as it stands imo is to keep it separate. The only issue I have with that is how often the pve would recieve any new content.
  13. Its funny though how the people that don't even play anymore are always the ones most against any improvements to the game.
  14. I dont think the programming should be an issue as other games have lockpicking in them successfully , And yeh most people on here dont seem to want all their stuff demolished every day that they sign out.
  15. Hey Devs and Atastians, this has been discussed on discord so I thought i'd bring it here . In pvp most people get upset when offline raiders just destroy all their stuff for loot. So why not introduce lockpicking at various levels of difficulty? And have a mini game style of picking? Lemme know what u think. thx
  16. I think it depends on whether the pyrate theme is staying or not. I'd prefer them to do away with the arky add ons altogether. But if they are gonna glide into mechanics more then I think an airship would be great for the game. Not the one they designed originally though, but more like a small ship roped to a balloon, so its less like a flying fortress. They already have a dragon. And as for the giant crab, do behave. But you'd prob have to kill 20 bosses bare handed b4 you could unlock an airship anyway.
  17. Btw you post on a forum but don't expect a debate? Also there are direct ways to contact devs too. And don't worry I wont be replying again as the only opinion you seem to care about is your own, then it sorta makes communication pointless anyway. You can also go on discord, sometimes the devs will speak to you there. Bon Voyage.
  18. I think sometimes the best thing to do b4 replying to a post is to check a persons profile and previous posts, that way you get a better idea if the person is for or against the game. It's a bit pointless attacking someones criticism if that person has been an advocate of the game for the last 18 months, and is actually batting for your team anyway, A lot of us have supported the game but are a bit put out by the u turn in it's developement.
  19. Kingston, I'd just like to point out that I did give proper answers to your debate and I have no idea what you mean by rage, I thought my opinion was perfectly reasonable especially in reply to the point you made of everyone knowing a wipe was coming, No they did not all know . And the old saying goes, if you don't have the courage to face the lions, don't try to be a martyr. But anyway all said and done not all players will share each others views, u need to accept that.
  20. Not sure the wall street crash is a good analogy, as it lead to the great depression, and was only placated by the second world war where we all lost millions of civillians and soldiers. Also there was a lot of fraud involved in banking that lead up to the wall street crash. As for the wipe, they did promise on xbox release that there would be no more wipes.It's not the promises you make, it's the promises you break, that people will remember. But all the comments we make on here at the moment whether positive or negative towards Atlas are just speculation. As we won't find out which way the games heading yet. I am on the fence as to which way they will go. I know what I hope for, but I just have to wait.
  21. At least they have the advantage of feedback from players, on here and discord.
  22. There is only so many times you can rearrange furniture though before you realize you either need new furniture , new wallpaper, or a new house.
  23. Well a lot of us have been making game suggestions since the start, and I haven't seen any added yet. i've seen plenty of complaints by one or two people that seem to have had an affect but thats about it. I hope the new crew do listen and bring some new content to the game, cos at the moment it just looks like a big resource and island reshuffle. With no really new additions, but I will wait and see. Tbh if pve does get messed then i'll stop playing online anyway unless the pvp becomes really good. Hope they keep sp just in case.
  24. There should be a trading tavern on every island with a port, All games should have a server run trade for players system imo. The way they did shops is just ludicrous. Taverns could all be linked too.
  25. I don't see how, as your game info would be saved on console separately. My xbox cant even save the sail designs I import.
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