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Everything posted by CazzT

  1. I'm glad the Chicken Little movie was made. It's got perfect pics for times like this. lol
  2. Which requires a claim flag. Which PvE won't have. So... no player shops.
  3. See you back in Atlas in a couple weeks after the lootboxes and progression in TD2 is too much for you.
  4. It amazes me that you need to be told beforehand that an EARLY ACCESS title might wipe your progress during it's DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES. For the people saying that their time has been wasted because of the upcoming wipe, I have a question: Would your time still be wasted if you stopped playing and, while you were gone, all your buildings were gone? If you say no to this, then you're just proving that you're whining to whine.
  5. PvS is not a thing. And the fact that you can't comprehend this simple point just shows the underlying issue of your ability to understand pretty much any of this topic. Just like everyone else who has tried to help you understand, I'm done with you. You refuse to understand, or are incapable of understanding, regardless of how many times and ways it's explained to you. So congrats to you, you've "won". You've achieved making everyone that talks to you walk away while facepalming and not wanting to explain the same thing to you repeatedly.
  6. I don't recall pirates taming bears, elephants, lions, tigers, giraffes, etc. I don't recall pirates building large forts or shipyards. I don't recall pirates fighting a giant kraken or dragons or undead. I don't recall pirates actually finding the fabled Fountain of Youth. The pirates in your world sound a lot more awesome and badass than the pirates in the world I live in (the real world). Trion tried this crap with Defiance. It didn't work. The game is still going, but it's a shell of what was promised.
  7. LMAO... this coming from you.... Then you accept that it's PvE. There are only two things, a third if you make it a hybrid. PvP, PvE, PvPvE. That's it. What you're laughably calling "PvS" is PvE. At no point have I said or implied this. Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it true. I play on both. Nice try, though. You have been one of the most vocal people against ORP. And your reasons for being against it haven't change since the stream on Thursday. You're still saying the same things now that you said before, like a broken record. What was that you said in your opening sentence? Oh right.... "Do you even read and understand what people write before you reply". Clearly you don't.
  8. Before or after launch? I've been part of several MMO pre-launch betas. Server wipes were common on some of those. One comes to mind that did a server wipe almost every two weeks. The purpose of pre-launch wipes is so they don't have to do wipes or roll backs after launch. Welcome to the software world.
  9. OP reminds me of those snowflakes that get people fired because "waaaaaaaah he said something i don't like!!!" and starts a twitter hashtag campaign until the person's life, family, and reputation are permanently destroyed. Jat did nothing wrong. You claim you're 51, but you're acting like a 12 year old in his mom's basement who yells at her to bring more hot pockets.
  10. If this is what you got from his post, then you clearly missed every point made. No one is making you work. One of the things many people enjoy about games like ARK, 7D2D, Minecraft, Atlas... is the accomplishment of having built the things they have built. Part of that is gathering the necessary materials. ARK/Atlas are more grindy than most survival-builders, but if you're treating it as a job, that's on you.
  11. Because offline raiding is not PvP. It's PvE. So that only leaves the options of you being a griefer or scared of PvP. You've had this explained to you numerous times. Offline raiding is you fighting NPCs (if they're even working) and hitting inanimate objects in the world. What part of that is PvP? None of it is. PvP is the reason to raid someone. If they aren't online, then you're not PvPing. So what's the reason? I'm not saying it's always about loot. But if it's about PvP, as you claim, why aren't raiding them when they're online? Why aren't raiding people who are online instead? Unless.... Offline raiding is PvE. Full stop. No matter how you try defend it, it's PvE. You have had this explained to you ad nauseam.
  12. A reasoned, considered response with no hint of Chicken Little in sight. THIS is what gets change to happen. I'm not blind to the concerns, but the overwhelming majority of posts panicking about ongoing wipes are typically "omg wipe reeeeeeeee it's gonna happen again and again and again!!!!" with no thought put into it. Chicken Little didn't get anything accomplished. I doubt we'll see ongoing wipes, though. Another wipe before full release? Possibly, but constant ongoing wipes (which is the Chicken Little panic that's currently happening) are highly unlikely.
  13. How is this not already the reality on PvP servers?
  14. Because offing yourself due to low vitamins is totally believable. Because fast traveling from one corner of the world to the other via a "magic bed" is totally believable. Because riding bears and lions and ostrich is totally believable. Because undead protecting buried treasure, giant snakes, dragon, fire elementals, dinosaurs, ships with no crew, ghost ships... But you draw the line for "suspension of disbelief" at not being able to steal someone's shit while they're offline...... GTFO
  15. Reasons such as.... You're a griefer. You're scared to actually fight other players. You just want easy loot, putting in the least amount of effort possible. Offline raiding is not PvP. It's PvE. If you support offline raiding, we have two PvE servers you're more than welcome to play on.
  16. No. 1 flag per 10 levels of the character. Active players will have access to more land, which only makes sense. HELL NO!!!
  17. You sound like a narrow-minded PvPer. Just because there are people who don't like PvP doesn't mean they can't enjoy a game that has PvP servers. If anything, it makes you look like you don't know how to find fun without fighting other players.
  18. I definitely sympathize with this concern. I think removing claims from PvE is the wrong thing to do. With the upkeep added, I see no reason to remove the claims from PvE. I didn't really say anything during the stream, but I certainly found that to be an unnecessary change. I really can't understand the logic behind this decision. Why? Nothing has given the indication that this will be happening. Panicking about it is nothing more than Chicken Little-ing. And even if it does happen, it's Early Access. The fact that Wildcard/Grapeshot didn't have more than one wipe with ARK is extremely out of the ordinary. EA is little more than "paid beta access", so wipes should be expected, not feared. But, again, there has been no indication, implication, nor expectation set that should cause anyone to think wipes are going to be an ongoing thing. This is a dumb decision. Kinda makes me wonder if Wild/Grape think PvE means "players don't want to interact at all with other players". That mentality would certainly explain some of the strange decisions about the PvE servers.
  19. I realized after I had made my post that both checks are in place for sails. I had already left work by the time it dawned on me and I didn't remember to change it when I got home. But yes, sails use both. And I think having cannons on top deck follow a similar rule-set would be the best solution.
  20. ARK did have a wipe, though. Thank you for showing everyone that you don't know anything about Alpha and Early Access.
  21. Why assume there's going to be more wipes when no indication of such has been given? This sort of mentality is defeatist, at best. It only hurts you.
  22. There's no mass exodus occurring nor will there be. Lots of new games were coming out when ARK did a server wipe and there was no mass exodus of players then despite the same Chicken Little panic.
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